香港大學專業進修學院第十一屆榮譽院士頒授 典禮於2024年12月6日圓滿舉行,向三位在各 自領域取得顯赫成就的人士頒發榮譽院士銜, 以表彰他們對香港社會及香港大學專業進修學 院所作的傑出服務和寶貴貢獻。 The 11th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony of HKU SPACE was successfully held on 6 December 2024. During the ceremony, the School awarded Honorary Fellowships to three distinguished individuals who have achieved exceptional accomplishments in their respective fields. These recipients were recognised for their significant contributions to both HKU SPACE and the broader Hong Kong community. 第十一屆榮譽 院士頒授典禮 THE 11TH HONORARY FELLOWSHIP CEREMONY 04 07 highlights 亮點 通訊 NEWSLETTER 2024 第八十四期 ISSUE 84 學院致力追求卓越教與學 獲質保局質素核證報告認可 HKU SPACE's Commitment to Teaching and Learning Excellence Acknowledged in QAC Audit Report 香港大學附屬學院 第23屆畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 23rd Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College was Held Successfully 84 ISSUE 10 來一場法式生活盛宴 Savouring the French Feast 12 連串精彩活動 慶祝校友會20週年 Engaging Events to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of HKU SPACE Alumni 08 獲頒「聯合國可持續發展 目標香港成就獎」 學院透過教育為可持續發展作出貢獻 Fostering Sustainability through Education: The School Receives “Recognised Organisation” at UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2024 DEC 2024
02 在典禮上,李經文教授致歡迎辭,並由常務副 院長陳阮德徽教授、祁樂彬博士及盧兆興教 授分別為三位榮譽院士致讚辭,頌揚他們在其 所屬領域上成就非凡、貢獻良多。李焯芬教授 代表三位榮譽院士致謝辭。 本屆三位獲授榮譽院士銜人士人生態度積極, 對工作充滿熱忱,除了在他們的行業領域上表 現出類拔萃之外,更用心扶掖後進,實為後輩 學習的楷模。 香港大學專業進修學院於1957年創校,至今服 務香港67載,得蒙來自不同專業界別的翹楚鼎 力支持,在不同方面為學院的進步作出建樹, 推動學院成為一所提供優質持續教育的領導機 構。學院於2014年設立榮譽院士制度,藉此表 彰為學院、學術界及香港作出重要貢獻的社會 精英,同時印證學院與本地社區和教育界的緊 密聯繫。 頒授典禮假金鐘教學中心楊健明教授伉儷演 講廳舉行,並由香港大學專業進修學院院長 李經文教授主持。 The ceremony was held at the Professor and Mrs Enoch Young Lecture Theatre at the Admiralty Learning Centre, and was presided over by Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE. 李焯芬教授 Professor the Honourable Lee Chack-fan 岑逸飛先生 Master Shum Yat-fei 徐立之教授 Professor the Honourable Tsui Lap-chee 三位獲頒授榮譽院士銜的傑出人士: The three outstanding individuals who were awarded the Honorary Fellowship were: 第十一屆榮譽 院士頒授典禮 The 11th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony 第十一屆榮譽院士頒授典禮 The 11th Honorary Fellowship Ceremony
03 After the welcoming address by Professor William K.M. Lee, the Honorary Fellowship awards were presented to the three deserving recipients. The presentations were made by Deputy Directors Professor Dorothy Chan, Dr John Cribbin, and Professor Sonny Lo, who each delivered citations that celebrated the exceptional contributions of the awardees in their fields. Professor the Honourable Lee Chack-fan, representing the three recipients, expressed sincere gratitude for the honor. These distinguished individuals demonstrate remarkable dedication and passion in both their personal and professional lives, while also actively mentoring and supporting the younger generation. Their outstanding achievements inspire and serve as role models for aspiring youth. Since its establishment in 1957, HKU SPACE has been dedicated to serving the people of Hong Kong for 67 years. Throughout its history, the School has received unwavering support from leaders in various professional fields, whose contributions have played a vital role in the School's advancement and its position as a leading institution in delivering exceptional continuing education. In 2014, HKU SPACE established the Honorary Fellowship to acknowledge individuals who have made significant contributions to the School, academia, and Hong Kong as a whole. This initiative reflects the School's deep connection with the local community and the education sector, further enhancing its reputation and impact. 活動重溫 Event recap
04 香港大學附屬學院第23屆畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 23rd Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College was held successfully 香港大學附屬學院(學院)自2000年創校以來, 為文憑試畢業同學提供升學之路,讓數以萬計 莘莘學子圓了大學夢,為香港高等教育締造了 輝煌歷史。 學院第23屆畢業典禮已於2024年10月30日 假伊利沙伯體育館圓滿舉行,由香港大學專業 進修學院院長李經文教授主持,並邀得香港大 學歷史系教授高馬可擔任主禮嘉賓,與畢業同 學共度珍貴難忘時刻。 依依離別語:擁抱技術和知識 典禮在莊嚴的國歌聲中拉開帷幕。香港大學專 業進修學院院長李經文教授首先致歡迎辭,他 讚揚畢業同學憑着專注和毅力走過非凡的學 習路,並祝福同學擁有光明及充實的未來。他 勉勵大家:「你將展開人生新階段。儘管前路 崎嶇,充滿挑戰,你在學院所學到的技術和知 識,將會幫助你實踐目標,克服障礙,讓你夢 想成真。」 主禮嘉賓香港大學歷史系教授高馬可致辭時, 寄語畢業同學:「成功從來都不是單純以金錢 或物質財富、專業或學歷資格衡量。真正的成 功來自於找到有意義及持久的目標,以及來自 於所產生的正面影響;而這不僅要靠專業技術 或學術知識達成,更需要懂得諒解,具備同理 心、多樣性和包容性。」 接着由高馬可教授頒發傑出教師獎,以表揚他 們在教學上的出色表現;由院長李經文教授為 畢業生頒授副學士及高級文憑。學院亦於典禮 上向學生頒發不同獎項及獎學金,以嘉許取得 卓越成績或貢獻傑出服務的畢業生。 寸寸感恩言:導師為學生點燃夢想 最後由英國語言及文學副學士畢業的畢業生 代表Zahid Hifsa Zaidy同學致謝辭。她回憶, 2023年3月口罩令正式取消,同學終於可以面 對面看清彼此的笑臉,是令人既興奮又難忘的 一刻。兩年學習歲月與同學建立深厚的友誼, 「在不知所措時,給予我們快樂;在缺乏信心 時,給予我們支持;在感到絕望時,給予我們 動力。」她代表畢業生感謝同學家人無條件的 香港大學附屬學院第23屆畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 23rd Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College w as Held Successfully 愛、鼓勵和犧牲;感謝導師將同學推向超乎大 家想像的學術高度,「你們對教育的奉獻和熱 忱激勵我們挑戰自我、追求卓越。你們扮演了 重要的角色,為我們作出指引,並點燃了我們 的夢想。」 典禮過後,其他同學也分享了在學院學習的感 受。中文專業傳意高級文憑畢業的張振銘感恩 在學院遇上了好老師,「他們關心學生,用心解 答學生的疑難。學院亦有部門專門協助學生適 應學習生活。最開心是結識到一群志同道合的 同窗,一起上課,一起溫習。」 經濟學副學士畢業的周狄昆表示,兩年學院生 活十分愉快,「在這裏學習,自由度很大,可以 選擇自己喜歡的學科,自己編排時間表。選修 科目很有趣味性,上課很開心。」他認為,「只要 努力學習,就會看見這個世界很大,失落文憑 試只是人生小挫敗而已。」
