06 09 highlights 亮點 通訊 NEWSLETTER 2024 第八十三期 ISSUE 83 香港大學專業進修學院校友會成立於2004年, 今年適逢20周年,別具意義。為隆重其事,校 友會於5月18日假香港會議展覽中心舉行晚 宴,超過300名賓客出席,包括校友、歷屆及 現屆校友委員會委員、榮譽院士、贊助者、學 院高級管理層及學科校友組織成員,歡聚一 堂,分享喜悅,見證校友會邁向歷史新里程。 The HKU SPACE ALUMNI, inaugurated in 2004, is commemorating its 20th anniversary this year. To celebrate this milestone, the ALUMNI hosted a Gala Dinner on 18 May at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Over 300 guests, including alumni, former and current Council Members, Honorary Fellows, donors, senior management of the School and Subject Alumni Groups, gathered to share the joy and witness the ALUMNI's progress towards a new chapter in its history. 學院在何鴻燊社區書院 管理上發揮更大作用 HKU SPACE Undertakes a Greater Management Role in HPSHCC 首屆大灣區教育論壇與 考察交流團 積極融入國家發展大局 Inaugural GBA Education Conference and Study Tour: Integrating into the National Development Blueprint 83 ISSUE 14 香港大學附屬學院 首屆學術會議圓滿舉行 HKU SPACE Community College Hosts its First Academic Conference 12 校友會二十載砥 勵前行 周年慶祝晚宴圓 滿舉行 SUCCESSFUL GALA DINNER MARKS THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF HKU SPACE ALUMNI 10 2024 學院開放日 自我增值畫出彩虹 Open SPACE 2024: Empower Yourself, Forge Your Own Path AUG 2024 首次與倫敦國王學院攜手 推出世界頂尖排名護理課程 HKU SPACE Alumni’s 1st Collaboration with King's College London to Launch World's Top-Ranked Nursing Programme

校友會二十載砥勵前行 周年慶祝晚宴圓滿舉行 Successful Gala Dinner Marks the 20th Anniversary of HKU SPACE ALUMNI 02 精彩表演迎盛事 Spectacular performances to commence the dinner 二十周年晚宴節目精彩紛呈,首先由象徵校友20年 來團結一致的擊鼓表演拉開序幕,接着由主禮嘉賓高 永文醫生及校友會會長郭昶先生分別致辭。高醫生鼓 勵大家:「我們的校友在不同的專業領域嶄露頭角, 印證了學院的堅韌、創新和對知識不懈的追求,讓我 們繼續相信夢想之美,以力學不倦和堅定不移的意 志,塑造更光明的未來。」郭會長說:「學院校友來自 各行各業。在過去20年裏,他們取得了卓越的成就, 展現了終身學習的決心。」 祝酒之後就是激動人心的「舞動未來」,這場電光舞蹈 充分展現了學院敢於開創和服務社會的信念,以及為 學員締造最佳學習體驗,以成就更出色未來的使命。 舞台上,舞者所散發的激情和活力感染全場;舞台下, 來賓在充滿能量、熱情和歡樂的氣氛中享用美食,度 過難忘的晚上。在用膳期間,司儀走到台下,與兩位 孜孜不倦學習的校友黃美慧女士及Gill Jagroop Kaur 女士進行輕鬆愉快的對談。她們分享了在學院修讀 了逾10個不同課程的經驗,展現了終身學習的精神, 令在場嘉賓受益匪淺。 活動尾聲,學院向各贊助人頒發感謝狀。最後,學院 結他老師吳偉浩先生、著名胡琴演奏家陳璧沁女士與 一眾表演者進行了一場動人心弦的中西樂器演奏,為 這場盛事畫上完美句號。

03 The 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner featured a series of exciting programmes. It commenced with a powerful drumming performance symbolising the unity of our alumni over the past two decades. This was followed by speeches from the Guest of Honour, Dr the Honourable Ko Wing-man, and the President of the ALUMNI, Mr Anthony Kwokchong. Dr Ko encouraged the audience, "Our alumni are making their mark in diverse professional fields. It is a testament to the resilience, innovation, and relentless pursuit of knowledge that define HKU SPACE. May we continue to believe in the beauty of our dreams, for it is through our collective efforts and unwavering determination that we will shape a brighter future." Mr Kwok added, "Our alumni represent a wide range of professions across diverse fields. Over the past two decades, they have demonstrated excellence and a commitment to lifelong learning." The toast was followed by an electrifying "Dance to the Future" dance performance, showcasing the School's belief in pioneering and serving the community, as well as its mission to provide the best possible learning experience for students towards a better future. On stage, the dancers' passion and energy were contagious; while off stage, the guests enjoyed a memorable evening of delectable food and drinks in a vibrant atmosphere filled with energy and joy. During the Dinner, the Master of Ceremonies engaged in a lighthearted conversation with two alumni, Ms Esther Wong and Ms Gill Jagroop Kaur, who exemplify tireless learners. They shared their experiences of studying over 10 different programmes at the School, embodying the spirit of lifelong learning and inspiring the guests. Towards the end of the event, the School presented certificates of appreciation to the patrons. The evening concluded with a striking performance featuring Chinese and Western musical instruments by Mr Ron Ng, the School's guitar teacher, Ms Chan Piksum, the renowned huqin player, and other talented performers.

