Mr WU Kwok Keung Andrew Wu Kwok Keung Andrew ( 胡國強), is a Board member and the Chairman of the Finance Committee of HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education since 2013. Mr Wu was appointed as an independent nonexecutive Director of SPT Energy Group Inc (stock code: 1251), a listed company in Hong Kong, on 1 December 2011. He is also the Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of SPT Energy Group Inc. He was an independent non-executive director of China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange (stock code: 2319), from April 2013 to October 2016. Mr Wu served Ernst & Young (EY) for over 32 years before retirement in January 2010. He served as the regional managing partner for EY, Hong Kong and Macau region from July 2008 to December 2009, and served as the managing partner of Assurance and Advisory Business Services (“AABS”) for Greater China at EY from 2005 to 2008, and managing partner of AABS for Far East in 2006 to 2007. Mr Wu obtained a bachelor’s degree in science from The University of Hong Kong in 1974. He is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He also served in various capacities for a number of other non-profitmaking organisations e.g. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Red Cross and Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council, etc. 胡國強先生 胡國強先生自2013年起成為香港大學專業進修 學院董事局成員及財務委員會主席;於2011 年 12月1 日獲委任為香港上市公司華油能源集團有 限公司(股份代號:1251)獨立非執行董事,同時 擔任該公司的審核委員會主席、薪酬委員會及提 名委員會成員。他曾於2013年4月至2016年 10月出任中國蒙牛乳業有限公司(聯交所上市公 司,股份代號:2319)獨立非執行董事。 胡先生曾服務安永會計師事務所超過32年,直 至2010年1 月退任。在2008年7月至2009 年12月期間,他擔任該事務所的香港及澳門區 域主管合夥人;在2005至2008年及2006至 2007年期間,他分別出任該事務所大中華地區 審計及企業諮詢服務部的主管合夥人和遠東地區 的主管合夥人。 胡先生於1974年取得香港大學理學士學位,目 前為香港會計師公會會員。 胡國強先生亦曾於多個非牟利機構及組織如香港 浸會大學、香港紅十字會及香港公教婚姻輔導會 等擔任不同職務。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Mr HUNG Hoi Mr Hung Hoi is a renowned contemporary painter in Hong Kong. His works were collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the National Art Museum of China, Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and the British Museum. Mr Hung is the Museum Expert Advisor of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Executive Vice-President of the Hong Kong Artists Association and Research Fellow of the Cityscape Ink Institute of the China National Academy of Painting. His recent solo exhibitions include Envisioned Landscape: The Art of Hung Hoi (Sun Museum, 2016) and Ethereal Beauty with Shuimo – Hung Hoi’s Art (Rong Bao Zhai, 2015). Mr Hung joined HKU SPACE in the 1980s, he has developed and taught “Creative Chinese Landscape Painting” and “Diploma in Chinese Landscape Painting”. Many students have benefited from his teaching. His teaching provides comprehensive knowledge and practical training in Chinese landscape painting. He is very good at building up relationship with the students. His leadership, encouragement and organisation skills has been extremely effective. 熊海先生 熊海先生是當代著名畫家,作品獲香港藝術館、 中國美術館、台灣美術館及英國大英博物館等 收藏。 熊先生現任康樂及文化事務署博物館專家顧問、 香港美協常務副主席、中國國家畫院都市水墨研 究所研究員,近年個人展覽包括:境由心造:熊 海的藝術(2016年,新美術館)、水墨澄懷⸺ 熊海的藝術(2015年,榮寶齋)。 熊先生於上世紀八十年代加入香港大學專業進修 學院,設計「山水畫探索」及「中國山水畫文憑」 課程,教授中國山水畫的全面知識,提供實用培 訓,讓學生受益匪淺。他擅長與學生建立良好關 係,他在領導才能、勵志精神及組織能力方面均 有非常出色表現。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 18 19