04 06 highlights 亮點 通訊 NEWSLETTER 2024 第八十二期 ISSUE 82 香港大學專業進修學院第十屆榮譽院士頒授典 禮於2024年2月23日圓滿舉行,向三位於各自 界別取得卓越成就的人士頒發榮譽院士銜,以 表揚他們對香港社會及香港大學專業進修學院 所作的傑出服務和寶貴貢獻。 The 10th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony of HKU SPACE was successfully held on 23 February 2024. During the ceremony, the School presented Honorary Fellowships to three distinguished individuals who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in their respective fields. These recipients were recognised for their significant contributions to both HKU SPACE and the wider Hong Kong society. 立德樹人 附屬學院與學界緊密聯繫 Cultivate Virtue: HKU SPACE Community College Establishes Close Connections with the Academic Community 82 ISSUE 12 教學擁抱科技 打造人工智能中心 Building an AI Hub for Education through Technology 11 校友會20周年春季活動巡禮 HKU SPACE Alumni’s 20th Anniversary Spring Event Preview 第十屆榮譽 院士頒授典禮 THE 10TH HONORARY FELLOWSHIP CEREMONY 08 企業發展學院 成立一周年 1st Anniversary of LEAD Academy APR 2024 60 載合作無間—— 香港大學專業進修學院與 倫敦大學攜手作育英才 Nurturing Talents: 60 Years of Seamless Partnership between HKU SPACE and the University of London

第十屆榮譽院士頒授典禮 The 10th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony 02 頒授典禮假金鐘教學中心楊健明教授伉儷演講 廳舉行,並由香港大學專業進修學院董事局主 席何立仁教授主持。 The ceremony took place at the Professor and Mrs Enoch Young Lecture Theatre at the Admiralty Learning Centre, and was presided over by Professor Ian Holliday, Chairman of the HKU SPACE Board of Directors. 何超蕸女士 Ms Maisy Ho Chiu-ha 李梅以菁博士 Dr Jennie Lee Yee Ching 張永霖先生 Mr Linus Cheung Wing-lam 三位獲頒授榮譽院士銜的傑出人士: The three outstanding individuals who were awarded the Honorary Fellowship: 第十屆榮譽 院士頒授典禮 The 10th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony 在典禮上,學院院長李經文教授致歡迎辭,並由常務 副院長陳阮德徽博士、祁樂彬博士及盧兆興教授分別 為三位榮譽院士致讚辭,稱許他們在其所屬領域上成 就超卓、貢獻良多。張永霖先生代表三位榮譽院士致 謝辭。而李梅以菁博士當天未克出席頒獎典禮。 本屆三位獲授榮譽院士銜人士人生態度積極,對工作 充滿熱誠,除了在他們的行業領域上卓然有成之外, 更積極扶掖後進,實為後輩學習的典範。 香港大學專業進修學院於1957年創校,至今服務香 港67載,得蒙來自不同專業界別的翹楚鼎力支持, 在不同方面為學院的進步作出建樹,推動學院成為一 所提供優質持續教育的領導機構。學院於2014年設 立榮譽院士制度,藉此表彰為學院、學術界及香港作 出重要貢獻的社會精英,同時印證學院與本地社區和 教育界的緊密聯繫。

03 Following the welcoming address by Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, the Honorary Fellowship awards were presented to the three deserving recipients. The awardees were presented by three Deputy Directors, Dr Dorothy Chan, Dr John Cribbin, and Professor Sonny Lo, who delivered citations highlighting the remarkable contributions of the awardees in their respective fields. Mr Linus Cheung, on behalf of the three awardees, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the recognition. The Fellowship of Dr Jennie Lee Yee Ching was conferred in absentia. These distinguished individuals not only exhibit tremendous dedication and passion in their personal and professional lives, but they also actively mentor and support the younger generation. Their exceptional achievements inspire and serve as role models for aspiring young people. Since its establishment in 1957, HKU SPACE has been dedicated to serving the people of Hong Kong for 67 years. Throughout its history, the School has received unwavering support from leaders in various professional fields, whose contributions have played a vital role in the School's advancement and its position as a leading institution in delivering exceptional continuing education. In 2014, HKU SPACE established the Honorary Fellowship to acknowledge individuals who have made significant contributions to the School, academia, and Hong Kong as a whole. This initiative reflects the School's deep connection with the local community and the education sector, further enhancing its reputation and impact.

