The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is Hong Kong’s central banking institution, it was established with the objective to help maintain Hong Kong's status as an international financial center. Its main functions include promoting the stability and integrity of the financial system including the banking system, maintaining currency stability, and managing the Exchange Fund. On 25 May, the Alumni Association organised a guided tour to the HKMA. Alumni gained a better understanding of the operations of the HKMA, as well as the anti-counterfeiting features and production process of Hong Kong currency notes. They also visited the "Historical Timeline" gallery which traces the history of Hong Kong’s monetary, financial and banking systems from 1842 to the present. 香港金融管理局是香港的中央銀行機構,負責香港的金融政策、銀行、貨幣及 外匯基金管理,維持港元貨幣及銀行體系的穩定,協助鞏固香港的國際金融中 心地位。 校友會於5月25日舉辦香港金融管理局導賞團,讓校友加深對金管局工 作的了解,認識香港貨幣的防偽特徵和製作過程;並走進「歷史長廊」, 以1842年香港開埠初期為起點,聆聽百多年來香港的貨幣、金融和銀行 發展史。 探索香港金融管理局 Discover the Hong Kong Monetary Authority 西貢甕缸群島風光如畫,以海蝕洞聞名;鹽田仔因過去鹽業興盛而得名,是 目前香港少數充滿濃厚客家色彩的村落。 學院校友在5月20日踏上西貢甕缸群島及鹽田仔之旅,先到鹽田仔參觀香港 碩果僅存的鹽田,見證了香港鹽業文化的變遷。接着到訪擁有數百年歷史的 糧船灣天后宮,觀賞廟內的清代文物。在西貢市享用特色午餐後,校友乘坐 專船遊覽破邊洲、吊鐘洲、甕缸群島,眺望蔚為奇觀的六角火山柱石,飽覽 各種海蝕地貌,人人盡興而歸。 The picturesque Ung Kong Islands in Sai Kung are famous for the magnificent sea caves. Yim Tin Tsai is a small offshore island near Sai Kung with a long history of salt-making; it is one of the few remaining traditional Hakka villages in Hong Kong. On 20 May the Alumni Association organised a day trip to Ung Kong Islands and Yim Tin Tsai. The first stop was Yim Tin Tsai where the only remaining salt fields in Hong Kong are found. Then alumni visited the centuries-old Tin Hau Temple on High Island. Some Qing Dynasty relics are preserved inside the temple. After having lunch in Sai Kung town center, our alumni took a boat trip around Po Pin Chau, Tiu Chung Chau and Ung Kong Islands to observe the spectacular hexagonal basalt columns and various coastal erosion features. 與大自然共舞 Dwelling in nature 11