04 校友會二十載砥勵前行 周年慶祝晚宴圓滿舉行 Successful Gala Dinner Marks the 20th Anniversary of HKU SPACE ALUMNI

05 晚宴取得空前成功,有賴各界的積極參與及鼎力支持,學院謹致謝忱。是次活動全部 收益撥捐香港大學專業進修學院獎助學基金,以資助學院全日制學生。 The Dinner's success would not have been possible without everybody's participation and great support. All proceeds were allocated to support the HKU SPACE Scholarship and Bursary Fund to benefit our full-time students. 贊助人名單按姓氏或機構名稱的英文字母順序排列。我們亦要 感謝其他捐助者及匿名捐助者的慷慨支持。 The list of patrons is arranged in alphabetical order based on the surname or organisation name. We would also like to express our gratitude to other donors and anonymous contributors for their generous support. 活動重溫 Event recap 鳴謝贊助人Special Thanks to our Patrons: 鑽石贊助人 Diamond Patrons Mr William Au Weng-hei, SBS, JP Ms Maisy Ho, BBS 金贊助人 Gold Patrons Dr Ambrose So Vita Green Charitable Foundation Ms Wong May Wai, Esther Mr K S Yeung, GBS, JP Professor Enoch C M Young, BBS 銀贊助人 Silver Patrons Dr Darwin Chen, SBS Dr Edmond Cheng Ms Wendy Gan HKU SPACE Gem & Jewellery Alumni Association Mr Anthony Kwok Dr George Lam, BBS, JP Ms Elsie Leung Oi-sie, GBM, JP theOrigo Ltd. Mr Wong Ling Sun Vincent, JP 贊助人 Patrons Ir Dr David Ho Chi Shing, JP Mr Aaron Hui H.C Mr Edmund Lam Mrs Lam Lau Siu-shan Professor William Leung Wing-cheung, GBS, JP Professor Sonny Lo Shiu-hing

首屆大灣區教育論壇與考察交流團 積極融入國家發展大局 Inaugural GBA Education Conference and Study Tour: Integrating into the National Development Blueprint 06 Inaugural GBA Education Conference and Study Tour: Integrating into the National Development Blueprint 首屆大灣區教育論壇與考察交流團 積極融入國家發展大局 This year commemorates the 5th anniversary of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”. To actively align with the country's development, HKU SPACE successfully organised the Inaugural GBA Education Conference on 20 June 2024 at the Philip K.H. Wong Theatre at the University of Hong Kong. Furthermore, a study tour was conducted from 20 to 22 June to explore the latest trends, best practices, and the growing need for higher education, manpower development, and skills upgrading in the rapidly evolving Greater Bay Area. The Resounding Success of the Inaugural GBA Education Conference The Opening Ceremony was graced by Dr Choi Yuk Lin, Secretary for Education, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) of The University of Hong Kong, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of HKU SPACE; and Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE. These esteemed speakers delivered speeches to an audience of nearly 300 educators, experts, practitioners, and members of the public from the Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area. Centred around the theme of “Innovative Education and Lifelong Learning”, the keynote speakers included Professor Yang Rui, Dean and Chair of Education of the Faculty of Education at HKU; Professor Chen Dong Min, Emeritus Professor of Peking University and Executive Director of Guangdong Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory; and Professor Aliana Leong Man Wai, Associate Vice President (International Affairs) and Dean of School of Liberal Arts at Macau University of Science and Technology. They shared the current challenges and future developments in education and technology. A Roundtable Discussion also explored innovative trends in education and the future of continuing education in the GBA, offering valuable insights to all attendees. 今年是《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》頒布5周 年,學院積極融入國家發展大局,於2024年6 月20日在香港大學黃乾亨講堂成功舉辦了首屆 大灣區教育論壇,並於6月20至22日順利舉辦 了大灣區考察交流團,共同探討快速發展的大 灣區在高等教育、人才發展和技能提升需求方 面的最新趨勢和最佳實踐。 首屆大灣區教育論壇圓滿舉行 香港特別行政區政府教育局局長蔡若蓮博士、 香港大學副校長(教學)、學院董事局主席何立 仁教授與學院院長李經文教授蒞臨主禮開幕儀 式及致辭。近三百名來自粵港澳大灣區的教育 家、專家、實踐者和公眾齊聚一堂。 論壇主題為「創新教育與終身學習」,三位主旨 演講嘉賓分別是:香港大學教育學院院長楊銳 教授;北京大學講席教授、廣東省松山湖材料 實驗室常務副主任陳東敏教授,及澳門科技大 學協理副校長、博雅學院院長梁文慧教授,分 享了當前教育與科技領域面臨的挑戰及未來發 展。緊接著是圓桌討論,探討了大灣區教育的 創新動向和持續教育的發展前景,為在場人士 帶來前瞻性的洞見。

