HKU SPACE Annual Report 2021/22

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 After several years of rather vigorous rightsizing efforts between 2013/14 and 2017/18, resulting in significant reductions in both staff establishment and strength, the overall staffing situation of the School has been relatively stable in recent years. Indeed, there have only been marginal variations in the overall establishment and strength of the School since 2018/19. When compared to the start of the year, the staff establishment was at about the same level as at 30 June 2022. The year saw a staff turnover rate of 23.2% which was higher than 2020/21 at 17.7%. Consistent with past trends and the local employment market, the junior support grades continued to register somewhat higher turnover rates in 2021/22. Based on the feedback obtained from exit surveys, the two most commonly quoted reasons for departure are “Better opportunity in the same field” and “Departing Hong Kong”. This reflects the fact that educational institutions are competing for talents in order to make up for the shortfall of staff due partly to people leaving Hong Kong. On senior appointments, Mr Kevin Yeung has been appointed as Head of College of Business and Finance from January 2022. The annual Long Service Award Ceremony was held in June 2022 on which occasion 83 staff members received 10, 15 or 20 years’ service awards from the Chairman of our Board of Directors and the Director in recognition of their devoted and loyal services. Looking ahead, the less optimistic projections on economic recovery both globally and locally may have an impact on the financial performance of the School, it would be prudent for the School to continue to exercise control on its staff establishment and strength 經過2013/14至2017/18 這數年的積極人事 整合工作,學院的人事編制和僱員人數大幅減 少,近年整體人員配置已相對穩定。事實上,自 2018/19年度以來,學院的整體編制和僱員數目 只有輕微變化。與年初相比,目前的人事編制與 2022年6月30日大致相同。 本年度的僱員流失率為23.2%,高於2020/21 年度的17.7%。與過去的趨勢及本地就業市場情 況相約,2021/22年度仍然以初級支援職系的離 職率較高。從離職調查的回饋資料顯示,最普遍 的原因是「在同一領域中有更好的機會」及「離開 香港」。這情況反映了教育機構正在爭相招聘人 才,以填補部分因人們離港而出現的職位空缺。 高層人員變動方面,楊仕名先生於2022年1 月 起出任金融商業學院總監。 本年度長期服務獎頒獎典禮於2022 年6月圓 滿舉行,由董事局主席及學院院長向83名員工 頒發10年、15年或20年長期服務獎,嘉許他 們多年以來盡心竭誠服務學院。 展望未來,全球及本地經濟復蘇的不樂觀預測 可能對學院的財務表現產生影響,學院將繼續 小心控制人事編制和僱員人數。 Staffing 人事動態 27