FORWARD LOOKING未來展望 The prospects for 2023/24 appear to be challenging and exciting. A major thrust will be the merger of the School’s Community College operations with Centennial College to form HKU Centennial College (HKUCC). This is necessitated by the Government’s intention to include University self financed full time programmes for school leavers in the reformed Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320). However, the University’s decision to form HKUCC will proceed in any event as a direction for the future. At the time of writing the legislative amendments to Cap 320 have yet to be gazetted. Another challenging development is the rapid roll out of Generative AI via such products as ChatGPT. As reported, the Colleges are working to ensure AI is covered in the curricula for programmes so that students are well prepared for the proper and ethical use of AI both in their studies and as a preparation for their subsequent careers. AI will also impact on work practices and the School will review its procedures to make full use of AI technology in the workplace. This will be allied with a move to hybrid working and staff will be provided with suitable hardware to enable an effective work from home environment. The School will also participate in the UGC Quality Audit of the University in 2023/24 and will prepare for the next University Review of HKU SPACE, due in 2024. The School’s Strategic Plan 2017-25 also draws to a close and will require extensive discussion during 2024 to prepare for its next iteration. All in all therefore there is much ahead and I will look forward to reporting on progress in the next Annual Report. 展望2023/24年,將是充滿挑戰及令人振奮的 一年。鑑於政府計劃將大學的自資全日制課程納 入修訂後的《專上學院條例》(第320章)的管 轄範疇,故學院明年的首要工作就是,將旗下的 附屬學院與明德學院合併營運,改稱香港大學 明德學院。無論如何,港大決定成立香港大學明 德學院將是未來的發展大方向。在撰寫本報告之 際,第320章的立法修訂仍有待刊憲。 另一項要面對的挑戰是生成式人工智能產品如 ChatGPT的快速發展。如本報告所述,各學院 正努力確保人工智能被納入課程之中,讓學生 在學習上能正確和合乎道德地使用人工智能, 作為對未來投身社會工作時的充分準備。 人工智能亦對工作實務帶來影響。學院將檢討 其程序,以便在工作上充分利用人工智能技術。 這將與混合模式工作安排互相結合。屆時學院 將為員工提供合適的硬件,讓大家能夠在家有 效地工作。 在2023/24年度,學院將參與大學教育資助委 員會質素核證,並為2024年港大對香港大學 進修學院進行學術檢討做準備。學院的「201725年戰略計劃」也已接近尾聲,我們將在2024 年期間進行廣泛討論,為制訂下一輪工作計劃 做好準備。 教育工作任重而道遠,前路仍然充滿挑戰,我 們期待在下一份週年報告滙報進展情況。 FORWARD LOOKING 未來展望 FORWARD LOOKING未來展望 48 49