04 06 12 highlights 亮點 通訊 NEWSLETTER 2023 第八十一期 ISSUE 81 香港大學專業進修學院一直以追求卓越教學、 為學生提供最優質及最舒適學習環境為己任。 經過一連串工程後,我們在今年九月為不同教 學中心包括統一教學中心、九龍東分校及港島 東分校完成了翻新。趁此新學年的來臨,希望 教師與同學能夠享受煥然一新、充滿活力及時 代感的校園生活。 HKU SPACE has always been committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning, as well as the provision of a quality and comfortable learning environment for our students. After a series of renovations, our learning centres, including United Learning Centre, Kowloon East Campus and Island East Campus, have been revamped in September this year. With the advent of the new academic year, we hope that our teachers and students will enjoy a new, vibrant and contemporary campus life. 香港大學附屬學院第 22 屆 畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 22nd Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College ​was held successfully 國際學院20周年校慶 校友聚會慶典 HKU SPACE International College 20th Anniversary Alumni Reunion 81 ISSUE ASIIN機構認證標誌 獲延續五年 HKU SPACE receives 5-Year extension of ASIIN Accreditation Seal 迎接校園新貌 提升教學體驗 NEW FACES OF LEARNING CENTRES TO ENHANCE TEACHING AND LEARNING EXPERIENCE 08 重量級講座為校友會 邁向 20 週年打響頭炮 Momentous talks to kickstart the Alumni Association's 20th anniversary journey DEC 2023

迎接校園新貌 提升教學體驗 New faces of learning centres to enhance teaching and learning experience 02 為了提供更寬敞及舒適的學習環境,學院將統一教學 中心六樓的面積擴展至全層,並進行翻新改造工程。 教學中心整體以流水為設計概念,以比喻擁有66年 歷史的學院能夠涓涓細流,孕育萬物,培養人才。大 堂位置以白色為主體,波浪起伏的天花象徵引領學生 邁向光明的未來,並提升空間感及光亮度,整個入口 處更富現代感。走廊方面,由於位置比較長,故採用 流水及弧形線條設計,除了可減低拘謹與侷促感,更 有助形成一個簡潔及寧靜的空間。 與此同時,學院總部亦由香港大學徐展堂樓遷至金 鐘統一中心12樓,部分行政部門包括財務及人力資 源部遷往海富中心寫字樓20樓新辦事處,教務處、 學術質素保證及提升小組則移至九龍西校園,希望 透過資源整合全面提升學院行政及教學效率。我們 並於2023年9月4日在統一中心舉行了簡單而隆重 的喬遷酒會,以標誌學院步入發展新階段。 At the same time, the School headquarters has been relocated from the T.T. Tsui Building of the University of Hong Kong to the 12/F of United Centre, Admiralty. Some of the administrative units, including Finance and Human Resources, have been relocated to the new office in Admiralty Centre Office Tower 20/F, while the Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance and Enhancement Teams have been relocated to the Kowloon West Campus in the hope of enhancing the efficiency of the administration and teaching of the School through the consolidation of resources. A simple yet grand moving-in reception was held on 4 September 2023 at United Centre to mark a brand new stage of the School's history. In order to provide a more spacious and comfortable learning environment, the revamped United Learning Centre has expanded to the whole 6th floor of the United Centre. The new design of the area is based on the concept of flowing water, symbolising the School's 66-year-long history of nurturing and cultivating talents. The white lobby together with the undulating ceiling has enhanced the sense of space and light. The modernity of the entrance helps to permeate an atmosphere that is reminiscent of a bright future for the students. The long corridor is designed in flowing curved lines, which not only reduces the sense of constraint and confinement, but also helps to establish a simple and quiet space. 統一中心: 涓涓細流 培養人才 United Centre: rich soil for nurturing talents

03 隨着時代進步,九龍東分校的入口大堂重新裝修,設 計以「高科技與陽光」為主題,既突顯年輕活力,同時 亦保持優雅的氣質。 柔和的自然光線經入口處透進室內,與大堂的天幕燈 相遇,構成了開放而好客的效果。牆上的幾何線條呈 現出動態的視覺風格,創造了充滿現代感的氛圍。座 位區採用線條流暢的家具,設計簡約而不失典雅大 方,營造成一個舒適的社交空間。我們還加強了學生 設施,包括大型 LED 螢幕和學生休閒設施,如更衛 生的水機等。 為了促進工程課程的現代化教學,我們將三間課室合 併成為一個具空間感的嶄新工程教學實驗室,配備靜 電桌和相關設備、高架地板以及相應的電子設備和演 示音視頻系統設施,提升學生的學習體驗。 港島東分校的玻璃大門設計有助引進自然光,打造 室內通透開闊的視覺效果;綴以藍色門框,高雅脫 俗,配以牆上的大型電子屏幕,播放學院最新短片, 既能體現與現代科技接軌的意念,亦增添動感與朝 氣。 新大堂設計概念以融合創新、舒適和現代元素為主。 接待處的流線型前台設計充滿時代感,深淺色調營 造出不同層次,在視覺上擴闊了空間感和現代氣氛, 予人平靜而安穩的感覺。 