09 學院在何鴻燊社區書院管理上發揮更大作用 HKU SPACE Undertakes a Greater Management Role in HPSHCC 學院為回應社會對高等教育的需求,在2000 年成立香港大學附屬學院之後,再與保良局於 2005年合辦香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻 燊社區書院(何鴻燊書院),為中學生提供更多 元升學途徑。 在過去20年裏,學院與何鴻燊書院建立了牢固 的夥伴關係,培育了無數學生,造福社會。目前, 何鴻燊書院擁有約3,000名學生,畢業生超過 16,000人。何鴻燊書院與香港大學附屬學院攜 手合作,取錄學生逾11,000人,將成為本地高 等教育界最大的服務機構之一。 為書院提供更廣泛管理服務 為配合《專上學院條例》(第320章)的建議修 訂,學院與保良局就何鴻燊書院目前的營運進 行檢討,並達成共識,認為雙方應加強長遠的 合作關係,學院將在何鴻燊書院的營運管理上 發揮更大作用,學院院長李經文教授同時於 2024年3月22日起獲委任為何鴻燊書院校長。 學院具備豐富的學術和持續進修教學背景,課 程科目極多元化,必能為學生帶來最佳的學習 體驗。 李經文教授表示:「學院和保良局一直維持良好 的合作關係。隨着我們邁步向前,書院會繼續 秉持清晰的願景:持續成為香港其中一 所最優秀的高等教育學院。為此,我們 將繼續因應學生的不同需要,創造獨一 無二的學習體驗,從而啟發他們的學術 潛能,並成為負責任的公民。」 何鴻燊書院現時開辦19個不同專業範 疇的副學位課程,畢業生可按香港大學 體制,經學院或何鴻燊書院直接獲授副 學位。在政府去年年底公佈2024/25學 年「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」的副 學位課程名單中,何鴻燊書院繼續成為 獲最多資助學額的院校,涉10個課程共 860個學額,涵蓋護理、運動及康樂、旅 遊及款待等範疇。在未來,書院將推出 全新課程,為社會培育更多人才。 In response to the community's growing demand for higher education, the School established HKU SPACE Community College (CC) in 2000, and then collaborated with Po Leung Kuk to co-found the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (HPSHCC) in 2005, providing more diversified pathways for secondary school students. Over the past 20 years, the School has fostered a strong partnership with HPSHCC, nurturing many students to the benefit of the community. Today, HPSHCC boasts an enrolment of approximately 3,000 students and over 16,000 graduates. With a student population exceeding 11,000 in collaboration with the Community College, HPSHCC is poised to become part of the largest service provider in the local tertiary education sector. Providing more management services for HPSHCC In light of the proposed legislative amendments to the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap.320), the School and Po Leung Kuk have reviewed the current operations of HPSHCC and reached a consensus that both parties should continue and strengthen their partnership on a long-term basis, which will bring maximum benefits to students of HPSHCC. To this end, the School will undertake a HKU SPACE Undertakes a Greater Management Role in HPSHCC 學院在何鴻燊社區書院管理上發揮更大作用 greater management role in the operations of HPSHCC and Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, was appointed as the College Principal with effect from 22 March 2024. Given the rich academic and continuing learning background of the School, we believe it could enhance the learning experience of students with a wide range of programmes offered. “HKU SPACE has long enjoyed a strong working relationship with Po Leung Kuk,” said Professor Lee. “As we move forward, the vision for HPSHCC is clear: to continue our journey towards becoming one of the finest tertiary colleges in Hong Kong. Our focus will remain on providing an individualised learning experience that nurtures students' academic prowess while instilling in them a deep sense of social responsibility.” Currently, HPSHCC offers 19 sub-degree programmes across multiple disciplines leading to awards within The University of Hong Kong system through HKU SPACE or awards of HPSHCC. In the list of subdegree programmes announced by the Government under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/ Sectors (SSSDP) in 2024-25 academic year, HPSHCC has maintained its position as the leading recipient of subsidised places, securing a total of 860 places across 10 programmes covering fields such as Health Care, Sports and Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality. Looking ahead, the College plans to introduce new programmes to nurture even more talents for the community.