學院歡迎大學教育資助委員會轄下質素保證局 於2024年9月17日發表的香港大學(港大)第 三輪質素核證報告。核證訪問於2023年12月 進行,涵蓋港大各層級的課程,包括按港大體 制經學院頒授學銜的課程。評審小組在報告中 表彰學院對卓越教與學的堅定承諾,學院喜見 其努力獲得多項嘉許及肯定。 核證報告強調,學院在課程發展、審批、監察 及檢討方面的程序嚴謹及有系統。評審小組指 出,學院訂有完備的《學術質素保證及提升手 冊》,並於港大的管治架構內進行監察和審批, 確保港大及學院內部的職責和監察清晰安排。 報告特別指出港大與學院均設有明確的學術管 治架構,訂明不同層級的權力、問責和責任。 評審小組讚揚,學院制定的學術標準和質素管 理制度均行之有效,及認同港大與學院具有嚴 謹的學術規管程序,包括校外主考制度、學術 守則及評核程序。 評審小組特別讚揚,學院的何超蕸教與學中心 和網絡學習組為優化課程評核提供支援,配合 學院致力推行果效為本的學習方法。 評審小組欣賞港大和學院在質素保證及質素提 升的過程中,有系統且積極地使用參照基準。 評審小組認同,質量數據分析組的成立,使學 院能建立一個更具效率的學生調查平台及匯報 系統。 學院院長李經文教授表示:「質保局對學院的認 同充分印證我們對提供卓越教育及全力支援學 生的堅定承諾。報告的正面評價令人非常鼓舞, 並肯定了我們的學術成就。展望未來,我們將 致力持續提升教學質素,以滿足社會不斷變化 的需求,並維護最高的學術標準,務求為學生 締造一個更充實和提供支援的學習環境。」 HKU SPACE welcomes the Report on the third institutional Quality Audit of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) by the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Committee, which was released on 17 September 2024. The Audit Visit was conducted in December 2023 and covered all HKU programmes at various levels including those programmes and courses offered by HKU SPACE and awarded within the HKU System. The Audit Panel commends HKU SPACE for its unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, and the School was pleased to have received numerous positive commendations and affirmations of its efforts. The Report highlighted the School’s robust and systematic processes for programme development, approval, monitoring and review. The Panel noted that HKU SPACE has its own comprehensive Quality Assurance and Enhancement (QAE) Manual with oversight and approval provided by the University’s governance framework, ensuring clear lines of responsibility and oversight within both the University and HKU SPACE. Of particular note is the Audit Panel's recognition of the clear academic governance frameworks at the University and HKU SPACE, emphasising the clarity in levels of authority, accountability and responsibility across the institutions. The Audit Panel recognised that effective systems are in place for managing academic standards and the quality. Additionally, the robust regulatory processes of HKU and HKU SPACE, including external examining 學院致力追求卓越 教與學獲質保局 質素核證報告認可 HKU SPACE’s Commitment to Teaching and Learning Excellence Acknowledged in QAC Audit Report systems, academic regulations and assessment processes, were recognised. The Audit Panel also complimented the School’s Maisy Ho Centre for Teaching and Learning and eLearning unit on providing assessment enhancement support for the School which is committed to outcomesbased T&L. The School is appreciative of the Audit Panel’s acknowledgment that the University and HKU SPACE make systematic and constructive use of benchmarks in quality assurance (QA) and quality enhancement (QE) processes. The Audit Panel recognised that the establishment of a Quality Analytics Team has led to the development of a more efficient student survey platform and reporting system. Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, said, “Our recognition by the QAC is a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality education and support to our students. The positive comments in the report are very encouraging and affirm our academic excellence. As we move forward, we aspire to continuously enhance our teaching and learning practices, ensuring we meet the evolving needs of our community and uphold the highest academic standards. Together, we will strive to create a more enriching and supportive environment for all our students.” 學院致力追求卓越教與學獲質保局質素核證報告認可 HKU SPACE’s Commitment to Teaching and Learning Excellence Acknowledged in QAC Audit Report 07 了解更多 Learn more details