VISION In fulfilling the mission of The University of Hong Kong in extending lifelong learning opportunities for the community, HKU SPACE aspires to be a world-class centre of excellence for the provision of professional and continuing education in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region. MISSION · Collaborate with the University and other institutions locally and globally in expanding lifelong learning opportunities for personal development, academic progression and professional and career advancement. · Engage with stakeholders to deliver high quality education and training programmes to meet the needs of society in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region. · Be a strong advocate of lifelong learning for all to realise an educated citizenry and quality of life. · Excel in the provision of professional and continuing education in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region. · Foster strategic partnerships locally and globally to promote international outlook and opportunities. VALUES · Supportive of our learners, our staff and our partners · Pioneering new initiatives and passionate for change · Accountable to stakeholders with professionalism and integrity · Creative and innovative in teaching and learning · Excellent in the quality of what we do to serve our communities We are HKU SPACE “Lifelong Learning for a Better Future” 願景 為完成香港大學致力為社會開拓終身學習機會 的使命,香港大學專業進修學院矢志成為一所 領導國際的教育機構,為香港、中國內地以至 亞太地區提供優質的專業及持續教育。 使命 · 聯同香港大學、本地及海外機構,開拓終身 學習機會,以助提升個人、學業、專業及事 業方面的發展。 · 與不同界別的持份者攜手合作,了解本港、 中國內地,以至亞太地區的人才需求,提供 卓越的教育及培訓。 · 推動終身學習,實現具公民學養及生活優裕 的社會。 · 提供優質教育,服務本地、中國內地,以至 亞太地區社群。 · 促進與本地及全球策略伙伴合作, 放眼國 際,開拓機遇。 信念 · 全力支持學員、同事及合作伙伴 · 敢於開創、奮發求進 · 勇於承擔,以專業至誠的態度向持份者負責 · 致力創新,達致教學相長 · 卓越超群,以優質教學服務社會 我們是香港大學專業進修學院,「與你一起終身學習, 共創美好未來」。 In the event of discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail. 中文版本僅為譯本,如有歧義,一切以英文版本為準。
CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 March 2022 saw a change of Chairmanship as I completed 9 years in the post of Chairman of the HKU SPACE Board of Directors as well as being a member of University Council. I would like to thank all the Board directors who served in that period as well as the 2 Directors of the School and their staff. When I commenced in 2013, the School was predicting potential deficits but in fact it has managed to achieve modest surpluses every year and is in a strong financial position. I have also been conscious that my first employment on graduation was with the University’s Department of Extra Mural Studies – the School’s predecessor, so it has been an added pleasure to chair its Board for the past 9 years. I hand over the baton at an interesting time as the School and the University consider the way forward in light of the government's reform of the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320) which will undoubtedly have an impact on the School’s full time operations in its Community College. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our full time and part time programmes for the past two years with students and teachers learning to adapt to online learning for some or even all of their studies. Our offerings in Mainland China have also been seriously disrupted by the Mainland’s zero Covid policies. Nevertheless, I am sure that the School will be able to surmount the challenges ahead and go from strength to strength. 本人作為香港大學專業進修學院董事局主席及香 港大學校務委員會委員的九年任期於2022年3 月屆滿,正式卸任董事局主席一職。我衷心感謝 各位董事局成員、兩任院長及同事在本人任期內 的支持。猶記得當我在2013年上任時,學院曾 預計可能會出現虧損,最後虧損情況沒有出現, 學院還在每一年錄得適度盈餘,成功維持穩健的 財政狀況。 我仍記得畢業後的首份工作就是任職於香港大學 校外課程部(學院的前身),有幸能夠在過去九 年擔任學院的董事局主席,對本人來說別具意 義。在本人卸任之際,適逢政府銳意改革《專上 學院條例》(第320章),香港大學附屬學院全日 制課程的運作無疑會受到影響,學院及港大為此 正慎重考慮未來的發展方向。 在過去兩年,受到2019冠狀病毒病疫情影響, 我們全日制和兼讀制課程的學生和教師都學習適 應以網上教學方式完成部分、甚至整個課程;我 們在中國內地的課程也受到內地清零政策嚴重影 響。雖然如此,即使未來充滿挑戰,我相信學院 定能跨越障礙,再創高峰。 Professor Edward K. Y. Chen 陳坤耀教授 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION 主席序言 As the Board of Directors had two Chairmen during 2021/22, it is considered appropriate for each to give some introductory remarks. 在2021/22年度,蒙陳坤耀教授及何立仁教授 先後領導董事局,故本年報特別邀請兩位主席 撰寫序言。 2
CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 Professor Ian Holliday 何立仁教授 First of all, I would like to pay tribute to my predecessor, Professor Edward Chen, for his leadership and commitment to the School in the past 9 years. I would also like to thank the past Board directors and welcome the new and continuing directors from 2022 onwards. As Professor Chen states, the School faces challenges but I am sure the Director and his colleagues will be able to rise to these. I also hope that we can strengthen the School/ University bonds to mutual advantage in the coming years. HKU SPACE is charged with the University’s mission to extend lifelong learning opportunities to the wider community and the Board and I are committed to helping the School to achieve this. For 2021/22 the Board has noted a breakeven performance but if the unrealised loss on investments is excluded (and this reflects global volatility) then we can see a reasonable operational surplus in line with the School’s not for profit approach. We will hope for a calmer year ahead notwithstanding the many challenges on the horizon. 首先,我謹向前任主席陳坤耀教授致意,衷心感 謝他在過去九年對學院的領導和付出。我同時感 謝前任的董事局委員,並歡迎2022年新任及留 任委員。 正如陳教授所言,學院現正面臨挑戰,但我相信 院長及其同事定能克服難關。我亦希望學院在未 來能夠加強與港大的聯繫,為彼此締造更有利優 勢。香港大學專業進修學院以協助港大向廣大社 群開拓終身學習機會為使命,我與董事局將竭盡 所能協助學院達成願望。 董事局注意到學院在2021/22年度錄得收支平 衡,但若撇除投資上(因應全球波動而出現)的 未實現虧損,則可見合理營運盈餘,這與學院非 謀利方向相符。儘管前路充滿挑戰,我們仍然寄 望學院的收支狀況在來年更趨平穩。 3
BOARD OF DIRECTORS 董事局 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 Meeting Attendance 會議出席率 3/3 3/4 0/3 1/1 2/3 4/4 4/4 1/1 3/3 2/3 4/4 0/1 1/1 3/4 3/4 1/1 3/4 1/4 4/4 4/4 A full list of the current Board members is given below. 現任董事局委員名單: Professor Edward K Y Chen (陳坤耀教授) (Chairman) (主席) (until 31 March 2022) (任期至2022年3月31 日) Professor Ian Holliday (何立仁教授), Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), The University of Hong Kong (香港大學副校長(教學) (appointed as Chairman on 8 April 2022) (2022年4月8日委任為主席) Professor Hongbin Cai (蔡洪濱教授) (until 31 March 2022任期至2022年3月31 日) Professor Ying Shing Chan (陳應城教授) (appointed on 1 April 2022) (2022年4月1 日委任) Professor Paul Y S Cheung (張英相教授) (until 31 March 2022) (任期至2022年3月31 日) Ms Barbara C M Chiu (招卓敏女士) Dr Gordon K C Chiu (趙啟聰醫生) Professor Pauline Chiu (趙寶貽教授) (appointed on 1 May 2022) (2022年5月1 日委任) Ms Wendy K S Gan (顏金施女士) (until 31 March 2022) (任期至2022年3月31 日) Professor Anne Lin Goodwin (葛文林教授) (until 31 March 2022) (任期至2022年3月31 日) Professor William K M Lee (李經文教授), Director, HKU SPACE (香港大學專業進修學院院長) Mr Tony T.S. Lo (勞同聲先生) (appointed on 1 April 2022) (2022年4月1 日委任) Ms Ginny W.Y. Man (文頴怡女士) (appointed on 1 May 2022) (2022年5月1 日委任) Mrs Mona C F Tam (譚張翠芬女士) Professor Norman C Tien (田之楠教授) Dr Maurice K. S. Tse (謝國生博士) (appointed on 1 April 2022) (2022年4月1 日委任) Professor Alice S T Wong (黃思齊教授) Professor Richard Y C Wong (王于漸教授), Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong (香港大學首席副校長) Mr Andrew K K Wu (胡國強先生) Mr Sunny K Yeung (楊光先生) Senior Advisers 高級顧問: Mr Vincent C H Chan (陳鎮洪先生) (until 31 March 2022) (任期至2022年3月31 日) Dr Christopher W C Cheng (鄭維志博士) (until 31 March 2022) (任期至2022年3月31 日) Dr John H C Yeung (楊顯中博士) (until 31 March 2022) (任期至2022年3月31 日) The Senior Adviser roles were discontinued from 1 April 2022高級顧問一職由2022年4月1 日起中止。 Company Secretary公司秘書: Dr John Cribbin (祁樂彬博士) 4
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Let me first add my appreciation of Professor Edward Chen as Board Chairman from 2013 - 2022. The School has profited from his advice and dedication. I warmly welcome Professor Ian Holliday and look forward to working with him. He is already familiar with HKU SPACE as a Board member and Chairman of the Board for Continuing and Professional Education and Lifelong Learning. His role as VicePresident and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) will facilitate links with the University. The School’s performance in 2021/22 in operational terms was good. Our Community College numbers were strong again with increased numbers over 2020/21 and our part-time enrolment recovered once face to face classes could resume. Of course, our China operations continued to be challenging because of the Mainland’s zero Covid policy and this impacted enrolment as many classes had to be rearranged, often on multiple occasions. Nevertheless, we achieved a breakeven year and would have done better if not for “unrealised losses in investments”. We hope that global conditions improve in the coming year so that this item does not impact our Income and Expenditure account so severely in future. Two issues that have dominated our year of 2021/22 have been the covid outbreak and the Post-secondary Colleges Ordinance reform, Cap 320. We have welcomed the easing of pandemic restrictions which have enabled a return to classroom teaching, albeit with reduced capacity. In parallel we have invested in improved technologies in many of our classrooms so that teaching can take place in situ and remotely at the 首先,本人衷心感謝陳坤耀教授在2013至2022 年間擔任董事局主席,竭心盡力為學院提供了許 多寶貴意見。我同時歡迎何立仁教授成為新任董 事局主席,並熱切期待與他合作。何教授非常熟 悉學院事務,就任主席前已是董事局成員及持續 專業教育及終生學習委員會主席,服務學院多 年。何教授同時是港大副校長(教學),我相信學 院在他的領導下,將能加強與港大的聯繫。 學院在2021/22年度於營運方面取得佳績。香港 大學附屬學院成績斐然,學生人數比2020/21 年 度有所增加;兼讀制課程的報名數字在恢復面授 課堂後迅速回復。當然,我們在國內的營運仍然 受到內地清零抗疫政策影響而備受挑戰,報名人 數也因為不同原因引致的大量課堂改動而大受影 響。然而,我們仍能在本年度錄得收支平衡,若 撇除「投資上的未實現虧損」,學院的實際表現頗 佳。我們期望明年全球經濟環境好轉,讓我們的 收支帳目免受嚴重波及。 2021/22年的重要事項有二:新冠疫情持續蔓延; 《專上學院條例》(第320章)改革。 我們樂見防疫限制放寬,儘管人數上仍有限制, 但最要的是面授課堂得以恢復。同時,我們投放 了大量資源提升課室的科技設備,不少課室在升 級後可以同時進行即場和遙距教學。我們又為教 職員提供培訓,幫助他們有效使用zoom或其他 科技進行遙距授課。 Professor William K. M. Lee 李經文教授 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR 院長回顧 6
