09 開放日講座主題豐富而廣泛,「探索鐵路工程技 術的職業前景」、「香港樹木管理101」、「將興趣 變成專業:成為營養學家及營養師」等講座幫 助參加者提升專業技能,在行業中脫穎而出。 生活品味和興趣各有不同,有人喜歡品嘗美酒, 有人對鐘錶設計着迷,在「品味精釀啤酒,探 索創業機遇」、「探索高級鐘錶的藝術價值」講座 中,講者與參加者一起尋找手工啤酒的藝術和 商業價值,深入了解高級鐘錶的製作過程和背 後的故事。 「阿拉伯語體驗之旅」、「香道傳承500年:蜂谷 宗苾與志野流的香道世界」、「韓國廢物處理與 循環利用」等講座與大眾遊走中東地區與日韓 國家,探索不同國度的文化及美學價值。 擁有健康身心是人生最大的財富,「中醫智慧: 養生和藥膳」、「小兒推拿」、「靜觀的力量」、「發 掘八字潛力:利用八字規劃健康」等一連串講 座助你調理身體、紓緩壓力,並透過八字規劃 個人健康。 開放日當天40場講座反應熱烈,現場參與人 次逾750之多;各場講座線上總收看次數超逾 五千。歡迎公眾於學院Youtube頻道 (https:// 重溫講座 精彩內容。 The OPEN SPACE talks covered a wide range of topics. “Career Prospect in Railway Engineering Technology”, “Tree Management in HK 101” and “From Interest to Profession: Becoming a Nutritionist and a Dietitian” helped attendees improve professional skills and stand out in their industries. We all have our own lifestyle and hobbies, some like wine, some are fascinated by the craftsmanship of watchmaking. In “The Path to Craft Beer Professionals and Entrepreneurs”, the speaker and the audience set out on a path to explore the artistic and commercial values of craft beer. In “The World of High Horology - Material and Polishing”, we delved into the world of High Horology, digging into the interesting stories behind. Attendees travelled from the Middle East to Japan and Korea through talks of “Arabic Trial Lesson”, “Kodo: A 500-Year Tradition - A Lecture by Souhitsu Hachiya, 21st Generations Designate Master of the Shino School of Kodo” and “South Korea’s Waste Disposal and Recycle System”, exploring cultures and aesthetics of different nations around the world. Striving for professional improvement, experiencing cultures, and unlocking secrets of wellbeing 尋找專業提升、 語言文化及健康密碼 A healthy body and mind are the greatest asset in life. “Chinese Medicine’s Health Maintenance and Cuisine”, “How Mindfulness Enhances Personal Wellbeing", “Pediatric TuiNa”, “How to Use Bazi for Wellness Planning” gave insights on maintaining physical fitness, relieving stress, and applying the knowledge of Bazi to achieve personal wellbeing. The School’s Open Day featured 40 talks and received an enthusiastic response from the public. It attracted more than 750 in-person participants and the total number of online viewers reached over 5,000. The talks can be rewatched on HKU SPACE’s YouTube channel (