HKU SPACE Annual Report 2021/22

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Although a section on ESG is not required for Companies Limited by Guarantee, the Board resolved in 2021 that the Annual Report should nevertheless formally include ESG in its Report from 2021/22 onwards. Environment Over the years, HKU SPACE has undertaken to adopt green initiatives and put into practice the principle of sustainability that involves balancing environmental, social and economic considerations in every aspect of operations to ensure sustainable development. The School has been implementing green elements into the design and renovation of our venues including the design of lighting / air conditioning / water supply systems, etc. with the latest energy saving technology to further optimise our energy efficiency. Measures including replacement of fluorescent light tubes with LED lights; replacement of high energy efficient chillers and associated air conditioning equipment; installation of motion and optical sensorcontrolled lighting with dimming function and proactive replacement with high efficiency Building Services equipment. Details of some improvement works are as follows: The School has planned to upgrade the illumination in KEC and airconditioning facilities at IEC. One high efficiency chiller with BMS control replacement was completed in June 2021 and resulted in savings of 20% for the first six months of the financial year. Building a new campus is always challenging and there are many issues for sustainability to deal with. So careful planning for our new Kowloon West Campus (KWC), has adopted a design with extensive internal windows aiming at bringing natural sunlight to the entire campus and spatial connection. Not only have sustainable building materials been chosen as interior finishes to minimise potential repair and replacement but a very high portion of existing standard building materials was used to minimise construction waste. In addition, energy-sensor devices for our offices and classrooms at KWC have been installed to minimise energy consumption. Sustainability is a crucial criterion to search for a suitable office building as our new KWC. LCK888 was awarded with pre-certified Gold under LEED and achieved a provisional Gold Rating under BEAM Plus. The building has been pre-certified Platinum under WELL Building Standard. 香港大學專業進修學院作為擔保有限公司,雖 然無需就環境、社會與管治作匯報,但董事局於 2021 年決議自2021/22年起於周年報告中正式 加入環境、社會與管治工作。 環境 香港大學專業進修學院多年來積極採取環保措 施,貫徹可持續發展的原則。在營運的不同層 面,我們注重環境、社會及經濟因素的平衡,確 保可持續發展的方針得以實踐。 學院在設計及翻新校園設施時,已加入環保元 素,包括在照明系統的設計、空氣調節及供水系 統等使用最新節能科技以進一步提升能源效益。 我們採用LED燈取代傳統光管,又安裝高效能 冷卻及空調設備、行動及光學感應照明及調光系 統,主動轉用高效能建築設備,以達致最佳節能 效果。 改善工程詳情如下: 學院計劃改善九龍東分校的照明系統及港島東 分校的空調設備。我們已於2021 年6月轉用一 部配備電池管理系統控制功能的高效能冷水機, 成功於財政年度的首六個月節省20%。 建設新校舍無疑是極具挑戰的任務,更有多項與 可持續發展相關的問題需要處理。我們在規劃九 龍西新校園時格外謹慎,最後採用了大量室內窗 戶的設計,既能夠為整個校舍引入天然光線,又 可以加強空間聯繫。我們的室內裝修皆選用可持 續發展的建築物料,減少將來需要維修或更換的 機會,並大量使用現有的標準建築物料以達致減 廢效果。 此外,我們在九龍西分校的辦公室及課室安裝了 能源感應裝置以減低能源消耗。事實上,可持續 發展也是九龍西分校選址的一個重要考慮因素。 荔枝角道888號已榮獲美國領先能源與環境設 計(LEED)金級預認證、綠建環評(BEAM Plus) 暫定金級認證,以及WELL 建築標準鉑金級預 認證。 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) 環境、社會與管治 29