04 香港大學專業進修學院 (學院)與英國倫敦大學 (倫大)的夥伴關係超過 60年,更是倫大與世界 各地院校合作歷史中最 為悠久。在50 - 60年代 時,社會各方面發展迅 速,對法律人才需求殷 切。但當時要獲得認可 的法律專業資格,唯一 途徑是赴笈英國,這對 許多人來說是有一定的 經濟壓力。有見及此, 學院於1963/64年與倫 大合辦首個法學士課程, 為香港法學教育寫下重要篇章。其後課程範疇擴展 至會計、銀行、商業、經濟、金融、管理及資訊科技 等,以滿足社會的需求,讓香港學生無需遠赴英倫, 只需兩至三年就可在港修畢倫大的學歷。 學院在2009年9月獲倫大委任為在港的合作院校及 在2018年成為倫大的認可教學院校。雙方並於2018 年簽訂了策略夥伴協議書,再於2023年續簽,承諾 雙方在學術及專業領域繼續邁進。在過去數十年間, 學院亦一直為倫大課程提供報名及註冊服務。有興趣 修讀倫大課程的人士,不論是否學院的學生,均可透 過學院報名及註冊。 60 載合作無間—香港大學專業進修學院與倫敦大學攜手作育英才 Nurturing Talents: 60 Years of Seamless Partnership between HKU SPACE and the University of London The partnership between the University of London (UoL) and HKU SPACE (the School) has endured for 60 years, making it the longest-standing collaboration of all of the universities that UoL has worked with around the world. In the 1950s and 60s, Hong Kong's society experienced rapid growth, creating a pressing demand for legal professionals. At that time, the only way to obtain a legal qualification recognised in Hong Kong was to study in the UK. However, this was financially beyond the reach for many local people. The Department of Extra-Mural Studies of HKU (HKU SPACE’s predecessor) saw the need and established the first law degree programme in partnership with UoL in 1963/64, marking a significant milestone in Hong Kong's legal education. Over the years, the School and UoL have expanded their programmes to include various disciplines such as Accounting, Banking, Business, Economics, Finance, Management, Computing and Information Technology, catering to the evolving needs of society. Through this partnership, students can obtain a UoL degree without the need to travel to London, completing their studies in two to three years. In September 2009, the School became an Affiliate Centre of UoL in Hong Kong and a Recognised Teaching Centre in 2018. To further cement the relationship, a Strategic Partnership Agreement was also signed in 2018 and renewed in 2023 committing both partners to continued collaboration in the academic and professional fields. For the past decades, the School has provided a onestop service for application and registration for admission to many undergraduate degree programmes of UoL. These services are offered for the convenience of all Hong Kong applicants whether or not they are HKU SPACE students. 學院學生成績驕人譽全球 今年約有90名透過學院成功修畢倫大課程的畢業生, 當中有4名學生獲頒倫敦大學一級榮譽學銜,分別為 法學士、會計及金融學理學士、銀行及金融學理學 士以及商業及管理學理學士。其中法學士一級榮譽 生更在九個學科中的其中五個獲頒「卓越表現證書」, 該證書是由倫敦大學頒授予每科成績排名全球首三 位的傑出學生。學院於本年2月25日假香港大學陸 佑堂舉行倫大頒授典禮,秉承過往傳統,倫大校長 Professor Wendy Thomson親身來港為每位出席的 畢業生授憑。 Professor Wendy Thomson表示:「倫大在港的課程 及教育質素,以及學生在完成課程後的學位認可,與 當地學生在倫敦上課是完全相同的。」數十年來,兩 大學府肩負為有志進修者提供學習機會的使命,攜手 為香港培育無數人才,更讓他們實現了夢想與抱負。 線上學習及人工智能的挑戰 倫大目前有約四萬名學生,當中約六成在網上學 60載合作無間—香港大學專業進修學院與 倫敦大學攜手作育英才 Nurturing Talents: 60 Years of Seamless Partnership between HKU SPACE and the University of London 習,在線考核和成績評估成為了重要的轉變,也為 考試過程帶來了更大的靈活性。Professor Wendy Thomson表示:「倫大採用了混合學習模式,將人 工智能科技融入教學之中,包括採用前沿學習設計, 讓學生可以進行互動,超越了傳統課堂和在線教育 模式。」 隨着科技高速發展,教學內容也須與時並進。學院 院長李經文教授指出:「人工智能工具如ChatGPT 成為了新一代僱員必須掌握的新技能,也是學院關 注的議題。我們正與合作夥伴一起努力,讓學生為 迎接21世紀的事業挑戰做好準備。」 談到有關兩院校在未來的發展,李經文教授說:「學 院貫徹終身學習為使命,一直為香港社區提供高等 教育的機遇。隨着《專上學院條例》(第320章)的檢 討工作展開,我們將與倫大進一步探討合作空間, 提供更多獨特且具競爭力的課程,改善香港學生的 就業前景。」 畢業同學的感言 學生Ho Wang是2023年法學士一級榮譽畢業生,並 在九個學科中的其中五個獲頒「卓越表現證書」,該 證書是由倫敦大學頒授予每科成績排名全球首三位 的優異生。「感謝香港大學專業進修學院教授的指導, 讓我取得喜出望外的成績。此課程不但嚴謹且靈活 性高,讓在職學生可繼續專注工作,同時按自己的 步伐學習。我將報讀法律專業證書,並期望在法律 界開展新的事業。」 學生李雅晴是2023年商業及管理學理學士一級榮譽 畢業生。「衷心感謝學院和講師在我學習中給予我的 支持。我亦十分感恩能結識到一些好學友,一起渡 過的歡樂時光,成為我的美好回憶,期待未來再次 在學院學習。」

05 Students' remarkable academic achievements gain global recognition This year, approximately 90 graduates have successfully completed UoL’s programmes through HKU SPACE. Among them, 4 students have achieved UoL's esteemed First Class Honours in various disciplines, including Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Accounting and Finance, Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Banking and Finance, and Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business and Management. Notably, the LLB First Class Honours student has been recognised with the Certificate of Excellence in five out of the nine modules. This prestigious award is bestowed by UoL to exceptional students who rank among the top three globally in their respective subjects. In line with tradition, Professor Wendy Thomson, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, visited Hong Kong on 25 February this year to personally confer the degrees