05 Since its establishment in 2000, the HKU SPACE Community College (“the College”) has left an indelible mark on Hong Kong's higher education history. It has paved the way for HKDSE graduates to pursue advanced studies and for tens of thousands of students to realise their university aspirations. The 23rd Graduation Ceremony of the College took place on 30 October 2024 at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium. The event was presided by Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE. Professor John Mark Carroll, Department of History, The University of Hong Kong, was invited as the Guest of Honour, commemorating this memorable occasion with the graduating students. Parting thoughts: embracing skills and knowledge The ceremony commenced with the National Anthem. Professor Lee then began with a warm speech by acknowledging the graduates for their dedication, perseverance, and accomplishments throughout their academic journey, wishing them a bright and rewarding future. He encouraged the students: “You are starting a new phase of your life. The road ahead may be complex, and there will be challenges that you may face along the way. Remember that the skills and lessons you have learned, and they will serve you well in achieving your goals, overcoming obstacles, and realising your dreams.” In his address, the Guest of Honour, Professor Carroll remarked, “Success is never measured only by financial or material wealth, or by professional or educational qualifications. True success comes from finding meaningful and longlasting purpose, and from making a positive impact. This requires more than professional skill or academic knowledge. It requires understanding, empathy, diversity, and inclusivity.” Subsequently, Professor Carroll presented the Outstanding Teacher Awards to acknowledge the recipients’ exemplary performance. Professor Lee then conferred the Associate Degree and Higher Diploma awards on the graduates. Various awards and scholarships were also bestowed upon students in recognition of their exceptional accomplishments and contributions.
06 香港大學附屬學院第23屆畢業典禮圓滿舉行 The 23rd Graduation Ceremony of HKU SPACE Community College was held successfully 學院與巴斯大學簽署合作備忘錄 HKU SPACE Signs MOU with University of Bath Words of gratitude: sparking students’ dreams The valedictory speech was delivered by Zahid Hifsa Zaidy, an Associate of Arts graduate in English Language and Literature, representing the graduates. She reminisced about the poignant moment in March 2023 when the mask mandate was lifted, allowing students to finally see each other's beaming faces in person. Over the two years of study, enduring friendships were forged amongst fellow students, “They have given us joy when we are overwhelmed, support when we lack confidence, and motivation during our despair.” On behalf of the graduates, she expressed gratitude to their families for their unwavering love, encouragement, and sacrifices. She also extended thanks to the teachers for propelling students to academic heights beyond their expectations. “Your dedication and enthusiasm for education have inspired us to challenge ourselves and strive for excellence. You have played a significant part in showing us the possible ways and igniting our dreams.” Following the ceremony, other students shared their experiences at the College. Cheung Chun-ming, who earned a Higher Diploma in Chinese for Professional Communication, expressed gratitude towards the dedicated teachers at the College, “They care for their students and readily answer their questions. The College also offers support services to help students adapt to academic life. I am happy to have met likeminded friends who attended classes and studied together,” he remarked. Zhou Dikun, an Associate Degree graduate in Economics, reflected on his two years at the College, “The learning environment here is liberating; one can select preferred subjects and arrange a personal timetable. The elective courses are engrossing, and the classes are engaging,” he shared. He believed that “with diligence, one will realise that the world is big. A setback in the HKDSE examination is but a minor stumble in life.” On 19 November 2024, Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, was pleased to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Bath, represented by its new Vice Chancellor, Professor Phil Taylor. The MOU states that the two institutions will work together on articulation routes, TNE collaboration, staff and student exchange as well as exploring the potential for dual degrees and research opportunities. The signing ceremony was followed by extensive discussions with Faculty colleagues to map out directions for implementation. The University of Bath was established in 1966 and is now established as a top 10 UK university with a reputation for research and teaching excellence. It offers courses in engineering, humanities, management, science and social science. 2024年11月19日,學院院長李經文教授與巴 斯大學的新任副校長Phil Taylor教授簽署了一 份合作備忘錄。 該備忘錄指出,雙方將在學分互認、國際合作、 師生交流等方面展開合作,並探討雙學位和研 究機會的潛力。簽署儀式後,雙方同事進行了 廣泛的討論,以規劃實踐的方向。 巴斯大學於1966年成立,現已成為英國排名前 十的大學,以其卓越的研究和教學聞名。該校 主要提供工程、人文、管理、科學和社會科學 等多個學科的課程。 學院與巴斯大學簽署合作備忘錄 HKU SPACE Signs MOU with University of Bath