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 same time. We have also put in place training programmes for staff on teaching effectively at a distance using zoom or other technologies. For Cap 320, Government has clarified its intentions and it is now clear that it is the full-time courses for school leavers that is the focus. For HKU SPACE therefore it is the Community College but not its extensive part-time programmes. As we have made clear all along the decisions on how to progress with future arrangements on the Cap 320 reforms will be taken at the University level and we look forward to the issue being resolved in 2022/23. We have been pleased during 2021/22 to invest also in the facilities at the Island South Pokfulam campus where we have established a number of specialist laboratories in areas such as Aviation, Esports, Geotechnical Science, Big Data and Biomedical Science. These support our growing number of courses in these areas and we can now describe the campus as our ‘TechnoSPACE’. In addition, we have completed the purchase of the 5/F of 888 Lai Chi Kok Road as our new Kowloon West Learning Centre and are also taking out a lease on the 12/F as the new home of our College of Business and Finance. We expect to complete the fitting out of classrooms and office moves in the first half of 2022/23. This will be a welcome addition to our facilities in a popular area of Kowloon West. The Year 2021/22 has also seen some significant staff changes as a number of long serving senior staff have left the School. They included three of our Deputy Director level colleagues. Professor LS Chan, Deputy Director and Community College Principal. He is relocating to the United States and taking up a research post at Berkeley in earth science. LS has led the Community College with distinction since 2014. In particular he has greatly expanded the College network with secondary schools and this has contributed to the outstanding success in recruitment in recent years despite the decline in the secondary school cohort. He has also strengthened links with the University, especially in Science and led the College effectively during the protests and Covid to move teaching and learning online so as to maintain continuity for students. He will be missed. 至於第320章,政府已明言有關改革將針對以中 學畢業生為對象的全日制課程。就香港大學專業 進修學院而言,改革將關係香港大學附屬學院, 而不是多元化的兼讀制課程。正如我們一直所說, 有關第320章改革的未來安排,均由港大層面決 定。我們期待有關事宜能於2022/23年度得到圓 滿解決。 我們於2021/22年度斥資改善港島南薄扶林分校 的設施,建立數個為航空、電子競技、土力科學、 大數據及生物醫學等範疇而設的專門實驗室,以 支援我們在這些範疇日益增加的課程。現在,港 島南薄扶林分校已成為我們的「TechnoSPACE」。 此外,我們購入荔枝角道888號5樓作為全新 的九龍西教學中心,同時租用12樓作為金融商 業學院的新辦公室。我們預計可於2022/23上半 年度完成課室裝置和辦公室搬遷,讓我們在繁盛 的九龍西再添一所設備完善的教學中心。 學院於2021/22年度出現重要人事變動,不少資 深高級職員相繼離職,包括三名常務副院長級別 的同事。常務副院長兼附屬學院校長陳龍生教授 自2014年起領導附屬學院,附屬學院在他的英 明領導下日益壯大。他現已移居美國,並在栢克 萊開展地球科學方面的研究工作。陳龍生教授擔 任附屬學院校長期間,積極擴展附屬學院與中學 的聯繫,讓附屬學院在面對近年中學畢業生人數 下跌的情況下,收生方面依然取得顯著成功。陳 教授又於在任時積極加強附屬學院與港大的聯 繫,在科學方面的合作尤其顯著。社會運動及新 冠疫情期間,陳教授成功帶領附屬學院轉向網上 教學,讓學生得以繼續學業。我們將銘記陳教授 的貢獻。 7
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 His fellow Deputy Director, Professor Sonny Lo, would take over as Acting College Principal. Professor Lo had significant experience in the Education University transition to become a University in dealing with HKCAAVQ and this will stand the Community College in good stead in its transition to Cap 320. Also, Professor Liu Ning Rong, Head of ICB, decided not to extend his contract on expiry. He has been with the School for over 20 years and played a formative role in the establishment and success of ICB, BCC and QEC. He also effectively headed CBF and helped turn around its deficit situation in the mid 2010s. A Task Group to Review China Operations was established under the Deputy Director (Academic Services) to review our future directions in the light of our ambitions to develop sub-degree programmes in the GBA as well as the impact of the HKU Shenzhen campus for our Mainland China operations. Also Dr CL Chan, Chief Information Officer, would scale down his attachment to the School but will continue to involve in some projects in a fractional capacity. Dr TM Kwong retired as Head of CHL but will continue in a fractional capacity and would be succeeded by Dr Danny Gittings as Acting Head. Both have contributed significantly in their areas and will be missed. Our involvement with other institutions continues to prosper. The joint venture with Po Leung Kuk, the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho College (HPSHCC) continued to do well and saw increased enrolments compared to the previous year. Centennial College successfully taught out the last cohort of students admitted in 2018/19 and has, for now, completed its responsibilities. In terms of our overseas partners, with whom we offer degree programmes in Hong Kong, we managed to retain both full-time and part-time numbers at the same level as last year but, of course, with quarantine restrictions our partners were not able to visit to offer face to face teaching so this was offered via our local teachers, or on zoom, or via recorded lectures. 