With the gradual recovery of economic activities and the lessening impact of the pandemic, the College was able to achieve healthy growth. “Quality” and “Sustainability” are the two keywords to highlight the College’s major achievements. Quality assurance and enhancement procedures were followed to ensure academic quality. Existing programmes in ABCD and VPET, commissioned and CEF-reimbursable courses continued to record steady enrolments, reflecting the College’s well-known status in the competitive continuing education and lifelong learning sector. The flagship programmes contributed to the College’s financial stability. Throughtrain arrangements were firmly established for the Aviation, Nutrition and Cyber Security disciplines. CLST also expanded its awardbearing programme portfolio to meet the diversified needs of the learning society by introducing a Foundation Certificate in Plantbased Nutrition and Food Therapy, a Certificate in AI and Robotics (Senior Secondary Applied Learning) and two Certificates for Module in ESG. Another notable new initiative was launching Certificates of Module in Flight/ Helicopter Flying Fundamentals, Cloud Computing Elements, Fundamental Cloud Computing Technology, and Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Sport Injuries by Western Medicine for CM Practitioners. The quality and sustainability of the College’s programmes were also manifested by its successful partnerships. Internally, inter- and intraCollege collaborations were promoted. Two full-time HD programmes (Applied Health and Rehabilitation Care; Applied Intelligent Technology) were developed for the HPSHCC. Externally, the College strengthened its industry connections to explore more support and training opportunities for students. Extensive collaboration with local and overseas partners for programme offerings was maintained. 隨着經濟活動逐步恢復及疫情影響減輕,學院在 今年取得健康增長。質素和可持續性是學院重 要成就的兩個關鍵詞。我們謹遵學院的質素保 證及提升程序,讓學術質素得到保證。目前, 航空、運輸及物流(Aviation, Transport and Logistics)、環境管理(Built Environment)、 護理(Care in All its Aspects)、數據科學(Data Science)四大支柱課程、職業專才教育(VPET) 課程、委託課程及可持續進修基金認可課程的收 生人數繼續保持穩定,反應學院在競爭激烈的持 續教育及終身學習領域上享有卓著聲譽。這些旗 艦課程亦為學院帶來了財務穩定。航空、營養及 網絡安全等學科的「進修直通車」經已確立,學 員可透過不同升學途徑取得專業資格。學院亦推 出了更多學銜頒授課程,包括素食營養及食療基 礎證書、人工智能與機械人(高中應用學習)證 書及兩個有關環境、社會與管治的單元證書課 程,以滿足學習者的多元化需求。其他值得注意 的新課程有:飛行/ 直升機飛行基礎理論、雲計 算元素及基礎雲計算技術等證書課程,以及中醫 進修之常見運動損傷及勞損的西醫診斷與治療單 元證書。 學院課程的質素和可持續性也體現在成功建立 的夥伴關係上。對內方面,學院之間與學院內部 充分合作;兩個全日制高級文憑課程(應用健康 及康復護理、應用智能科技)便是學院為保良局 何鴻燊社區學院而發展的。對外方面,學院加強 與不同業界的聯繫,為學生開拓更多支援及培訓 機會;並與本地及海外協作夥伴保持廣泛合作, 共同開辦課程。 The College of Life Sciences and Technology 生命科學及科技學院 Under its new Acting Head Dr Danny Gittings, the College broke new ground by holding its first Open Day in February 2023, which drew an enthusiastic response from more than 500 participants who were given the chance to sample learning in a wide variety of different subjects from English to the College’s popular music therapy courses. The College also launched new programmes at different levels to meet students’ needs, including a Diploma in Docent Practice Training, Certificate in Horticultural Therapy and Life Education as well as Certificate in Portuguese (Advanced). Additionally, the College provided many short courses and Certificate for Modules programmes in different areas, including 3D animation, applied political sciences, art of paper crafting, funeral services planning, graphic and interior design, psychology and Japanese studies. In the coming academic year, CHL will follow the School to align with the University policy on Use of Generative AI (GenAI) for Teaching and Learning. The College will adopt a step-by-step approach towards dealing with the challenges posed by GenAI, and explore opportunities to use AI in programmes and workplaces to enhance productivity. 在新任署理總監賈廷思博士的領導下,學院於 2023年2 月舉辦了首屆開放日,吸引了超過 500名人士參與不同學科的學習體驗,當中包 括英語以至學院極受歡迎的音樂治療課程,反應 十分熱烈。學院亦開辦了不同級別的新課程,包 括導賞員實務培訓文憑、園藝治療與生命教育培 訓證書及葡萄牙語高級證書等,以滿足學員的需 求。除此之外,我們亦在三維電腦動畫、應用政 治科學、美術紮作、殯儀策劃、平面及室內設計、 心理學及日本研究等範疇提供短期課程和單元證 書課程。 在下一學年,學院將遵循香港大學專業進修學 院配合港大有關生成式人工智能在教與學中的 使用政策。學院將循序漸進地應對生成式人工智 能帶來的挑戰,同時探索在課程中及辦公室內使 用人工智能的機會,從而提高生產力。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 28 29