07 探訪大灣區龍頭企業 論壇結束後,李經文院長帶領學院高級管理層 及校友會成員一行29人,到大灣區展開為期三 天兩夜的考察交流,參訪大灣區龍頭企業,包 括:中國最大規模的互聯網科技公司、總部位 於深圳市的騰訊、科技龍頭企業華為的最大研 究所華為歐洲小鎮、有國際影響力的新材料研 發南方基地的松山湖材料實驗室、創新企業的 大本營機器人基地和本末科技有限公司、松山 湖粵港澳大灣區創新驅動中心,以及人形機器 人的領導者優必選科技股份有限公司。通過幾 天緊密的活動安排,考察團成員對大灣區的發 展不但有了更深入的瞭解,也為日後持續的知 識交流和合作奠下了堅實的基礎。 總的來說,首屆大灣區教育論壇與考察交流團 的活動不僅加強了香港高等教育融入大灣區的 趨勢,對促進大灣區的教育合作起到積極作用, 更加體現了學院對於推動區域終身學習與人才 培養的承諾。

08 首屆大灣區教育論壇與考察交流團 積極融入國家發展大局 Inaugural GBA Education Conference and Study Tour: Integrating into the National Development Blueprint 活動重溫 Event recap Exploring Leading Enterprises in the GBA After the Conference, Professor William K.M. Lee led a delegation of 29 senior management and alumni members on a three-day two-night study tour to the GBA. The tour included visits to prominent enterprises such as Tencent, China's largest Internet technology company headquartered in Shenzhen; Huawei European Town, technology leader Huawei's largest research institute; Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, an internationally influential new materials R&D centre; XbotPark and Direct Drive Tech, innovative robotics bases; Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area Science and Technology Leading Talents Innovation Drive Center; and UBTECH Robotics Inc., the leader in humanoid robots. Through these intensive visits, the delegation gained deeper insights into the development of the GBA, laying a solid foundation for knowledge exchange and collaboration in the future. In summary, the Inaugural GBA Education Conference and Study Tour not only enhanced the integration of Hong Kong's higher education into the GBA but also played a positive role in fostering education cooperation within the region. These initiatives showcased HKU SPACE's commitment to promoting lifelong learning and talent development in the GBA.

