09 學院與香港特區政府合作舉辦多個內地考察 團。除了2023年4月份舉辦兩團一般員工深 圳考察團外,在同年11月合作開展了「大灣區 考察團」,共有36位來自不同政府部門的行政 主任參加。活動旨在探討東莞和深圳不同企業 如何應對國家「十四五」規劃,觀摩學習人力 資源政策如何支援各個城市的企業戰略和營 運,以及認識深圳企業在人力資源方面遇到的 挑戰和處理方法。透過與高級管理人員交流、 觀察知名企業的制度政策,以及不同類型企業 和行業的參觀活動,參加者掌握了政府政策如 何塑造商業環境和企業人力資源部門的應對 策略,從而拓闊了學習領域和視野,由於活動 得到香港特區政府的認可,這些活動也計畫在 2024年繼續開展。 在2023年12月舉辦的「文化藝術與戲劇表演 專題研討班」,吸引了超過350位來自北京的 大學學生參加。活動目的在於認識香港在藝 術、戲劇和文化等方面的優勢,以及如何提升 相關範疇的專業技能。透過借鑒金耀基、高志 森和吳志華等專家在香港文化及藝術表演方面 的經驗,了解香港這個中西薈萃的地方如何把 藝術與戲劇融合發展。這次活動深受學生與老 師的歡迎,他們計畫在2024年繼續相關的遊 學活動。 在未來,學院將繼續舉辦不同主題研討班、中 港混合學習模式和其他人才培訓課程,讓學員 掌握前沿知識,增強學員在瞬息萬變的商業環 境中的競爭力。 Study tours to the Mainland to learn about the development of the Greater Bay Area Arts and Culture Seminar 內地考察團認識 大灣區發展 文化藝術研討班 The Academy has collaborated with the HKSAR Government to co-organise several study tours to the Mainland. In April 2023, two general staff study tours to Shenzhen took place, followed by the coorganised Study Tour to the Greater Bay Area in November 2023. The latter was attended by 36 Executive Officers from various government departments. The objectives were multifaceted. Participants aimed to explore how enterprises in Dongguan and Shenzhen responded to the 14th Five-Year Plan, to observe and learn about human resources policies supporting corporate strategies and operations in these two cities, and to gain insights into the challenges faced by Shenzhen enterprises concerning human In December 2023, the Seminar on Arts, Culture and Drama Performance attracted over 350 university students from Beijing. The primary objective of the seminar was to explore Hong Kong's advantages in arts, drama, and culture while enhancing professional skills in these areas. Drawing upon the experiences of prominent experts in Hong Kong's cultural and artistic performances such as Ambrose KING Yeochi, Clifton KO Chi-sum, and Louis NG Chiwa, participants gained insights into how the city, renowned for its fusion of Eastern and Western influences, had cultivated a vibrant arts and theatre scene. Students well accepted the activity, and the university will seek our support for similar seminar in 2024. Looking ahead, the Academy remains committed to organising seminars on various themes, implementing a Hong Kong-Mainland blended learning model, and offering talent development programmes. These initiatives aim to equip participants with cutting-edge knowledge and enhance their competitiveness in the ever-changing business world. resources and effective coping mechanisms. By engaging in discussions with senior management, observing institutional policies of renowned enterprises, and visiting a diverse range of industries, participants were able to gain a comprehensive understanding of how government policies shape the business environment and the strategies implemented by HR departments. Ultimately, these experiences served to broaden their learning horizons. As the HKSAR Government recognised the activities, we have planned the Mainland study tours in 2024.