學院歡迎大學教育資助委員會轄下質素保證局 於2024年9月17日發表的香港大學(港大)第 三輪質素核證報告。核證訪問於2023年12月 進行,涵蓋港大各層級的課程,包括按港大體 制經學院頒授學銜的課程。評審小組在報告中 表彰學院對卓越教與學的堅定承諾,學院喜見 其努力獲得多項嘉許及肯定。 核證報告強調,學院在課程發展、審批、監察 及檢討方面的程序嚴謹及有系統。評審小組指 出,學院訂有完備的《學術質素保證及提升手 冊》,並於港大的管治架構內進行監察和審批, 確保港大及學院內部的職責和監察清晰安排。 報告特別指出港大與學院均設有明確的學術管 治架構,訂明不同層級的權力、問責和責任。 評審小組讚揚,學院制定的學術標準和質素管 理制度均行之有效,及認同港大與學院具有嚴 謹的學術規管程序,包括校外主考制度、學術 守則及評核程序。 評審小組特別讚揚,學院的何超蕸教與學中心 和網絡學習組為優化課程評核提供支援,配合 學院致力推行果效為本的學習方法。 評審小組欣賞港大和學院在質素保證及質素提 升的過程中,有系統且積極地使用參照基準。 評審小組認同,質量數據分析組的成立,使學 院能建立一個更具效率的學生調查平台及匯報 系統。 學院院長李經文教授表示:「質保局對學院的認 同充分印證我們對提供卓越教育及全力支援學 生的堅定承諾。報告的正面評價令人非常鼓舞, 並肯定了我們的學術成就。展望未來,我們將 致力持續提升教學質素,以滿足社會不斷變化 的需求,並維護最高的學術標準,務求為學生 締造一個更充實和提供支援的學習環境。」 HKU SPACE welcomes the Report on the third institutional Quality Audit of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) by the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Committee, which was released on 17 September 2024. The Audit Visit was conducted in December 2023 and covered all HKU programmes at various levels including those programmes and courses offered by HKU SPACE and awarded within the HKU System. The Audit Panel commends HKU SPACE for its unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, and the School was pleased to have received numerous positive commendations and affirmations of its efforts. The Report highlighted the School’s robust and systematic processes for programme development, approval, monitoring and review. The Panel noted that HKU SPACE has its own comprehensive Quality Assurance and Enhancement (QAE) Manual with oversight and approval provided by the University’s governance framework, ensuring clear lines of responsibility and oversight within both the University and HKU SPACE. Of particular note is the Audit Panel's recognition of the clear academic governance frameworks at the University and HKU SPACE, emphasising the clarity in levels of authority, accountability and responsibility across the institutions. The Audit Panel recognised that effective systems are in place for managing academic standards and the quality. Additionally, the robust regulatory processes of HKU and HKU SPACE, including external examining 學院致力追求卓越 教與學獲質保局 質素核證報告認可 HKU SPACE’s Commitment to Teaching and Learning Excellence Acknowledged in QAC Audit Report systems, academic regulations and assessment processes, were recognised. The Audit Panel also complimented the School’s Maisy Ho Centre for Teaching and Learning and eLearning unit on providing assessment enhancement support for the School which is committed to outcomesbased T&L. The School is appreciative of the Audit Panel’s acknowledgment that the University and HKU SPACE make systematic and constructive use of benchmarks in quality assurance (QA) and quality enhancement (QE) processes. The Audit Panel recognised that the establishment of a Quality Analytics Team has led to the development of a more efficient student survey platform and reporting system. Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, said, “Our recognition by the QAC is a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality education and support to our students. The positive comments in the report are very encouraging and affirm our academic excellence. As we move forward, we aspire to continuously enhance our teaching and learning practices, ensuring we meet the evolving needs of our community and uphold the highest academic standards. Together, we will strive to create a more enriching and supportive environment for all our students.” 學院致力追求卓越教與學獲質保局質素核證報告認可 HKU SPACE’s Commitment to Teaching and Learning Excellence Acknowledged in QAC Audit Report 07 了解更多 Learn more details
學院一直致力透過教育推動香港成為具環保意 識的城市,為創造可持續的未來而不斷努力。 今年學院首度獲環保促進會頒發第四屆「聯合 國可持續發展目標香港成就獎」獲認可機構獎 項。該獎項旨在識別並表彰在商業實踐及可持 續發展項目上表現卓越、與可持續發展目標相 一致的機構。頒獎典禮於2024年7月26日舉 行,學院生命科學及科技學院總監張少能博士 代表學院出席領獎。是次得獎充分印證了學院 在環境、社會、可持續性和管治(ESG)方面推 進實踐的承諾,並將這些理念融入運營框架中。 推動ESG領域終身學習 培養未來可持續領袖 事實上,近年全球政府、企業和機構愈來愈關 注ESG的議題,學院為此推出十多個與可持續 發展相關的課程,以滿足學員對ESG不同範疇 的需求,包括:投資機遇、社會責任投資、房 地產科技應用、智能科技應用、ESG報告等, 為環球發展培養可持續領袖。 學院又與業界携手推出可持續發展課程,如與 德勤諮詢(香港)有限公司合作推出證書(單元: 可持續發展專業),專為從事商業和金融領域 ESG規劃工作的人士而設。此外,永續社區證 書是學院與香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心 永續坊合辦的課程,教授生態學和永續農業等 文化景觀保育相關的知識。 香港近年積極推動綠色金融發展。為此,學院 推出相關的課程,包括:證書(單元:環境、社 會及管治報告),以滿足社會在ESG報告中本 地和國際標準方面日益增長的需求;綠色及可 持續金融證書課程則教授綠色及可持續金融基 礎設施。 校園節能環保 貫徹4R原則 除了發展課程外,為實踐節能和減排,學院在 設計或翻新校園設施,均已加入環保元素,包 括在照明系統的設計、空氣調節及供水系統等 使用最新節能科技,成功減少電力消耗。 為達致環保減廢,學院貫徹執行4R原則,即減 廢(reduce)、重用(reuse)、回收(recycle)及 代替(replace),相關措施包括減少列印、使用 電子教科書取代紙本、推行廢紙、塑膠及其他 物料回收計劃等。 