15 香港大學附屬學院大灣區招生日 Admission Day for HKU SPACE Community College in the Greater Bay Area With the rapid growth of the Greater Bay Area (GBA), a significant number of Hong Kong residents have chosen to work in the region while ensuring their children receive education in schools for Hong Kong students, enabling them to pursue further studies either in Hong Kong or abroad. In March 2024, HKU SPACE Community College visited the Affiliated School of JNU for Hong Kong & Macao Students, which is the first school for Hong Kong and Macao students in the GBA and the entire country, and the first Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination centre in mainland China. During the visit, the College presented its full-time subdegree programmes to over 200 students, with a special emphasis on three new programmes: Diploma in Foundation Studies (E-learning Mode), Higher Diploma in Nutrition and Food Science, and Higher Diploma for Legal Executives. The College plans to organise more activities in the GBA in the future, contributing to the promotion of talent exchange. The results of this year's Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges, commonly known as ‘Gaokao’, were released on 23 June. To facilitate the enrolment of students with Gaokao results into our programmes, the College organised an Enrolment Day in Luohu, Shenzhen, on 29 June, allowing students to apply for admission and undergo interviews on the spot. On that day, many students and parents approached the College to learn more about studying subdegree programmes in Hong Kong, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. The College does not enter into any agreements with third parties on recruiting students. 隨着大灣區高速發展,不少香港人選擇在大灣 區工作,並安排子女入讀港人子弟學校,以便 未來在香港或赴海外升學。 香港大學附屬學院在今年三月到訪了大灣區以 至全國首間港澳子弟學校——廣州暨大港澳子 弟學校,該校也是首個香港中學文憑試內地試 場。到訪當天,附屬學院向二百多名學生介紹 學院的全日制副學位課程,並特別介紹了其中 三個新課程—— 基礎專上教育文憑(線上學習 模式)、營養及食品科學高級文憑,以及法律 行政人員高級文憑。學院未來會在大灣區籌辦 更多活動,為促進人才交流作出貢獻。 今年高考在6月23日開始陸續公佈成績。為 方便持高考成績的同學報讀學院課程,附屬 學院在6月29日於深圳羅湖區舉行招生日, 讓同學即場報名及面試。當天不少學生及家 長向學院直接了解在港修讀副學位課程的詳 情,反應熱烈。 本學院沒有委託 任何仲介機構招 收學生。 香港大學附屬學院大灣區招生日 Admission Day for HKU SPACE Community College in the Greater Bay Area