The College reacted swiftly to the lifting of almost all COVID-19 restrictions in 2022-23, resuming face-to-face teaching — which was of particular benefit in those subjects such as Chinese painting and calligraphy where classes can only be delivered in person. However, drawing on the experience gained during the pandemic, the College has also embraced the new normal where online and hybrid learning will continue to play an important role in the delivery of many courses. This enables students to benefit from the flexibility and convenience of studying with HKU SPACE through multiple different teaching channels. The College actively supported the School’s introduction of Microcredentials with approximately 60 of the College’s Certificate for Modules initially included in this scheme, a number which is expected to grow rapidly. This included a pioneering partnership with the Correctional Services Department to support rehabilitation by offering training courses to young persons-in-custody which enable them to accumulate credits towards a Certificate. This was part of the College’s extensive commitment to serving community needs, which also included providing a wide range of courses for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) children and their parents, art courses to support the government's goal of developing Hong Kong as an Arts Hub, as well as courses on tree management, occupational safety and health. The College has also been developing new Applied Learning programmes in Korean, NCS and Interior Design, and working towards making the School the Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment Agency for the Arboriculture and Horticulture Industry. 在2022/23學年,大部分2019冠狀病毒病的 防疫限制都已取消,學院就此迅速作出回應,恢 復面授教學,這對於必須面授的專門課程如中國 書畫班及書法班最有裨益。然而,借鑑疫情期間 累積的經驗,學院也擁抱了新常態,在許多課程 中繼續使用網上授課或線上線下混合模式教學, 讓學生既方便又靈活地以不同方式在香港大學 專業進修學院學習。 學院積極支持香港大學專業進修學院開展微證 書計劃,率先將60個單元證書課程納入計劃當 中,預計課程數目將迅速增加。當中包括與懲教 署的開創性合作,透過提供訓練課程,讓青少年 在囚人士能夠累積學分以獲取證書學銜,為將來 重投社會作好準備。這是學院承諾廣泛服務社區 的其中一項實踐。我們亦為非華語兒童及其家長 開設各種課程,幫助他們融入社區。為支持香港 發展成為中外文化藝術交流中心,我們推出了不 同藝術課程。其他課程計有樹木管理、職業安全 與健康等。此外,學院也在韓語、非華語及室內 設計等領域開發新的應用學習課程;並致力將香 港大學專業進修學院打造成樹藝及園藝業過往 資歷認可評估機構。 College of Humanities and Law 人文及法律學院 In line with ESG values, new programmes in ESG reporting, Green and Sustainable Finance, Green FinTech and Climate Finance were developed. The DBA programme with the University of Plymouth was also successfully launched. The College supports the School’s Microcredentials scheme and 52 of its Certificates for Modules have been included. To engage with the target audience, the College’s YouTube channel published 9 talks, held as part of the 2022 OPEN SPACE, and 11 talks from the Biz Win to Thrive live stream lunch talks. More are scheduled in the next academic year. Teacher and student testimonial videos have also been produced and the College’s promotional brochure is undergoing a revamp. The College is excited to face the coming year and explore new trends and niche market demands, especially new areas, such as the development of the Food and Beverage (F&B) Education Hub and a series of lifestyle programmes, and venturing into the Greater Bay Area and One Belt One Road. The College will continue to ensure that a full spectrum of high quality academic and professional programmes is offered within the realm of finance and business. 為落實環境、社會與管治的價值理念,學院就此 範疇新開設的課程包括:環境、社會與管治報告、 綠色及可持續金融、綠色金融科技和氣候融資; 與英國普利茅斯大學合辦的工商管理學博士課 程亦已成功推出。為配合香港大學專業進修學院 引入微證書計劃,我們已將52 個單元證書課程 納入計劃當中。 為了與目標受眾有更多互動,學院的YouTube 頻道發佈了2022年開放日中的9場講座,以及 來自Biz Win to Thrive 直播午餐談話的11 場演 講;預計下一學年將有更多影片上載。我們亦製 作了師生的推薦短片,而學院的宣傳冊子也在重 新設計中,並將適時推出。 學院期待在新一年開拓新方向及探索小眾市場 需求,例如打造餐飲業教育樞紐、開辦一系列生 活課程,以及進軍大灣區和一帶一路等新範疇。 學院將繼續確保在金融和商業領域上提供全方 位的優質學術及專業課程。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 26 27