The School continues to support the Earth Hour organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature in 2023 for energy saving and promoting the awareness and green practices on environmental issues. The School has been exercising green practices including minimising additional provision of air-conditioning and lighting in our premises, grouping classes on Sundays or public holidays to one major learning centre for electricity efficiency and abandoning the use of biodegradable umbrella wraps, etc. Electronic textbooks are used instead of hard copies, and students are provided with study and course guides in digital format for some part time programmes. A reduction of 26% in paper usage was recorded, as compared with 2019/20 (pre-covid), showing the efforts of the School in this respect. Electricity consumption was broadly similar to 2019/20 but is expected to decrease in future years. We are committed to green procurement so that goods are acquired with minimal adverse environmental impacts and have adopted standard furniture and energy-efficient equipment for re-use purpose and made use of environmentally friendly cleaning and disinfectant cleaning agents. Other environmental practices on waste reduction and adoption of the 4R concept to reduce, reuse, recycle and replace have also been carried out, for instance reducing types of printed stationery, operating recycling programmes for paper, plastic and other recycling materials via provision of recycle bins in common areas, promoting use of double-side printing and e-versions of teaching handouts to minimise paper consumption. 學院在2023年繼續支持由世界自然基金會發起 的「地球一小時」活動,以實際行動提倡節能及 推廣環保意識和綠色生活。學院一直推行綠色措 施,包括在校園內減少額外空調及照明供應、將 周日或假日課堂集中在一個主要教學中心以節省 電力、放棄使用可生物降解的雨傘袋等、以電子 教科書取代實體教材,以及為部分兼讀制課程 學生提供電子學習及課程指引。與2019/20年 度(新冠疫情前)相比,學院的用紙量大幅減少 26%,顯示我們在這方面所作的努力。雖然用電 量與2019/20年度大致相同,但預計未來幾年 將有所下降。 學院致力於綠色採購,以保證購入的物品對環境 造成最低傷害;選用相同規格的家具及節能設備 以便重用;並採用環保清潔和消毒產品以減少對 環境的傷害。為達致環保減廢,學院貫徹執行 4R原則,即減廢(reduce)、重用(reuse)、回 收(recycle)及代替(replace),相關措施包括 減少文儀印刷的種類;在公用地方設置回收箱, 推行廢紙、塑膠及其他可循環再造物料回收計 劃;鼓勵雙面印刷,以及使用電子講義取代紙本 教材 。 Sustainability Sustainability is an ongoing process aiming to create a balance among environmental, social, and economic factors in every aspect of operations to ensure a better future for all. Over the years, HKU SPACE has been calling for the collaborative efforts from students, teachers and colleagues to help promulgate, participate and support in green practices for sustainable development. It is one of the reasons in choosing NCB Innovation Centre as the site for the new Kowloon West Campus along with the School’s sustainable development direction. Being a green building project, NCB Innovation Centre conforms to sustainable and green operating models and can effectively improve energy efficiency and environmental management. This project has won many awards, including the Best Office Development (Asia) at the PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards in 2022 and BEAM Gold rating. The School has also been a supporting partner of the CarbonCare® Label Scheme since 2019. The scheme has been run since 2011, recognising the sustainability efforts of businesses and organisations to tackle climate change and achieve carbon reduction/ neutrality status by Measuring, Reducing and Offsetting (MRO) their carbon footprints. 可持續發展 可持續發展是一個持續的過程,務求於日常營運 的每一個環節中,在環境、社會及經濟因素之間 取得平衡,以確保更美好的未來。多年來,學院 一直與學生、老師及全體職員群策群力,積極推 廣並參與綠色行動,全力支持可持續發展。 新九西分校選址於南商金融創新中心的一個重 要因素,正好配合學院可持續發展的方向。南 商金融創新中心是一個綠色建築項目,符合可 持續綠色營運模式,有效提高能源效率和環境 管理,先後獲得多個獎項,包括於2022年榮獲 PropertyGuru亞洲不動產大獎的最佳寫字樓大 獎,以及綠建環評金級認證。 學院自2019年起成為「低碳關懷標籤」計劃的支 持夥伴。該計劃於2011 年推出,表彰企業和機 構在可持續發展方面的努力,鼓勵企業和機構身 體力行應對氣候變化,透過碳量度、碳減排和碳 抵銷來減低碳足跡,以達致減碳/碳中和狀態。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 12 13