06 08 12 highlights 亮點 通訊 NEWSLETTER 2023 第八十期 ISSUE 80 香港大學專業進修學院以致力創新為教學 信念,不斷投放資源於電子教學上,以提升 學生的學習體驗。在2021/22年度,學院斥 資將港島南薄扶林分校打造成創新科技中心 「TechnoSPACE」,以支援航空、電子競技、 土力科學及生物醫學等學科。學院亦非常感謝 文頴怡小姐對生物醫學教育的慷慨支持,並將 生物醫學實驗室以其名字冠名。 HKU SPACE is committed to innovative teaching and learning, and has been investing in e-learning to enhance students’ learning experiences. In 2021/22, it invested in transforming its Island South Pokfulam campus into a techonology hub called "TechnoSPACE," to support disciplines such as aviation, e-sports, geotechnical engineering, and biomedical science. The school is also very grateful for Ms Ginny Man’s generous support of biomedical education and has named the biomedical science laboratory after her. 學院師生譜寫音樂盛宴 A spring night of musical joys 2023開放日 發掘知識的寶庫 OPEN SPACE 2023 opened gate to the unknown 80 ISSUE 與倫敦藝術大學會面 提升策略夥伴關係 Meeting with the University of the Arts London on strategic partnership 港島南 創新科技中心 實驗室命名 ISLAND SOUTH INNOVATION HUB’S LABORATORY NAMED 10 認識司法與金融 領略大自然美景 Understanding the judiciary and monetary system Experience the natural beauty of Hong Kong AUG 2023

港島南創新科技中心 實驗室命名 Island South Innovation Hub’s Laboratory named 02 為表揚文頴怡小姐對生物教育課程的慷慨支持,學院 以其名字為實驗室冠名,並於2023年5月23日假港 島南薄扶林分校舉行「文頴怡生物醫學科學實驗室」 命名典禮。 命名典禮邀得文頴怡小姐、學院董事局主席何立仁教 授、學院院長李經文教授及基金主席梁永祥教授擔任 主禮嘉賓。 典禮上,梁永祥教授感謝文小姐對學院及學生的熱心 支持。文小姐盼捐款能為香港培育更多生物醫學技術 相關的人才,以裨益香港未來發展。 面積達320平方米的生物醫學科學實驗室配備尖端生 物技術培訓設施,包括對DNA進行測序以研究疾病 或其他生物現象相關的遺傳變異的Sanger測序儀、 第二代測序儀、可將組織切成薄片化驗的切片機,以 及熒光實時定量PCR熱循環儀、螢光顯微鏡、柱凝 集技術血液檢測系統,和二氧化碳培養箱、超低溫冰 箱、超純水系統及各種常規生物醫學儀器(例如離心 機、分光光度計等)。 設施涵蓋實驗室醫學所有四個專業教學範疇:臨床 化學、血液學和血清學、組織病理學和細胞學、醫 學微生物學,可用於腫瘤學、微生物學及產前檢測 等分子診斷教學上。實驗室更設置互動電子白板, 讓同學可於白板上觀看顯微鏡下的生物樣本,加強 與老師的互動交流,是提供基礎以至碩士級別課程 的理想教室。事實上,目前學院提供的「醫學技術高 級證書」課程是香港唯一可以讓學生根據香港法例第 359章《輔助醫療業條例》註冊成為醫務化驗師的兼 讀制課程。 「文頴怡生物醫學科學實驗室」 命名典禮 Naming Ceremony of the Ginny Man Biomedical Science Laboratory

03 除了文頴怡生物醫學科學實驗室外,港島南分校同時 設有以下特別教室,以加強電子學習及科技在教學上的 應用,以及支援學習為本的訓練。 The Island South Campus also houses other unique facilities, which are designed to enhance digital learning experiences and applications of technologies in teaching and learning. To honour the generosity and support for the biomedical education given by Ms Ginny Man, the School named the biomedical science laboratory after her as the “Ginny Man Biomedical Science Laboratory” at a ceremony held on 23 May 2023. Officiating alongside Ms Man were Professor Ian Holliday, Chairman of the Board of Directors of HKU SPACE; Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, and Professor William Leung, Chairman of the HKU SPACE Foundation. At the ceremony, Professor Leung expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Ms Man for her staunch support of the School and the students. Ms Man hoped the laboratory would become a vibrant centre of research and education, nurture more biomedical science talent in Hong Kong and make a significant impact in the years to come. The 320-square-meter Biomedical Science Laboratory is equipped with state-of-theart