STATISTICS統計數據 STUDENTS BY CATEGORY OF PROFESSION 學員職業類別分布 (based on 13,749 returns from part-time students) ( 按13,749名兼讀制學員回覆計算) Type of Business 行業分類 Type of Business 行業分類 Accounting/Auditing 會計、核數 Administration/Secretarial/General Management 行政、秘書、一般管理工作 Advertising/Sales and Marketing/Customer Services 廣告、營銷及市場推廣、顧客服務 Architectural/Building & Construction/Project Engineering/City Planning 建築、建造、項目工程、城市規劃 Art/Creative/Design 藝術、創意行業、設計 Banking/Finance/Investment/Insurance 銀行、金融、投資、保險 Business Management 商業管理 Chinese Medicine 中醫藥 Community/Social Services 社會服務 Computer Science/Information Technology 電腦、資訊科技 Education 教育 Engineering/Machinery 工程、機械 Entertainment/Recreation/Sports 娛樂、康樂、運動管理 Environmental Sciences 環境科學 Food and Beverage 餐飲 Government/Public Utilities 政府部門、公共機構 Hospitality and Tourism 款客服務、旅遊 Housing/Property Management/Real Estate 樓宇、物業管理、地產 Human Resource/Training 人事、培訓 Legal 法律 Library Management 圖書管理 Logistics/Transportation 物流、運輸交通 Manufacturing 製造業 Media/Communications/Public Relations/Publishing/Translation 媒體、傳媒、公關、出版、翻譯 Medical/Health Care/Nutrition/Beauty 醫療、保健、營養、美容 Merchandising/Purchasing/Trading 採購、貿易 Retail/Wholesale 零售、批發 Science and Technology 科學及科技 Telecomnmunications 電訊 Others 其他 1,237 1,142 674 445 611 1,381 413 112 309 410 919 296 136 78 239 801 245 253 278 373 29 294 117 406 823 287 419 209 76 737 9.00% 8.31% 4.90% 3.24% 4.44% 10.04% 3.00% 0.81% 2.25% 2.98% 6.68% 2.15% 0.99% 0.57% 1.74% 5.83% 1.78% 1.84% 2.02% 2.71% 0.21% 2.14% 0.85% 2.95% 5.99% 2.09% 3.05% 1.52% 0.55% 5.36% No. of Student 學員人數 No. of Student 學員人數 Percentage 百分比 Percentage 百分比 TOTAL 總計 13,749 100% STATISTICS統計數據 44 45