香港大學附屬學院首屆學術會議圓滿舉行 HKU SPACE Community College Hosts its First Academic Conference 14 香港大學附屬學院於2024年6月7日舉辦第一 屆學術會議,主題為「多學科和跨學科視角下 的教學與研究的變革和發展」,報名參加的人 數達480。會議由香港大學專業進修學院院長 李經文教授致開幕辭,接着由香港大學核心課 程總監及生物醫學學院資深顧問(教學)唐柱 霖教授及香港大學教與學創新中心總監陳嘉玉 教授分別以「在急速變革時代的跨學科學習」 和「高等教育如何為未來做好準備?」為題發 表演講。 會議的第二部分設有36個不同議題的小組,包 括:「哲學與人工智能」、「中美關係的發展:現 在與未來」、「人文教育的挑戰與未來發展」等, 吸引了約350名來自香港資助和私立大學的參 與者。講者就議題交流專業意見和觀點;與會 者均表示,會議有助他們加深了解專上教育的 蛻變和發展。 當天會場設有虛擬實境/洞穴式自動虛擬實境/ 元宇宙課程示範攤位,介紹虛擬實境在不同課 程中的應用,引了不少參觀者,反應十分理想。 未來,附屬學院將每兩年舉辦一次同類型的學 術會議。 On 7 June 2024, HKU SPACE Community College held its first academic conference, attracting a total of 480 participants. Themed "Transformation and Development in Teaching and Research: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Perspectives", the welcoming speech of the conference was made by Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, followed by the keynote speeches delivered by Professor Julian Tanner, Director of Common Core and Senior Advisor to the T&L Deanery of the LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, who spoke on "Student Learning across Disciplines in a Time of Rapid Change", and Professor Cecilia Chan, Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation Center of the University of Hong Kong, who addressed the topic "How can Higher Education be Future Ready". The conference comprised 36 panel discussions covering a diverse range of subjects, such as "Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence", "The Development of US-China Relations: The Present and the Future", and "Challenges and Future Developments in Humanities Education". The conference attracted around 350 participants from public and private universities in Hong Kong, who engaged in lively exchanges 香港大學附屬學院首屆學術會議圓滿舉行 HKU SPACE Community College Hosts its First Academic Conference on professional insights and perspectives on the evolving landscape of post-secondary education. Additionally, a VR/CAVE/Metaverse/Online Courses Demonstration Booth was set up to showcase the application of VR technologies in different courses. The demonstrations were well-received by the attendees. Moving forward, the College plans to organise similar conferences on a biennial basis.