可持續發展校園 提高環保意識 為實踐可持續發展,學院的新九龍西分校選址 南商金融創新中心,此中心為綠色建築項目, 符合可持續和綠色營運模式。港島東分校亦進 行了更換高性能係數(COP)的氣冷式製冷機 項目,成功降低用電量。而九龍東分校校園以 環保概念設計,並進行了全面的LED燈升級工 程,大幅降低了製冷和照明的能源消耗。港島 南分校近年亦實施了多項節能措施,包括照明 改善及空調升級等,以降低校園能源消耗。 學院自2019年起成為「低碳關懷標籤」計劃的 支持夥伴,身體力行應對氣候變化,以達致減 碳/碳中和狀態。學院持續每年支持由世界自然 基金會發起的「地球一小時」活動,以實際行動 提倡節能及推廣綠色生活。 學院網站更獲頒「22/23年度無障礙網頁嘉許計 劃」三連金獎,肯定了學院在完善無障礙網頁 方面的努力。學院一直致力為社會各界人士提 供優質持續教育,並將繼續履行社會責任,為 香港成為關愛共融的城市作出貢獻。 Fostering Sustainability through Education: The School Receives “Recognised Organisation” at UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2024 獲頒「聯合國可持續發展目標香港成就獎」 學院透過教育為可持續發展作出貢獻 08 獲頒「聯合國可持續發展目標香港成就獎」 學院透過教育為可持續發展作出貢獻 Fostering Sustainability through Education: The School Receives “Recognised Organisation” at UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2024
The School is dedicated to fostering an environmentally conscious community and contributing to a more sustainable future for all. We are proud to announce that the School has received the “Recognised Organisation” award for the first time at the 4th UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong. Organised by the Green Council, this award aims to identify and recognise organisations that demonstrate exceptional performance in their business practices and sustainability projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dr Bruce Cheung, Head of the College of Life Sciences and Technology of HKU SPACE, accepted the award on behalf of the School at a ceremony held on 26 July 2024. This recognition reflects our commitment to advancing practices in environmental, social, sustainability and governance and integrating these into our operational frameworks. Promoting lifelong learning in ESG to nurture future sustainability leaders In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in global attention towards ESG issues from governments, corporations, and organisations. The School has introduced over 10 sustainability-focused programmes to cater to students' diverse needs across various ESG topics, including investment opportunities, socially responsible investment (SRI), applied property technology (PropTech), applied intelligent technologies, and ESG reporting. The aim is to cultivate individuals who can lead sustainably on a global scale. The School has collaborated with industry partners to launch sustainability programmes. In association with Deloitte Advisory (Hong Kong) Limited, the Certificate for Module (Sustainability Professionals) targets individuals engaged in ESG planning within the business and financial sectors. The Certificate in Sustainable Communities, developed in conjunction with the Policy for Sustainability Lab of the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at HKU, imparts knowledge in sustaining cultural landscape asset, such as ecology and sustainable agriculture. Hong Kong has been actively advancing green finance in recent years. In response, the School has rolled out relevant programmes, including the Certificate for Module (Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting), addressing the increasing need for adherence to local and international ESG reporting standards. The Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance equips participants with knowledge about green and sustainable financial frameworks. Energy conservation on campus aligned with the 4Rs In addition to programme development, the School has integrated eco-friendly practices into the design and refurbishment of campus infrastructure. This includes incorporating cutting-edge energy-efficient technologies into lighting systems, air conditioning units, water supply systems, and more to minimise electricity consumption. To uphold environmental sustainability and waste minimisation, the School has adopted the 4Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle, and replace. Initiatives include cutting back on printing, transitioning from traditional textbooks to e-textbooks, and instituting recycling schemes for paper, plastics, and other materials. Promoting sustainability across campuses to raise environmental awareness In line with its sustainability endeavours, the School's new Kowloon West Campus is situated within the NCB Innovation Centre, a green building that adheres to sustainable and eco-friendly operational practices. Meanwhile, the Island East Campus has recently completed a high COP (Coefficient of Performance) air-cooled condenser replacement project, resulting in a notable reduction in electricity consumption. Similarly, the Kowloon East Campus, designed with an environmentally conscious approach, has undergone an LED lighting upgrade, significantly cutting down energy usage for cooling and lighting purposes. Over at the Island South Campus, several energy-saving measures have been implemented in recent years, including lighting enhancements and air-conditioning