on the attending graduates at the Loke Yew Hall of the University of Hong Kong. Professor Thomson ensured, "UoL offers online programmes in Hong Kong of the same calibre and quality, providing students with degree recognition equivalent to that of attending a programme in London." Over the decades, both universities have embraced their shared mission of offering diverse learning opportunities to aspiring individuals. Together, they have played an instrumental role in nurturing countless talents in Hong Kong, empowering them to transform their dreams and aspirations into reality Online learning and the challenge of AI UoL currently has approximately 40,000 students, with around 60% pursuing online study. Online assessment and performance evaluation have emerged as significant transformations, introducing greater flexibility to the examination process. Professor Thomson stressed, “UoL has embraced a hybrid learning model integrating AI technology into its core practices, moving beyond traditional classroom and online education. This approach includes cuttingedge learning designs that foster interactive opportunities for students.” In tandem with the rapid advancement of technology, teaching content continues to evolve. Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, agreed that “AI and Chat-GPT are new sets of skills that employers expect graduates of the next generation to have. These are some of the things that HKU SPACE has constantly looked at and collaborated with our partners to ensure that their students and graduates are well-prepared for the expectations and demands of the 21st century.” Speaking of the future development of the partnership, Professor Lee continued to comment, “With a commitment to lifelong learning, HKU SPACE has been offering higher education opportunities to the Hong Kong community. As the review of the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320) proceeds, we are considering introducing new programmes in collaboration with UoL, aiming to create unique and competitive offerings that align with market demands and enhance career paths in Hong Kong.” Messages from the graduates 1st Class Honours Student in 2023 & Certificate of Excellence Winner for 5 out of 9 modules Mr HUI Ho Wang / Bachelor of Laws (LLB) I am immensely honoured to receive a firstclass LLB degree from the University of London, which would not have been possible without the support of my loved ones, the camaraderie of my schoolmates, and the guidance from the esteemed professors invited by HKU SPACE to teach us. The University of London LLB curriculum appealed to me with its dual advantages of flexibility and intellectual rigour. While the distance learning mode allows working students to study at their own pace and remain committed to their careers, assessments are conducted according to the same standards as those at such prestigious universities as LSE and UCL. I am particularly thrilled to be awarded the Certificate of Excellence by the University of London in five of the nine modules I studied. As the Certificate is awarded to the top three performing students in each module worldwide, it is a testament to both the excellent teaching offered by HKU SPACE and the competitive edge Hong Kong students can gain through hard work and a genuine sense of curiosity. For most of the duration of my studies, I was working as the Corporate Communications Manager of a regulatory body, and it was gratifying to be able to apply the legal thinking and analytical skills I had developed through the programme to some of my work. Looking ahead, I plan to study for the PCLL soon, and pursue a second career in law. 1st Class Honours Student in 2023 Ms LEE Nga Ching / Bachelor of Science in Business and Management It feels amazing to know that I am being awarded with First Class Honours by the University of London. Taking the opportunity I would like to say a big thank you to HKU SPACE, all the lecturers and fellow students for all the support they had given throughout my 3-year study journey. I wouldn’t be able to achieve what I have now without their help & encouragement. While striving to get a balance between my day-time job, my study and personal life, I am so grateful to get to know some very good friends here. All the laughter we’ve shared makes these 3-years a truly wonderful memory of mine. Once again, thank you to HKU SPACE & look forward to studying here again in future.