常務副院長盧兆興教授現正署任附屬學院校長。 盧教授曾參與教育大學升格成為大學的工作,相 信他與香港學術及職業資歷評審局合作的經驗, 定能幫助附屬學院應付第320章改革的挑戰。 中國商業學院院長劉寧榮教授亦已決定在約滿後 離職。劉教授服務學院超過20年,協助學院成 立及發展中國商業學院、香港大學專業進修學院 (北京)諮詢服務有限公司及香港大學專業進修學 院前海教育諮詢服務(深圳)有限公司。他亦曾 成功帶領金融商業學院在2010年代中期轉虧為 盈。學院已於常務副院長(學務)之下設立工作 小組以檢討學院在中國內地的營運和未來發展方 向,尤其專注於學院在大灣區發展副學位課程的 計劃,以及港大深圳分校對學院在中國內地營運 的影響。 此外,資訊主管陳真良博士將減少他在學院的工 作;人文及法律學院總監鄺子文博士榮休並由賈 廷思博士署任總監一職。陳博士及鄺博士在未來 仍會參與學院部分工作,他們在各自範疇貢獻良 多,我們將銘記於心。 我們繼續與其他機構合作無間。學院與保良局合 資的香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書 院持續表現良好,報名人數較去年有所增長。至 於明德學院,隨着最後一批學生(於2018/19年 入學)畢業,也完成了它的使命。學院與海外夥 伴合作於香港開辦的課程方面,全日制與兼讀制 的收生數字與去年相若;當然,因為檢疫隔離限 制,我們的夥伴未能派員來港提供面授教學,而 改以本地教師、zoom或錄像課堂代替。 8
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 As part of our commitment to quality enhancement, the School undergoes regular reviews of its activities. The report of the UGC QAC in 2019 suggested more international benchmarking be undertaken and so we commissioned an International Quality Review which reported very positively this year and concluded that HKU SPACE met all ten of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality which are accepted across 49 countries in Europe. We will continue to measure ourselves against international standards and part of this is a biennial International Conference series on quality in transnational education which will next be held in March 2023 – hopefully physically rather than virtually and at our new Kowloon West Campus. Also looking forward to 2023, there will be the third quality audit of HKU by the UGC QAC which includes HKU SPACE. The audit theme is improvement and a key factor is the collection and use of data and the School has prepared its submission to the University with this in mind. This year we established a Quality Analytics Team in our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Unit to focus on how we collect and utilise the extensive data we hold on our students and their learning. During the year we have also began planning for a launch of Microcredentials. Such courses, in topical areas, have proved popular in the United States and Europe and are generally on a smaller scale than regular awards, usually of 6 to 9 credits with about 30 contact or study hours. We hope these will meet study needs for busy professionals or for general interest and each Microcredential will lead to a digital certificate. The scheme also allows for the credits achieved to be stacked towards a certificate or diploma award. We expect to launch the Microcredential scheme in early 2023. Many of these Microcredentials will be eligible for support from the Government’s Continuing Education Fund (CEF) and we continue to lead the sector in both the number of our CEF eligible course (over 2,000) and in having some 28% of the total offered. We were pleased to learn of the increase in the refundable amount to $25,000 and of the relaxation of age limits. We also look forward to the inclusion of online course content in the scheme. 學院一直致力透過定期檢討以提升學術質素。教 資會質保局於2019年發表的報告建議學院加 強國際基準參照方面的工作,我們遂於今年進 行了國際學術質素評審 (International Quality Review)並取得佳績。報告顯示,香港大學專業 進修學院完全符合歐洲高等教育區質素保證標準 及指引全部共十個評審範疇。有關標準和指引廣 為49個歐洲國家採納。 我們將繼續透過國際標準審視學院的學術質素。 作為國際基準參照工作的一部分,學院將於2023 年3月舉辦兩年一度的國際學術會議,探討跨國 教育質素。我們期望有關國際學術會議可於全新 九龍西分校實體舉行,而非以虛擬形式進行。 展望2023年,教資會質保局將對香港大學展開 第三輪質素核證工作,涵蓋香港大學專業進修學 院。核證主題是改進,而主要因素是數據收集和 運用;學院已參考相關主題和主要因素準備向港 大提交報告。另外,我們已在本年度於學術質素 保證及提升小組旗下設立學術質素分析小組,專 門分析學院如何收集及運用有關學生及其學習狀 況的資料。 我們已於本年開始計劃推出微證書。微證書課程 是針對特定範疇而設計,規模較普通學銜為小, 一般為6至9個學分、30個接觸或學習小時便 能完成,在美國及歐洲甚受歡迎。我們希望微證 書課程可以滿足忙碌的專業人士和一般學習者的 學習需要,學員完成課程後均可獲發電子證書。 微證書還可以容許學員累計學分,以獲取證書或 文憑學銜。我們期望於2023年初正式推出微證 書計劃。 大部分微證書課程都可以獲得政府持續進修基金 的資助。在持續進修基金課程方面,學院不論 在課程提供的數目(超過2,000個認可課程)還 是於整體市場的供應(約28%)上均獨佔鰲頭。 我們更樂見持續進修基金的發還金額獲提升至 $25,000,並放寬年齡限制。我們期望網上課程 在未來也能納入計劃。 9