biotechnology training facilities, including a Sanger sequencer and a next-generation sequencer for sequencing DNA to study genetic variations associated with diseases or other biological phenomena, a microtome to slice tissues for laboratory testing, real-time PCR instruments, fluorescent microscope, blood testing system with column agglutination technology, CO2 incubators, an ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezer, ultrapure water system, and a variety of routine biomedical instruments and devices (e.g. centrifuge, spectrophotometer, and etc.). The laboratory provides teaching facilities covering all four major sections of medical laboratory science including clinical chemistry, haematology and serology, histopathology and cytology, and medical microbiology. The facilities can also be used for molecular diagnostic tests such as in oncology, microbiology, and prenatal tests. The laboratory is also equipped with an interactive digital whiteboard that allows students to view biological specimens under the microscope, enhancing interaction with the instructor and making it an ideal classroom for professional education in biomedical sciences from introductory level to master’s degrees. In fact, the Higher Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science is the only parttime programme in Hong Kong that enables students to register as Medical Laboratory Technologists under Cap. 359 Supplementary Medical Professions Ordinance (SMPO). 5/F 4/F 3/F 2/F 1/F G/F 文頴怡生物醫學科學實驗室 Ginny Man Biomedical Science Laboratory 多用途資訊科技實驗室 Multi-purpose Information Technology Laboratory 電腦室 Computer Laboratories 岩土實驗室 Geotechnical Laboratory 虛擬實境體驗室 VR Laboratory CAVE體驗室 CAVE Laboratory 飛機維修實驗室 Aircraft Maintenance Laboratory 航空學綜合教室 Collaborative Learning Area for Aviation 電競模擬場館 eSports Mock-up Stadium 飛機模擬駕駛艙及 飛機模擬客艙實驗室 Aircraft Mock-up Cabin & Flight Simulator Lab 501-6 402 403-404 301-303 304 305 205 104 105 G7-8

04 科技不斷發展,已經顛覆了傳統的教學模式。在港島 南分校創新科技中心所設置的各個特別教室皆結合最 先進設備,能有效提高學與教的效能。 航空學相關的教室包括飛機模擬駕駛艙、飛機模 擬客艙實驗室、飛機維修實驗室及航空學綜合教 室,配備六自由度全動飛行模擬器,讓學生體驗 專業及真實的飛行操作;A320空中巴士艙門訓練 器,以訓練同學緊急逃生程序等;並展示單引擎 小型飛機Cessna C152民航機螺旋槳組件及飛機 組件,為同學提供一系列飛機維修實踐經驗。 自2016年起,學院已開始發展虛擬實境應用程式, 以提升不同學科課程的學習體驗。 虛擬實境以數碼方式複製實體世界或設施,使 學生能夠以360度全方位視角沉浸式體驗環境, 適用於航空學、營養學、市場學及護理學等不 同學科。例如航空學課程的學生可在虛擬駕駛 艙上處理飛行中所遇上的不同緊急事故,儼如 置身現場環境當中。 洞穴式自動虛擬實境(CAVE)更可讓不同學科 的同學以互動學習形式探索世界。例如:在建 築學及室內設計課程上,透過CAVE技術,學 生可以將他們的設計變成立體虛擬,與老師及 同學一起走進其中進行互動學習,「現場」了解 老師的意見和評語,對於強化教學成效有莫大 裨益。 航空學教室提供 真實飛行體驗 虛擬實境體驗室 讓你身歷其境 Aviation classrooms offer authentic flight operation training Experience the real world in VR Laboratory Technological advancements have revolutionised traditional teaching methods. In light of this, TechnoSPACE located in the Island South Campus is equipped with the most advanced devices and laboratories in order to improve and enhance teaching and learning experiences. Special classrooms for aviation studies include the Aircraft Mock-up Cabin & Flight Simulator Lab with a six degrees of freedom (6DOF) full-motion base flight simulator that offers a realistic flight training environment; an Airbus 320 door trainer for students to practice emergency escape procedures; an Aircraft Maintenance Laboratory that displays Cessna C152, a single-engine small commercial aircraft with its blades and other aircraft components. There is also a Collaborative Learning Area for Aviation with air traffic control simulation training facilities. 