立德樹人 附屬學院與學界緊密聯繫 Cultivate Virtue: HKU SPACE Community College Establishes Close Connections with the Academic Community 06 Cultivate Virtue: HKU SPACE Community College Establishes Close Connections with the Academic Community 立德樹人 附屬學院與 學界緊密聯繫 香港大學附屬學院創校於2000年,旨在為中 學畢業生提供教資會資助大學以外的升學機 會。多年來,學院一方面與中學學界緊密連線, 讓中學生對學院加深認識;另一方面向成績優 異的在學同學頒發獎學金,鼓勵同學努力學習。 與香港中文中學聯會簽署合作協議 為了更好地連接香港學界,附屬學院於2023年 12月18日與香港中文中學聯會(聯會)簽署合作 協議,包括為聯會學生提供入學講座,鼓勵學生 報讀學院課程,以及凡聯會應屆中六畢業生報 讀學院課程,一律豁免報名費。事實上,學院在 近年已招收了不少聯會畢業生。此協議將進一步 加強兩大機構之間的合作。 合作協議由附屬學院署理校長盧兆興教授及香 港中文中學聯會主席梁冠芬校長代表簽署。我 們期待未來將有更多來自聯會的優秀學子加入 學院。學院將與聯會攜手同心培育下一代,為他 們提供優質教育。 香港中文中學聯會成員學校參觀學院 香港大學附屬學院以協助莘莘學子圓大學夢 為己任。歷年來,成功升讀本地八間政府資助 大學的學生比率甚高,故一直以來都是許多 中學畢業生升學的熱門選擇。香港中文中學 聯會為了讓會員學校學生更深了解學院的最 新發展及學院畢業生的升學統計和真實案例, 便聯同學院於2024年2月23日舉辦「升學輔 導服務」講座及校園參觀活動,近40名校長 和教師參加。 在講座中,學院署理副校長(行政)周雪玲博士 首先介紹學院與聯會的合作協議內容及學院的 收生概況。接着由學院學生輔導及個人發展服 務總監唐志強先生主講,詳細介紹學院畢業生 的升學狀況和支援服務,以及分享學院歷屆畢 業生的升學數據。最後,學院安排了校園導賞 團,讓同學在設施先進完善的校園度過了愉快 的時光。 香港大學附屬學院獎助學金頒獎典禮 為表揚努力學習、在學術成績或公益服務中表 現卓越的同學,香港大學附屬學院每年均舉辦 獎助學金頒獎典禮。本年度的頒獎禮於3月8日 假學院九龍東分校圓滿舉行,接近200名師生 及家長出席,與獲獎同學一起分享喜悅及榮耀。 典禮由香港大學專業進修學院院長李經文教授 致開幕辭。李教授恭賀各得獎同學,他表示: 「附屬學院致力成為學生實現夢想的平台,讓 他們在學習過程中發掘個人和未來事業生涯中 的無數機遇。」他亦感謝梁永祥教授、怡邦行集 團的謝漢傑先生及各界善長對學院學生的慷慨 捐助和持續支持。 學院本年度向近400名同學頒發獎助學金,包 括學術卓越獎、學生大使獎、香港大學專業進 修學院基金新生入學獎學金、Vespa室內設計 獎學金、梁永祥教授助學金、簡福飴博士助學 金、林家禮博士伉儷助學金等,合共港幣470 萬元;近330名同學獲頒香港特別行政區政府 「自資專上獎學金」,獎學金金額達港幣650萬 元。 最後,李經文教授委任2023/24年度學生大使。 他們將接受領袖培訓,成為傑出領袖,擔任學 院與學生之間的溝通橋樑,並肩負向外界推廣 學院形象及辦學宗旨的重任。

07 Established in 2000, the HKU SPACE Community College (the College) aims to offer middle school graduates opportunities for further studies beyond the UGC-funded universities. Throughout the years, the College has maintained close ties with the middle school sector, actively engaging with students to enhance their awareness of the College. On the other hand, scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance, serving as an incentive for them to strive for excellence in their studies. Collaboration agreement signed between the College and AHKCMS On 18 December 2023, HKU SPACE Community College solidified its relationship with the Association of Hong Kong Chinese Middle Schools (AHKCMS) through a collaboration agreement. Under the agreement, the College will conduct admission talks for AHKCMS member schools’ students, encouraging them to apply for the programmes offered by the College. The College has also implemented an application fee waiver for Form 6 students from AHKCMS member schools. This agreement will strengthen the collaboration between the two institutions. The agreement was signed by Professor Sonny Lo, Acting Community College Principal, and Mr Liang Kwun Fan, Chairman of AHKCMS. We eagerly anticipate the enrolment of exceptional students from AHKCMS member schools, as together, we strive to provide them with quality education. Campus visiting by AHKCMS member schools The College's programmes are designed to help students continue their studies at university. Over the years, our remarkably high articulation rate to government-funded degree programmes locally has made our programmes a preferred choice for many middle school graduates. To better understand the latest developments of the College and to provide schoolteachers with a better understanding of our articulation statistics and real-life successful cases of the College's graduates, AHKCMS invited their member schools to participate in the Consultation on University Application talk and a campus tour on 23 February 2024. Nearly 40 principals and teachers participated in this event. Dr Shirley Chow, Acting Vice Principal (Administration) of the College, introduced the collaboration agreement between the College and AHKCMS and shared admissions information of the College. Subsequently, Mr Christopher Tong, Head of Student Development and Counselling Services of the College, provided a comprehensive overview of college graduates' further studies and the support services available to them, and shared study data of past graduates. After the talk, a tour was arranged for participants to visit the campus facilities, providing them with the opportunity to enjoy their time in our state-of-the-art campus. Award Presentation Ceremony of the College To acknowledge the remarkable achievements of students in academic excellence and public service, the College annually organises an Award Presentation Ceremony. This year, the Ceremony took place on 8 March at our Kowloon East Campus, with the participation of approximately 200 teachers, students, and parents who joined in celebrating the joy and honour of the awardees. Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, inaugurated the ceremony with his opening remarks. Congratulating the awardees, Professor Lee expressed, "HKU SPACE Community College is committed to providing a platform for its students to achieve their academic dreams, and an avenue to make them aware of the myriad opportunities that await them, both personally and professionally". He also extended his gratitude to Professor William Leung Wing-cheung, Mr Kevin Tse Honkit from E.Bon Group, and other generous donors for their invaluable contributions and continuous support to the students. This year, the College bestowed scholarships on nearly 400 students, including the Academic Excellence Award, the Student Ambassador Award, HKU SPACE Foundation Entrance Scholarship, Vespa Scholarship in Interior Design, Professor William Leung Bursary, Dr Kan Fook Yee Bursary, and Mrs Kathy Lam and Dr Lee George Lam Bursary, amounting to a total of HK$4.7 million. Moreover, nearly 330 students were recipients of the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship from the HKSAR Government, with a total value of HK$6.5 million. In closing, Professor William K.M. Lee announced the appointment of the Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 academic year. These ambassadors will undergo leadership training, enabling them to become exceptional leaders who bridge the gap between the College and the students, while promoting the College's mission and image to the wider community.

