The Community College admitted over 4,300 new intakes in 2022/23. The good quality of our programmes, dedicated teachers and staff, our branding and tremendous efforts in outreaching to the community contributed to the success of this year. The College had a total enrolment of about 7,700 studying in 36 programmes. Our outreach to secondary schools and mainland students reached a new milestone. After launching the ApL (Vocational English) programme in February 2022 (with 99 enrolments), over 1,400 secondary school students enrolled in the ApL (Vocational English) programme in September 2022. The articulation rate of our students in sub-degree programmes to pursue further studies at local universities has reached 80 percent – a resounding success and an impressive achievement. We hope that more students recognise our great success and will choose to study with us in the coming years, especially as we plan to launch new bachelor’s degree programmes under the merger as HKUCC. The College held its graduation ceremony in October 2022 with over 600 graduates and guests attending the event and sharing the joyful moment. 附屬學院於2022/23年一共取錄超過4,300名 新生,亮眼的收生數字可說是課程質素、教職 員的熱誠、品牌營銷及緊密社區聯繫的共同成 果。整體而言,學院共有36個課程,學生人數 達7,700人。我們與本地中學和內地學生的聯繫 工作更達致新的里程碑。學院在2022年2 月推 出應用學習(職業英語)課程時,有99位學生報 讀;但至2022年9月時,已超過1,400名中學 生入讀該課程。 本院副學位課程學生升讀本地大學的比率已達 到80%之高,成績斐然,令人鼓舞。我們期望 這份重大成果獲得廣泛肯定,加上學院在合併成 為香港大學明德學院後將推出學士學位課程,日 後更多學生會選擇在附屬學院學習。 本年度附屬學院的畢業典禮在2022 年10月順 利舉行,超過600位畢業生及嘉賓出席,一同 分享喜悅。 Community College 香港大學附屬學院 Promoting effective teaching and learning remained a cornerstone of the College. The hybrid learning mode was embraced wherever applicable whilst coping with the challenges during the pandemic. Continuing support was provided for the teachers and students to help incorporate technology into Teaching and Learning (T&L). The College understands that emerging technology is impacting T&L Programme Innovation and Teaching Innovation were strongly encouraged to enhance T&L. Concerning new development, the College developed 35 Certificates for Module for Microcredentials. By delivering 2 Microcredential programmes on FutureLearn, the College succeeded in tapping into a new international online T&L channel. CLST also observed another growing demand for the professional training needs of CM practitioners by offering a series of eCPD courses. The full implementation of the wellequipped “TechnoSPACE" in the ISP Campus enables the College to support disciplines such as Aviation, eSports and Biomedical Science, enhancing students’ learning experience in a purpose-built environment. This important infrastructure signified an integrated hub for T&L, Technology and Innovation. The College acknowledges that AI literacy has become more pivotal in education and has started exploring means to build up the digital capabilities of the teachers, students and staff. The CM Clinics and Pharmacy have been subsumed under CLST from 2022/23 to achieve better synergy and foster collaboration. 促進有效教與學一直是學院的辦學基石。在應對 疫情期間的挑戰時,我們適時採用線上線下混合 模式教學,盡最大努力將疫情對學生學習的影響 減至最低。學院從不間斷地為教師和學生提供 支援,協助他們將科技融入教學之中。 學院深明新興技術正影響着教與學,故大力鼓 勵課程內容及教學方式的創新,從以提升教與學 水平。在課程發展上,學院為微證書計劃開設了 35個單元證書課程;並透過在FutureLearn學 習平台提供兩個微證書課程,學院成功在國際層 面上開啟了新的網上教學渠道。隨着中醫藥從業 員的專業培訓需求持續增加,我們的網絡持續專 業進修課程亦應運而生。港島南薄扶林教學中心 的TechnoSPACE 創新中心是教與學、科技及 創新的重要綜合樞紐,設備先進完善,在全面啟 用後,學院的航空、電子競技及生物醫學等學科 得到充分支援,學生能夠在專門打造的環境中提 升學習體驗。此外,人工智能素養在教育中變得 愈來愈重要,我們正探索如何提高教師、學生和 員工的數碼能力。 從2022/23學年起,中醫臨床中心及中藥房已 納於生命科學及科技學院旗下,以實現更好的協 同效應及合作關係。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 30 31