upgrades, all aimed at reducing overall campus energy consumption. Since 2019, the School has been a supporting partner of the CarbonCare® Label Scheme, actively combatting climate change and striving for carbon reduction and neutrality. Moreover, the School consistently supports the Earth Hour organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to advocate for energy conservation and green living practices. Recognised for its commitment to accessibility, the School's website has been awarded a Triple Gold Award in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022/23. Committed to offering quality continuing education accessible to all segments of society, the School will continue to fulfil its social responsibility and contribute to making Hong Kong a caring and inclusive city. 了解更多 Learn more details 09
來一場法式生活盛宴 Savouring the French Feast 10 Savouring the French Feast 來一場 法式生活盛宴 學院於2024年11月23日成功舉辦了首屆 Joie de Vivre – 精緻生活@ HKU SPACE, 為學院過去十年來推出的品味生活教育豎立新 的里程碑,同時慶祝學院發展了深入而全面的 精緻生活課程。 我們非常榮幸邀請到學院常務副院長陳阮德徽 教授和法國駐港澳總領事館文化、教育及科技 副領事Camelia AISSAT女士為這個法國精緻 生活薈主持開幕,在位於荔枝角的九龍西校 園,讓一眾貴賓、支持機構、講者及其他參與 者共同見證法國精緻生活薈的啟動禮。為表謝 意,陳教授及金融商業學院總監林崑博士特向 參與機構及講者頒發感謝狀。 在當天的愉快下午,學院導師和不同行業的專 家主持了十多個工作坊和講座,涵蓋葡萄酒、 咖啡、美食、藝術、手錶、私人飛機、法語和 VR體驗等領域;並設有攤位供出席者品嘗葡 萄酒、咖啡和美食。這些活動正好切合學院提 供的精緻生活課程主題。 餐飲教育課程專業而全面 餐飲教育課程薈萃提供各種品味生活和專業發 展課程,包括葡萄酒、烈酒、雞尾酒、清酒、 啤酒、咖啡、糕點和美食。這些特色生活課程 受到學員廣泛歡迎,新班往往在開放報名數天 後便立即滿額。 學院在荔枝角、北角和薄扶林的校園均設有 精緻生活課程的專用教學設施,以方便來自 不同地區的學員。這些專用教學設施由餐飲 業專家設計;學院斥資購置各項設施,旨在 讓學員在專業環境中上課,以進一步提升學 習體驗和成果。 精緻生活課程的學習地點並不局限於香港。學 院於今年六月在法國波爾多舉辦了一場葡萄酒 研習班,以作為今年法國精緻生活薈的其中一 項活動;在這個為期一周的遊學之旅,學員到 訪了Kedge Wine School,參加由葡萄酒大 師主持的品酒課程,深入學習葡萄酒的專業知 識,並參觀了波爾多地區各個著名的葡萄園。 到了法國精緻生活薈的尾聲,一些參加者仍依 依不捨,希望與學院導師和行業專家交流互 動,反映他們對品味生活教育的濃厚興趣,以 及對學院十多年來提供這類課程的信任。 首屆Joie de Vivre –精緻生活@ HKU SPACE 取得圓滿成功,學院衷心感謝所有參與者和支 持機構,包括法國總領事館、瑞士高級鍾錶基 金會學院、Hami Bakery、Town House、維 思達公務機(Vista Jet)、屈臣氏酒窖、WPM 和WSET。
11 Joie de Vivre - Lifestyle Festival @ HKU SPACE was successfully launched on 23 November 2024. This very first lifestyle festival by the School is a milestone of our lifestyle education in the past decade. It is also a celebration of the depth and comprehensiveness of our current lifestyle programmes. With great honour, we had Professor Dorothy Chan, Deputy Director of HKU SPACE and Ms Camelia Aissat, Deputy Consul for Culture, Education & Science at the Consulate General of France to officiate this French-themed festival. Held at the festive Kowloon West Campus in Lai Chi Kok, VIP guests, supporting organisations, speakers, and other participants witnessed the launching of this lifestyle festival. As a token of appreciation, Professor Chan and Dr Joey Lam, Head of College of Business and Finance of HKU SPACE, presented letters of appreciation to supporting organisations and speakers. During this joyful afternoon, more than 10 workshops and talks were delivered by our teachers and industry experts. These sessions covered a wide array of topics including wine, coffee, gourmet food, arts, watches, private jets, French language, and VR experiences. Participants also had the opportunity to visit booths to appreciate wine, coffee, and gourmet food, highlighting some of the subjects that our School’s lifestyle programmes are providing. A professional and comprehensive culinary journey With a diverse range of lifestyle programmes for our learning community to choose from, our Food and Beverage Education Hub provides lifestyle enrichment and professional development programmes in wine, spirits, cocktails, sake, beer, coffee, pastry, and gourmet food. These programmes have been well received by our learning community, often reaching full capacity within days of enrolment. There are dedicated lifestyle programme teaching facilities at our campuses in Lai Chi Kok, North Point, and Pok Fu Lam to cater to learners across the city. These dedicated teaching facilities, designed by industry experts, aim to further elevate the learning experiences and results of our learners in a professional setting. Taking our lifestyle programmes beyond Hong Kong, as part of the initiative of the French theme this year, the School has conducted a wine study programme in Bordeaux, France in June. During this one-week overseas programme, learners attended classes at Kedge Wine School conducted by a Master of Wine and visited prestigious vineyards in the Bordeaux region. Even at the very end of the festival, some participants remained, eager to interact with our teachers and industry experts. This has shown strong interests in lifestyle education and trust in our decade-long provision of such programmes. With great success of our first ever Lifestyle Festival @ HKU SPACE, the School would like to thank all participants and supporting organizations, including Consulate General of France, Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie (FHH) Academy, Hami Bakery, Town House, Vista Jet, Watson’s Wine, WPM and WSET.
