07 證書(單元:犀牛草蜢程式參數化模型設計) Certificate for Module (Parametric Modeling with Grasshopper in Rhinoceros) 證書(單元:香港建築實務) Certificate for Module (Hong Kong Architectural Practice) 證書(單元:人工智能機器人與視覺程式設計) Certificate for Module (AI Robotics and Vision Programming) 證書(單元:大數據及人工智能營銷) Certificate for Module (Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Marketing) 證書(單元:中國茶品鑑) Certificate for Module (Chinese Tea Tasting) 證書(單元:功夫茶品鑑) Certificate for Module (Kung Fu Tea Appreciation) 證書(單元:中醫藥膳甜品茶飲) Certificate for Module (Chinese Medicine Cuisine - Dessert and Tea Beverage) 證書(單元:實用小兒推拿) Certificate for Module (Practical Pediatric Tui-Na) 證書(單元:中國政治) Certificate for Module (Chinese Politics) 證書(單元:晚清的戰爭與叛亂) Certificate for Module (Wars and Rebellions in Late Qing Dynasty) 證書(單元:酒店收益管理分析) Certificate for Module (Hotel Revenue Management Analytics) 證書(單元:知識產權管理) Certificate for Module (Intellectual Property Asset Management) 證書(單元:供應鏈及物流業的新常態) Certificate for Module (New Normal in Supply Chain and Logistics Industry) 證書(單元:經理業務數據分析) Certificate for Module (Business Analytics for Managers) 證書(單元:意大利葡萄酒與美食鑑賞) Certificate for Module (Italian Wine and Food Appreciation) 證書(單元:日本清酒大師) Certificate for Module (Master of Japanese Sake) 證書(單元:產後調養) Certificate for Module (Post-natal Care) 證書(單元:健康糕點工作坊) Certificate for Module (Healthy Snacks Workshop) 證書(單元:可持續發展專業) Certificate for Module (Sustainability Professionals) 證書(單元:環境、社會與管治應用和可持續性領導) Certificate for Module (Leadership in Applied ESG and Sustainability) 事業發展 Career Advancement 市場動向 Market Trend 消閒 Leisure 保健 Health 社會及政治 Social and political 建築學 Architectural Studies 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence 中國茶文化 Chinese Tea Culture 中醫學 Chinese Medicine 政治研究 Political Studies 商業管理 Business Management 數碼轉型 Digital Transformation 飲品研究 Beverage Studies 醫療與保健 Medical and healthcare 可持續發展 Sustainability