港島南創新科技中心 實驗室命名 Island South Innovation Hub’s Laboratory named

05 電競場館提升 電競知識和技能 Gearing up for e-Sports 電競模擬場館專為配合電子競技課程發展而設。館 內的十台桌上型電競電腦連接着ROG Strix 270Hz 高解析度顯示器、Razer滑鼠、鍵盤及耳機等電競配 件,設置於度身訂製的移動式電競桌上,讓師生可 根據需要而將設施調整作不同用途。此外,一面6.3 平方米的高解析度LED牆連接至隔音控制室中一台 配有雙顯示器的大功率桌上型電腦,可對電競電腦 的畫面進行合成和直播。館內所有電腦皆連接至獨 立的5G WiFi網絡。 學院開辦的電競課程將指導學生了解各方面與電 競相關的技能與專長,包括製作電競比賽、活動 統籌及管理、以至比賽流程如選手進場、主播講 稿、剪接、控制轉播畫面以及相關的健康課題等 專業技術。電競相關的高級文憑、基礎文憑及中 學生應用課程均在此模擬場館授課。 The eSports Mock-up Stadium was established to complement the e-Sports programmes of the School. The Stadium is equipped with ten units of gaming desktop computers, along with accessories like the ROG Strix 270Hz highresolution monitor, Razer mouse and keyboard and gaming headphones. They all rest on a tailor-made mobilized gaming desk, allowing teachers and students to set the Stadium for different uses. A 6.3 sqm high-resolution LED wall is linked to a high-power production desktop computer with a dual monitor in a soundproof control room capable of composing and live streaming footage from the gaming computers. All computers in the Stadium are linked to an independent 5G WiFi network. Students of the e-Sports programmes will gain insights and technical expertise on different aspects revolving around e-Sports, ranging from the production of e-Sports competitions, event coordination and management, to anchoring script, editing, monitoring broadcasts and even related health issues. Courses of Higher Diploma, Diploma as well as Certificate (Senior Secondary Applied Learning) in e-Sports will take place in this mock-up arena. Since 2016, the School has been implementing VR applications in different courses to enhance students’ learning experiences. VR replicates the physical world through digital devices, allowing students to experience the environment with an immersive 360-degree perspective. This advanced technology can be applied in various disciplines such as aviation, food and nutritional science, marketing and nursing. For example, students of the aviation programmes can learn to handle different emergency cases during the flight as if in a ’real’ situation. Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) allows students from different disciplines to learn and explore the world in an interactive way. For architecture and interior design students, CAVE technology allows them to project their designs into a three-dimenisional space, they can walk through it with teachers and classmates, and get teachers’ feedback ’on-site’, which is hugely beneficial to their learning.

