DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 There was also continued work on re-vamping the School’s website to make it more user-friendly and interactive. This year also saw the last print-based Prospectus – the contents are now entirely online and continuously updated. Some notable events during the year included the annual Open SPACE in June 2023 which attracted some 750 in person participants and a total of 5,000 online viewers. The talks can be viewed on the HKU SPACE YouTube Channel ( com/@HKUSPACEOfficial ). The 21st Graduation Ceremony for the Community College was held in October 2022 and included Outstanding Teacher Award (OTA) for the CC teachers. For the School’s part time Colleges the OTA were presented at the International Conference. Then in April 2023 the Annual School Concert was held at the Kowloon East Campus Theatre. This year “The Joys of Spring” was the theme and included performances from talented students, teachers, and alumni. The concert was again sponsored by Mr William Au Weng-hei, SBS, JP and many other patrons gave generously to the HKU SPAE Bursary Funds to assist full time students in financial needs. We also saw two long serving staff leave during the year. Ms Currie Tsang the Community College Vice Principal (Administration) since its establishment in 2000 and Ms Deborah Ng retired as Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement for over 20 years. They will be missed and we thank them for their wonderful contributions. 學院亦繼續致力改進網站設計,務求方便用家 及加強互動。另外,最後一期實體版的課程手冊 已於本年出版,課程手冊現已移師網上並會持續 更新。 本年度的重點活動包括2023年6月舉行、一年 一度的Open SPACE開放日,共吸引約750人 現場參與及5,000人次網上瀏覽。相關講座可 於學院YouTube 頻道( com/@HKUSPACEOfficial)重溫。附屬學院第 21 屆畢業典禮於2022年10月舉行,並同場頒 發附屬學院的傑出教師獎,以表揚他們在教學上 的出色表現。至於兼讀制學院的傑出教師獎,則 於國際性研討會上頒發。在2023年4月,學院 於九龍東分校演講廳舉行了年度音樂會;本年音 樂會的主題是The Joys of Spring,師生及校友 傾力演出,才華橫溢,讓觀眾嘆為觀止。是次音 樂會再次獲得區永熙先生SBS JP冠名贊助,並 得一眾贊助人慷慨支持,所有籌得的款項將會撥 入香港大學專業進修學院助學金,以資助有需要 的全日制學生。 本年度有兩名資深員工離開學院。她們分別是由 2000年起擔任香港大學附屬學院副校長(行政) 的曾嘉勵女士,以及擔任學術質素保證及提升 部總監超過20年而榮休的伍慧珠女士。兩位表 現優秀、對學院貢獻良多,我們向她們致以由衷 謝意,並將時常記念與二人共事的美好時光。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Although a section on ESG is not required for Companies Limited by Guarantee, the Board resolved in 2021 that the Annual Report should nevertheless formally include ESG in its Report from 2021/22 onwards. Environment During the year, the part time Colleges offered and planned a number of ESG programmes: • Certificate for Module (Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting) • Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance • Certificate for Module (Sustainable Finance and Green FinTech) • Climate Finance (short course) • Certificate for Module (Sustainability Climate Risks Management and Resilience) • Certificate for Module (Leadership in Applied ESG and Sustainability) • Certificate for Module (Applied ESG and Intelligence Technologies) • Certificate for Module (Sustainability Professionals) • Certificate for Module (Climate Action Professionals) • other courses, including sustainable communities, green buildings, zero carbon buildings and smart buildings These reflect the growing interest in the community on these issues. To further save energy and reduce emissions, the School has replaced aged Chiller Plants, Primary Air Handling Units and Air-conditioning equipment with energy saving models. We have successfully reduced the electricity consumption at Island East Campus after the chiller plants replacement and at Kowloon East Campus after the LED lights replacement projects. More classrooms and offices are now equipped with LED lights, energy savings sensors for illuminations, audio-visual equipment such as LED monitors and our Project Team will continue to minimize energy consumption in designing new offices, classrooms and other projects. 香港大學專業進修學院作為擔保有限公司,雖然 無需就環境、社會與管治作匯報,但董事局於 2021 年決議自2021/22年起於週年報告中正式 加入環境、社會與管治工作。 環境 在2022/23年,各學院推出及策劃了一系列環 境、社會與管治相關的兼讀課程,包括: • 證書(單元:環境、社會及管治報告) • 綠色及可持續金融證書 • 證書(單元:可持續金融與綠色金融科技) • 氣候金融(短期課程) • 證書(單元:可持續性氣候風險管理與韌性) • 證書(單元:環境、社會與管治應用和可持續 性領導) • 證書(單元:環境、社會與管治應用和智能科 技) • 證書(單元:可持續發展專業) • 證書(單元:氣候行動專業) • 其他課程涵蓋:永續社區、綠色建築、零碳 建築及智能大廈等領域 這些課程需求殷切,反映了社會各界對環境、社 會與管治議題的興趣日益增加。 為進一步節約能源及減少碳排放,學院已將老化 的製冷機、預冷空調箱及空調設備取代為節能型 號。在港島東分校更換了製冷機及九龍東分校更 換LED照明後,我們成功削減了電力消耗。現 在,更多教室及辦公室安裝了LED燈、照明節 能感應器及LED顯示器等視聽設備。我們的項 目小組在設計新辦公室、教室或其他項目時,將 繼續以節約能源為大前提。 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) 環境、社會與管治 10 11