In keeping with the times, the new lobby of the Kowloon East Campus is set in the theme of “High Technology and Sunshine”, emphasising youthfulness and vitality while upholding elegant designs. Soft natural light streams in through the entrance and meets the canopy lighting in the The design of the glass doors of Island East Campus helps to bring in natural light and create a transparent and open visual effect. The polished blue door frames, together with a large electronic screen on the wall showing the latest short videos about the School, not only reflect the idea of tapping into modern technology, but also embodies dynamism and vitality. The design concept of the new lobby is based on innovation, comfort and modernity. The streamlined front desk at the reception is full of contemporary design. With different layers of dark and light colours, visually expanding the sense of space and modern atmosphere, it exudes a feeling of serenity and balance for the visitors. 九龍東分校: 匠心獨運 突顯活力 港島東分校: 接軌科技 創新時代 Kowloon East Campus: a unique design to emphasise vitality Island East Campus: connecting with technology and innovation lobby, creating an open and welcoming effect. The geometric lines on the walls present a dynamic visual style, shaping a contemporary atmosphere. The featured seat adopts curved lines in a simple and elegant design, building a comfortable social space. We have also enhanced the campus’s facilities to include a large LED screen and other student facilities such as a bottle filler for better hygiene of our students. To facilitate modern teaching for Engineering programmes, we have merged three classrooms into a tailored Engineering Teaching Lab with electro-static tables and related equipment, a raised floor, and respective electronic devices and presentation AV system, enhancing the student learning experience.

04 香港大學附屬學院(學院)創辦於2000年,是全港首 間提供全日制副學位課程的專上教育院校,為香港高 等教育發展史豎立了重要里程碑。 學院第22屆畢業典禮於2023年9月28日假伊利沙伯 體育館圓滿舉行,由香港大學教育學院榮休教授、名 譽教授白傑瑞教授任主禮嘉賓,學院署理校長盧兆興 教授頒授副學位,與畢業同學、家長及學院教師一同 分享喜悅。 畢業寄語:邁向終身學習的旅程 典禮上,盧兆興教授及白傑瑞教授分別致辭。白傑 瑞教授恭賀畢業同學的成就:「這是值得您和您家人 感到驕傲的時刻。您在學院獲得的知識、技能、適應 力、分析思維及百折不撓的精神將引領您開闢個人成 長路。學習是終身的旅程,請保持求知慾及好奇心, 擴闊思維,為自己建立新的世界觀。」 盧兆興教授亦讚揚畢業同學在過去兩年努力不懈,以 堅定不移的意志用心學習。他勉勵大家繼續向前邁 進:「畢業是人生另一個階段的新開始。未來成功的 關鍵是保持謙虛,堅持在不同領域上終身學習,才能 夠在個人及事業路上成為一個全面發展的人。」 白傑瑞教授首先頒發傑出教師獎,以表揚他們在教 學上出色的表現;接着盧兆興教授為不同學部的副 學士及高級文憑畢業生頒授學銜,包括文學及人文 學部、經濟及商學學部、工程及科技學部、英文學 部、數學及科學學部和社會科學學部。學院亦於典 禮上頒發各個獎項及獎學金,以嘉許取得卓越成績 或貢獻傑出服務的畢業生。 香港大學附屬學院第22 屆畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 22nd Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College ​was held successfully 畢業感言:帶着知識前行 離別在即,典禮以畢業生代表謝詠欣同學致謝辭作 結。她感謝學院為同學提供了一個良好的學習環境; 感謝老師成為他們的人生導師和榜樣;感謝家人無條 件的關愛;感謝同窗在學業路上互相扶持。「我們即 將告別學院生活,翻開人生新篇章,我們將珍惜學到 的知識、建立的友誼、共同創造的回憶。今天,我們 團結一致,準備迎接等待我們的挑戰和機遇。」 香港大學附屬學院第22屆畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 22nd Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College ​was held successfully 學習經驗分享 文學副學士(媒體、文化及創意)畢業的黃樂希表示: 「在學院學習自由度大,課程設計切合社會需要,完 全符合職場與就業市場要求。講師與同學之間的關 係緊密,時刻給予同學支持和鼓勵,對我們未來升 學提供了不少寶貴意見。」 社會科學副學士畢業的林善瑜非常享受在學院的日 子:「這裏的學習環境輕鬆,同學之間充滿互助互 愛。」她寄語中學文憑試考生:「每個人的學習過程和 終點都不一樣,無論去到哪裏,都可以獲取知識。」 商業學高級文憑畢業、喜歡結交朋友的許詩琪認為 說:「學生可以透過學院舉辦的不同活動中互相認識, 建立友誼。」她鼓勵中學畢業生:「文憑試失敗不是 末路,入讀港大CC高級文憑課程是升讀大學的另 一途徑。」

05 HKU SPACE Community College (“the College”) was founded in 2000. It was the first higher education institution that provides full-time sub-degree programmes, setting an important milestone in the history of higher education in Hong Kong. The 22nd Graduation Ceremony of the College was successfully held on 28 September 2023 in the Queen Elizabeth Stadium. Professor Gerard Postiglione, Emeritus and Honorary Professor from the Faculty of Education was invited as the Guest of Honour and Professor Sonny S.H. Lo, Acting Community College Principal conferred