企業發展學院成立一周年 1st Anniversary of LEAD Academy 香港大學專業進修學院一直致力將終身學習推 廣至不同角落,為配合香港特區政府發揮香港 高等教育界國際化的優勢,以支援將大灣區打 造成國際化教育基地,於2023年1月成立企業 發展學院。在過去一年,透過不同教學活動,為 中國內地及香港的高級行政人員及企業提供優 質及前沿課程,包括: • 赴港培訓:根據中國各地企業及政府部門的 具體需要度身訂造的課程,包括:人工智能、 金融科技、創新管理、文化藝術等。 • 遊學團:為大學提供年度度身訂造的課程,目 的在於擴闊學員的眼界、深化對專業實踐的 理解、培養創新思維和全球視野,以及提升領 導能力和個人成長。 • 國際學術交流團:透過與哈佛大學、麻省理工 學院、史丹福大學、劍橋大學等全球知名高等 學府合作,協助參與學員與海外學者和專家 進行面對面的分享和學習,以建立全球網絡, 並從互動與實踐中獲得啟示。 1st Anniversary of LEAD Academy 企業發展學院成立一周年 08 HKU SPACE is deeply committed to advancing lifelong learning across the globe. To complement the HKSAR Government's initiatives in harnessing the strengths of Hong Kong's internationalised higher education sector and supporting the development of the Greater Bay Area as an international education hub, HKU SPACE established the Academy for Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEAD) in January 2023. Throughout the past year, LEAD has successfully delivered highquality and innovative programmes to senior executives and corporations in Mainland China and Hong Kong. These programmes include: • Hong Kong-based Training: tailor-made programmes to meet the specific needs of enterprises and government departments across Mainland China, including artificial intelligence, financial technology, innovation management, culture and arts. •Study Tours: customised annual programmes for universities, providing students with opportunities to broaden their horizons, deepen their understanding of professional practices, foster innovative thinking, develop global perspectives, and enhance leadership skills and personal growth. • International Study Tours: face-to-face sharing and learning with overseas scholars and experts in collaboration with renowned institutions of higher learning such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and Cambridge, enabling participants to build global networks, gain insights from interactions and practical experiences. 在2023年4月,學院舉辦了兩場粵港澳專題 研討會,分別題為「推進粵港澳大灣區建設專 題研討班」及「營商環境與深港合作專題研討 班」,這是深圳與香港通關後,首個兩地合作 舉辦的深圳公職人員出境活動,逾30位高級 公務員專誠來港參加。研討班是學院大灣區戰 略的一項實踐,旨在提升深圳官員在金融、法 律及城市管理等特定領域的認識,以及加深對 大灣區整合的理解;學員亦參訪了港大產學研 中心、香港金融管理局、香港機場管理局、貿 易發展局等,以了解香港金融及企業管理的架 構和發展。由於活動非常成功,往後也接待了 其他深圳政府赴港學習團。 Study tours to Hong Kong to enhance participants' leadership skills 赴港學習團提升 學員領導力 In April 2023, the Academy organised two thematic seminars focused on Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. Titled Seminar on Promoting the Construction of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao and Seminar on Business Environment and Hong Kong-Shenzhen Cooperation, the two seminars marked the first outbound programme for Shenzhen government officials organised by both sides after the clearance of ShenzhenHong Kong border control points. Over 30 senior civil servants from Shenzhen came to Hong Kong to participate in these seminars. The seminars were a significant implementation of the Academy's Greater Bay Area strategy, aimed at enhancing the knowledge of Shenzhen officials in specific areas such as finance, law, and urban management. The seminars also sought to deepen their understanding of the integration of the Greater Bay Area. As part of the seminars, participants had the opportunity to visit the Technology Transfer Office at the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Airport Authority Hong Kong, and Trade Development Council. These visits provided valuable insights into Hong Kong's financial and corporate management structure and development. The success of the seminar has generated a positive response for future study tours from the Shenzhen government to Hong Kong.

