FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 財務回顧 91% Course fees and other fees 學生學費及其他費用 INCOME 收入 EXPENDITURE 開支 13% Other costs 其他成本 41% Academic sta costs 教職員成本 18% Central academic services, administrative and support sta costs 中央學術服務、 行政及後勤員工成本 9% Programme costs 課程成本 11% O ice and learning centre expenses 辦公室及教學中心開支 8% Depreciation and amortisation 折舊及攤銷 2% Interest and investment income 利息/投資收入 2% Grants, donations and specific funds 撥款、捐款和特別基金 5% Other income 其他收入 After several years of rather vigorous rightsizing efforts between 2013/14 and 2017/18 resulting in significant reductions in staff strength, the overall staffing situation of the School has stablised in recent years. Indeed, there have only been marginal variations in the overall strength of the School since 2018/19. When compared to the start of the year, the staff strength reduced by 14 staff, or 1.6% of the total staff strength. This moderate drop in staff strength reflects the reduction in staff number due to the relocation of the Institute for China Business to the University, which was partially offset by the recruitment of additional staff at the Community College due to a larger student intake. The year saw a staff turnover rate of 28% which was higher than that in 2021/22 at 23.2%. The higher staff turnover in 2022/23 was consistent with market trends and the overall staffing situation in the education sector. On senior appointments, the following colleagues assumed headship of academic and administrative units during the year: The annual Long Service Award Ceremony was held in May 2023 on which occasion 81 staff members received 10, 15 or 20 years’ service awards from the Chairman of our Board of Directors and the Director in recognition of their devoted and loyal services. 經過2013/14至2017/18這數年的積極人事整 合工作,學院的僱員人數大幅減少,近年整體人 員配置已相對穩定。事實上,自2018/19年度以 來,學院的僱員數目只有輕微變化。與年初相比, 僱員人數減少了14名,佔僱員總數的1.6%。僱 員人數適度下降,反映了中國商業學院轉移至香 港大學旗下而導致教職員數目減少,而這數目部 分被附屬學院因學生人數增加而招聘了更多教職 員所抵銷。 本年度的僱員流失率為28%,高於2021/22 年 度的23.2%。2022/23年度離職率較高,與市 場趨勢及教育行業整體情況相約。 高層人員變動方面,以下同事於2022/23學年 出任學術及行政部門負責人。 本年度長期服務獎頒獎典禮於2023年5月圓 滿舉行,由董事局主席及學院院長向81 名員工 頒發10年、15年或20年長期服務獎,嘉許他 們多年以來盡心竭誠服務學院。 Name姓名 Professor Sonny Lo 盧兆興教授 Dr Danny Gittings 賈廷思博士 Dr Joey Lam 林崑博士 Mr Cyril Leung 梁卓雄先生 Ms Jacqueline Chui 徐慧儀女士 Position職位 Acting Community College Principal 署理附屬學院校長 Acting Head of College of Humanities and Law 人文及法律學院署理總監 Acting Head of College of Business and Finance 金融商業學院署理總監 Acting Head of Information Technology Services 署理資訊科技服務主任 Acting Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement 署理學術質素總監 Effective date 生效日期 1 September 2022 / 2022年9月1 日 1 September 2022 / 2022年9月1 日 3 January 2023 / 2023年1 月3 日 1 September 2022 / 2022年9月1 日 1 May 2023 / 2023年5月1 日 Staffing 人事動態 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 34 35