連串精彩活動 慶祝校友會20週年 Engaging Events to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of HKU SPACE Alumni 12 香港大學專業進修學院校友會為慶祝成立20週 年,特別呈獻精彩絕倫的「校友週2024」!活 動於10至11月期間盛大舉行,匯聚一系列內 容充實的講座、論壇、獨家參訪體驗及音樂節 門票優惠等精彩節目,讓校友們一同探索自我 增值的無限可能,共聚一堂,歡度難忘時光! 業界精英為你拆局 校友會邀得不同業界精英及名人主持講座。頭 炮是知名校友歐倩怡小姐主講的「學習長跑成 營養學家」。歐小姐自2006年開始,於學院修 讀了13個課程,從當年獲得5分會考成績開始, 一直不懈追求學問,最終獲得碩士學位並成為 營養學家。她在講座中娓娓道出其學習道路和 感受,並與校友分享其求學心得和學習經驗。 環境、社會及管治(ESG)及可持續發展是全 球關注的焦點。有鑑於此,香港交易所於2016 年強制上市公司刊發ESG年度報告,增加透 明度,鼓勵企業將ESG因素納入投資決策。在 「ESG如何推動運輸與物流的發展」論壇中,業 界翹楚包括運輸物流學會資深會員麥齊光教 授、香港鐵路有限公司人力資源總監鄭惠貞女 士、維理有限公司總監及運輸物流學會蔚‧木 蘭全球主席古慧明小姐和Spring HK 項目策劃 統籌經理羅建湖先生為校友拆解,運輸與物流 行業如何將ESG全面融入核心營運策略以增強 競爭力,從而邁向成功之道。 著名股評家曾淵滄教授在「環球經濟展望2025」 講座中,與校友一起前瞻2025年環球經濟,讓 大家能夠理解局勢,把握機遇。 三場講座與論壇以現場參與及網上直播形式同 步進行,反應熱烈,共吸引了愈300人次即時 收看,截至11月底的累積觀看次數達15,000。 掌握科技脈搏 徜徉音樂之海 近年來,人工智能技術日益成為各行業未來發 展的主流趨勢。物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中 心自成立以來,致力促進香港物流、供應鏈管 理及電子商貿發展,推動香港的創新及科技。 校友會在11月初到訪中心,讓參觀者深入認 識物流及運輸業的科技發展和人工智能技術應 用,與時並進。 自由爵士音樂節是每年全城矚目的音樂盛事, 今年更雲集來自世界各地的頂尖音樂家聯手演 出。今年校友專享門票優惠,讓熱愛音樂的朋 友與家人沉浸在音樂節的熾熱氛圍中,渡過愉 快的一天,為生活減壓。 Engaging Events to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of HKU SPACE Alumni 連串精彩活動 慶祝校友會20週年
13 The HKU SPACE Alumni celebrated its 20th anniversary with a series of captivating events as part of Alumni Week 2024! Spanning from October to November, this occasion featured an array of enlightening talks, panel discussion, exclusive visit, and music festival ticket discounts, providing alumni with opportunities to explore self-improvement possibilities and create enduring memories together. Industry leaders break the myths for you The Alumni invited industry leaders and celebrities to deliver talks. The inaugural session, titled “Enduring Learning to Becoming a Nutritionist”, was presented by Ms Cindy Au, a distinguished alumna. Ms Au, who has enrolled on 13 courses at the School since 2006, embarked on her academic journey from scoring 5 points in the HKCEE. Through unwavering dedication, she earned her master's degree and established herself as a nutritionist. During her talk, she shared her learning journey, insights, and experiences with fellow alumni. In light of global concerns regarding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues and sustainability, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) introduced ESG reporting requirements in 2016 and that listed companies are required to disclose their ESG performance to enhance transparency and encourage the integration of ESG factors into corporate decision-making. In “Making Strides in ESG in the Logistics and Transport Industry”, industry leaders, including Professor Mak Chai-kwong, FCILT; Ms Margaret Cheng, Human Resources Director, MTRC; Ms Vicky Koo, FCILT, Global Chairperson, WiLAT and Director, Vizilog Asia Limited, and Mr Kenneth Law, CMILT, Program Manager, Spring HK, explained to our alumni how the transport and logistics sector can effectively embed ESG practices into their core strategies to elevate business performance. Professor Chan Yan-chong, a renowned financial analyst and commentator, delivered a talk on “Global Economic Prospect for 2025”, offering alumni insights into the projected global economic landscape for 2025 to aid in understanding prevailing conditions and seizing opportunities. All three talks and panel discussion were conducted concurrently through in-person attendance and live webcasts, garnering significant interest with over 300 real-time viewers and an overall viewing count of 15,000 by the end of November. Embracing technology, enjoying music In recent years, AI technology has emerged as a pivotal trend shaping the future trajectories of various industries. Since its inception, the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) has been dedicated to advancing logistics, supply chain management, and e-commerce in Hong Kong, alongside fostering innovation and technology. In early November, the Alumni visited the Centre to provide visitors with a deep understanding of the technological advancements and applications of AI in the logistics and transportation sector to stay abreast of contemporary developments. Freespace Jazz Fest, an annual musical extravaganza in the city, returned with a stellar lineup and nonstop programme of great sounds. This year, alumni can enjoy an exclusive ticket offer, granting music enthusiasts and their families the opportunity to revel in the festival's vibrant ambiance and unwind from the stress of daily life.
