HKU SPACE Annual Report 2021/22

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 The Community College admitted over 4,000 new intakes in 2021/22. The Quality of our programmes, dedicated teachers and staff, our branding and increased effort in outreaching to the community all counted for the success of this year. The College had a total enrolment of about 7,100 studying in 35 programmes. Our outreach to secondary schools has reached a new milestone. The College has started a new chapter by offering an Applied Learning (Vocational English) course. Over 900 S4/S5 students were enrolled in the programme. With the seating capacity capped at 75% of the room capacity, the College resumed to face-to-face teaching in principle in semester one. The College was able to hold the in-person graduation ceremony in October 2021 with around 1,000 graduates and guests attending the event and sharing the joyful moment of our graduates. In semester two, the fifth wave of COVID-19 hit us quick and hard, mandating all instructional activities to be done online. Despite the pandemic, the College did not stop organising student activities, seminars for further studies, workshop for university interviews online, etc. When situation allowed, student activities were organised in person including a boat trip to Tolo Channel. The College started a Quality Education Fund CAVE project in collaboration with six secondary schools in 2019. The Project aimed to enhance learning experience of school students and to facilitate the participating schools to acquire capability in developing their own VR learning programmes. The College was very pleased to learn that these secondary schools have developed their own VR materials. Teachers from these schools were invited to share their experience with other secondary schools in a conference in June 2022. The College appointed two new College Advisors, Mr Dion Chen and Mr Joseph Koc. Mr Chen is the School Principal of Ying Wa College and Chairman of Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council. Mr Joseph Koc is the Convenor of STEM+E Consortium. With their support, the College’s connection with secondary schools and industry has been further strengthened. 附屬學院於2021/22年度共取錄超過4,000名 新生。亮眼的收生數字可說是課程質素、教職員 的熱誠、品牌營銷及加強社區聯繫的共同成果。 整體而言,學院共提供35個課程,學生人數 達7,100人。學院又透過推出應用學習(職業英 語)課程開啟了新篇章,超過900名中四/中五 學生報讀,是我們與中學的聯繫工作的另一里程 碑。 學院原則上已於第一學期恢復面授課堂,現時課 堂的人數限制為課室容量的75%。學院亦能於 2021 年10月舉行了實體畢業典禮,約有1,000 名畢業生及嘉賓出席,分享畢業生的喜悅。在第 二學期,第五波疫情來勢洶洶,所有課堂被逼再 度轉至網上進行。儘管過去一年香港仍受疫情困 擾,學院繼續舉辦學生活動、升學講座、大學面 試網上工作坊等,並在情況許可下舉辦實體活 動,包括赤門海峽地質之旅。 學院自2019年起與六所中學合作開展優質教育 基金「洞穴式自動虛擬實境系統」(CAVE)計劃, 旨在提升中學生的學習體驗,以及教導參與學校 自行研發虛擬實境學習課程。現在六間參與學校 都已發展了自己的虛擬實境教材,相關教師亦代 表出席了2022年6月的學術會議,與其他中學 分享經驗。 學院新委任兩位顧問陳狄安先生及郭嘉麒先生。 陳狄安先生是香港英華書院校長及香港直接資 助學校議會主席。郭嘉麒先生是 STEM+E Consortium召集人。在 他們的支持下,學院與中學及業 界的聯繫得以進一步加強。 Community College 香港大學附屬學院 24