學院師生譜寫音樂盛宴 A spring night of musical joys 06 A spring night of musical joys 學院師生譜寫 音樂盛宴 學院音樂會The Joys of Spring於4月14日假 香港大學附屬學院演講廳順利舉行。當晚邀得 多位才華橫溢的老師、同學及校友現場獻藝, 為觀眾帶來一場音樂盛宴;出席嘉賓接近300 名,場面十分熱鬧。 音樂會以Elsa Lee和Cherry Tsang演奏法國 作曲家德布西的四首小品曲目揭開序幕。接着由 Alex Chen與Mida Pang一起演唱百老匯熱門 歌曲,包括《New York New York》、《All I ask of you》等,讓現場氣氛瞬間升溫。 Felix Ungar帶領John Ma、Biffa Kwok和Toni Roig Tarros幾位成員一起演繹弦樂四重奏後, 再表演中提琴獨奏,其精湛技巧令觀眾嘆為觀 止。緊接登場的是Cal和 Zoe兩位老師,他們在聚 光燈下跳出一連串精彩 踢踏舞,贏得了觀眾熱 烈的掌聲。 最後,由Samuel Ng和學生Yue Hin、Thomas Yeung組成的街頭樂隊獻唱粵語流行歌曲,歌聲 悅耳動聽;隨後Alex Chen加入樂隊表演,並 以經典流行歌曲《憑着愛》作為壓軸演出,將氣 氛推至高峰,為音樂會畫上完美句號。 音樂會得以順行舉行,實有賴各位表演嘉賓、 老師及校友的精彩演出,亦非常感謝冠名贊助 人區永熙先生SBS JP和一眾贊助人的慷慨支 持,所有籌得的款項將會撥入香港大學專業進 修學院助學金,以資助有需要的全職學生。

07 The School Concert “The Joys of Spring” was held successfully on 14 April in the College Theatre at the Lee Shiu Building of the HKU SPACE Community College. That night, many talented teachers, students and alumni were invited to perform on stage, bringing a musical feast to the audience. Nearly 300 music lovers came and gave the show a rapturous reception. The evening started with a sublime 4-hand piano duet from Elsa Lee and Cherie Tsang. This was followed by Alex Chen, who joined Mida Pang, to sing some Broadway hits, including New York New York and All I ask of you. After Felix Ungar took the stage with the rest of his brilliant string quartet of John Ma, Biffa Kwok and Toni Roig Tarros, he gave a stunning solo viola performance. Before the audience could draw a breath, Cal and Zoe stepped into the spotlight with a sensationally energetic display of tap dancing that got a big round of applause from the audience. With everyone’s feet still tapping, the busking trio of Samuel Ng and students Yue Hin and Thomas Yeung brought the concert to a terrific finale with some Cantopop favourites, before Alex Chen returned to sing goodbye with the Cantopop classic 憑著愛, bringing the show to a nostalgic climax. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the musicians, teachers and alumni for their extraordinary efforts and captivating performances. Our sincere thanks also go to the event sponsor, Mr William Au Weng-hei, SBS, JP, and all other patrons, for their generous sponsorship. All proceeds will go to the HKU SPACE Bursary Fund to assist full-time students with financial needs.

2023開放日 發掘知識的寶庫 OPEN SPACE 2023 opened gate to the unknown 香港大學專業進修學院2023年開放日已於6月 10日圓滿舉行。今年特別於5月28日安排了一 項前哨活動——「當芭蕾遇上中樂—針山愛美 和羅乃新之春江花月夜」,由知名芭蕾舞演員 針山愛美女士和本地知名鋼琴家羅乃新女士 攜同新聲國樂團成員及學院高級課程主任 陳德奇先生合作演出。這場充滿魅力的表演以 文化交流為主題,不僅是日本與香港音樂家的 互動,也是西方芭蕾舞和中國音樂的融合。 人工智能聊天機器人ChatGPT在近月旋風式 來襲,風靡全球,不僅能編寫程式、翻譯多種 語言,以及進行文字和藝術創作等,更能夠與 人類對話,應答自如,發展潛力巨大,迅速成 為年度科技焦點。 有見及此,今年OPEN SPACE開放日特別以 「ChatGPT顛覆人類的未來?」作為重點講座, 由ThinkCol Transform的聯合創始人和行政 總裁Kane Wu從多角度為大家分析ChatGPT 如何改變人類生活和商業世界,並探索了 ChatGPT為瞬息萬變的市場所帶來的重大影 響和機遇,以及對ChatGPT的未來發展提供 了真知灼見。 人工智能技術席捲全球,為各行各業的運 作模式及工作職能帶來不同程度的改變。 「ChatGPT及AI對人力資本管理的影響」、「揭 開人工智慧在金融領域的無限潛力」、「揭開 Chat GPT對風水的潛力」等講座詳細解說了 ChatGPT如何在不同行業及現實生活中被應 用,以及對企業發展所帶來的挑戰。 ChatGPT has become globally known in the past few months. This widely popular AI chatbot has many applications, including programming, translation, and creative writing. It can also converse freely with humans and has enormous potential, making it a rapidly growing technology trend. Recognising this, the 2023 OPEN SPACE focused on the keynote talk “The future is here: How OpenAI and ChatGPT are changing the way we live and work?”