The Opening Ceremony cum Residential Workshop in July 2022 for ICB’s spring cohort with around 500 new mainland students was successfully launched on 16 July 2022 in a hybrid mode of O2O in Beijing and Chengdu and pure online in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, taking into account the COVID-19 outbreak situation in different cities. The Lecture Day for Autumn 2022 on 23 September 2022 attracted more than 190,000 participants from all over China through the official platforms of ICB and SEA, as well as several mainland media platforms. Mr Lu Qiyuan, a famous financial writer, shared his insights on the development trend of the industry from the perspective of monetary finance and innovative marketing while Mr Jiangnan Chun, founder and Chairman of Focus Media, shared the real knowledge of management practice and talked about "Using the logic of certainty to win the market of uncertainty". Around 50 key seminars and open talks (both online and face-to-face) were organised between July and November 2022 to increase brand awareness of the ICB and SEA. Positive feedback was received. On 29 November 2022 the University Council determined a new direction for non-degree programmes offered in Mainland China and approved the establishment of HKU SPACE (Shenzhen) Limited as the way forward. As from 1 January 2023, the HKU SPACE China operations were effectively transferred to HKU SPACE (Shenzhen) Limited. 2022 年7月16日,中國商業學院為春季班約 500名中國內地新生舉辦了開學典禮暨住宿工作 坊。為配合2019冠狀病毒病在不同城市的疫情 狀況及防疫政策,是次活動在北京及成都以線上 線下混合模式進行,而上海、深圳及廣州則採用 網上形式舉行。 秋季講座日於2022年9月23日圓滿落幕。當天 吸引了超過19萬名來自全國的人士透過中國商業 學院與企業研究院官方平台及其他內地媒體平台 參與。著名財經作家盧麒元先生從貨幣金融及創 新營銷的角度,分享了他對相關行業發展趨勢的 獨到見解;分眾傳媒創始人和董事長江南春先生 則以《用確定的邏輯,打贏不確定的市場》為題, 暢談他對管理實踐的心得。 為提升兩個學院品牌的知名度,我們在2022年 7 至11 月期間,透過線上及線下模式舉辦了約 50場重點講座。各場講座均反應良好,令人鼓舞。 港大校務委員會在2022年11 月29日為學院在 中國內地開辦非學位課程確定了新方向,並批准 成立香港大學專業進修學院(深圳)有限公司。學 院將朝着新發展方向繼續前行。 由2023年1 月1 日起,香港大學專業進修學院 在中國內地的營運將交由香港大學專業進修學院 (深圳)有限公司管理。 The Institute for China Business (ICB) and HKU SPACE Senior Executive Academy (SEA) 中國商業學院及企業研究院 The College has been offering a variety of scholarships and bursaries for students who have either achieved academic excellence or requested financial support. Parents should feel confident that we nurture their children with great support and professionalism. The College has established strong networks with local secondary schools and overseas universities. Visits to various secondary schools were made to publicise our programmes, while articulation agreements with overseas universities were signed so that our graduates have more overseas study opportunities. The College is also committed to achieving sustainable development by offering courses related to sustainability, environmental protection, climate change and biodiversity. Overall, the College has become a successful tertiary college that is well prepared for its new development in the coming years, embracing the prospects of having more students to study with us at not only sub-degree but also at degree levels in the future. 一直以來,學院為學術成績優異或需要經濟援助 的學生提供各種獎學金和助學金,讓家長相信, 我們給予學生極大支持,並以專業精神培育學 生。 學院與本地中學和海外大學已建立強大網絡。我 們一方面到不同中學探訪,推廣學院的課程;另 一方面,我們與海外大學簽訂銜接協議,為附屬 學院畢業生開拓更多海外升學機會。 我們亦通過開辦可持續發展、環保、氣候變化及 生物多樣性相關的課程,致力實踐可持續發展的 目標。 附屬學院已成為一所成功的高等院校,並為新發 展做好了充分準備,在未來迎接更多學生修讀副 學位及學位課程。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 32 33