迎接校園新貌 提升教學體驗 New faces of learning centres to enhance teaching and learning experience 02 為了提供更寬敞及舒適的學習環境,學院將統一教學 中心六樓的面積擴展至全層,並進行翻新改造工程。 教學中心整體以流水為設計概念,以比喻擁有66年 歷史的學院能夠涓涓細流,孕育萬物,培養人才。大 堂位置以白色為主體,波浪起伏的天花象徵引領學生 邁向光明的未來,並提升空間感及光亮度,整個入口 處更富現代感。走廊方面,由於位置比較長,故採用 流水及弧形線條設計,除了可減低拘謹與侷促感,更 有助形成一個簡潔及寧靜的空間。 與此同時,學院總部亦由香港大學徐展堂樓遷至金 鐘統一中心12樓,部分行政部門包括財務及人力資 源部遷往海富中心寫字樓20樓新辦事處,教務處、 學術質素保證及提升小組則移至九龍西校園,希望 透過資源整合全面提升學院行政及教學效率。我們 並於2023年9月4日在統一中心舉行了簡單而隆重 的喬遷酒會,以標誌學院步入發展新階段。 At the same time, the School headquarters has been relocated from the T.T. Tsui Building of the University of Hong Kong to the 12/F of United Centre, Admiralty. Some of the administrative units, including Finance and Human Resources, have been relocated to the new office in Admiralty Centre Office Tower 20/F, while the Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance and Enhancement Teams have been relocated to the Kowloon West Campus in the hope of enhancing the efficiency of the administration and teaching of the School through the consolidation of resources. A simple yet grand moving-in reception was held on 4 September 2023 at United Centre to mark a brand new stage of the School's history. In order to provide a more spacious and comfortable learning environment, the revamped United Learning Centre has expanded to the whole 6th floor of the United Centre. The new design of the area is based on the concept of flowing water, symbolising the School's 66-year-long history of nurturing and cultivating talents. The white lobby together with the undulating ceiling has enhanced the sense of space and light. The modernity of the entrance helps to permeate an atmosphere that is reminiscent of a bright future for the students. The long corridor is designed in flowing curved lines, which not only reduces the sense of constraint and confinement, but also helps to establish a simple and quiet space. 統一中心: 涓涓細流 培養人才 United Centre: rich soil for nurturing talents