DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Social Starting from 2021/22, this Annual Report is available on the School websites, in this way the School operations become more accountable to stakeholders and the general public. In 2022/23, the School was awarded the Triple Gold Award in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022/23, recognising its efforts to create an accessible design for the School's website. Through the adoption of user-friendly and easy-to-navigate web features, the School has been committed to offering quality continuing education and career advancement opportunities to all members of the community. It will continue to fulfil its social responsibility and contribute to making Hong Kong a caring and inclusive city. HKU SPACE was also awarded the “Sing Tao Excellent Service Award - Continuing Education” for the 16th year in a row and, for the 10th year in a row, the Reader’s Digest Platinum Award for Trusted Brand. The judges commended the School on its unceasing commitment to deliver quality continuing education services to a total of over 3.2 million enrolled students over 66 years. The School will continue to provide quality programmes in support of its social responsibilities to serve the community and facilitate the individual development of students. With the resumption of normalcy, the School gained the working from home experiences during the pandemic and plans to adopt hybrid working arrangements in 2023/24. This new working arrangement will allow colleagues to work from home regularly. It is also to promote a work-life-balance. With the development of an enhanced IT environment and the implementation of hybrid working arrangement, the School will continue its efforts to convert most of the operation from paper-based to electronic-based. Governance The Board of Directors oversees the business of the School and meets at least 4 times a year to discuss issues concerning the School’s corporate governance. The Director of the School shares the key discussions from the Board of Directors meetings with the staff via the School Forums (4 times per year). The Board of Directors is also responsible for risk management. All staff are invited to participate in the annual risk register exercise. The updated risk register is submitted annually to the Board of Directors via a Risk Management Working Group, the School Academic and Management Board and the Audit Committee. Internal audit is also an important measure to review compliance with the established guidelines, policies, mechanisms and standards. Other than individual unit and college operations, specific business procedures are also review if necessary. From time to time, recommendations are also taken into consideration to enhance existing measures. All audit reports are received by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. The School’s Governance Manual is reviewed regularly and is available on the staff intranet. Staff are asked annually to complete a compliance declaration to ensure they are familiar with the various policies/guidelines/manuals that impact their work as well as a conflict of interest declaration. The Board of Directors has also decided to include ESG in the next review of the School’s Strategic Plan. The Board itself has a number of directors from outside the University and one third of its members are female so as go some way towards meeting diversity standards. Compliance Quarterly training is arranged and colleagues’ attendance is compulsory to ensure their understanding of compliance with internal and external policies, procedures, guidelines, as well as a number of legislative ordinances. All staff are also required to complete a compliance declaration annually to ensure they are familiar with the various School manuals, procedures and guidelines that impact their work. The in house legal team is always consulted when the School is dealing with legal matters, external legal advice will also be sought when necessary. Any major legal issue will also be brought to the biweekly senior management meeting, and reported to the Board of Directors (if needed). The School has put in much effort to ensure compliance with all regulations. 社會 自2021/22學年開始,公眾可在學院網站上查 閱此週年報告,以體現學院運作對持份者及公眾 更加負責。 在2022/23學年,學院榮獲「無障礙網頁嘉許計 劃」三連金獎,肯定了學院為網頁打造無障礙設 計所作出的努力。透過採用簡單易用及易於瀏覽 的網站功能,學院一直致力為社會各界人士提供 優質持續教育及事業發展機會,我們將繼續履行 社會責任,為香港成為一個關愛共融的城市作出 貢獻。 學院亦連續第16年榮獲《星島日報》的「星鑽服 務品牌選舉 ― 最佳持續進修教育學府」服務大 獎,以及連續第10年獲得《讀者文摘》「持續進 修機構類別信譽品牌白金獎」。評審團讚揚學院 在過去66年中不斷致力為超過320萬名學生 提供優質持續教育。學院將繼續提供優質課程, 以履行服務社會及協助學員成長的社會責任。 防疫限制結束,校務運作復常,學院在疫情期間 累積了在家工作經驗,我們計劃在2023/24學 年採用混合模式工作安排,允許同事定期在家工 作,以促進員工工作與生活的平衡。隨着資訊科 技環境優化發展及混合模式工作安排的推行,學 院將繼續致力將大部分紙本流程轉為電子化。 管治 董事局負責監察學院運作,每年最少開會四次, 討論與學院企業管治相關的事宜,並由學院院長 通過學院論壇(一年四次)與職員分享董事局會 議的討論重點。風險管理亦由董事局負責。所有 職員都會獲邀參與每年一次的風險名冊工作,更 新後的風險名冊經風險管理工作小組、學院教務 及管理委員會及評核委員會提交董事局。 內部評審亦是一項重要工作,用以檢視既定準 則、政策、機制和標準的合規情況。除了評審個 別部門及學院的運作外,必要時還會審查具體的 業務流程。內部評審會不時提出建議,以加強及 改善現有措施。所有內部評審報告均會提交評核 委員會及董事局。 學院定期檢討管治手冊,並上載於職員內聯網。 職員每年除了需要作出合規聲明,以確保他們熟 悉與工作相關的政策、指引及手冊之外,也需作 出利益衝突聲明。 董事局已決定於下次學院發展策略計劃檢討會議 中加入環境、社會與管治的內容。現時,學院董 事局成員包括一些港大以外的社會人士,三分之 一的成員為女性,以響應社會的多元準則。 規範 由學院安排每季一次的培訓,所有職員均須出 席,以確保他們充分理解並遵守內部及外部政 策、程序、指引及一些法例。職員每年均需要 作出合規聲明,以確保他們熟悉與工作相關的 學院手冊、流程及指引。學院在處理法律事務 時,均會諮詢內部法律團隊,必要時也會尋求 外部法律意見,而任何重大法律問題都會提交 至每兩周一次的學院教務及管理委員會,及向董 事局報告(如有需要)。學院一直致力確保遵守所 有法規。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 14 15