09 學院在何鴻燊社區書院管理上發揮更大作用 HKU SPACE Undertakes a Greater Management Role in HPSHCC 學院為回應社會對高等教育的需求,在2000 年成立香港大學附屬學院之後,再與保良局於 2005年合辦香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻 燊社區書院(何鴻燊書院),為中學生提供更多 元升學途徑。 在過去20年裏,學院與何鴻燊書院建立了牢固 的夥伴關係,培育了無數學生,造福社會。目前, 何鴻燊書院擁有約3,000名學生,畢業生超過 16,000人。何鴻燊書院與香港大學附屬學院攜 手合作,取錄學生逾11,000人,將成為本地高 等教育界最大的服務機構之一。 為書院提供更廣泛管理服務 為配合《專上學院條例》(第320章)的建議修 訂,學院與保良局就何鴻燊書院目前的營運進 行檢討,並達成共識,認為雙方應加強長遠的 合作關係,學院將在何鴻燊書院的營運管理上 發揮更大作用,學院院長李經文教授同時於 2024年3月22日起獲委任為何鴻燊書院校長。 學院具備豐富的學術和持續進修教學背景,課 程科目極多元化,必能為學生帶來最佳的學習 體驗。 李經文教授表示:「學院和保良局一直維持良好 的合作關係。隨着我們邁步向前,書院會繼續 秉持清晰的願景:持續成為香港其中一 所最優秀的高等教育學院。為此,我們 將繼續因應學生的不同需要,創造獨一 無二的學習體驗,從而啟發他們的學術 潛能,並成為負責任的公民。」 何鴻燊書院現時開辦19個不同專業範 疇的副學位課程,畢業生可按香港大學 體制,經學院或何鴻燊書院直接獲授副 學位。在政府去年年底公佈2024/25學 年「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」的副 學位課程名單中,何鴻燊書院繼續成為 獲最多資助學額的院校,涉10個課程共 860個學額,涵蓋護理、運動及康樂、旅 遊及款待等範疇。在未來,書院將推出 全新課程,為社會培育更多人才。 In response to the community's growing demand for higher education, the School established HKU SPACE Community College (CC) in 2000, and then collaborated with Po Leung Kuk to co-found the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (HPSHCC) in 2005, providing more diversified pathways for secondary school students. Over the past 20 years, the School has fostered a strong partnership with HPSHCC, nurturing many students to the benefit of the community. Today, HPSHCC boasts an enrolment of approximately 3,000 students and over 16,000 graduates. With a student population exceeding 11,000 in collaboration with the Community College, HPSHCC is poised to become part of the largest service provider in the local tertiary education sector. Providing more management services for HPSHCC In light of the proposed legislative amendments to the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap.320), the School and Po Leung Kuk have reviewed the current operations of HPSHCC and reached a consensus that both parties should continue and strengthen their partnership on a long-term basis, which will bring maximum benefits to students of HPSHCC. To this end, the School will undertake a HKU SPACE Undertakes a Greater Management Role in HPSHCC 學院在何鴻燊社區書院管理上發揮更大作用 greater management role in the operations of HPSHCC and Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, was appointed as the College Principal with effect from 22 March 2024. Given the rich academic and continuing learning background of the School, we believe it could enhance the learning experience of students with a wide range of programmes offered. “HKU SPACE has long enjoyed a strong working relationship with Po Leung Kuk,” said Professor Lee. “As we move forward, the vision for HPSHCC is clear: to continue our journey towards becoming one of the finest tertiary colleges in Hong Kong. Our focus will remain on providing an individualised learning experience that nurtures students' academic prowess while instilling in them a deep sense of social responsibility.” Currently, HPSHCC offers 19 sub-degree programmes across multiple disciplines leading to awards within The University of Hong Kong system through HKU SPACE or awards of HPSHCC. In the list of subdegree programmes announced by the Government under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/ Sectors (SSSDP) in 2024-25 academic year, HPSHCC has maintained its position as the leading recipient of subsidised places, securing a total of 860 places across 10 programmes covering fields such as Health Care, Sports and Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality. Looking ahead, the College plans to introduce new programmes to nurture even more talents for the community.

首次與倫敦國王學院攜手 推出世界頂尖排名護理課程 1st Collaboration with King's College London to Launch World's Top-Ranked Nursing Programme 10 1st Collaboration with King's College London to Launch World's Top-Ranked Nursing Programme 首次與倫敦國王學院攜手 推出世界頂尖排名護理課程 學院與倫敦國王學院(國王學院)簽訂合作 協議,建立戰略夥伴關係。倫敦國王學院是 2024年QS世界大學排名位列前40,也是英 國歷史最悠久的大學之一,一向致力為學生 提供全面教育,培養學生的批判思維、解難能 力及改革能力,以滿足英國本土及全球社會需 求。這項協議是國王學院與香港教育機構的首 度合作,也是學院在跨國教育領域的一個重要 里程碑。 將世界一流課程帶到香港 根據協議內容,學院與國王學院將攜推手推出 一系列課程,頭炮課程是臨床護理學碩士,由 國王學院提供課程內容及授課,學院負責行政 支援。值得一提的是,根據2024年QS世界大 學學科排名,King's的護理學科在英國排名第 一,在全球排名第二。 臨床護理學碩士是一個為期兩年的兼讀制課 程,為香港學生提供機會取得國王學院頒發的 碩士學銜。課程以遙距學習模式進行,學生透 過電子學習平台與國王學院的學生一起參加在 線課堂。課程將指導學生深入了解數位策略在 護理層面的應用及接受醫療體系領袖培訓,學 生亦能夠參與促進患者安全的體制文化及循證 實踐等。在港完成課程的畢業生將成為國王學 院的校友,有助提升他們的職業前景、人際交 流機會和全球視野。香港護士可獲得持續護理 教育 (CNE) 學分。 學院院長李經文教授對合作表示歡迎,他說: 「國王學院以護理學科在世界著稱。這次合作讓 我們將世界一流的課程帶到香港,正好符合港 大專業進修學院為香港市民提供優質教育及學 習機會的辦學承諾。」 為全球培養醫護專業團隊 倫敦國王學院副院長(教育)兼護理學教授Mary Malone表示:「臨床護理學碩士課程培養學生 成為醫療保健實踐領域的領導者。他們將學到 如何為患者提供關懷備至、以實證為基礎及以 人為本的護理服務。透過這次合作,我們很高 興能為香港的合資格護士提供以研究為依據的 高等教育,從而建立一個擁有訓練有素的醫療 保健專業領導團隊的全球社區。」 在2024年7月29-30日,學院舉辦了一連兩 天的課程諮詢講座,國王學院重量級代表親 身來港為香港學生詳細講解與新課程有關的 資訊,包括:副院長(教育)兼護理學教授 Mary Malone及高級國際合作夥伴關係經理 Louise Lawton 女士。 在未來,兩所學院的合作將擴展至護理學、法 律和心理學學士學位課程。國王學院亦將支援 香港大學明德書院在《專上學院條例》(第320 章)改革後的預期發展,以進一步加強在全球 的學術合作。

