11 校友會20周年春季活動巡禮 HKU SPACE Alumni’s 20th Anniversary Spring Event Preview To commemorate the momentous occasion of HKU SPACE Alumni's 20th Anniversary, the School, in collaboration with the Alumni and various subject alumni groups, has orchestrated a lineup of events in 2024 to mark a new milestone in the Alumni's history. On 28 February, Dr Rosa Kwok, Honorary Researcher of the Institute of Education at University College London, took the stage to host a parenting talk, equipping parents with insights on fostering resilience and actionoriented behaviour in their children, thereby cultivating a mutually beneficial relationship. Dr Kwok offered practical guidance, emphasising the importance of dedicating time to activities that capture their children's interests. She also encouraged parents to facilitate healthy emotional development by assisting their children in effectively identifying and expressing emotions. She also advised parents to guide their children towards meaningful pursuits while nurturing their intrinsic motivation and self-directed behaviours. The talk incorporated interactive elements, creating an engaging atmosphere that resonated with both the on-site and online audience, resulting in an enjoyable experience for all. Dr Cheung Kwan-sheung has been teaching at HKU SPACE for 25 years. Throughout this time, he has conducted research on the theories and practices of maintaining a long and healthy life as outlined in the Huangdi Neijing, and applied them to his clinical Chinese Medicine practice. By following these methods, many patients with weakened constitutions or chronic illnesses have experienced positive effects on their longevity through consistent nurturing. In his talk on The Secrets of Anti-Aging Revealed in the Huangdi Neijing on 22 March, Dr Cheung distilled his research findings into seven key points, serving as valuable references for participants seeking guidance on maintaining and prolonging life. In celebration of its 10th Anniversary, HKU SPACE Gem & Jewellery Alumni Association (GJAA) joint forces with Wine Alumni to host a captivating Jewellery x Champagne Appreciation event on the evening of 27 March. Ms Millie Ho, Honorary Advisor of GJAA, along with Mr Noel Lo, Founding Chairman of GJAA, shared their expertise on the art and techniques of appreciating coloured diamonds. Ms Susanna Poon, HKU SPACE Certificated WSET Wine Educator and President of HKU SPACE Wine Alumni Association, guided the attendees through the distinguishing features and grades of five Champagne varieties. The tasting provided an extraordinary experience during the elegant evening and will serve as a delightful way to elevate the lifestyles of the alumni. These three talks attract a diverse range of participants, with over 600 attendees and a total of nearly 4,000 online views. 為慶祝校友會成立二十周年的盛事,學院、校 友會和校友組織在2024年舉辦了一系列活動, 標誌着校友會邁向歷史新里程。 英國倫敦大學教育部榮譽科學研究員郭杰韻博 士於2月28日主持了一場親子講座,向家長講 解如何教出有堅毅力和行動力的孩子,以達成 親子雙贏。講座中,郭博士分享了有用的方法 幫助父母,例如: 增加他們在感興趣的活動上 的時間、鼓勵父母幫助孩子有效地識別和表達 情緒,促進健康的情緒發展;及引導孩子追求 正確的事情,鼓勵父母培養孩子內在動機和自 主行為。她在講座中加入了很多互動元素,帶 起了現場和線上觀眾的熱烈氣氛,大家都樂在 其中。 張群湘博士在學院任教25年,多年來一直在探 研《黃帝內經》中延年長壽的理論及方法,並且 運用於中醫的臨床實踐之中,印證了在中醫延 年長壽理論的指引下,許多體弱或得病多年的 患者只要堅持調養,也能收到延年長壽的效果。 張博士在3月22日的「中醫《黃帝內經》論延年 益壽方法」講座中,將其研究心得歸納成七個 要點,為與會者養生延衰提供借鑒。 珠寶及寶石校友會為慶祝成立十周年,在3月 27日聯同葡萄酒博匯校友會舉辦「珠寶品鑑與 香檳品評之夜」,由珠寶及寶石校友會榮譽顧問 何美儀女士、創會主席羅志平先生主分別介紹 彩鑽鑒賞技巧,學院葡萄酒鑒賞認證課程導師 潘寶賢女士導賞五種香檳的特色和級數,與校 友一起提升生活品味,共度非凡體驗時刻。 三場講座吸引了廣泛的參與,出席人數逾600 人,總播放次數接近4,000次。 校友會 20 周年春季活動巡禮 HKU SPACE Alumni’s 20th Anniversary Spring Event Preview