支援香港科技發展 學院人工智能課程覆蓋全面 HKU SPACE Supports Hong Kong’s Technological Development with Comprehensive AI Courses 14 學院在過去 67 年與香港同呼同吸,並肩成 長,一直致力開拓新課程以支援社區需求,並 為新興行業培育人才,首創課程包括圖書館 學、醫務化驗科學等;另有歷史悠久的專業課 程,如房屋管理、法律學和管理學。 近年人工智能(AI)發展一日千里,服務的應 用普及各個層面,為各行各業帶來革命性影 響。有鑑於此,學院推出近50門涵蓋不同領 域的AI課程,包括:金融、投資、辦公室行政 與人力資源、醫療保健等,既讓學員能因應個 人性格和喜好提升競爭力,也能為僱主培育技 術專才。 人工智能與數據科學被香港特區政府列為三大 新型工業發展產業之一。財經事務及庫務局在 今年10月時指出,政府會以雙軌模式推動香 港金融服務業應用AI,既促進金融服 務業採用及發展AI,並同時應對網絡 安全、數據私隱及知識產權保障等潛 在挑戰。 為配合政府政策方向,學院提供多項 金融服務業AI課程,包括:行政人 員證書(應用人工智能與商業預測分 析》、行政人員證書(量化投資:人工 智能與深度學習)及證書(單元 : 生成 式人工智能、去中心化金融與風險管 治)等。 在投資及財富管理方面,由AI推動的演算法有 助優化投資策略,達致投資多元化及改善組合 管理。投資管理學及智能金融深造文憑、及行 政人員證書(大數據、人工智能與投資)等課 程有助學員成為行業新晉精英。 AI and Data Science is listed by the HKSAR Government as one of the three major industries for new industrial development. Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau noted in October this year that the Government would adopt a dual-track approach to promote development of AI adoption by the financial services sector, while at the same time addressing the potential challenges, such as cybersecurity, data privacy and protection of intellectual property rights. In line with the Government's policy direction, the School offers a number of AI courses for the financial services sector, including Executive Certificate in Applied AI and Predictive Analytics for Business, Executive Certificate in AI and Deep Learning in Quantitative Finance, and Certificate for Module (Generative AI, DeFi and Risk Governance). In investment and wealth management, AIpowered algorithms optimise investment strategies, diversification and portfolio management. Courses such as the Postgraduate Diploma in Investment Management and Financial Intelligence and the Executive Certificate in Big Data, AI and Investing prepare students to become the new elites in the industry. HKU SPACE has grown alongside Hong Kong over the past 67 years and has launched courses to support the community's needs and to cultivate talents for emerging industries. These include pioneering courses in library science and medical laboratory science, alongside longstanding professional courses in housing management, law, and management. The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years has been applied to various services, revolutionising influence across all industries. To address this recent trend, the School has launched nearly 50 AI courses in fields such as finance, investment, office administration, human resources, and healthcare. They are tailored to enhance students' competitiveness based on their personalities and interests, and to cultivate technical skills desired by employers. 支援香港科技發展 學院人工智能課程 覆蓋全面 HKU SPACE Supports Hong Kong’s Technological Development with Comprehensive AI Courses Finance and Investment 金融與投資
15 員工是企業最寶貴的資產。人力資源部門利 用AI分析員工數據,能識別內部有潛力接任 新崗位的員工,節省招募和訓練新人的時間 和資源,提升工作效率。AI工具更可協助找 出員工流失率的原因,讓企業制定針對性的 解決方案。 學院推出的證書(單元:人工智能運 用與辦公室管理)、證書(單元:大數 據與人工智能人力資源分析)、證書 (單元:用人工智能和人力分析改善 勞動力)等,適合員工進修增值,學 習運用AI工具以提升生產力。 AI亦將醫療保健帶進新世代。例如:透過AI 工具評估不同疾病,可以令診斷更精準;智能 護理可以通過檢測患者的生理數據,提供智能 化的護理方案,有助病人更快康復。 證書(單元:醫療專業必備的人工智 能技能)、證書(單元:醫務智能)、 證書(單元 : 大數據應用與數位醫療 保健)等課程為專業人員提供醫療保 健人工智能的概念、理論和實踐知 識,學員掌握運用相關能力,為醫學 界作出貢獻。 香港生產力促進局與香港大學經管學院香港經 濟及商業策略研究所於2023年進行了「香港人 工智能產業發展研究」調查,報告指出,香港AI 行業的最大挑戰之一是難以招聘技術人才,近 五成受訪企業表示遇到技術人才招聘困難。事 實上,AI幾乎已經滲透各行各業的每個崗位。 為此,除上述課程外,學院積極提供更多範疇 的AI課程,如法律、體育運動、市場學等,包 括:生成式人工智能與法律(線上)、證書(單 元:體育創新與人工智能)、證書(單元:大數 據及人工智能營銷)、證書(單元:環境、社會 與管治應用和智能科技)等等。 在未來,學院將推出更多全新AI課程,以回應 社會需求。 Employees are a company's most valuable asset. AI analysis of staff data assists HR departments in identifying potential candidates for new roles, saving time and resources in recruitment and training, thereby improving work efficiency. AI tools also help pinpoint reasons for staff turnover, enabling tailored solutions. The School provides the Certificate for Module (The Use of Generative AI in Office Administration), Certificate for Module (Big Data and AI for HR Analytics) and Certificate for Module (Principles of Artificial Intelligence and HR Analytics for Workforce Improvement) for employees to enhance their skills and boost productivity through AI tools. AI is bringing healthcare into a new era. By using AI tools, healthcare professionals can analyse patients' physiological data, leading to more precise diagnoses and the creation of intelligent care plans that facilitate faster