11 HKU SPACE and King's College London (King’s) have signed a collaboration agreement to forge a strategic partnership. As one of the top 40 universities in the QS World University Rankings 2024 and one of the oldest institutions in England, King's is committed to providing a rounded education that cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving, and transformative skills to meet the demands of the UK and the global community. This agreement marks the first-ever collaboration between King's and an educational institution in Hong Kong, representing a significant milestone for the School in transnational education. Introducing world-class programmes to Hong Kong Under the agreement, the School and King's will collaborate to offer a range of programmes, beginning with the Master of Science in Clinical Nursing (MSc Clinical Nursing). King's will provide the content and delivery of the programme, while the School will provide administrative support. Notably, King's ranks 1st in the UK and 2nd in the world for Nursing according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024. The MSc Clinical Nursing is a two-year part-time programme to offer Hong Kong students the opportunity to obtain a master’s degree award from King’s. The programme is conducted in a distance learning mode, with students attending online classes alongside King's students through King’s eLearning platform. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the application of digital strategies in healthcare and clinical leadership, and they will have the opportunity to engage with institutional and wider cultures that promote patient safety and evidencebased nursing practices. Graduates who complete the programme in Hong Kong will become alumni of King's, enhancing their career prospects, networking opportunities, and global outlook. Hong Kong nurses can also earn Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits through this programme. Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, warmly welcomed this initiative, stating, “King’s is a leading UK University, renowned for its excellence in Nursing, and HKU SPACE is proud to partner with them in bringing their high-quality academic programmes to Hong Kong. This strategic partnership aligns with our commitment to providing access to world-class education and expanding learning opportunities for individuals in Hong Kong.” Cultivating a worldwide community of healthcare professionals Mary Malone, Vice Dean (Education) and Professor of Nursing at King's College London, expressed, “The MSc Clinical Nursing programme supports nurses to develop as leaders in healthcare practice. Students gain the knowledge they need to provide compassionate, evidencebased, and person-centered care. Through our partnership, we are proud to provide research-informed higher education to qualified nurses in Hong Kong, building a worldwide community of highly trained healthcare professional leaders.” On 29-30 July 2024, HKU SPACE hosted a two-day programme Information Seminar, featuring esteemed representatives from King's who visited Hong Kong to provide detailed insights into the new programme for local students, including Professor Mary Malone, Vice Dean (Education) and Professor of Nursing, and Ms Louise Lawton, Senior International Partnerships Manager. Looking ahead, the collaboration between the two institutions will expand to include the development of a BSc in Nursing as well as, potentially, programmes in law and psychology. King’s also supports the anticipated developments at HKU Centennial College once the Post Secondary College Ordinance (Cap 320) reforms are enacted, further strengthening global academic collaboration.

