DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 The School was pleased to establish its Fellowship awards in 2014. The School felt that it had become of a size and reputation that it would be appropriate to honour some of the many people involved in supporting continuing education and lifelong learning in Hong Kong, thus these awards complement those of the University. The criteria for the awards are as follows: • Long service which relates to good and excellent service with the School • Relationship with the School • Distinguished lifelong learners and contributions to lifelong learning. For the 2022 awards, the four Fellows well met one or more of these criteria. Professor Edward K Y CHEN Professor Chen is Honorary Professor of the HKU Business School, Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, Honorary Professor of the Metropolitan University of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Council of Advisers of the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, and independent non-executive director of First Pacific Company, Delta Asia Financial Group, and Wharf Holdings. He is a member of the Hong Kong government Human Resources Planning commission, an expert panel member and volume chief editor of the Hong Kong Chronicles Institute, director of the Hong Kong Institute of Monetary Research, and the Chinese Institute of Hong Kong. He is the former President of Lingnan University in Hong Kong (19952007) introducing liberal arts education, and former Chairman of the Consumer Council (1988-1997) promoting competition policy in Hong Kong. Professor Chen served as Chairman of the Board of HKU SPACE (2013-2022). He was also a member of the Securities and Futures Commission, a trustee of Lloyd George Asset Management, director of Asia Satellite Telecommunications, Peoples Telephone Company, and Mass Transit Railway Corporation. He is also a former Member of the Executive Council (1992-1997) and the Legislative Council (1991-1992) of Hong Kong. He was Visiting Professor of the University of California Davis at various times and served as President of the Qianhai Institute for Innovative Research in Shenzhen (2014-2017). He was also director of Hang Seng Qianhai Asset Management (2016-2022). Professor Chen was educated at the University of Hong Kong (BA & MSocSc) and Oxford University (DPhil). He taught economics and served as Director of the Centre of Asian Studies at the University of Hong Kong. He is a pioneer in the study of Asia’s newly industrialised economies, and has particular research interest in regional cooperation and the economics of technological change. He received honorary doctorates from the University of Hong Kong, the Metropolitan University of Hong Kong, the Education University of Hong Kong, and Plymouth University in England. He is a Justice of the Peace, and was awarded CBE by the British Hong Kong government and GBS by the Hong Kong SAR government. 作為極具規模及聲譽良好之學術機構,學院於 2014 年 起設立榮譽院士資格,認為頒授榮譽院士銜予支持持續 教育和終身學習的傑出人士是合適的舉措,同時可與香 港大學所頒授的榮譽頭銜互為補足。榮譽院士銜之標準 如下: · 長期為學院提供優質及卓越的服務 · 與學院淵源深厚 · 在終身學習方面表現傑出及對終身學習貢獻良多 2022年度的四位榮譽院士完全符合其中一項或多項準則。 陳坤耀教授 陳坤耀教授為港大經管學院名譽教授、香港大 學香港人文社會研究所傑出院士、香港都會大 學名譽教授。現任香港貨幣及金融研究中心顧問 委員會主席,以及第一太平有限公司、滙業財經 集團及九龍倉集團獨立非執行董事。現時為香港 政府人力資源規劃委員會委員、香港地方志中心 專家委員會委員及總編輯、香港貨幣及金融研 究中心及香港華人協進會董事。 陳教授於1995至2007 年獲委任為香港嶺南 大學校長,推動博雅教育不遺餘力;於1988 至1997 年出任消費者委員會主席,為本港公 平競爭政策的確立付出了不少努力;在2013至 2022 年擔任香港大學專業進修學院董事局主 席,建樹良多。他亦曾任證券及期貨事務監察委 員會成員、羅祖儒管理基金的信託人,以及亞洲 衛星控股有限公司、中國華潤萬眾電話有限公司 及香港地下鐵路公司董事。陳教授亦曾出任行政 局成員(1992至1997年)及立法局議員(1991 至 1992年)。他曾多次擔任加州大學戴維斯分校訪 問教授,於2014至2017 年擔任深圳市前海創 新研究院院長,以及於2016至2022年擔任恒 生前海基金管理公司董事。 陳教授為香港大學文學士、社會科學碩士及英國 牛津大學哲學博士,早年任教經濟學及出任港大 亞洲研究中心主任。他是研究新興工業經濟體系 的先驅,對區域合作及技術革新經濟的課題特別 有興趣。他獲香港大學、香港都會大學、香港教 育大學及英國普利茅斯大學頒授榮譽博士。陳教 授為太平紳士,獲港英政府授予大英帝國勛章及 被香港特區政府授予金紫荊星章。 HONORARY FELLOWSHIPS 榮譽院士 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 16 17