recovery. Courses such as the Certificates for Module in Essential AI Competencies for Healthcare Professionals, Hospital Intelligence, and Applied Big Data in Digital Healthcare provide professionals with the necessary conceptual, theoretical, and practical knowledge of AI in healthcare, equipping them with the ability to contribute to the medical field. In 2023, the Hong Kong Productivity Council and the Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy of The University of Hong Kong conducted the “Hong Kong AI Industry Development Study”. The report pointed out that one of the biggest challenges for the AI industry in Hong Kong is the difficulty in recruiting technical talents. Nearly 50% of respondents reported difficulties in hiring technical experts, reflecting AI's integration into roles across industries. In response to this demand, the School is actively broadening its AI programmes to fields such as law, sports, and marketing, which include courses such as Generative AI and Law (Online), Certificate for Module in Sports Innovation and Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Marketing, and Applied ESG and Intelligent Technologies. Looking ahead, the School will introduce more AI courses to meet evolving community needs. Office administration and human resources Healthcare 辦公室行政與 人力資源 醫療保健
第八十四期 學院通訊編輯委員會 ISSUE 84 HKU SPACE Newsletter Editorial Team 委員 Membersv 祁樂彬 Dr John Cribbin 莫綺媚 Susanna Mok 林銘儀 Cherie Lam 設計師 Designer 余惠君 Iris Yu 地址 Address 香港金鐘道95號統一中心12樓A & B室 Suites A & B, 12/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong 電郵 Email 電話 Tel 3762 6262 Follow us @HKUSPACE 香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司 HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee 16 84 ISSUE Dr Kan Lai Bing, renowned scholar and educator, former University Librarian of the University of Hong Kong and Senior Advisor of the University Libraries, passed away peacefully on 5 September 2024. The School is deeply saddened by her passing. We extend our heartfelt condolences to her family. Dr Kan served as the University Librarian of the University of Hong Kong from 1983 to 1999 and continued as Senior Advisor of the University Libraries after her retirement in 1999 until July 2024. In 2001, she was appointed as Senior Consultant by the HKU SPACE, planning and leading its Library and Information Science (LIS) programmes until 2008. In the early 1960s, Dr Kan worked with the School to spearhead the first LIS programme, which included a partnership with Charles Sturt University in Australia, pioneering the training of librarians in Hong Kong. In recognition of her contributions to the development and education in the library science in Hong Kong, Dr Kan was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Charles Sturt University. She was awarded a Honorary University Fellowship in 1997 by the University of Hong Kong, her alma mater, and appointed Honorary Fellow in 2017 by the School. The School also mourns the passing of Professor Wong Siu Lun, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of HKU. As well as his distinguished career in the University, Professor Wong was also Acting Director of the School from 1996 to 1997, becoming a member of the HKU SPACE Management Board from 1998 and Chairman from 1999. He was then the first Chairman of the Company Board from 1999-2000. His sage advice and guidance were important at that critical period of the School’s development. Professor Wong will be sadly missed and condolences are extended to his family. 香港大學圖書館前館長及特別顧問、著名學者和 教育家簡麗冰博士於2024年9月5日安詳辭世。 學院同人對此表示極度悲痛及惋惜,並向簡博士 的家人致以深切慰問。 簡博士於1983至1999年擔任香港大學圖書館館 長,並於1999年退休後繼續擔任大學圖書館特 別顧問至2024年;2001年獲香港大學專業進修 學院任命為高級顧問,負責規劃和指導圖書館及 資訊科學課程,直至2008年。 簡博士在上世紀60年代初與學院合作發展全港 首個圖書館學課程,當中包括與澳洲查爾斯特大 學合作推出的課程,為香港培訓圖書館館員開創 先河;後獲查爾斯特大學榮譽博士學位,以表揚 她在香港圖書館學發展及教育方面的貢獻。 簡博士於1997年獲母校香港大學頒授名譽大學 院士銜;2017年獲學院授予榮譽院士銜。 另外,學院亦對香港大學社會學榮休教授、前香 港大學副校長黃紹倫教授的逝世深感哀悼。除了 在大學的卓越功績之外,黃教授於1996至1997 年期間擔任學院署理院長,並於1998年成為學 院管理委員會的成員,1999年起擔任主席。他 亦是1999至2000年期間首任董事局主席。 他的睿智建議和指導在學校發展的關鍵時期至為 重要。學院同人對黃教授深切懷念,並向他的家 人致以最誠摯的慰問。 圖片來源:香港新聞網 Photo source: HKU SPACE Mourns the Passing of Dr Kan Lai Bing and Professor Wong Siu Lun 敬悼簡麗冰博士、黃紹倫教授 DEC 2024 Learn more about the School 了解學院更多 敬悼簡麗冰博士、黃紹倫教授 HKU SPACE Mourns the Passing of Dr Kan Lai Bing and Professor Wong Siu Lun 簡麗冰博士 Dr Kan Lai Bing 黃紹倫教授 Professor Wong Siu Lun