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 While there is much to anticipate for 2022/23, we should also recognise that 2021/22 has indeed been a busy year with many notable highlights. We were pleased to sign an MoU with ACT Genomics which will underpin development of more courses in this important area. We were also able to showcase all our programmes in the Open SPACE 2022 which was held both online and offline simultaneously. There was a particular emphasis on Fintech related courses as well as the Metaverse, and on wellness and health generally with pandemic related tips. Over 4,000 online viewers tuned in to each presentation of some 30 talks. Other events during the year included introducing our Tea studies programmes, Sport and Recreation partnerships with professional community partners and an introduction to ‘Smart City’ opportunities. We were also happy to help organise the 5th original Jewellery Design Competition for secondary schools via our Gem and Jewellery Alumni Association. The year 2021/22 also enabled us to celebrate the 20th Graduation Ceremony of our Community College at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, a welcome return to a physical event for this memorable occasion with speeches from the Director, College Principal and our guest, Honorary Fellow Mr Lam Chiu Ying, former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory. The School was also recipient of the Sing Tao award for best Continuing Education provider for the 15th straight year and, for the 9th year in a row, the Reader’s Digest Platinum Award for Trusted Brand. We were pleased also to join with our Alumni Association in its regular ‘Alumni Week’ to promote interest in our programmes. In December 2021 we were also delighted to host ‘Rejoice Together’, a return of our annual music concert which showcased alumni and staff talent in musical skills. Whilst taking careful anti-pandemic measures in line with government advice, we were also active in organising series of talks on the fifth wave of Covid-19 and particularly on how Chinese Medicine and dietetics could help combat the outbreak. 在展望2022/23年的同時,我們亦不忘細數 2021/22年的矚目點滴。回顧2021/22實在是繁 忙及精彩的一年。 我們很榮幸與行動基因(ACT Genomics)簽訂備 忘錄,在這重要領域開拓更多課程。今年的開放 日Open SPACE 2022於線上線下同時舉行,向 公眾展示我們多元化的課程,並重點介紹金融科 技相關課程、元宇宙,以及身心健康與抗疫貼士。 開放日共舉辦逾30場講座,吸引超過4,000名 網上觀眾收看。本年的其他活動還包括推出茶藝 課程、與專業社區夥伴締結康體合作關係,以及 介紹「智慧城市」的機遇。 我們亦很高興透過學院的珠寶及寶石校友會,協 助舉辦第五屆全港中學生珠寶設計比賽。 香港大學附屬學院於2021/22年假伊利沙白體育 館實體舉辦第20屆畢業典禮,學院院長、附屬 學院校長及我們的嘉賓、榮譽院士兼香港天文台 前台長林超英先生蒞臨致辭祝賀,與師生一起歡 度如此值得紀念的時刻。 另外,學院很榮幸連續第15年獲得《星島日報》 「星鑽服務品牌―最佳持續進修教育學府」服務大 獎,以及連續第9年獲得《讀者文摘》「持續進修 機構類別信譽品牌白金獎」。我們又與校友會合 作,於「校友週」推廣學院課程。在2021年12月, 我們舉辦了名為「Rejoice Together」的週年音樂 會,讓校友及職員一展音樂才華。我們在嚴格遵 守政府指引和抗疫措施的同時,在2019冠狀病 毒病第五波疫情來襲時積極舉辦一系列講座,包 括指導市民如何運用中藥和食療抗疫。 10
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Our ICB and SEA colleagues also organised the 3rd Inno Valley competition which was the culmination of preliminary rounds in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The final comprised 12 projects and judges were drawn from Cyberport, Microsoft, Bain Capital, PwC, Amino Capital, Sequoia Capital and the Green Partnership for Industrial Parks for China. The competition resulted in 2 champions, a 1st and 2nd runner up as well as awards for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ESG Excellence and for Prominence. We were also pleased to see the installation at ISP of our Aviation facilities including a mock up cabin and flight simulator laboratory, air traffic control simulation and an aircraft maintenance facility. We hope to help prepare students for the recovery of the industry. We were also delighted to present the annual long service awards ceremony where 83 staff completing 20, 15 and 10 years were recognised. To summarise, another busy year for the School with many notable events and achievements plus the prospect of change on the horizon for 2022/23 and beyond. 中國商業學院及企業研究院亦合辦了第三屆創新 創業大賽。大賽的初選環節於北京、上海、廣州 及深圳四地進行,經過一輪激烈角逐後,12個參 賽項目成功進入決賽。本屆大賽邀請了來自數碼 港、微軟、貝恩資本、普華永道、矽谷豐元創投、 紅杉資本及中國商務部國家級經濟技術開發區綠 色發展聯盟的專業投資人士擔任評委,最終產生 冠軍2名、亞軍1 名、季軍1 名,以及創新創業 獎、ESG卓越獎和最具人氣獎。 我們很高興在港島南薄扶林分校增建航空學設 施,包括模擬駕駛艙、飛機模擬客艙實驗室、空 中交通管制模擬設施及飛機維修實驗室,以幫助 學生迎接行業復甦做好準備。 學院又舉辦了長期服務獎頒獎典禮,共向83名 員工頒發20 年、15 年及10 年長期服務獎,以 茲嘉許。 總的來說,學院在過去一年忙碌而多彩,舉辦了 多個矚目活動並取得多項成就。我們預期學院在 2022/23年及未來將有多項改變,並已為此做好 準備。 11
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 The School was pleased to establish its Fellowship awards in 2014. The School felt that it had become of a size and reputation that it would be appropriate to honour some of the many people involved in supporting continuing education and lifelong learning in Hong Kong, thus these awards complement those of the University. The criteria for the awards are as follows: • Long service which relates to good and excellent service with the School • Relationship with the School • Distinguished lifelong learners and contributions to lifelong learning. For the 2021 awards, the four Fellows well met one or more of these criteria. Mr Anthony KWOK Chong Mr Kwok is currently the Director (Professional Development) of Centaline Property Agency Limited and the Director of Centaline Training Institute. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Hong Kong and studied a number of courses in the areas of Real Estate Administration and Housing Management at HKU SPACE. He was awarded HKU SPACE Meritorious Lifelong Learner Award in 2006. Mr Kwok is a lifelong learner and he joined HKU SPACE to promote continuing education and lifelong learning in Hong Kong. He joined the HKU SPACE Alumni Council from its inception in 2004 and took up the roles of Honorary Secretary, Vice President and Deputy President. He is now the President of the Alumni Council. He has also been active as a tutor in a number of HKU SPACE certificate/diploma courses since the mid 1990s. Mr Kwok also contributes significantly in the Community, he is currently appointed as the President of Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd. He was a member of the Estate Agents Authority and the VTC Real Estate Services Training Board. 作為極具規模及聲譽良好之學術機構,學院於 2014 年 起設立榮譽院士資格,認為頒授榮譽院士銜予支持持續 教育和終身學習的傑出人士是合適的舉措,同時可與香 港大學所頒授的榮譽頭銜互為補足。榮譽院士銜之標準 如下: · 長期為學院提供優質及卓越的服務 · 與學院淵源深厚 · 在終身學習方面表現傑出及對終身學習貢獻良多 2021 年度的四位榮譽院士完全符合其中一項或多項準則。 郭昶先生 郭昶先生現任中原集團(專業發展)董事及中原 訓練學院院長。 郭先生是香港大學文學士,曾在香港大學專業進 修學院修讀地產行政及房屋管理課程,於2006 年獲學院頒授終身學習傑出學員獎。 郭先生是終身學習的典範。自2004年學院校友 會成立之時,他便加入校友會委員會行列,先後 擔任義務秘書、副會長及常務副會長,現為校友 會會長,積極協助學院在香港推動持續教育及 終身學習精神。 自九十年代中起,他成為學院導師,開班授學, 教授證書及文憑課程。 郭先生對社會貢獻良多,現為香港地產代理專 業協會會長,曾在地產代理監管局及職業訓練局 房地產服務業訓練委員會擔任委員。 HONORARY FELLOWSHIPS 榮譽院士 12
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Ms Ginny MAN Wing-yee Ms Ginny Man is currently a Consultant of Tsun & Partners Solicitors, she was admitted as a solicitor of the High Court of HKSAR in 1999 and is currently a member of the Law Society of Hong Kong, as well as an Executive Director of Unitas Holdings Limited. Her legal practice focuses on China inbound and outbound investment, finance, mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring. She obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Laws from the University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Liberal Arts in French and International Relations from Wellesley College at Massachusetts, USA Ms Man has outstanding achievements and community service, she is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (2020/21). Ms Man’s interest is in supporting the development of Biomedical Science and in reinforcing education and training in this field. She has shown great interest in supporting the development of the HKU SPACE Biomedical laboratory in Island South Campus. 文頴怡女士 文頴怡女士於1999年獲註冊為香港特別行政區 高等法院之事務律師,現為香港律師會會員、秦 覺忠律師行顧問律司及宏海控股集團有限公司執 行董事。她的法律執業領域為中國境內外投資、 金融、併購和企業重組。文女士獲香港大學法學 專業證書及美國衛斯理學院法國語文及國際關係 文學學士。 除了個人成就卓越,文女士服務社會也是不遺餘 力,她於2020/21 年擔任東華三院董事局主席。 文女士希望推動生物醫學科學的發展,加強該領 域的教育和培訓。她對香港大學專業進修學院在 港島南分校設置生物醫學實驗室的計劃大表支持。 13
Mr YEUNG Ka-sing Mr Yeung was awarded the GBS in 2012 for his distinguished public and community service, particularly his contribution in leading the Hong Kong Housing Society to provide quality and affordable housing to meet the needs of the changing community. Mr Yeung also served on a number of governmental, public and community organisations since 1987, such as the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service, and the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee of the HKSAR Government. Mr Yeung supported the alumni work of HKU SPACE. He was the Ordinary Member, Voting Member, Life Member of HKU SPACE Alumni, Member of HKU SPACE Foundation Committee and Member of HKU SPACE Alumni Council since 2004. He was also a Distinguished Alumni Fellow. 楊家聲先生 楊家聲先生於2012年獲香港特區政府頒授金紫 荊星章,以表揚其對公眾及社會服務的貢獻,特 別是在他的領導之下,香港房屋協會為市民提供 了優質及可負擔的公營房屋,滿足了不斷變化的 社會需求。自1987年起,楊先生先後服務於多 個政府、公眾及社區組織,包括公務員薪俸及服 務條件常務委員會、社區投資共享基金委員會。 楊先生對學院的校友工作十分支持,自2004 年起便成為校友會的普通會員、遴選會員及永久 會員,曾擔任香港大學專業進修學院基金委員會 及校友會委員會委員,並獲選為學院傑出校友。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 14
Mr Sunny YEUNG Kwong Sunny Yeung is an award-winning Architect, a non-practicing Barrister, Arbitrator, Mediator and Expert Witness in construction and development disputes. He is also a musician. Sunny held Executive Director and C-suite positions with major developer companies., His career has spanned Hong Kong, China and Australia. During his career, Sunny has been an active promoter of art to the public and a devoted initiator of community wellness programmes. He also lectured in construction law, arbitration law and practice, and dispute resolution at various universities, including HKU SPACE. Sunny is an active musician and art lover. He is currently on the HK Arts Festival Board as an Executive Committee member. He holds a diploma in flute performance under the sanction of the Trinity College of Music, London. He is also an accomplished performer of the shakuhachi, a meditative Japanese bamboo flute originated from China. He has performed at various concert halls in Hong Kong and Australia, including the Sydney Opera House. Collaborating with various local composers, Sunny frequently takes part in recording for movie music, CDs, as well as giving premiere performance of their works written for him. As for HKU SPACE, Sunny was elected Outstanding Alumni Fellow of HKUSPACE in 2009. He has served on the Board since March 2016. He also chairs the HKU SPACE (Beijing) Consulting Services Co Ltd (BCC) and HKU SPACE Qianhai Education Consulting Services (Shenzhen) Co Ltd (QEC) subsidiaries in China Mainland. He has also served on various task groups. He is an active alumnus and pursued legal studies with the School. 