05 電競場館提升 電競知識和技能 Gearing up for e-Sports 電競模擬場館專為配合電子競技課程發展而設。館 內的十台桌上型電競電腦連接着ROG Strix 270Hz 高解析度顯示器、Razer滑鼠、鍵盤及耳機等電競配 件,設置於度身訂製的移動式電競桌上,讓師生可 根據需要而將設施調整作不同用途。此外,一面6.3 平方米的高解析度LED牆連接至隔音控制室中一台 配有雙顯示器的大功率桌上型電腦,可對電競電腦 的畫面進行合成和直播。館內所有電腦皆連接至獨 立的5G WiFi網絡。 學院開辦的電競課程將指導學生了解各方面與電 競相關的技能與專長,包括製作電競比賽、活動 統籌及管理、以至比賽流程如選手進場、主播講 稿、剪接、控制轉播畫面以及相關的健康課題等 專業技術。電競相關的高級文憑、基礎文憑及中 學生應用課程均在此模擬場館授課。 The eSports Mock-up Stadium was established to complement the e-Sports programmes of the School. The Stadium is equipped with ten units of gaming desktop computers, along with accessories like the ROG Strix 270Hz highresolution monitor, Razer mouse and keyboard and gaming headphones. They all rest on a tailor-made mobilized gaming desk, allowing teachers and students to set the Stadium for different uses. A 6.3 sqm high-resolution LED wall is linked to a high-power production desktop computer with a dual monitor in a soundproof control room capable of composing and live streaming footage from the gaming computers. All computers in the Stadium are linked to an independent 5G WiFi network. Students of the e-Sports programmes will gain insights and technical expertise on different aspects revolving around e-Sports, ranging from the production of e-Sports competitions, event coordination and management, to anchoring script, editing, monitoring broadcasts and even related health issues. Courses of Higher Diploma, Diploma as well as Certificate (Senior Secondary Applied Learning) in e-Sports will take place in this mock-up arena. Since 2016, the School has been implementing VR applications in different courses to enhance students’ learning experiences. VR replicates the physical world through digital devices, allowing students to experience the environment with an immersive 360-degree perspective. This advanced technology can be applied in various disciplines such as aviation, food and nutritional science, marketing and nursing. For example, students of the aviation programmes can learn to handle different emergency cases during the flight as if in a ’real’ situation. Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) allows students from different disciplines to learn and explore the world in an interactive way. For architecture and interior design students, CAVE technology allows them to project their designs into a three-dimenisional space, they can walk through it with teachers and classmates, and get teachers’ feedback ’on-site’, which is hugely beneficial to their learning.