2024學院開放日 自我增值畫出彩虹 Open SPACE 2024: Empower Yourself, Forge Your Own Path 12 每天面對不同的挑戰,我們需要時刻自我增值。 無論是學習工作上的新知識,還是發掘不同興 趣,只要勇於嘗試,我們便能活得更豐盛、更 精彩! 知識分享 進步人生 學院於6月8日以線上線下模式同步舉行了 OPEN SPACE 開放日。今年三大重點講座包 括近期爆紅話題,由香港投資推廣署家族辦公 室環球總裁方展光先生主講的「2024年香港發 展家族辦公室的最新趨勢」。註冊營養師畢李明 女士及學院高級課程主任董爽博士在「中醫師 與營養師的深度對談:探索素食養生食療秘訣」 中為大眾揭開營養食療的迷思。我們亦有幸邀 請到日本駐香港總領事岡田健一先生,在「柯 士甸山道19號—我的外交官人生與香港點滴」 中分享在香港的點滴及30年的外交官生涯。 擴闊眼界 創造機遇 除重點講座外,當天還有超過80場精彩講座, 涵蓋最新市場熱話、專業技能提升、養生健康 解碼及語言文化探索四大主題。 投資市場瞬息萬變,「2024下半年港股展望與 機遇」展望下半年港股走勢,並剖析了當中的 機遇。當父母要考牌?「教父母做父母:有效 的親子溝通技巧」與參加者分享走進孩子內心 世界的有效方法。 近年全球掀起人才爭奪戰,具備專業技能人士 炙手可熱。「將興趣變成專業:成為營養學家及 營養師」及「甜品師9,779公里追夢之旅」幫助 有志成為營養學家、營養師或甜品師的人士實 現夢想。 全球人均壽命愈來愈長,要活得長久,就要解 碼養生之道。「長者骨關節炎:運動有法」幫助 長者強化肌力;「腰椎間盤突出症的中醫骨傷 科治療」則講解中醫治療在緩解疼痛和促進康 復方面的獨特優勢。 學習語言和文化是走向國際的有效途徑。「與 漫畫家一起探索韓國網絡漫畫和日常漫畫創 作」講述韓國網絡漫畫不斷發展的格局。「匠 手用心—當代藝術專業與 修復師傅對談」為大家敞 開保育藝術遺產之心扉。 「探索『音樂研究與職涯規 劃』的各種可能性」則介紹 了演奏、作曲和音樂學等 不同方面的基礎理論,有 助增進音樂路上必備的知識和技巧。 今年開放日更新增「DSE升學規劃」專題,幫 助莘莘學子思考未來升學路向。 開放日活動反應熱烈,出席者獲益良多。現場 參與人次逾1,000之多;各場講座線上總收看 次數超逾5,000。 Open SPACE 2024: Empower Yourself, Forge Your Own Path 2024學院開放日 自我增值畫出彩虹

13 In the face of everyday obstacles, we need to empower ourselves consistently. Whether it is learning new skills for work or exploring personal interests, a willingness to try unlocks a richer and more fulfilling life. Share knowledge to enrich lives On 8 June, the School held the Open SPACE with both online and on-site participation. This year's highlights included three Keynote Talks. Mr Jason Fong, Global Head of Family Office at InvestHK, delivered a talk on "The Latest Trends in the Development of Family Offices in Hong Kong in 2024", a highly popular topic recently. Mrs Clara Pi, Registered Dietitian, and Dr Jenny Tung, Senior Programme Director of HKU SPACE, unveiled the myths of nutritional food therapy in "A Dialogue between Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Dietitian: Unveiling the Mysteries of Vegetarianism and Food Therapy for Health". We were also honoured to have Mr Okada Kenichi, Consul-General (Ambassador) of Japan in Hong Kong, who shared his experiences and insights in "19 Austin Hill Road - My Life as a Diplomat in Hong Kong", offering glimpses into his time in the city and his 30-year diplomatic career. Expand your horizons, create new opportunities In addition to the Keynote Talks, the Open SPACE featured over 80 fascinating talks covering four main themes: Market Trends, Profession and Career, Wellness and Health, and Languages and Culture. With the investment market constantly evolving, "2024 H2 Hong Kong Equity Outlook: Opportunities Emerge" provided insights into the trends and opportunities for the year’s second half. For parents seeking to improve their parenting skills, "3 Tips for Effective Communication with Your Child" offered practical methods to truly understand and connect with their children on a deeper level. In this era of global talent competition, professionals with specialised skills are highly sought after. "Journey from Interest to Profession in Nutrition and Dietetics" and "The Lifelong Learning Journey of a Pastry Chef " provided valuable insights for aspiring nutritionists, dietitians, and pastry chefs, empowering them to shape their careers and realise their dreams. As global life expectancy increases, decoding the secrets of healthy living becomes crucial. "Theraband Exercise for Osteoarthritis" offered tips for the elderly to strengthen their muscles; "Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedic Treatment for Lumbar Disc Herniation" explained the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine treatment in alleviating pain and promoting recovery. Immersing in language and cultural studies is an effective way to broaden one’s global perspective. "Exploring Korean Webtoons and Everyday Comic Creation with the Cartoonist" delved into the evolving landscape of Korean webtoons. "Crafting Legacies - Dialogue between Professional Art Manager & Art Conservator" offered a compelling glimpse into the heart of preserving artistic heritage. "Exploring Music Study and Career Paths: Discovering Potential" introduced the basic theories of performance, composition, and musicology, equipping participants with knowledge and skills crucial for their musical journey. This year's Open SPACE featured a new special session focused on DSE Study Planning. The session aimed to help school students thoughtfully consider their future academic paths. The Open SPACE was a huge success, with participants benefiting greatly. The on-site attendance exceeded 1,000, and the total online views of all talks exceeded 5,000. 講座重溫 Event recap