09 學院與香港特區政府合作舉辦多個內地考察 團。除了2023年4月份舉辦兩團一般員工深 圳考察團外,在同年11月合作開展了「大灣區 考察團」,共有36位來自不同政府部門的行政 主任參加。活動旨在探討東莞和深圳不同企業 如何應對國家「十四五」規劃,觀摩學習人力 資源政策如何支援各個城市的企業戰略和營 運,以及認識深圳企業在人力資源方面遇到的 挑戰和處理方法。透過與高級管理人員交流、 觀察知名企業的制度政策,以及不同類型企業 和行業的參觀活動,參加者掌握了政府政策如 何塑造商業環境和企業人力資源部門的應對 策略,從而拓闊了學習領域和視野,由於活動 得到香港特區政府的認可,這些活動也計畫在 2024年繼續開展。 在2023年12月舉辦的「文化藝術與戲劇表演 專題研討班」,吸引了超過350位來自北京的 大學學生參加。活動目的在於認識香港在藝 術、戲劇和文化等方面的優勢,以及如何提升 相關範疇的專業技能。透過借鑒金耀基、高志 森和吳志華等專家在香港文化及藝術表演方面 的經驗,了解香港這個中西薈萃的地方如何把 藝術與戲劇融合發展。這次活動深受學生與老 師的歡迎,他們計畫在2024年繼續相關的遊 學活動。 在未來,學院將繼續舉辦不同主題研討班、中 港混合學習模式和其他人才培訓課程,讓學員 掌握前沿知識,增強學員在瞬息萬變的商業環 境中的競爭力。 Study tours to the Mainland to learn about the development of the Greater Bay Area Arts and Culture Seminar 內地考察團認識 大灣區發展 文化藝術研討班 The Academy has collaborated with the HKSAR Government to co-organise several study tours to the Mainland. In April 2023, two general staff study tours to Shenzhen took place, followed by the coorganised Study Tour to the Greater Bay Area in November 2023. The latter was attended by 36 Executive Officers from various government departments. The objectives were multifaceted. Participants aimed to explore how enterprises in Dongguan and Shenzhen responded to the 14th Five-Year Plan, to observe and learn about human resources policies supporting corporate strategies and operations in these two cities, and to gain insights into the challenges faced by Shenzhen enterprises concerning human In December 2023, the Seminar on Arts, Culture and Drama Performance attracted over 350 university students from Beijing. The primary objective of the seminar was to explore Hong Kong's advantages in arts, drama, and culture while enhancing professional skills in these areas. Drawing upon the experiences of prominent experts in Hong Kong's cultural and artistic performances such as Ambrose KING Yeochi, Clifton KO Chi-sum, and Louis NG Chiwa, participants gained insights into how the city, renowned for its fusion of Eastern and Western influences, had cultivated a vibrant arts and theatre scene. Students well accepted the activity, and the university will seek our support for similar seminar in 2024. Looking ahead, the Academy remains committed to organising seminars on various themes, implementing a Hong Kong-Mainland blended learning model, and offering talent development programmes. These initiatives aim to equip participants with cutting-edge knowledge and enhance their competitiveness in the ever-changing business world. resources and effective coping mechanisms. By engaging in discussions with senior management, observing institutional policies of renowned enterprises, and visiting a diverse range of industries, participants were able to gain a comprehensive understanding of how government policies shape the business environment and the strategies implemented by HR departments. Ultimately, these experiences served to broaden their learning horizons. As the HKSAR Government recognised the activities, we have planned the Mainland study tours in 2024.

一點鐘講堂 學多一點點 1pm Talk: Learn a Little More 2023 國際生態經濟年會暨可持續發展論壇 International Ecological Economy Annual Conference and Sustainable Development Forum 2023 10 香港大學校外課程部(學院前身)於1966年 首次在大會堂舉辦午間講堂,為社會上不同 需要人士如家庭主婦、輪班工作或在港短暫 停留的人士提供午間課程,更讓上班族能活 用午膳時間學習新知識,是學部當年一個非 常重要的教學環節,也是將持續教育推廣至 社區的有效舉措。 走過66年歲月,午間講堂已蛻變為一點鐘講 堂,學院繼續傳承服務社區的精神,利用金 鐘教學中心交通便利的地理優勢, 為有志進修人士提供多元化課程。 講堂系列包括:「智慧健康人生」如 香港常見癌症的飲食防治、天然化 妝品背後的真相;「生命科學與新 科技」如自然療法、氣功養生的秘 密;「金融法規多面睇」如數據分析 的黃金定律等。為配合數碼時代步 伐,部分講堂更會移師線上舉行, 讓上班一族繼續活用午膳時間吃個 智慧午餐。 Mid-day lectures were first introduced in 1966 by HKU’s Department of ExtraMural Studies (HKU SPACE’s predecessor) and were held in City Hall. These lectures enabled people who were too busy to attend normal class times such as housewives, shift workers, or people staying in Hong Kong for a short time to make use of their lunch break to learn something new. It was, at the time, a very 一點鐘講堂 學多一點點 1pm Talk: Learn a Little More important teaching tool, and an effective measure to promote continuing education to the wider community. After 66 years, these lunchtime lectures have evolved into the 1pm Talk. Continuing with the School’s ethos of serving the community, the programme takes advantage of the Admiralty Learning Centre’s prime location to provide a diverse range of courses for people interested in pursuing further studies. The lecture series covers topics such as A Smart and Healthy Life regarding the dietary prevention of common cancers in Hong Kong and the reality behind natural cosmetics; Life Science and New Technology about natural treatments and the secrets of Qigong; and A Multifaceted View of Financial Regulations on the golden rules of data analysis and more. In keeping with the digital age, some lectures have been moved online, allowing workers to use their lunch hour productively. 