the sub-degrees on the graduates. Graduates, their parents and teachers of the College attended the ceremony to share the happiness. Words of inspiration: journey to a lifelong education At the ceremony, Professor Postiglione and Professor Lo gave their speeches respectively. Professor Postiglione gave his heartfelt congratulations on the students' achievements, “This is a proud moment for you and your family. The education you received here is not only knowledge, but also skills, adaptability, analytical thinking, and most importantly, resilience. These qualities will guide you and forge your individual path. Education is a lifelong journey. Remember to stay hungry, stay curious, open up your mind, and pursue new ways of seeing the world.” Professor Lo also applauded the students' hard work, acknowledging the dedication and perseverance they have shown in the past two years. He encouraged them to keep moving forward on the journey of life, “Your graduation today embarks on the new beginning of your life-long journey. The key to your future success is modesty. Be humble and continue to be a life-long learner not only in your own discipline but also in other areas, so that you will be a well-rounded person in your personal and professional development.” After the speech, Professor Postiglione presented the Outstanding Teacher Awards in recognition of the teachers' excellent performance in teaching, Professor Lo conferred the Associate Degrees or Higher Diplomas on graduates from different divisions, including the Division of Arts and Humanities, Economics and Business, Engineering and Technology, English, Mathematics and Science, and Social Sciences. Different awards and scholarships were presented to graduates who achieved outstanding academic results or made a significant contribution to the community. Words of memories: equipped with knowledge, towards the future As the moment of farewell finally came, Tse Wing Yan, the graduate representative delivered a valedictory speech. She was grateful to the teachers for being their life tutor and role model, to the family for their unconditional love, and to the classmates for supporting each other on the way to academic pursuit. “As we bid farewell to our college life and turn to new chapters of our life, let us treasure the lessons we have learned, the friendships we have forged, and the memories we have created. Today, we stand united as a class, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await us.” Sharing learning experience Jonathan, a graduate of the Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies, said, “The College offers a lot of freedom. The courses are designed to meet the needs of society, the workplace and the job market. The lecturers maintain a close relationship with the students by always providing support and encouragement, offering us valuable advice on our future academic pursuit.” Sophie, who graduated from the programmes of Associate of Social Sciences, enjoyed her college life very much, “The atmosphere here is relaxing, and there is a strong sense of mutual support and love among students.” She also sent her words of encouragement to the HKDSE candidates, “Although people do not share the same learning path and destination, knowledge can be acquired wherever you go.” Chloe, who was a graduate with a Higher Diploma in Business, also enjoyed making friends, “Students can get to know each other and build up friendships through different activities organised by the College.” She also said to secondary school graduates, “Failing to pass the HKDSE is not the end of the world. HKU SPACE Community College’s Higher Diploma programme provides an alternative pathway to university admission.”

