HKU SPACE Annual Report 2021/22

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Let me first add my appreciation of Professor Edward Chen as Board Chairman from 2013 - 2022. The School has profited from his advice and dedication. I warmly welcome Professor Ian Holliday and look forward to working with him. He is already familiar with HKU SPACE as a Board member and Chairman of the Board for Continuing and Professional Education and Lifelong Learning. His role as VicePresident and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) will facilitate links with the University. The School’s performance in 2021/22 in operational terms was good. Our Community College numbers were strong again with increased numbers over 2020/21 and our part-time enrolment recovered once face to face classes could resume. Of course, our China operations continued to be challenging because of the Mainland’s zero Covid policy and this impacted enrolment as many classes had to be rearranged, often on multiple occasions. Nevertheless, we achieved a breakeven year and would have done better if not for “unrealised losses in investments”. We hope that global conditions improve in the coming year so that this item does not impact our Income and Expenditure account so severely in future. Two issues that have dominated our year of 2021/22 have been the covid outbreak and the Post-secondary Colleges Ordinance reform, Cap 320. We have welcomed the easing of pandemic restrictions which have enabled a return to classroom teaching, albeit with reduced capacity. In parallel we have invested in improved technologies in many of our classrooms so that teaching can take place in situ and remotely at the 首先,本人衷心感謝陳坤耀教授在2013至2022 年間擔任董事局主席,竭心盡力為學院提供了許 多寶貴意見。我同時歡迎何立仁教授成為新任董 事局主席,並熱切期待與他合作。何教授非常熟 悉學院事務,就任主席前已是董事局成員及持續 專業教育及終生學習委員會主席,服務學院多 年。何教授同時是港大副校長(教學),我相信學 院在他的領導下,將能加強與港大的聯繫。 學院在2021/22年度於營運方面取得佳績。香港 大學附屬學院成績斐然,學生人數比2020/21 年 度有所增加;兼讀制課程的報名數字在恢復面授 課堂後迅速回復。當然,我們在國內的營運仍然 受到內地清零抗疫政策影響而備受挑戰,報名人 數也因為不同原因引致的大量課堂改動而大受影 響。然而,我們仍能在本年度錄得收支平衡,若 撇除「投資上的未實現虧損」,學院的實際表現頗 佳。我們期望明年全球經濟環境好轉,讓我們的 收支帳目免受嚴重波及。 2021/22年的重要事項有二:新冠疫情持續蔓延; 《專上學院條例》(第320章)改革。 我們樂見防疫限制放寬,儘管人數上仍有限制, 但最要的是面授課堂得以恢復。同時,我們投放 了大量資源提升課室的科技設備,不少課室在升 級後可以同時進行即場和遙距教學。我們又為教 職員提供培訓,幫助他們有效使用zoom或其他 科技進行遙距授課。 Professor William K. M. Lee 李經文教授 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR 院長回顧 6