DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 2022/23 was another busy year, especially as we left the pandemic behind and returned to normal operations. This was evident in student recruitment which was very strong. Our full-time programme numbers expanded again and matched the double cohort year. I should put on record our appreciation to the Acting College Principal and his Admission team for their hard work. Our part-time Colleges did well too so we were able to record a reasonable operational surplus for 2022/23. My thanks to all colleagues for their efforts. Enrolments exceeded 100,000 for the first time since 2008/09 which is pleasing to see. The year also saw changes in prospect as the Government planned to bring the full-time, self-financed sector, including the University units such as HKU SPACE, under a reformed Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance, Cap 320. The University’s response is to merge the School’s full-time sub-degree operations in the Community College with Centennial College, an existing University subsidiary under Cap 320. The merged entity will be known as HKU Centennial College, HKUCC. The concept for the future is that the new HKUCC will be “HKU owned, HKU SPACE managed” such that there will be close synergy between the 2 units with HKUCC providing the academic programmes and HKU SPACE providing the necessary administrative support under a service agreement. Preparations are under way for the necessary accreditation exercises, including Institutional Review, Programme Area Accreditation for existing subdegree programmes and Learning Programme Accreditation for newly proposed degree programmes. These are all in anticipation of the reformed legislation being passed in 2024. A second change for the School is the transfer of its Mainland China operations to a newly established University company, HKU SPACE (Shenzhen) Limited that was effective from 1 January 2023. A third development has been the explosive growth of Generative AI which impacts education as well as many other spheres of activity. Following University policy the School will incorporate AI in the curriculum both because students should understand the proper and ethical use of AI and because employers will expect graduates to be familiar and competent in the use of such tools. The four Colleges are already following up on this in their plans for 2023/24 and beyond. In 2023/24 the School will also participate in the University Grants Committee Quality Assurance Council (UGC QAC) Quality Audit of the University due to take place in December 2023. This has necessitated preparatory work during 2022/23 to submit a concise self reflective summary to the University. A main theme of the exercise is the use of data in quality improvement and with this in mind the School established a Quality Analytics Team in 2021 within its Quality Assurance and Enhancement Unit. Its first task was to move the Learning Experience Survey online and it has subsequently worked on the Survey on Support Services and the i-graduate Student Barometer results. It will in due course bring together a clearer analysis of data held by the School, which can contribute to a better understanding of, and improvement in, quality outcomes to enhance provision. 2022/23又是繁忙的一年,我們終於能夠擺脫 疫情,重回正軌。受惠於疫情告終,學院本年收 生表現強勁,全日制課程學生人數再度上升,甚 至追平雙學制年的數字。這一切全賴附屬學院署 理校長及他轄下入學事務組的共同努力,我謹代 表學院向他們致以衷心感謝。兼讀制學院收生同 樣理想,因此我們在2022/23年錄得可觀的營 運盈餘。本人在此感謝各同事在過去一年克盡己 任、齊心戮力,助學院再創高峰。今年收生人數 是自2008/09年以來首次超過10萬,成績斐 然,令人欣喜。 今年,我們見證學院的前景有所改變。政府正計 劃把全日制自資部門,包括香港大學的附屬機構 如香港大學專業進修學院,納入新修訂《專上學 院條例》(第320章)的管轄範疇。為回應這項 修訂,港大決定把學院旗下的香港大學附屬學院 的全日制副學位課程,以及根據《專上學院條例》 (第320章)註冊為港大附屬機構的明德學院合 併營運,並改稱香港大學明德學院。在未來,新 的香港大學明德學院將以「香港大學持有、香港 大學專業進修學院營運」的模式運作。港大與學 院通力合作,由香港大學明德學院提供學術課 程,學院則透過服務協議提供必要的行政支援。 目前,各項必要的評審工作,包括機構評審、現 有副學位課程的學科範圍評審及新建議學位課 程的課程評審等均在進行當中。預計相關法例修 訂將於2024年獲得通過。 學院的另一項轉變是,我們在中國內地的營運 將交由香港大學新成立的香港大學專業進修學院 (深圳)有限公司負責,並由2023年1 月1 日起 生效。 第三項重要發展是,生成式人工智能的爆炸性增 長為教育界及許多其他領域帶來了重大影響。學 院將根據港大政策把人工智能納入課程之中,一 方面指導學生如何正確及合乎道德地使用人工智 能,另一方面讓學生熟悉並掌握使用人工智能工 具的能力,以符合僱主的期許。學院轄下的四個 學院將在2023/24 及以後的學年就此作出安排。 在2023/24年度,港大將接受大學教育資助委 員會質素保證局(教資會質保局)的質素核證, 學院也會參與其中。有關質素核證已訂於2023 年12 月舉行。作為必要的準備工作,學院已於 2022/23年向港大提交扼要的自行評核概略。 是次評核的其中一個重點是學術質素提升方面 的數據應用。有見及此,學院已於2021 年在學 術質素保證及提升部門之下成立學術質素分析 小組,其首要任務便是把學習體驗調查移師網上 進行,隨後又跟進了支援服務調查及i-graduate 學生指標調查結果。學術質素分析小組將適時提 交報告,明確分析學院所掌握的數據資料,以加 強了解並改善數據應用,從而提升學術質素及學 院的服務水平。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR 院長回顧 Professor William K. M. Lee 李經文教授 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 6 7