2023國際生態經濟年會暨可持續發展論壇於 2023年12月12至13日在北京、香港兩地同 時舉行。論壇聚集了數十位北京和香港的專 業人士和學者,探討生態經濟學、可持續發 展及其他相關領域的最新研究和進展,包括 新自然經濟和轉型、環境治理、可持續供應 鏈管理等。 作為香港平行論壇的主要協辦方, 學院院長李經文教授致開幕詞。而 特許公認會計師公會香港分會會長 及德勤中國高級顧問傅振煌博士, 亦發表了專業會計師在維護數字金 融誠信的重要角色的主旨報告。 學院亦邀請了四位嘉賓進行了一場 數字金融的主題演講,討論數字金 融的未來,以及Web 3.0 的策略與 實踐。 The 2023 International Ecological Economy Annual Conference and Sustainable Development Forum took place from 12 to 13 December 2023 simultaneously in Beijing and Hong Kong. This collaborative event brought together dozens of professionals and scholars from both cities to delve into the latest research 2023國際生態經濟年會暨可持續發展論壇 International Ecological Economy Annual Conference and Sustainable Development Forum 2023 and advancements in eco-economics, sustainability, and other related fields. Topics of discussion included the new natural economy and transformation, environmental governance, and sustainable supply chain management. As the main co-organiser of the Parallel Forum in Hong Kong, Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, delivered an opening speech. Dr Danny Po, Chairman of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Hong Kong and Senior Advisor of Deloitte China, presented a keynote speech highlighting the crucial role of professional accountants in upholding integrity in digital finance. Furthermore, the School invited four guests to deliver talks on the topic of digital finance, exploring prospects and Web 3.0 strategies and practices.

11 校友會20周年春季活動巡禮 HKU SPACE Alumni’s 20th Anniversary Spring Event Preview To commemorate the momentous occasion of HKU SPACE Alumni's 20th Anniversary, the School, in collaboration with the Alumni and various subject alumni groups, has orchestrated a lineup of events in 2024 to mark a new milestone in the Alumni's history. On 28 February, Dr Rosa Kwok, Honorary Researcher of the Institute of Education at University College London, took the stage to host a parenting talk, equipping parents with insights on fostering resilience and actionoriented behaviour in their children, thereby cultivating a mutually beneficial relationship. Dr Kwok offered practical guidance, emphasising the importance of dedicating time to activities that capture their children's interests. She also encouraged parents to facilitate healthy emotional development by assisting their children in effectively identifying and expressing emotions. She also advised parents to guide their children towards meaningful pursuits while nurturing their intrinsic motivation and self-directed behaviours. The talk incorporated interactive elements, creating an engaging atmosphere that resonated with both the on-site and online audience, resulting in an enjoyable experience for all. Dr Cheung Kwan-sheung has been teaching at HKU SPACE for 25 years. Throughout this time, he has conducted research on the theories and practices of maintaining a long and healthy life as outlined in the Huangdi Neijing, and applied them to his clinical Chinese Medicine practice. By following these methods, many patients with weakened constitutions or chronic illnesses have experienced positive effects on their longevity through consistent nurturing. In his talk on The Secrets of Anti-Aging Revealed in the Huangdi Neijing on 22 March, Dr Cheung distilled his research findings into seven key points, serving as valuable references for participants seeking guidance on maintaining and prolonging life. In celebration of its 10th Anniversary, HKU SPACE Gem & Jewellery Alumni Association (GJAA) joint forces with Wine Alumni to host a captivating Jewellery x Champagne Appreciation event on the evening of 27 March. Ms Millie Ho, Honorary Advisor of GJAA, along with Mr Noel Lo, Founding Chairman of GJAA, shared their expertise on the art and techniques of appreciating coloured diamonds. Ms Susanna Poon, HKU SPACE Certificated WSET Wine Educator and President of HKU SPACE Wine Alumni Association, guided the attendees through the distinguishing features and grades of five Champagne varieties. The tasting provided an extraordinary experience during the elegant evening and will serve as a delightful way to elevate the lifestyles of the alumni. These three talks attract a diverse range of participants, with over 600 attendees and a total of nearly 4,000 online views. 