國際學院 20 周年校慶校友聚會慶典 HKU SPACE International College 20th Anniversary Alumni Reunion 06 HKU SPACE International College 20th Anniversary Alumni Reunion 國際學院 20周年校慶 校友聚會慶典 香港大學專業進修學院國際學院於2003年以 「國際學位課程中心」之名成立,旨在與海外著 名大學合辦全日制非本地學位課程,致力為副 學位畢業生提供優質升學之路,讓年輕學子可 以取得達致世界級水平的國際認可學歷。在過 去二十年,學院已培育超過九千名傑出學生在不 同領域上為社會作出貢獻。 今年,國際學院迎來創校20周年的新里程碑。 學院特於2023年7月15日舉行了校友聚會。當 天,國際學院前總監、師生、校友、海外夥伴代 表、學院管理層等濟濟一堂,共同慶祝此重要 時刻,一起見證學院20年的成長及蛻變,以及 分享在香港推動跨國教育的深刻體會。 二十載砥礪前行 慶祝典禮由香港大學專業進修學院常務副院長 (行政及資源)及國際學院前總監陳阮德徽博士 致歡迎辭拉開序幕。陳博士介紹了國際學院的 使命及其在不同階段的發展:「通過與海外大學 合作,我們能夠根據海外經驗開發更靈活、更 具活力的課程,從而使學生受益。」 三位國際學院前總監接着分享他們在服務學院 期間的難忘歲月。李偉才博士細說他擔任總監 時的種種愉快經驗,並分享他的教育理念和哲 學:「即使是知識豐富的專家,也應在一定程度 上成為通才。因此,在我的任內,我積極組織不 同的跨領域活動,以培養及擴闊學生的視野。」 陳訓廷博士亦表示,國際學院帶給他很多珍貴 的回憶:「我感恩學院這個大家庭的所有成員, 包括所有學生、校友、教職員及海外合作夥伴。」 黃槿先生回顧他當年與學院攜手發展的日子: 「我有機會管理一個擁有2000名全日制學生、 100多名教職員以及20多個合作夥伴的學院, 這對我來說是非常美好的時刻。」 學者對話:國際學位的重要意義 活動另一亮點是三位前總監及英國普利茅斯大 學副教授Dr Richard Parkman就着「國際學位 對香港學生的重要意義」這題目,展開了熱烈的 討論,各自表達了其真知灼見及獨特的見解。 他們為出席者帶來一場充滿啟迪和智慧的對話, 幫助大家更深入了解國際學位的重要性及優勢、 在香港開辦國際學位課程的挑戰、與海外夥伴 大學之間的協同作用,以及國際教育的發展趨 勢及對社會的影響。 活動尾聲由傑出校友分享他們畢業後的發展及 在學時的學習經驗。2021年諾桑比亞大學運動 教練學(榮譽)理學士畢業生王家慶女士表示: 「課程為我提供了多元的視角,讓我獲得國際認 可的學歷及寶貴的知識。這是一場由認知到充 滿啟發的旅程,以及從夢想到創業的過程。」

07 HKU SPACE International College (IC) was established in 2003 under the name “Centre for International Degree Programmes (CIDP)”. Starting with the key objective of providing an alternative articulation pathway for sub-degree graduates of the HKU SPACE Community Colleges, it collaborates with prestigious overseas partners to offer nonlocal degree programmes for students to gain an internationally recognised qualification benchmarked with world-class standards. Over the past two decades, IC has witnessed more than 9,000 graduates contributing to society in various sectors. To commemorate its 20th anniversary this year, the College organised an Alumni Reunion on 15 July 2023. Former Heads of IC, faculty members and students, alumni, representatives of overseas partners, and the management of the College gathered together to celebrate this momentous occasion, to witness the growth and transformation over the past 20 years, and to share what they had learned through international education in Hong Kong. A twenty-year journey: thriving in challenging times The ceremony was kicked off with a welcome speech by Dr Dorothy Chan, Deputy Director (Administration and Resources) of HKU SPACE and former Head of IC. She once again highlighted the missions of the College and its development in different phases, “In collaboration with overseas universities, we are able to develop more flexible and dynamic programmes based on overseas experience to the benefit of our students.” After Dr Chan’s inspiring words, three former Heads of IC also shared their unforgettable memories of their service to the College. Dr Eddy Lee told us about his prime time and joyous experience during his tenure as the Head of IC, and shared his philosophy in education, “It’s actually dangerous to be a specialist who knows a lot about a specific field, but is so ignorant about other fields. During my tenure, I tried my very best to organise different activities to cut across the board to involve students of different programmes.” Dr FT Chan recalled his happy moments and precious memories with the IC family. To him, this ceremony was “a kind of thanksgiving to all the colleagues in the HKU SPACE family, [and to] all the students, alumni, teachers, and also our overseas partners”. Looking back to the days when he grew together with the College, Mr Ken Wong