楊光先生 楊光先生是得獎建築師、非執業大律師,以及建 築業與發展糾紛的仲裁員、調解員和專家證人, 同時也是音樂人。 楊先生曾在多家大型發展商擔任執行董事及管理 要職,工作地域橫跨香港、中國內地及澳洲。在 公眾層面上,他積極向大眾推廣藝術和推動社區 健康計劃。楊先生曾於包括香港大學專業進修學 院在內的多所學府講授建築法、仲裁法和實務及 爭議解決學。 楊先生熱愛音樂和藝術,現為香港藝術節董事會 執行委員會成員,持有倫敦聖三一音樂學院批核 的長笛演奏文憑,也是尺八(源自中國的日本竹 笛,是一種冥想樂器)的著名演奏家,曾在香港 及澳洲不同音樂廳公開演出,包括悉尼歌劇院。 楊先生與本地多名作曲家結緣,經常參與錄製電 影音樂、CD及首演他們為他撰寫的作品。 楊光先生曾於學院修讀法律相關課程,在2009 年獲學院選為傑出校友,目前仍活躍於校友事 務,為多個工作小組服務。自2016年3月起, 他成為學院董事局委員會委員;現為香港大學專 業進修學院(北京)諮詢服務有限公司及香港大 學專業進修學院前海教育諮詢服務(深圳)有限 公司設於內地的附屬公司主席。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 15
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Despite waves of COVID-19 outbreaks continuing to challenge us in 2021/22, Alumni Affairs still managed to organise 12 events and activities which some of the talks being conducted in a hybrid format to accommodate alumni with different attending preferences. In addition to the regular events including the Alumni Week, Alumni Talks and Happy Hour Talk Series, we launched the “We Support” campaign during the severe fifth wave of covid outbreak. Three talks regarding wellness, vaccination and healthy diet during pandemic were organised to provide the audience with the latest information on the pandemic and soothe their anxieties. The events and activities organised this year attracted over 3,000 alumni with accumulated views of more than 20,000. On 10 December 2021, School Concert was organised under the theme of “Rejoice Together”, we had an attractive programme featuring a variety of musical genres delivered by alumni, students, teachers, and staff of HKU SPACE. Nearly 240 guests, which included donors, VIPs, school managements and supporters of the School turned up for the Concert and enjoyed a wonderful evening together. As a major fundraising initiative, the Concert raised $168,500, an increase of 15% over 2019. Our alumni come from varied backgrounds and professions; one of the best ways to connect and strengthen the professional and personal networks with those with the same background, profession and interest are through Subject Alumni Groups. Currently, HKU SPACE has 19 Subject Alumni Groups, including a new Subject Alumni Group, HKU SPACE Docent Alumni Society, formed in 2021. Through the monthly e-newsletter and regular electronic direct mails, alumni can receive updated news, events, activities and privileges of Alumni and School events. The number of volunteers reached to 1,500. Over 50 privileges on dining, accommodation, lifestyle, health, and electronic appliances continued to gain strong interest from the alumni. 2019冠狀病毒病疫情在2021/22年反覆不定, 我們仍然屢受疫情帶來的挑戰。雖然如此,在校 友事務方面,學院仍能成功舉辦12場活動,部分 講座以線上線下混合模式進行,以迎合校友不同 的出席喜好。 除了定期舉辦的活動如校友週、校友講座及 Happy Hour 講座系列,我們於嚴峻的第五波疫 情期間推出了「We Support」計劃,共舉辦了三 場關於心靈健康、疫苗及健康飲食的講座,為校 友提供最新疫情資訊,紓緩他們的不安情緒。 本年度舉辦的活動一共吸引超過3,000名校友參 加,累計出席/ 觀看人次超過20,000。 我們於2021 年12月10日舉辦學院音樂會,主 題是「Rejoice Together」。節目內容吸引,包 括不同形式的音樂表演,讓校友、學生、教師和 職員一展音樂才華。音樂會共有近240名嘉賓 出席,當中包括善長、貴賓、學院管理層及支持 者,師生的精彩演出讓觀眾度過了一個難忘的晚 上。作為學院的主要籌款活動,音樂會一共籌得 168,500元,較2019年增加15%。 我們的校友來自不同背景和專業,其中一個有 效連結和壯大校友專業和個人網絡的方法,就 是透過校友組織連結擁有相同背景、專業和興 趣的校友。現時學院共有19個校友組織,包括 於2021 年新成立的香港大學專業進修學院導賞 員校友會。 透過每月電子報和定期宣傳電郵,校友可獲取最 新的學院資訊,以及校友消息、各項活動、聚會 和優惠詳情。我們的義工人數已達1,500人。另 外,我們超過50項飲食、住宿、優悠生活、健 康和電子產品優惠繼續受到校友熱烈歡迎。 Alumni Affairs 校友事務 ALUMNI AFFAIRS & DEVELOPMENT 校友事務及發展 16
DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 The Foundation was reconstituted in 2010 with two sub-committees delegated to take up two separate roles on Allocation and Investment, and Fundraising. Thanks to the staunch efforts made by the Foundation Committee, our accumulated fundraising and investment amount mounted to over HK$35M to benefit over 3,500 full-time students of the School. Since its launch in March 2019, the Career SPACE online career platform has offered over 5,000 informative articles and videos which has been extremely well received by students and alumni. Total users reached 7,600, of which 55% are students and 40% are alumni. Total visits to the platform reached 87,000. The most popular features for students and alumni have been the E-learning Hub, the Job Search Engine and the Newsroom. Brand building for Career SPACE has continued to develop with access being extended to 180 prospective students for a limited trial period of six months. The regular Career SPACE Newsletters covered features including workplace soft skills, career path planning, productivity enhancement and job-seeking tips were delivered and well-received by alumni and students of HKU SPACE Community College Students and HKU SPACE International College students, to help them enhance their career skills and knowledge prior to their graduation. 