為慶祝校友會成立二十周年的盛事,學院、校 友會和校友組織在2024年舉辦了一系列活動, 標誌着校友會邁向歷史新里程。 英國倫敦大學教育部榮譽科學研究員郭杰韻博 士於2月28日主持了一場親子講座,向家長講 解如何教出有堅毅力和行動力的孩子,以達成 親子雙贏。講座中,郭博士分享了有用的方法 幫助父母,例如: 增加他們在感興趣的活動上 的時間、鼓勵父母幫助孩子有效地識別和表達 情緒,促進健康的情緒發展;及引導孩子追求 正確的事情,鼓勵父母培養孩子內在動機和自 主行為。她在講座中加入了很多互動元素,帶 起了現場和線上觀眾的熱烈氣氛,大家都樂在 其中。 張群湘博士在學院任教25年,多年來一直在探 研《黃帝內經》中延年長壽的理論及方法,並且 運用於中醫的臨床實踐之中,印證了在中醫延 年長壽理論的指引下,許多體弱或得病多年的 患者只要堅持調養,也能收到延年長壽的效果。 張博士在3月22日的「中醫《黃帝內經》論延年 益壽方法」講座中,將其研究心得歸納成七個 要點,為與會者養生延衰提供借鑒。 珠寶及寶石校友會為慶祝成立十周年,在3月 27日聯同葡萄酒博匯校友會舉辦「珠寶品鑑與 香檳品評之夜」,由珠寶及寶石校友會榮譽顧問 何美儀女士、創會主席羅志平先生主分別介紹 彩鑽鑒賞技巧,學院葡萄酒鑒賞認證課程導師 潘寶賢女士導賞五種香檳的特色和級數,與校 友一起提升生活品味,共度非凡體驗時刻。 三場講座吸引了廣泛的參與,出席人數逾600 人,總播放次數接近4,000次。 校友會 20 周年春季活動巡禮 HKU SPACE Alumni’s 20th Anniversary Spring Event Preview

第八十二期 學院通訊編輯委員會 ISSUE 82 HKU SPACE Newsletter Editorial Team 委員 Membersv 祁樂彬 Dr John Cribbin 莫綺媚 Susanna Mok 林銘儀 Cherie Lam 設計師 Designer 余惠君 Iris Yu 地址 Address 香港金鐘道95號統一中心12樓A & B室 Suites A & B, 12/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong 電郵 Email 電話 Tel 2975 5680 傳真 Fax 2546 3538 Follow us @HKUSPACE 香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司 HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee 12 82 ISSUE The exponential advancements of generative AI have had a profound influence on the field of education. In line with HKU's commitment to generative AI, the School has integrated AI into its curriculum, incorporating AI elements into teaching and syllabi starting from the 2023/24 academic year. This strategic approach aims to equip students with the necessary guidance to utilise AI effectively and ethically while also ensuring that they develop a solid proficiency in AI tools that align with the demands of future employers. Centralising AI tools for enhanced learning HKU SPACE is committed to investing in and utilising advanced technology as well as available learning resources to promote innovative and creative teaching pedagogies that elevate the learning journey. By incorporating generative AI into our educational practices, we offer students dynamic and interactive learning experiences tailored to their individual needs and abilities. This personalised approach not only encourages active engagement and participation but also enhances overall learning outcomes. To further this commitment, the School launched the "HKU SPACE AI Hub" in January 2024, which embodied our goal to embrace technology in teaching and learning. The AI Hub is a platform that provides access to cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies and resources, designed to support all staff, teachers, part-time and full-time students alike within the School in their pursuit of learning, experimentation, and innovation with AI. This platform brings together the latest AI tools such as ChatGPT, generative AI, and big data analytics, consolidating them into a single website accessible to all staff, teachers, and students of the School. The e-Learning Team will provide comprehensive training and support to users to maximise the benefits of the platform. The School’s objective is to equip teachers and students with AI solutions that not only enrich their teaching and learning experiences, but also enhance learning outcomes, improve work performance and productivity, and optimise various tasks and processes. Furthermore, the School aims to cultivate a culture of innovation and creativity within the HKU SPACE community, and to inspire new ideas and provide practical solutions to real-world problems. AI Hub url: 生成式人工智能的爆炸性增長為教育界帶來了重大 影響。學院依循香港大學生成式人工智能的政策, 把人工智能納入課程之中,並已於2023/24學年開 始在教學及課程大綱中引入人工智能元素,一方面 指導學生如何正確及合乎道德地使用人工智能,另 一方面讓學生熟悉並掌握使用人工智能工具的能 力,以符合未來僱主的期許。 人工智能工具提升學習效能 學院一直致力投資和運用先進科技及現有的學習 資源,推動創新和具創意的教學法,以提升學習體 驗。在教學中採用生成式人工智能,可以根據學員 的需求和能力打造動態和互動的學習體驗,從而實 現個性化教育、促進學生參與及投入程度,提高學 習成果。為此,學院於2024年1月推出「人工智能 中心 (HKU SPACE AI Hub)」,以實踐在教學中擁 抱科技的目標。 人工智能中心是一個提供尖端人工智能技術和資源 的平台,協助學院職員、全日制及兼讀制的老師及 學生透過使用人工智能進行學習、體驗和創新。 平台將最新的人工智能工具如ChatGPT、生成式 人工智能、大數據分析等整合到一個網站上,供學 院所有教職員和學生使用。學院的網絡學習組將為 使用者提供全面的培訓及支援,讓平台達到最大效 益。 學院希望透過提供人工智能解決方案,豐富老師及 學生的教學和學習體驗,提升學習成果;並可以加 強教職員的工作效率和生產力,優化各種任務和流 程。此外,亦可培養HKU SPACE社群的創新和創 造力文化,激發他們的新想法和解決方案的靈感。 AI Hub網址: Building an AI Hub for Education through Technology 教學擁抱科技 打造人工智能中心 APR 2024 Learn more about the School 了解學院更多 教學擁抱科技 打造人工智能中心 Building an AI Hub for Education through Technology