remembered, “I was given the opportunity to manage the College of a population of 2,000 full-time students with over 100 academic staff, as well as over 20 partners. It was a very good moment for me.” Roundtable discussion: The Significance of International Degrees The climax of the ceremony was a roundtable discussion on the topic of “The Significance of International Degrees to Hong Kong Students”, where the three former Heads, joined by Dr Richard Parkman, Associate Professor from the University of Plymouth, had a lively exchange of valuable ideas and insights. The session brought us an intellectually stimulating and engaging conversation, which helped us gain a deeper understanding of the importance and advantages of an international degree, the challenges of offering their programmes in Hong Kong, the synergies with overseas university partners, the trends of international education, and its impact on our society. The anniversary celebration came to an end when outstanding alumni shared their learning experience in the College and their adventure after graduation. “This programme provides me with diverse perspectives, international recognition, and invaluable knowledge,” said Ms Coco Wong, BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching graduate of the Northumbria University in 2021, “This is how everything begins, from realisation to a journey full of inspiration, and from a dream to business.”

重量級講座為校友會邁向 20 週年打響頭炮 Momentous talks to kickstart the Alumni Association’s 20th anniversary journey 面對全球經濟局勢不斷變化,香港人需要以智慧 迎接種種挑戰。有見及此,學院校友會趁著慶祝 踏入二十週年,今年的「校友週2023」在十月及 十一月舉辦了不同活動,與校友一起尋找解惑的 鑰匙。 Momentous talks to kickstart the Alumni Association’s 20th anniversary journey 重量級講座為校友會邁向 20 週年打響頭炮 08 In the face of the ever-changing global economic situation, Hong Kong people need to arm themselves with knowledge and wisdom to face new challenges head-on. HKU SPACE Alumni took the opportunity to celebrate its 20th anniversary by organising the “Alumni Week 2003” with an array of events in October and November to find the key to solving these problems together with the alumni. 在美國激進加息及內房債務危機的雙重打擊 下,香港供樓一族隨時變成「負資產」。著名股 評家胡孟青小姐在10月27日的「通脹浪潮下 的資產保本策略」講座中,為大家分析目前中 港市場情勢及如何應對持續的通脹壓力,並展 望未來經濟走向。 Safeguarding your assets 為資產保本 Under the dual strikes of an aggressive interest rate policy by the FED and the debt crisis among Mainland property developers, the assets of Hong Kong investors and homeowners may become “negative equity” at any time. In her talk Asset Allocation Strategy Against Inflation on 27 October, renowned financial analyst and commentator Ms Agnes Wu analysed the current markets in Mainland China and Hong Kong for us, shared strategies to cope with the persistent pressures of inflation, and provided insights into future economic trends. 香港生活節奏急促緊張,都市人往往忙於事業 及家庭而疏於照顧自己。不少人更受到負面 情緒困擾,以致影響身體健康。有見及此,校 友會邀請到「心呼吸」創辦人常霖法師和HKU SPACE校友及「心呼吸」大使周家怡小姐於 11月1日教導大家覺察自己內心的聲音,並透 過用心感受當下呼吸的簡易心安方法,離苦得 樂,安然處之。 Channeling your inner peace 為情緒解困 The city’s fast-paced lifestyle is putting many people under stress. They are often too busy with work and family to take care of themselves. Some are so troubled by negative emotions that even their physical health is affected. Venerable Chang Lin, the founder of “Pause and Breathe”, and Ms Catherine Chau, HKU SPACE alumni and the ambassador of “Pause and Breathe”, were invited by the Alumni to deliver a talk on 1 November to teach us to listen to our inner voice, to be free from suffering and at peace through the simple method of mindful breathing exercise.

