HKU SPACE Annual Report 2021/22

CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 March 2022 saw a change of Chairmanship as I completed 9 years in the post of Chairman of the HKU SPACE Board of Directors as well as being a member of University Council. I would like to thank all the Board directors who served in that period as well as the 2 Directors of the School and their staff. When I commenced in 2013, the School was predicting potential deficits but in fact it has managed to achieve modest surpluses every year and is in a strong financial position. I have also been conscious that my first employment on graduation was with the University’s Department of Extra Mural Studies – the School’s predecessor, so it has been an added pleasure to chair its Board for the past 9 years. I hand over the baton at an interesting time as the School and the University consider the way forward in light of the government's reform of the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320) which will undoubtedly have an impact on the School’s full time operations in its Community College. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our full time and part time programmes for the past two years with students and teachers learning to adapt to online learning for some or even all of their studies. Our offerings in Mainland China have also been seriously disrupted by the Mainland’s zero Covid policies. Nevertheless, I am sure that the School will be able to surmount the challenges ahead and go from strength to strength. 本人作為香港大學專業進修學院董事局主席及香 港大學校務委員會委員的九年任期於2022年3 月屆滿,正式卸任董事局主席一職。我衷心感謝 各位董事局成員、兩任院長及同事在本人任期內 的支持。猶記得當我在2013年上任時,學院曾 預計可能會出現虧損,最後虧損情況沒有出現, 學院還在每一年錄得適度盈餘,成功維持穩健的 財政狀況。 我仍記得畢業後的首份工作就是任職於香港大學 校外課程部(學院的前身),有幸能夠在過去九 年擔任學院的董事局主席,對本人來說別具意 義。在本人卸任之際,適逢政府銳意改革《專上 學院條例》(第320章),香港大學附屬學院全日 制課程的運作無疑會受到影響,學院及港大為此 正慎重考慮未來的發展方向。 在過去兩年,受到2019冠狀病毒病疫情影響, 我們全日制和兼讀制課程的學生和教師都學習適 應以網上教學方式完成部分、甚至整個課程;我 們在中國內地的課程也受到內地清零政策嚴重影 響。雖然如此,即使未來充滿挑戰,我相信學院 定能跨越障礙,再創高峰。 Professor Edward K. Y. Chen 陳坤耀教授 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION 主席序言 As the Board of Directors had two Chairmen during 2021/22, it is considered appropriate for each to give some introductory remarks. 在2021/22年度,蒙陳坤耀教授及何立仁教授 先後領導董事局,故本年報特別邀請兩位主席 撰寫序言。 2