2023開放日 發掘知識的寶庫 OPEN SPACE 2023 opened gate to the unknown 香港大學專業進修學院2023年開放日已於6月 10日圓滿舉行。今年特別於5月28日安排了一 項前哨活動——「當芭蕾遇上中樂—針山愛美 和羅乃新之春江花月夜」,由知名芭蕾舞演員 針山愛美女士和本地知名鋼琴家羅乃新女士 攜同新聲國樂團成員及學院高級課程主任 陳德奇先生合作演出。這場充滿魅力的表演以 文化交流為主題,不僅是日本與香港音樂家的 互動,也是西方芭蕾舞和中國音樂的融合。 人工智能聊天機器人ChatGPT在近月旋風式 來襲,風靡全球,不僅能編寫程式、翻譯多種 語言,以及進行文字和藝術創作等,更能夠與 人類對話,應答自如,發展潛力巨大,迅速成 為年度科技焦點。 有見及此,今年OPEN SPACE開放日特別以 「ChatGPT顛覆人類的未來?」作為重點講座, 由ThinkCol Transform的聯合創始人和行政 總裁Kane Wu從多角度為大家分析ChatGPT 如何改變人類生活和商業世界,並探索了 ChatGPT為瞬息萬變的市場所帶來的重大影 響和機遇,以及對ChatGPT的未來發展提供 了真知灼見。 人工智能技術席捲全球,為各行各業的運 作模式及工作職能帶來不同程度的改變。 「ChatGPT及AI對人力資本管理的影響」、「揭 開人工智慧在金融領域的無限潛力」、「揭開 Chat GPT對風水的潛力」等講座詳細解說了 ChatGPT如何在不同行業及現實生活中被應 用,以及對企業發展所帶來的挑戰。 ChatGPT has become globally known in the past few months. This widely popular AI chatbot has many applications, including programming, translation, and creative writing. It can also converse freely with humans and has enormous potential, making it a rapidly growing technology trend. Recognising this, the 2023 OPEN SPACE focused on the keynote talk “The future is here: How OpenAI and ChatGPT are changing the way we live and work?”. CEO & co-founder of ThinkCol Transform, Kane Wu, analysed in various aspects how ChatGPT could change our lives and the commercial world. The talk also explored the major OPEN SPACE 2023 opened gate to the unknown Conversation with the latest technology 2023開放日 發掘知識的寶庫 與最新科技對話 08 OPEN SPACE 2023 was successfully held on 10 June. To celebrate this day, the School has arranged a pre-Open Day event “When Ballet meets Chinese Music – Emi Hariyama and Nancy Loo” on 28 May. This was an art collaboration between the revered ballerina Ms Emi Hariyama and renowned pianist Ms Nancy Loo. On stage were also members from New Tune Chinese Orchestra and Mr TK Tan, Senior Programme Director of HKU SPACE. As a cultural exchange, this charming performance was not only an interaction between Japanese and Hong Kong musicians, but an artistic convergence of ballet and Chinese music. impacts and opportunities it brought to the ever-changing market, shedding light on the future development of ChatGPT. AI technology is sweeping the world, bringing different degrees of changes to business operations and job functions in different industries. Talks such as “The Impact of ChatGPT and AI on Human Capital Management in Organisations”, “ChatGPT and FinTech”, “Does ChatGPT Complement the Understanding of Feng Shui” allowed audience to find out the application of ChatGPT in different industries and in real life, and to realise the challenges it brings to corporate development.