The HKU SPACE Foundation was reconstituted in 2010, with two sub-committees dedicated to Allocation and Investment, and Fundraising. Through the dedicated efforts of the Foundation Committee, we have successfully managed a portfolio of HK$38M, benefiting more than 3,900 full-time students at the school with a total allocation over $21 million. Career SPACE, is our online career platform which has been increasingly popular over the past four years since it was established. With over 5,000 informative articles and videos, the platform has received widespread praise from students, alumni, and prospective students. The platform has seen a significant growth of 50% in total users, who have now reached almost 15,000. Among the users, 56% are students, 38% are alumni, and 2% are prospective students. The platform has recorded nearly 100,000 visits. The most popular features on Career SPACE for students and alumni include the E-learning Hub, the Job Search Engine and the Newsroom. Alumni are particularly engaged with features on Career Skills; Career News, the Job Search Engine; the Aptitude and Personality tests; the CV Builder; and the Interview Simulator. To promote full utilisation of the platform, students and alumni receive a bi-monthly newsletter and electronic direct mail, providing them with insights into the many unique and practical features available. 香港大學專業進修學院基金於2010年進行重 組,並成立了兩個委員會,分別負責撥款與投資, 以及籌款工作。有賴基金委員會的努力,我們成 功管理了3,800萬元的投資組合,共有3,900 名學院全日制學生因此受惠,總撥款超過2,100 萬元。 Career SPACE 網上職業資訊平台推出四年以 來,愈益受到校友歡迎。平台共提供超過 5,000 篇資訊性文章和影片,獲得學生、校友及準學生 的一致好評。今年平台錄得50%用戶增長,總 人數接近15,000,當中56% 是學生,38% 是校 友,2% 是準學生;總瀏覽次數已近10萬。 平台最受學生和校友歡迎的功能為職場秘笈、職 缺搜尋引擎及職場消息;而校友特別感興趣的功 能是職場技能、職場快訊、職缺搜尋引擎、能力 和性格測試、履歷表生成器及模擬面試。 為使平台能夠被充分使用,我們會透過Career SPACE雙月專題快報及電子宣傳郵件,向學生和 校友介紹平台上各種獨特而實用的功能。 HKU SPACE Foundation Career SPACE 香港大學專業進修學院基金 Career SPACE網上職業資訊平台 The College theme has been “New Voyages to an Expanding Universe” and its focus has been on developing and maintaining programmes, positioning itself as a leader and pioneer of business and professional programmes. A new Acting College Head, Dr Joey Lam, came on board. A new area was formed i.e., the Academy for Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEAD), focusing on inbound training, study tours, and programmes in the areas of coaching and counselling, healthcare management and business negotiation. New programmes include those in updated finance topics such as Financial Analytics and Algo Trading, RegTech, NFT and Blockchain in Accounting and Auditing, Generative AI, DeFi and Risk Governance and programmes covering family office. Human resources programmes with analytics have also been developed as well as a series of lifestyle programmes. This year, particularly with the establishment of LEAD Academy, saw an increased number of commissioned courses and inbound training from the mainland. The College continues to outreach to external stakeholders to establish and strengthen external partnerships/relationships in the industry and professional body sector. New alliances were forged, and existing relationships strengthened with The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, CFA Institute, Institute of ESG and Benchmark, Hong Kong Brand Development Council and Hong Kong Professional Lenders Association. The first MoU on strategic collaboration for inbound training was also signed with Shenzhen Reform and Opening Up Executive Leadership Academy in June 2023. 金融商業學院秉持「踏上拓展宇宙新征程」的理 念,致力發展新課程及維持課程質素,奠定學院 在商業及專業課程上作為先驅和領導者的地位。 本年度,署理總監林崑博士加入學院團隊,成立 「企業發展學院」,專注赴港培訓、海外交流,以 及發展教練與輔導、醫療健康管理及商務談判 等領域的課程,將學院帶入新紀元。 新開辦的課程涵蓋最新金融課題,例如金融分析 與程式交易、合規科技、非同質化代幣及區塊鏈 在會計和審計、生成式人工智能、去中心化金融 與風險管治,以及家族辦公室等;此外,我們又 推出了人力分析課程及一系列生活課程。隨着企 業發展學院成立,今年來自中國內地的委託課程 及赴港培訓數目有所增加。 學院繼續積極接觸校外持份者,建立及強化與 業界及專業團體的夥伴關係。我們很榮幸與英國 特許管理會計師公會、香港特許金融分析師學 會、環境社會及企業管治基準學會、香港品牌發 展局及香港財務專業協會締結新聯盟,並加強現 有的夥伴關係。在2023年6月,我們與深圳改 革開放幹部學院簽署了首份關於赴港培訓課程 的戰略合作諒解備忘錄。 The College of Business and Finance 金融商業學院 THE COLLEGES 學院 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 24 25