05 晚宴取得空前成功,有賴各界的積極參與及鼎力支持,學院謹致謝忱。是次活動全部 收益撥捐香港大學專業進修學院獎助學基金,以資助學院全日制學生。 The Dinner's success would not have been possible without everybody's participation and great support. All proceeds were allocated to support the HKU SPACE Scholarship and Bursary Fund to benefit our full-time students. 贊助人名單按姓氏或機構名稱的英文字母順序排列。我們亦要 感謝其他捐助者及匿名捐助者的慷慨支持。 The list of patrons is arranged in alphabetical order based on the surname or organisation name. We would also like to express our gratitude to other donors and anonymous contributors for their generous support. 活動重溫 Event recap 鳴謝贊助人Special Thanks to our Patrons: 鑽石贊助人 Diamond Patrons Mr William Au Weng-hei, SBS, JP Ms Maisy Ho, BBS 金贊助人 Gold Patrons Dr Ambrose So Vita Green Charitable Foundation Ms Wong May Wai, Esther Mr K S Yeung, GBS, JP Professor Enoch C M Young, BBS 銀贊助人 Silver Patrons Dr Darwin Chen, SBS Dr Edmond Cheng Ms Wendy Gan HKU SPACE Gem & Jewellery Alumni Association Mr Anthony Kwok Dr George Lam, BBS, JP Ms Elsie Leung Oi-sie, GBM, JP theOrigo Ltd. Mr Wong Ling Sun Vincent, JP 贊助人 Patrons Ir Dr David Ho Chi Shing, JP Mr Aaron Hui H.C Mr Edmund Lam Mrs Lam Lau Siu-shan Professor William Leung Wing-cheung, GBS, JP Professor Sonny Lo Shiu-hing