香港大學專業進修學院基金於 2010 年進行重組, 並成立了兩個委員會,分別負責撥款與投資,以 及籌款工作。有頼基金委員會的努力,基金的累 積捐款及投資收益超過港幣3,500萬元,共有 3,500名學院全日制學生因此受惠。 自2019年3月推出以來,Career SPACE網上 職業資訊平台共提供超過 5,000 篇資訊性文章 和影片,深受學生及校友歡迎。目前網站已錄得 7,600名用戶,當中55% 是學生,40% 是校友; 平台總瀏覽次數已達87,000,最受歡迎的功能 為「職場秘笈」、「職缺搜尋引擎」及「職場消息」。 為進一步推廣Career SPACE的品牌,我們向準 學生提供六個月平台試用期的人數已增加至180 名。《Career SPACE專題快報》涵蓋職場軟技 能、職業路徑規劃、生產力提升及求職技巧等實 用資訊,幫助香港大學附屬學院及國際學院學生 在畢業前提升職場技能和熟習職場知識,也是廣 受歡迎。 HKU SPACE Foundation Career SPACE 香港大學專業進修學院基金 Career SPACE網上職業資訊平台 17
The College focused efforts on becoming “Professional and Pioneer for Stable Growth, Proactively Exploring New Potentials for Sustainable Development” and has been developing its portfolio of business programmes, whilst establishing partnerships at home and internationally. The College faced challenges from COVID-19 and social changes, but managed to overcome these, whilst being sustainable and managing to achieve acceptable growth. The College offered programmes in pure online, blended and hybrid mode with full face to face classes gradually resuming following relaxation of some restrictions. New programmes include a DBA, MA Human Resource Management and BSc Business (Project Management) with the University of Plymouth, Postgraduate Diploma in Fintech and Legal Regulations, country based courses on tax planning, courses on anti-money laundering and Certificate in Introduction to Fintech. Wine and beverage programmes include World Whisky Appreciation, Japanese Sake, Italian wine and coffee. New emerging areas include Art Tech and NFT, metaverse and future business world, green bond and climate investing, ESG, innovation management, storytelling with data, cryptocurrency and digital marketing and AI marketing. All programmes are designed to enable participants to become futureready. This year, the College also saw increased interest for corporate training and commissioning of courses. 金融商業學院秉持「專業創新、穩健向前,市場 導向、持續發展」的信念,致力發展商業學課程, 並與本地和國際機構建立夥伴關係。 面對2019冠狀病毒病及社會改變所帶來的挑 戰,學院仍能克服困難、持續發展,並保持合理 增長。現時學院的部分課程使用純網上或混合及 兼容模式授課,但隨着防疫限制放寬,面授課堂 已經逐步恢復。 學院致力發展新課程,新推出的課程包括與英國 普利茅斯大學合辦的工商管理學博士、人力資源 管理文學碩士和商業理學士(項目管理),以及金 融科技及法規深造文憑、針對不同國家的稅務 籌劃課程、打擊洗錢課程、金融科技入門證書。 我們又開設了關於不同酒類和飲品的課程,包括 世界威士忌品嚐、日本清酒、意大利葡萄酒及咖 啡。不僅如此,學院亦積極開拓新興範疇,包括 藝術科技及非同質化貨幣、未來商界之元宇宙、 綠色債券與氣候投資、環境、社會與管治、創新 管理、數據說故事、加密貨幣及數碼營銷與人工 智能營銷,所有課程均以學生的出路為前提而設 計。此外,本年學院亦接獲更多企業培訓及委託 訓練課程的邀約。 College of Business and Finance (CBF) 金融商業學院 THE COLLEGES 學院 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 18
The College continues to outreach to external stakeholders to establish and strengthen external partnerships/relationships in the industry and professional body sector. New alliances were forged with the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS), the Association of Advertising Agents of Macau (AAAM) and Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTM), Friends of the Earth and Hong Kong Digital Asset Society. Existing partnerships were strengthened eg CPD courses for ACCA, and new programmes offered with the University of Plymouth. It also continued with the Student Feedback Gathering Sessions to gather feedback on non-programme related issues. In line with ESG values, new programmes were developed on this subject, and topics added to the course content of relevant programmes. Programme teams have also started adapting practices such as use of electronic signature and digital forms. The College has focused on digital marketing activities to engage target audiences. A new theme “Knowledge Visa” was developed for digital promotions highlighting the global relevance of programmes, helping equip students for global career markets. The College will soon be presenting a new look with new designs for programme leaflets. Other in-person marketing campaigns aimed at outreaching to different target segments are in the pipeline and will be launched pending suitable market conditions. 學院繼續積極接觸校外持份者,建立及強化與 業界及專業團體的夥伴關係。我們很榮幸與公認 反洗錢師協會、澳門廣告商會、澳門生產力暨科 技轉移中心、地球之友及香港數碼資產學會締結 新聯盟。同時,固有夥伴也與我們達成更多合作, 例如與英國特許公認會計師公會合辦持續專業 培訓課程、與普利茅斯大學合辦新課程。我們亦 繼續透過學生回饋聚會收集學生在非課程相關 議題上的意見。 為落實環境、社會與管治的價值理念,我們不僅 在相關課程加入環境、社會與管治的內容,更開 辦此範疇的新課程。此外,課程小組已開始實行 電子簽名及電子表格等措施,為可持續發展出一 分力。 學院現正加強數碼營銷活動,期望藉此與目標 受眾有更多互動。我們以「知識簽證」作為新的 數碼宣傳主題,強調課程的國際關聯性,有助 學生裝備自己、向國際職業市場進發。學院正在 重新設計課程單張,務求給大眾耳目一新的感 覺。其他針對不同目標群組的個人化營銷計劃也 如箭在弦,我們正密切留意市場狀況,靜候適 當時機推出。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 19