. CEO & co-founder of ThinkCol Transform, Kane Wu, analysed in various aspects how ChatGPT could change our lives and the commercial world. The talk also explored the major OPEN SPACE 2023 opened gate to the unknown Conversation with the latest technology 2023開放日 發掘知識的寶庫 與最新科技對話 08 OPEN SPACE 2023 was successfully held on 10 June. To celebrate this day, the School has arranged a pre-Open Day event “When Ballet meets Chinese Music – Emi Hariyama and Nancy Loo” on 28 May. This was an art collaboration between the revered ballerina Ms Emi Hariyama and renowned pianist Ms Nancy Loo. On stage were also members from New Tune Chinese Orchestra and Mr TK Tan, Senior Programme Director of HKU SPACE. As a cultural exchange, this charming performance was not only an interaction between Japanese and Hong Kong musicians, but an artistic convergence of ballet and Chinese music. impacts and opportunities it brought to the ever-changing market, shedding light on the future development of ChatGPT. AI technology is sweeping the world, bringing different degrees of changes to business operations and job functions in different industries. Talks such as “The Impact of ChatGPT and AI on Human Capital Management in Organisations”, “ChatGPT and FinTech”, “Does ChatGPT Complement the Understanding of Feng Shui” allowed audience to find out the application of ChatGPT in different industries and in real life, and to realise the challenges it brings to corporate development.

09 開放日講座主題豐富而廣泛,「探索鐵路工程技 術的職業前景」、「香港樹木管理101」、「將興趣 變成專業:成為營養學家及營養師」等講座幫 助參加者提升專業技能,在行業中脫穎而出。 生活品味和興趣各有不同,有人喜歡品嘗美酒, 有人對鐘錶設計着迷,在「品味精釀啤酒,探 索創業機遇」、「探索高級鐘錶的藝術價值」講座 中,講者與參加者一起尋找手工啤酒的藝術和 商業價值,深入了解高級鐘錶的製作過程和背 後的故事。 「阿拉伯語體驗之旅」、「香道傳承500年:蜂谷 宗苾與志野流的香道世界」、「韓國廢物處理與 循環利用」等講座與大眾遊走中東地區與日韓 國家,探索不同國度的文化及美學價值。 擁有健康身心是人生最大的財富,「中醫智慧: 養生和藥膳」、「小兒推拿」、「靜觀的力量」、「發 掘八字潛力:利用八字規劃健康」等一連串講 座助你調理身體、紓緩壓力,並透過八字規劃 個人健康。 開放日當天40場講座反應熱烈,現場參與人 次逾750之多;各場講座線上總收看次數超逾 五千。歡迎公眾於學院Youtube頻道 (https:// 重溫講座 精彩內容。 The OPEN SPACE talks covered a wide range of topics. “Career Prospect in Railway Engineering Technology”, “Tree Management in HK 101” and “From Interest to Profession: Becoming a Nutritionist and a Dietitian” helped attendees improve professional skills and stand out in their industries. We all have our own lifestyle and hobbies, some like wine, some are fascinated by the craftsmanship of watchmaking. In “The Path to Craft Beer Professionals and Entrepreneurs”, the speaker and the audience set out on a path to explore the artistic and commercial values of craft beer. In “The World of High Horology - Material and Polishing”, we delved into the world of High Horology, digging into the interesting stories behind. Attendees travelled from the Middle East to Japan and Korea through talks of “Arabic Trial Lesson”, “Kodo: A 500-Year Tradition - A Lecture by Souhitsu Hachiya, 21st Generations Designate Master of the Shino School of Kodo” and “South Korea’s Waste Disposal and Recycle System”, exploring cultures and aesthetics of different nations around the world. Striving for professional improvement, experiencing cultures, and unlocking secrets of wellbeing 尋找專業提升、 語言文化及健康密碼 A healthy body and mind are