09 近年,NMN在抗衰老領域獲得廣泛關注,究 竟NMN是否能夠有效減緩衰老的過程?香港 再生醫學有限公司主席施明耀先生在11月8日 的「NMN 揀選指南」講座中,提高人們對NMN 潛力的認識;他強調了抗衰老產品日益增長的 市場需求,並將NMN定位為一種有科學證據 支持及前景廣闊的解決方案。 「校友週」講座以現場參與及網上直播形式同步 進行,反應熱烈,三個講座共吸引了接近500 人次即時收看,截至11月底的累積觀看次數 達5,000。 校友會於11月3日舉辦了「香港故宮文化博物 館特別展覽:三星堆文明」導賞團,由HKU SPACE導賞員訓練證書課程校友林淑芬女士 擔任導賞員,帶領大家一起「凝視三星堆── 四川考古新發現」。展覽呈現了120件珍貴文 物,當中更有23件屬於國家一級文物。校友 透過文物欣賞,認識燦爛的古蜀先民的藝術世 界及生活起居,有如上了一堂寶貴的歷史課。 Unlocking the secret of anti-aging A centennial celebration of the archaeology achievements in China 為抗衰老解謎 致敬中國考古學 百年發展 In recent years, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has gained wide attention in the field of anti-aging technology. Is NMN really able to slow down the aging process? In his talk NMN Selection Guide on 8 November, Mr Stanley SY, the President of Hong Kong Regen Medtech Limited, enlightened us with the potential of NMN. He focused on the growing needs for antiaging products in the market, positioning NMN as a promising solution supported by scientific evidence. The Alumni Week talks were held simultaneously in the form of on-site participation and online live broadcasts, The Alumni organised the Hong Kong Palace Museum Special Exhibitions Guided Tour: Gazing at Sanxingdui on 3 November. Ms Lam Shuk Fan, an alumna of HKU SPACE's Certificate in Docent Training Programme, served as a tour guide to lead everyone in the exhibition of Gazing at Sanxingdui: New Archaeological Discoveries in Sichuan in the Hong Kong Palace Museum. The exhibition presented 120 priceless exhibits, among which were 23 pieces classified as Grade-1 national treasures. Through admiring the cultural relics excavated from Sanxingdui, the audience travelled through history, and delved deep into the daily and artistic world of our ancestors in the ancient kingdom of Shu. and received an enthusiastic response from alumni. The three talks attracted nearly 500 people to watch in real-time, and the cumulative number of views by the end of November reached 5,000.

在囚青年成為學院首批專業實踐證書(多媒體設計)畢業生 Young persons in custody became first graduates of Certificate in Professional Practice (Multimedia Design) 學院首次獲頒「私隱之友嘉許獎 2023」金獎 The School Achieves a Gold Award in the "Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023" for the first time 10 學院向以服務社會為使命,並於2023年起與懲 教署的工業及職業訓練組合辦五個與多媒體製 作有關的證書單元課程,為較高學歷的青少年 在囚人士提供行業知識和技術訓練。透過學院 的微證書計劃,學員累積滿30學分便可獲得證 書資格,讓他們獲釋後可繼續修讀平面設計、 室內設計或遊戲設計等銜接及進階課程。 經過九個月的時間,共有四位大嶼山沙咀懲教 所學員於本年十月成功累積所需學分,獲頒專 業實踐(多媒體設計)證書,亦同時成為學院首 批透過微證書計劃獲取證書的學員。 其中一位學員分享:「在課程中,我學會使用 不同專業設計軟件,來設計海報、繪圖、遊戲 及製作影片等。完成課程後,我會繼續在設計 方面發展,希望將來能夠銜接所學,成為一位 設計師。 」 With a mission to serving the community, the School worked with the Industries & Vocational Training Section of the Correctional Services Department from 2023 onwards to offer five Certificate for Module programmes in multimedia production to provide training for inmates with higher education qualifications to enable them to acquire new knowledge and skills while serving their sentence. Through the Microcredential scheme offered by the School, students are able to claim the Certificate award when they successfully accumulate 30 credits, and they can further study bridging and advanced courses in graphic design, interior design or game design. 在囚青年成為學院首批 專業實踐證書(多媒體設計)畢業生 Young persons in custody became first graduates of Certificate in Professional Practice (Multimedia Design) After nine months, four students from the Sha Tsui Correctional Institution on Lantau Island successfully achieved the required credits and were awarded the Certificate in Professional Practice (Multimedia Design) in October this year. At the same time, they also became the first batch of students to be awarded certificates through the Microcredential scheme. One student shared, “I learned to use various professional softwares to design posters, pictures, games and to produce videos. After completing the courses, I will continue to develop my career in design, and hope to be able to apply the knowledge and skills that I have acquired to become a designer in the future.” 