香港大學附屬學院首屆學術會議圓滿舉行 HKU SPACE Community College Hosts its First Academic Conference 14 香港大學附屬學院於2024年6月7日舉辦第一 屆學術會議,主題為「多學科和跨學科視角下 的教學與研究的變革和發展」,報名參加的人 數達480。會議由香港大學專業進修學院院長 李經文教授致開幕辭,接着由香港大學核心課 程總監及生物醫學學院資深顧問(教學)唐柱 霖教授及香港大學教與學創新中心總監陳嘉玉 教授分別以「在急速變革時代的跨學科學習」 和「高等教育如何為未來做好準備?」為題發 表演講。 會議的第二部分設有36個不同議題的小組,包 括:「哲學與人工智能」、「中美關係的發展:現 在與未來」、「人文教育的挑戰與未來發展」等, 吸引了約350名來自香港資助和私立大學的參 與者。講者就議題交流專業意見和觀點;與會 者均表示,會議有助他們加深了解專上教育的 蛻變和發展。 當天會場設有虛擬實境/洞穴式自動虛擬實境/ 元宇宙課程示範攤位,介紹虛擬實境在不同課 程中的應用,引了不少參觀者,反應十分理想。 未來,附屬學院將每兩年舉辦一次同類型的學 術會議。 On 7 June 2024, HKU SPACE Community College held its first academic conference, attracting a total of 480 participants. Themed "Transformation and Development in Teaching and Research: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Perspectives", the welcoming speech of the conference was made by Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, followed by the keynote speeches delivered by Professor Julian Tanner, Director of Common Core and Senior Advisor to the T&L Deanery of the LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, who spoke on "Student Learning across Disciplines in a Time of Rapid Change", and Professor Cecilia Chan, Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation Center of the University of Hong Kong, who addressed the topic "How can Higher Education be Future Ready". The conference comprised 36 panel discussions covering a diverse range of subjects, such as "Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence", "The Development of US-China Relations: The Present and the Future", and "Challenges and Future Developments in Humanities Education". The conference attracted around 350 participants from public and private universities in Hong Kong, who engaged in lively exchanges 香港大學附屬學院首屆學術會議圓滿舉行 HKU SPACE Community College Hosts its First Academic Conference on professional insights and perspectives on the evolving landscape of post-secondary education. Additionally, a VR/CAVE/Metaverse/Online Courses Demonstration Booth was set up to showcase the application of VR technologies in different courses. The demonstrations were well-received by the attendees. Moving forward, the College plans to organise similar conferences on a biennial basis.

15 香港大學附屬學院大灣區招生日 Admission Day for HKU SPACE Community College in the Greater Bay Area With the rapid growth of the Greater Bay Area (GBA), a significant number of Hong Kong residents have chosen to work in the region while ensuring their children receive education in schools for Hong Kong students, enabling them to pursue further studies either in Hong Kong or abroad. In March 2024, HKU SPACE Community College visited the Affiliated School of JNU for Hong Kong & Macao Students, which is the first school for Hong Kong and Macao students in the GBA and the entire country, and the first Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination centre in mainland China. During the visit, the College presented its full-time subdegree programmes to over 200 students, with a special emphasis on three new programmes: Diploma in Foundation Studies (E-learning Mode), Higher Diploma in Nutrition and Food Science, and Higher Diploma for Legal Executives. The College plans to organise more activities in the GBA in the future, contributing to the promotion of talent exchange. The results of this year's Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges, commonly known as ‘Gaokao’, were released on 23 June. To facilitate the enrolment of students with Gaokao results into our programmes, the College organised an Enrolment Day in Luohu, Shenzhen, on 29 June, allowing students to apply for admission and undergo interviews on the spot. On that day, many students and parents approached the College to learn more about studying subdegree programmes in Hong Kong, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. The College does not enter into any agreements with third parties on recruiting students. 隨着大灣區高速發展,不少香港人選擇在大灣 區工作,並安排子女入讀港人子弟學校,以便 未來在香港或赴海外升學。 香港大學附屬學院在今年三月到訪了大灣區以 至全國首間港澳子弟學校——廣州暨大港澳子 弟學校,該校也是首個香港中學文憑試內地試 場。到訪當天,附屬學院向二百多名學生介紹 學院的全日制副學位課程,並特別介紹了其中 三個新課程—— 基礎專上教育文憑(線上學習 模式)、營養及食品科學高級文憑,以及法律 行政人員高級文憑。學院未來會在大灣區籌辦 更多活動,為促進人才交流作出貢獻。 今年高考在6月23日開始陸續公佈成績。為 方便持高考成績的同學報讀學院課程,附屬 學院在6月29日於深圳羅湖區舉行招生日, 讓同學即場報名及面試。當天不少學生及家 長向學院直接了解在港修讀副學位課程的詳 情,反應熱烈。 本學院沒有委託 任何仲介機構招 收學生。 香港大學附屬學院大灣區招生日 Admission Day for HKU SPACE Community College in the Greater Bay Area

