在囚青年成為學院首批專業實踐證書(多媒體設計)畢業生 Young persons in custody became first graduates of Certificate in Professional Practice (Multimedia Design) 學院首次獲頒「私隱之友嘉許獎 2023」金獎 The School Achieves a Gold Award in the "Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023" for the first time 10 學院向以服務社會為使命,並於2023年起與懲 教署的工業及職業訓練組合辦五個與多媒體製 作有關的證書單元課程,為較高學歷的青少年 在囚人士提供行業知識和技術訓練。透過學院 的微證書計劃,學員累積滿30學分便可獲得證 書資格,讓他們獲釋後可繼續修讀平面設計、 室內設計或遊戲設計等銜接及進階課程。 經過九個月的時間,共有四位大嶼山沙咀懲教 所學員於本年十月成功累積所需學分,獲頒專 業實踐(多媒體設計)證書,亦同時成為學院首 批透過微證書計劃獲取證書的學員。 其中一位學員分享:「在課程中,我學會使用 不同專業設計軟件,來設計海報、繪圖、遊戲 及製作影片等。完成課程後,我會繼續在設計 方面發展,希望將來能夠銜接所學,成為一位 設計師。 」 With a mission to serving the community, the School worked with the Industries & Vocational Training Section of the Correctional Services Department from 2023 onwards to offer five Certificate for Module programmes in multimedia production to provide training for inmates with higher education qualifications to enable them to acquire new knowledge and skills while serving their sentence. Through the Microcredential scheme offered by the School, students are able to claim the Certificate award when they successfully accumulate 30 credits, and they can further study bridging and advanced courses in graphic design, interior design or game design. 在囚青年成為學院首批 專業實踐證書(多媒體設計)畢業生 Young persons in custody became first graduates of Certificate in Professional Practice (Multimedia Design) After nine months, four students from the Sha Tsui Correctional Institution on Lantau Island successfully achieved the required credits and were awarded the Certificate in Professional Practice (Multimedia Design) in October this year. At the same time, they also became the first batch of students to be awarded certificates through the Microcredential scheme. One student shared, “I learned to use various professional softwares to design posters, pictures, games and to produce videos. After completing the courses, I will continue to develop my career in design, and hope to be able to apply the knowledge and skills that I have acquired to become a designer in the future.” 學院首次榮獲2023年度「私隱之友嘉許獎」金 獎。該獎項由個人資料私隱專員公署頒發,旨 在表揚及嘉許企業、公私營機構及政府部門對 保障個人資料私隱的重視及努力。頒獎典禮於 2023年8月31日舉行,學院院長李經文教授 和常務副院長(學務)祁樂彬博士代表學院出席 領獎。 學院透過個人資料私隱 管理系統實施良好數據 管治,是次獲獎顯示了 我們對這方面的堅定承 諾和持續努力。我們將 繼續致力以最高標準保 障私隱,並負責任地處 理個人資料。 The School received its first-ever Gold Award in the "Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023." Organised by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), these awards aim to recognise organisations, both public and private, as well as government departments, 學院首次獲頒「私隱之友嘉許獎2023」金獎 The School achieves a Gold Award in the "Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023" for the first time for their outstanding commitment to protecting personal data privacy. The award presentation ceremony was held on 31 August 2023, and Professor William K.M. Lee, Director, and Dr John Cribbin, Deputy Director (Academic Services) of HKU SPACE, received the award on behalf of the School. This achievement showcases our unwavering commitment and ongoing efforts in implementing strong data governance practices through our Personal Data Privacy Management Programme. We remain dedicated to upholding the highest standards of privacy protection and responsible handling of personal data.