學院首次榮獲2023年度「私隱之友嘉許獎」金 獎。該獎項由個人資料私隱專員公署頒發,旨 在表揚及嘉許企業、公私營機構及政府部門對 保障個人資料私隱的重視及努力。頒獎典禮於 2023年8月31日舉行,學院院長李經文教授 和常務副院長(學務)祁樂彬博士代表學院出席 領獎。 學院透過個人資料私隱 管理系統實施良好數據 管治,是次獲獎顯示了 我們對這方面的堅定承 諾和持續努力。我們將 繼續致力以最高標準保 障私隱,並負責任地處 理個人資料。 The School received its first-ever Gold Award in the "Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023." Organised by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), these awards aim to recognise organisations, both public and private, as well as government departments, 學院首次獲頒「私隱之友嘉許獎2023」金獎 The School achieves a Gold Award in the "Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023" for the first time for their outstanding commitment to protecting personal data privacy. The award presentation ceremony was held on 31 August 2023, and Professor William K.M. Lee, Director, and Dr John Cribbin, Deputy Director (Academic Services) of HKU SPACE, received the award on behalf of the School. This achievement showcases our unwavering commitment and ongoing efforts in implementing strong data governance practices through our Personal Data Privacy Management Programme. We remain dedicated to upholding the highest standards of privacy protection and responsible handling of personal data.

探索清酒精緻甘醇之旅 Discover the rich and complex beauty of sake 日本清酒凝聚了各地文化、各個酒廠的釀造手藝,是 日本料理的最佳餐酒搭配,更是日本人引以為傲的 飲食文化重要組成部分。眾所周知,香港人愛品酒, 更熱愛日本美食,香港清酒愛好者也就日益增加。 有見及此,學院除了定期推出日本清酒課程外,更特 意在11月25日至12月2日舉辦為期八日七夜的「日 本關西清酒『藏人體驗』x賞楓x品酒遊學團」,為學 員安排了一次難能可貴的文化之旅。 遊學期間,同學造訪西山酒造場,親身體驗到一般不 對外開放的清酒「藏人」(釀造清酒專家)釀酒工序流 程;在隨團資深清酒老師、酒造社長、首席釀酒師 或「藏人」的指導下,走進清酒釀造之心臟地帶,體 驗了洗米、蒸米、製麴、發酵和過瀘等一絲不苟的釀 酒程序,並透過品嘗數十款清酒,認識它們各自的特 性和搭配的菜餚,從而提升了對清酒的品鑒技巧和 能力。此外,同學亦參與了日本啤酒工廠的見學團及 宇治茶道體驗工作坊,得以了解啤酒製程及領略傳 統茶道文化的魅力。美酒配佳餚,行程當然少不了品 味地道日本料理與清酒的絕配,不僅滿足了同學的 味蕾,還讓大家加深對日本飲食文化的理解。時值深 秋,楓葉已染上秋色,同學也步入日本庭園,欣賞滿 佈楓紅的浪漫美景,並在濃濃的秋意下道別關西。 Japanese sake embodies the culture of various regions and brewing techniques of different breweries. It is a perfect match for Japanese cuisine and an important part of the culinary culture that the Japanese are proud of. As we all know, Hong Kong people enjoy wine and dine. Japanese delicacies, without a doubt, are one of their favourites, resulting in the increasing number of sake lovers in the city. In the light of the emerging sake fever, besides introducing regular sake courses, the School also organised an eight-day and sevennight "Japanese Sake Study Tour: Brewing Experience x Autumn Leaves x Sake Tasting" from 25 November to 2 December, providing the students with an invaluable cultural journey. During the tour, the students visited the Nishiyama Brewery to experience the brewing process run by the kurabito (sake brewery worker), which is usually not open to the public. Guided by the School's sake teacher, the brewery director, the chief brewer, and the kurabito, the students stepped into the heart of sake brewing and discovered the meticulous brewing process, which included rice washing, steaming, koji making, fermentation process, and filtration. They were given the opportunity to taste dozens of sakes, learning about the unique characteristics and the dishes that go well with them, and improving their skills in sake tasting. The students also participated in a Japanese beer brewery tour and a Uji tea ceremony workshop, where they dived into the beer-making process and embraced the charm of the traditional Chado culture. As a part of the study tour, the students were able to experience the authentic pairing of Japanese cuisine and sake, which not only pleased their taste buds, but also deepened their understanding of the Japanese culinary culture. As late autumn colours fall, the maple leaves were tinted in various shades of yellow, orange and red. Before saying sayonara to Kansai, the students spent their last part of the study tour in a Japanese garden to enjoy the romantic beauty of the fiery autumn. 11 Discover the rich and complex beauty of sake 探索清酒 精緻甘醇之旅

