企業發展學院成立一周年 1st Anniversary of LEAD Academy 香港大學專業進修學院一直致力將終身學習推 廣至不同角落,為配合香港特區政府發揮香港 高等教育界國際化的優勢,以支援將大灣區打 造成國際化教育基地,於2023年1月成立企業 發展學院。在過去一年,透過不同教學活動,為 中國內地及香港的高級行政人員及企業提供優 質及前沿課程,包括: • 赴港培訓:根據中國各地企業及政府部門的 具體需要度身訂造的課程,包括:人工智能、 金融科技、創新管理、文化藝術等。 • 遊學團:為大學提供年度度身訂造的課程,目 的在於擴闊學員的眼界、深化對專業實踐的 理解、培養創新思維和全球視野,以及提升領 導能力和個人成長。 • 國際學術交流團:透過與哈佛大學、麻省理工 學院、史丹福大學、劍橋大學等全球知名高等 學府合作,協助參與學員與海外學者和專家 進行面對面的分享和學習,以建立全球網絡, 並從互動與實踐中獲得啟示。 1st Anniversary of LEAD Academy 企業發展學院成立一周年 08 HKU SPACE is deeply committed to advancing lifelong learning across the globe. To complement the HKSAR Government's initiatives in harnessing the strengths of Hong Kong's internationalised higher education sector and supporting the development of the Greater Bay Area as an international education hub, HKU SPACE established the Academy for Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEAD) in January 2023. Throughout the past year, LEAD has successfully delivered highquality and innovative programmes to senior executives and corporations in Mainland China and Hong Kong. These programmes include: • Hong Kong-based Training: tailor-made programmes to meet the specific needs of enterprises and government departments across Mainland China, including artificial intelligence, financial technology, innovation management, culture and arts. •Study Tours: customised annual programmes for universities, providing students with opportunities to broaden their horizons, deepen their understanding of professional practices, foster innovative thinking, develop global perspectives, and enhance leadership skills and personal growth. • International Study Tours: face-to-face sharing and learning with overseas scholars and experts in collaboration with renowned institutions of higher learning such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and Cambridge, enabling participants to build global networks, gain insights from interactions and practical experiences. 在2023年4月,學院舉辦了兩場粵港澳專題 研討會,分別題為「推進粵港澳大灣區建設專 題研討班」及「營商環境與深港合作專題研討 班」,這是深圳與香港通關後,首個兩地合作 舉辦的深圳公職人員出境活動,逾30位高級 公務員專誠來港參加。研討班是學院大灣區戰 略的一項實踐,旨在提升深圳官員在金融、法 律及城市管理等特定領域的認識,以及加深對 大灣區整合的理解;學員亦參訪了港大產學研 中心、香港金融管理局、香港機場管理局、貿 易發展局等,以了解香港金融及企業管理的架 構和發展。由於活動非常成功,往後也接待了 其他深圳政府赴港學習團。 Study tours to Hong Kong to enhance participants' leadership skills 赴港學習團提升 學員領導力 In April 2023, the Academy organised two thematic seminars focused on Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. Titled Seminar on Promoting the Construction of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao and Seminar on Business Environment and Hong Kong-Shenzhen Cooperation, the two seminars marked the first outbound programme for Shenzhen government officials organised by both sides after the clearance of ShenzhenHong Kong border control points. Over 30 senior civil servants from Shenzhen came to Hong Kong to participate in these seminars. The seminars were a significant implementation of the Academy's Greater Bay Area strategy, aimed at enhancing the knowledge of Shenzhen officials in specific areas such as finance, law, and urban management. The seminars also sought to deepen their understanding of the integration of the Greater Bay Area. As part of the seminars, participants had the opportunity to visit the Technology Transfer Office at the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Airport Authority Hong Kong, and Trade Development Council. These visits provided valuable insights into Hong Kong's financial and corporate management structure and development. The success of the seminar has generated a positive response for future study tours from the Shenzhen government to Hong Kong.