the greatest asset in life. “Chinese Medicine’s Health Maintenance and Cuisine”, “How Mindfulness Enhances Personal Wellbeing", “Pediatric TuiNa”, “How to Use Bazi for Wellness Planning” gave insights on maintaining physical fitness, relieving stress, and applying the knowledge of Bazi to achieve personal wellbeing. The School’s Open Day featured 40 talks and received an enthusiastic response from the public. It attracted more than 750 in-person participants and the total number of online viewers reached over 5,000. The talks can be rewatched on HKU SPACE’s YouTube channel (

認識司法與金融 領略大自然美景 Understanding the judiciary and monetary system Experience the natural beauty of Hong Kong 香港終審法院大樓於1903年奠基,1912年正式啟用,作為最高法院及律 政司和民事檢察專員辦公室。在1984年,大樓外部根據《古物及古蹟條例》 (第53章)獲宣布為法定古蹟,設有限制公眾人士出入的區域。 校友會於4月25日舉辦終審法院大樓導賞團,為校友安排參觀終審法庭大 堂和設施、由昔日的囚室改建而成的圖書館、展覽廊等,透過導賞員的講 解,認識司法機構的歷史和運作,以及終審法院大樓的歷史和建築特色。 The Court of Final Appeal Building had its foundation stone laid in 1903 and opened in 1912. It served as the offices of the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice and the Crown Solicitor. In 1984, the exterior of the building was declared a monument with restricted access areas under the Cap. 53 Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance. On 25 April, the Alumni Association organised a guided tour to the Court of Final Appeal. The alumni had the rare opportunity to visit the court lobby and other facilities inside the building, including the library which was formerly a prison cell and the exhibition gallery. Through this tour our alumni learned about the history and operations of the judiciary, as well as the history and architectural features of the Court of Final Appeal Building. 走入最高司法機構 Visiting the highest judiciary body in Hong Kong 香港大學專業進修學院校友會致力聯繫和團結校友,透過定期舉 辦不同主題活動作為交換知識的平台,以實踐「終身學習,學以 為人」的目標。在剛過去的四及五月,校友會舉辦了香港遊蹤, 與校友一起遊賞終審法院大樓、金融管理局,探索司法機構的運 作,了解香港貨幣發展史;並暢遊西貢鹽田仔,擁抱大自然,洗 滌心靈塵垢。 The HKU SPACE Alumni Association is dedicated to connecting alumni by organising various activities as a means to exchange knowledge and promote lifelong learning and community service. In April and May, it organised local tours to visit the Court of Final Appeal and Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Through these tours alumni had the chance to explore the operations of the Judiciary and understand the development of Hong Kong's monetary systems. Our alumni also went on a day trip to Yim Tin Tsai, where they could ease their mind in the beautiful natural landscapes. 認識司法與金融 領略大自然美景 Understanding the judiciary and monetary system Experience the natural beauty of Hong Kong 10

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is Hong Kong’s central banking institution, it was established with the objective to help maintain Hong Kong's status as an international financial center. Its main functions include promoting the stability and integrity of the financial system including the banking system, maintaining currency stability, and managing the Exchange Fund. On 25 May, the Alumni Association organised a guided tour to the HKMA. Alumni gained a better understanding of the operations of the HKMA, as well as the anti-counterfeiting features and production process of Hong Kong currency notes. They also visited the "Historical Timeline" gallery which traces the history of Hong Kong’s monetary, financial and banking systems from 1842 to the present. 