第八十三期 學院通訊編輯委員會 ISSUE 83 HKU SPACE Newsletter Editorial Team 委員 Membersv 祁樂彬 Dr John Cribbin 莫綺媚 Susanna Mok 林銘儀 Cherie Lam 設計師 Designer 余惠君 Iris Yu 地址 Address 香港金鐘道95號統一中心12樓A & B室 Suites A & B, 12/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong 電郵 Email 電話 Tel 2975 5680 傳真 Fax 2546 3538 Follow us @HKUSPACE 香港大學專業進修學院乃非牟利擔保有限公司 HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee 16 83 ISSUE The Correctional Services Department (CSD) held the inaugural Rehabilitation Partners Award Scheme Award Presentation Ceremony on 13 June to honour the contributions of 120 non-governmental organisations, charitable institutions, commercial entities, and post-secondary institutions for their active support to persons in custody and rehabilitated offenders over the past two years. HKU SPACE was honoured to receive the "Rehabilitation Partners" award. Professor William K.M. Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, and Ms. Karen Chan, Associate Head of College of Humanities and Law, accepted the award on behalf of the School. Commencing in 2023, the School has been organising ten Certificate for Module programmes related to Multimedia Production and Communication Design for the Industries & Vocational Training Section of the CSD, providing young persons in custody with industry knowledge and skills training. Through the School's Microcredential courses, students who accumulate 30 and 60 credits will be awarded a Certificate in Professional Practice and a Diploma, respectively. These credentials will enable them to pursue further studies in the School's bridging and advanced programmes in graphic design, interior design, or game design. Currently, four students from Sha Tsui Correctional Institution on Lantau Island have successfully attained the required number of credits and received the Certificate in Professional Practice (Multimedia Design), making them the first group of students to be awarded certificates through the Microcredential courses. This award recognises the School's commitment to providing post-release employment and academic assistance to persons in custody, facilitating their integration into society and ensuring a smooth transition into a new life after release. 懲教署於6月13日舉行首屆「更生伙伴嘉許計劃」 頒獎典禮,表揚120個非政府機關、慈善團體、商 業機構及專上院校等,在過去兩年積極支援在囚及 更生人士。香港大學專業進修學院有幸獲頒「更生 伙伴」獎項,學院院長李經文教授和人文及法律學 院副總監陳嘉玲女士代表學院出席領獎。 自2023年起,學院為懲教署的工業及職業訓練組 開辦十個與多媒體製作及傳意設計有關的證書單元 課程,為在囚的青少年人士提供行業知識和技術訓 練。透過學院的微證書計劃,學員累積滿30及60 學分便可獲得專業實踐證書及文憑資格,讓他們獲 釋後可繼續修讀學院的平面設計、室內設計或遊戲 設計等銜接及進階課程。現階段共有四位大嶼山沙 咀懲教所學員成功累積所需學分,獲頒專業實踐 (多媒體設計)證書,同時成為學院首批透過微證書 計劃獲取證書的學員。 是次獲獎表揚了學院為在囚人士提供獲釋後的就業 及學業的協助,讓他們獲釋後可以順利融入社會, 重過新生。 HKU SPACE Recognised with Correctional Services Department's Inaugural "Rehabilitation Partners" Award 學院榮獲懲教署首屆「更生伙伴」獎項 AUG 2024 Learn more about the School 了解學院更多 學院榮獲懲教署首屆「更生伙伴」獎項 HKU SPACE Recognised with Correctional Services Department's Inaugural "Rehabilitation Partners" Award