In 2022/23, Alumni Affairs successfully organised 16 events and alumni activities. The events focused mainly on personal development and career advancement. Initially, outdoor activities such as guided tours, day tours, and corporate visits had to be suspended due to COVID social distancing measures. However, as Hong Kong life gradually returned to normal in March, more face-to-face activities and guided tours resumed. These included tours to notable places such as the Hong Kong Palace Museum; the Yayoi Kusama exhibition ‘1945 to Now’ in M+; the Court of Final Appeal; the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Tsz Shan Monastery. These tours were well received and enjoyed very positive feedback. Hybrid events such as the Alumni Week, Alumni Talks, the Alumni Luncheon, and Wine Tasting events were also praised by the attendees and participants. In total, these events attracted over 3,600 alumni and accumulated more than 33,000 online views. On 14 April 2023, the School Concert "The Joys of Spring" was held at the College Theatre in the Lee Shiu Building of HKU SPACE Community College. The concert featured talented teachers, students, and alumni who delivered some captivating musical performances. Nearly 300 music lovers attended the concert and expressed immense appreciation. We extend our sincere gratitude to Mr William AU Weng-hei, SBS, JP, the event sponsor, and all other patrons for their generous sponsorships to benefit full-time students of the HKU SPACE Community College and the HKU SPACE International College. As HKU SPACE runs over 1,000 different courses and is the leading and largest CEF continuing educational institution in Hong Kong, alumni have an extremely wide range of interests and come from very diverse backgrounds and professions. To address this and encourage collaboration among graduates with similar interests, Subject Alumni Groups (SAGs) have long been encouraged. In 2022/23, these SAGs organised more than 30 activities, including talks, wine tasting events, guided tours, networking dinners, luncheons and happy hours. Alumni showed strong interest in participating in these events, as they provided valuable opportunities for professional networking within specific industries and interest groups. Alumni are generally very civic minded and, in line with the HKU SPACE Alumni motto of "We Learn to Serve," volunteering is something many members like to get involved in. Currently, approximately 1,600 alumni are engaged in volunteer community work and helping the needy in Hong Kong. Alumni stay up to date on news, events, activities, and privileges monthly through e-newsletters, regular electronic direct mails, and the alumni website. In 2022/23, over 60 Alumni membership privileges in areas such as dining, accommodation, lifestyle, health, and electronic appliances attracted significant interest. 在2022/23年度,校友會成功舉辦了16項校友 活動,推動校友個人發展及職業提升。本學年 初,在冠狀病毒病社交距離措施限制下,導賞 團、一日遊及企業參觀等戶外活動被迫暫停。然 而,隨着社交生活於三月開始復常,線下活動及 導賞團得以恢復,包括參觀香港故宮博館等著名 景點,以及M+「草間彌生:一九四五年至今」、 香港終審法院大樓、香港金融管理局和慈山寺等 導賞團。這些活動深受歡迎,校友反應非常正 面。至於校友週、校友講座、校友午餐會及品酒 會等線上線下混合模式活動,也獲得出席者和參 與者的一致好評;這些活動共吸引了超過3,600 名校友參加,累積超過33,000人次在線觀看。 學院音樂會The Joys of Spring於2023年4月 14日假香港大學附屬學院演講廳圓滿舉行。當 晚邀得多位才華橫溢的老師、學生及校友現場獻 藝,為觀眾帶來一場音樂盛宴;接近300名音 樂愛好者出席,並對音樂會表示熱烈讚賞。我們 非常感謝冠名贊助人區永熙先生SBS JP和一眾 贊助人的慷慨支持,所有籌得的款項,將用以資 助附屬學院及國際學院有需要的全日制學生。 學院開辦逾千門持續進修基金認可課程,是香港 首屈一指、規模最大的持續教育專上院校,因此 學院校友的興趣極為廣泛,而且來自不同背景及 專業。有見及此,校友會鼓勵興趣相近的畢業生 成立不同學科的校友組織,以促進彼此之間的合 作和溝通。在2022/23年度,校友組織舉辦了 超過30項活動,包括講座、品酒會、導賞團、 交流晚宴、午餐會和歡樂時光聚會等,為特定行 業或興趣小組提供寶貴的專業交流機會,參與的 校友均表現雀躍。 學院校友擁有強烈的公民意識,並秉承學院的座 右銘「學以為人」,積極參與義工活動。目前, 我們約有1,600名義工服務社區,幫助有需要 人士。我們亦透過每月電子報、定期宣傳電郵和 校友會網頁向校友發放最新學院資訊、校友消 息、各項活動、聚會和優惠詳情。在2022/23 年度,校友專享優惠超過60項,涵蓋餐飲、住 宿、生活、健康和電器,深受大家歡迎。 Alumni Affairs 校友事務 ALUMNI AFFAIRS & DEVELOPMENT 校友事務及發展 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 22 23