香港金融管理局是香港的中央銀行機構,負責香港的金融政策、銀行、貨幣及 外匯基金管理,維持港元貨幣及銀行體系的穩定,協助鞏固香港的國際金融中 心地位。 校友會於5月25日舉辦香港金融管理局導賞團,讓校友加深對金管局工 作的了解,認識香港貨幣的防偽特徵和製作過程;並走進「歷史長廊」, 以1842年香港開埠初期為起點,聆聽百多年來香港的貨幣、金融和銀行 發展史。 探索香港金融管理局 Discover the Hong Kong Monetary Authority 西貢甕缸群島風光如畫,以海蝕洞聞名;鹽田仔因過去鹽業興盛而得名,是 目前香港少數充滿濃厚客家色彩的村落。 學院校友在5月20日踏上西貢甕缸群島及鹽田仔之旅,先到鹽田仔參觀香港 碩果僅存的鹽田,見證了香港鹽業文化的變遷。接着到訪擁有數百年歷史的 糧船灣天后宮,觀賞廟內的清代文物。在西貢市享用特色午餐後,校友乘坐 專船遊覽破邊洲、吊鐘洲、甕缸群島,眺望蔚為奇觀的六角火山柱石,飽覽 各種海蝕地貌,人人盡興而歸。 The picturesque Ung Kong Islands in Sai Kung are famous for the magnificent sea caves. Yim Tin Tsai is a small offshore island near Sai Kung with a long history of salt-making; it is one of the few remaining traditional Hakka villages in Hong Kong. On 20 May the Alumni Association organised a day trip to Ung Kong Islands and Yim Tin Tsai. The first stop was Yim Tin Tsai where the only remaining salt fields in Hong Kong are found. Then alumni visited the centuries-old Tin Hau Temple on High Island. Some Qing Dynasty relics are preserved inside the temple. After having lunch in Sai Kung town center, our alumni took a boat trip around Po Pin Chau, Tiu Chung Chau and Ung Kong Islands to observe the spectacular hexagonal basalt columns and various coastal erosion features. 與大自然共舞 Dwelling in nature 11

第八十期 學院通訊編輯委員會 ISSUE 80 HKU SPACE Newsletter Editorial Team 委員 Members 祁樂彬 Dr John Cribbin 莫綺媚 Susanna Mok 林銘儀 Cherie Lam 設計師 Designer 余惠君 Iris Yu 地址 Address 香港薄扶林道香港大學徐展堂樓三樓 3/F, T.T. Tsui Building The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong 電郵 Email 電話 Tel 2975 5680 傳真 Fax 2546 3538 Follow us @HKUSPACE 香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司 HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee 12 80 ISSUE On 10 May 2023, the Director was pleased to meet with the Right Honourable James Purnell, President and Vice Chancellor of the University of the Arts London during his recent visit to Hong Kong, accompanied by Professor David Mba, Pro Vice Chancellor (Research, Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise). Mr Purnell was a former UK Government Minister in the Brown administration until 2010. UAL presented its strategic plans for doubling in size, particularly in the online space, as well as its emphasis on creative endeavour, social purpose and sustainability. Reciprocally, the Director presented the University and the School’s aspirations for future development and, in particular, its international dimension both in attracting students from the region and in working more closely with its international partners. As strategic partners there is a will to work more together including in the short courses and Microcredentials areas. 2023年5月10日,學院院長李經文教授與訪港 的倫敦藝術大學校長James Purnell在副校長 (研究、知識交流及企業)David Mba教授的陪 同下會面。James Purnell曾任英國政府內閣大 臣,直至2010年離職。 會面期間,James Purnell校長與David Mba教 授介紹了倫敦藝術大學擴大規模的策略發展計 劃,特別是希望線上空間倍增,並強調大學對 創意努力、社會目的及可持續發展的重視。 學院院長李經文教授則提出了香港大學及學院 對未來發展的期望,特別在吸引本地學生入讀, 以及與國際夥伴更緊密合作等方面。 作為策略合作夥伴,倫敦藝術大學與學院將加 強各方面的合作,包括短期課程及微證書課程。 Meeting with the University of the Arts London on strategic partnership 與倫敦藝術大學會面 提升策略夥伴關係 AUG 2023 與倫敦藝術大學會面 提升策略夥伴關係 Meeting with the University of the Arts London on strategic partnership