HKU SPACE Annual Report 2021/22

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 The Foundation was reconstituted in 2010 with two sub-committees delegated to take up two separate roles on Allocation and Investment, and Fundraising. Thanks to the staunch efforts made by the Foundation Committee, our accumulated fundraising and investment amount mounted to over HK$35M to benefit over 3,500 full-time students of the School. Since its launch in March 2019, the Career SPACE online career platform has offered over 5,000 informative articles and videos which has been extremely well received by students and alumni. Total users reached 7,600, of which 55% are students and 40% are alumni. Total visits to the platform reached 87,000. The most popular features for students and alumni have been the E-learning Hub, the Job Search Engine and the Newsroom. Brand building for Career SPACE has continued to develop with access being extended to 180 prospective students for a limited trial period of six months. The regular Career SPACE Newsletters covered features including workplace soft skills, career path planning, productivity enhancement and job-seeking tips were delivered and well-received by alumni and students of HKU SPACE Community College Students and HKU SPACE International College students, to help them enhance their career skills and knowledge prior to their graduation. 香港大學專業進修學院基金於 2010 年進行重組, 並成立了兩個委員會,分別負責撥款與投資,以 及籌款工作。有頼基金委員會的努力,基金的累 積捐款及投資收益超過港幣3,500萬元,共有 3,500名學院全日制學生因此受惠。 自2019年3月推出以來,Career SPACE網上 職業資訊平台共提供超過 5,000 篇資訊性文章 和影片,深受學生及校友歡迎。目前網站已錄得 7,600名用戶,當中55% 是學生,40% 是校友; 平台總瀏覽次數已達87,000,最受歡迎的功能 為「職場秘笈」、「職缺搜尋引擎」及「職場消息」。 為進一步推廣Career SPACE的品牌,我們向準 學生提供六個月平台試用期的人數已增加至180 名。《Career SPACE專題快報》涵蓋職場軟技 能、職業路徑規劃、生產力提升及求職技巧等實 用資訊,幫助香港大學附屬學院及國際學院學生 在畢業前提升職場技能和熟習職場知識,也是廣 受歡迎。 HKU SPACE Foundation Career SPACE 香港大學專業進修學院基金 Career SPACE網上職業資訊平台 17