第八十一期 學院通訊編輯委員會 ISSUE 81 HKU SPACE Newsletter Editorial Team 委員 Members 祁樂彬 Dr John Cribbin 莫綺媚 Susanna Mok 林銘儀 Cherie Lam 設計師 Designer 余惠君 Iris Yu 地址 Address 香港金鐘道95號統一中心12樓A & B室 Units A & B, 12/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong 電郵 Email 電話 Tel 2975 5680 傳真 Fax 2546 3538 Follow us @HKUSPACE 香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司 HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee 12 81 ISSUE In relation to the International Quality Review, the German Agency, the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) has now confirmed that our institutional accreditation seal has been extended for 5 years until 30 September 2028. This confirms that HKU SPACE fulfils the institutional, procedural and cultural requirements for good teaching and successful learning. The experts commended that “HKU SPACE's institutional leadership is particularly strong, and the institution is procedurally rigorous.” Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, said, “We are delighted to receive this recognition from ASIIN, which grants us a 5-year extension of our Accreditation Seal. This demonstrates the global acknowledgement of our quality assurance systems. The positive report reinforces our unwavering dedication to professional and continuing education, as well as lifelong learning. It affirms the strength of our governance structure and the soundness of our quality assurance systems, aligned with international standards.” The ASIIN review was carried out on 5 July 2022 in the form of a virtual audit by the international expert panel. The accreditation was based on the Criteria for the ASIIN System Seal / Institutional Accreditation / Institutional Assessment. This set of criteria is designed for quality development in teaching and learning. The criteria refer to (I) the definition of quality and its management, (II) their application in the educational provisions the Higher Education Institution (HEI) is offering, (III) the management of its resources and (IV) quality related transparency and documentation. The report showed that HKU SPACE scored high in the four sets of criteria. The strongest categories were quality management systems/ governance, the process for the creation and development of study programmes as well as rules and regulations and transparency and documentation. The Panel concluded HKU SPACE has a strong base to build on and promising potential to further develop as a World Class Centre of Excellence in Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning and Transnational Education. 有關德國工程、信息科學、自然科學和數學專 業認證機構(ASIIN)協助學院進行的國際學術 質素評審,確認學院在機構、程序及文化方面, 已達到良好教學及成功學習的要求,由ASIIN向 學院頒授的機構認證標誌獲延續五年至2028年 9月30日。評審專家讚揚,「香港大學專業進修 學院在機構領導層面尤其優秀,而且在執行上 嚴謹縝密」。 學院院長李經文教授表示:「我們對於ASIIN機 構認證標誌獲延續五年,感到十分鼓舞,反映我 們的學術質素保證制度獲得國際認同。是次評審 報告結果正面,再次鞏固了我們對專業和持續教 育以及終生學習堅定不移的決心及承諾。它肯定 了我們管治架構的優勢和學術質素保證制度的穩 健性,並完全符合國際標準。」 ASIIN的評審工作於2022年7月5日由國際專家 以虛擬評審形式進行。有關認證以ASIIN制度標 誌/機構評審/機構評核的準則作為依據,注重 教學的質素發展,並考慮:(I)學術質素的定義及 管理;(II)在高等教育機構所提供的教育課程上 的應用;(III)資源管理;以及(IV)與學術質素相 關的透明度與文書紀錄。 學院在四大範疇均有卓越表現,而且在學術質素 管理制度/管治、課程開拓和發展過程、守則和 規例,以及透明度和文書紀錄方面尤其出色。 評審小組總結認為學院具備穩健根基和深遠潛 力,可望在持續教育、終身學習和跨國教育的領 域上發展成為領導國際的優質學府。 HKU SPACE receives 5-Year extension of ASIIN Accreditation Seal ASIIN 機構認證標誌獲延續五年 DEC 2023 ASIIN 機構認證標誌獲延續五年 HKU SPACE receives 5-Year extension of ASIIN Accreditation Seal Learn more about the School 了解學院更多