CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 The 2022/23 academic and financial year saw the end of the Covid-19 restrictions and a welcome return to face to face teaching. Full time enrolments were healthy as were the part time enrolments and this enabled the School to return a reasonable surplus on its operations. As ever there were challenges ahead and in November 2022 the University Council took two significant decisions regarding HKU SPACE. 隨着防疫限制措施結束,學院在2022/23學術 及財政年度得以恢復面授教學。全日制及兼讀制 課程均錄得理想收生人數,讓學院在營運上錄得 可觀的盈餘。 然而,未來仍然充滿挑戰。在2022 年11 月, 香港大學校務委員會作出了兩項與學院相關的重 要決定。 The first, prompted by the Government’s intention to amend the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320) so as to encompass the self-financed arms of the UGC-funded universities, was to approve the merger of the Centennial College with the School’s full time sub degree programmes in its Community College. The merged entity will be known as HKU Centennial College (HKUCC). Colleagues in the School are therefore working hard to facilitate the merger. Secondly, the Council approved the establishment of HKU SPACE (Shenzhen) Limited to take over the management of the University’s non-degree programmes in Mainland China. This involves the transfer of the School’s Institute for China Business and Senior Executive Academy activities to the new company and was effective from 1 January 2023. And it never rains but it pours, the academic world among others was faced with the rapid expansion of Generative AI and has had to quickly consider how this can be incorporated into the curriculum as well as considering the impact AI has on assessment. The School is following University policy on this and I am pleased to see the Colleges responding proactively. Finally, I should record my thanks to the Board of Directors during 2022/23. As well as our 4 Board meetings there were other committees, meetings, retreats and presentations which Board members supported physically or virtually. Their contributions are an important part of our corporate governance and much appreciated. 首先,鑑於政府計劃修訂《專上學院條例》(第 320章),以涵蓋教資會資助大學附屬的自資部 門,故批准了明德學院與香港大學附屬學院全日 制副學位課程的合併方案,合併後稱為香港大學 明德學院。學院的同事正努力促成這個合併項 目。 其次,校務委員會批准成立香港大學專業進修學 院(深圳)有限公司,新公司自2023年1 月1 日 起,正式接管香港大學在中國內地的非學位課 程,而學院旗下的中國商業學院及企業研究院業 務亦轉交新公司管理。 面對生成式人工智能的快速發展,學術界等領域 除了需要迅速研究如何將其納入課程之中,亦要 考慮人工智能對課程評核的影響。學院正遵循香 港大學在這方面的政策。我很高興看到各學院的 積極響應。 最後,我衷心感謝2022/23年度的各位董事局 委員,他們除了積極參與四次董事局會議外,亦 親身或透過網上出席支持其他委員會、會議、集 思會及演講。他們的貢獻是我們企業管治的重要 組成部分,非常值得稱許。 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION 主席序言 Professor Ian Holliday 何立仁教授 2 3