DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Also on facilities, this year saw the official opening of the Ginny Man Biomedical Science Laboratory at the Island South (Pokfulam) Campus. That location has been transformed as a Techno Hub with provision for eSports, geotechnical laboratory, VR and CAVE laboratories nutrition laboratory and, of course, aviation. During the year the School was also able to acquire Unit 601 in United Centre which has allowed improvements to that floor as the teaching centre for International College full-time programmes as well as part-time programmes in the evening. With the end of covid restrictions, there was a welcome return to international links in person. We were pleased to welcome the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Arts London (UAL), the Right Honourable James Purnell during his visit to Hong Kong, UAL being one of the School’s strategic partners. In March the Deputy Director (Academic Services) and I visited the University of London, UAL, King’s College, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Middlesex University and University of Plymouth while in June we were able to visit Edinburgh Napier University, Ulster University, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Hull. These links are important in cementing existing collaborations and exploring new areas for partnership, particularly with the HKUCC initiative. We were also pleased to receive the ASIIN Institutional Accreditation Seal in recognition of the favourable report of the International Quality Review. We also engaged with i-graduate again in its international survey of students and institutions to benchmark ourselves against universities globally and within Asia. The Microcredentials Scheme was launched in April 2023 with 145 courses available in 22 themes. To remind, these are short courses, mainly of 6, 9 or 12 credits and with 30 contact hours. The concept is that they are short courses that offer value added to learners and award a digital badge on completion. The awards are also stackable towards the award of a Certificate (30 credits) or Diploma (60 credits) and can lead to a “General Studies” award or a “Professional Practice” award under one of the 22 themes. Most of the Microcredentials are also Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable courses. The new Kowloon West Campus came on stream in 2022/23 and the opening ceremony was held on 10 March 2023 followed by the 2nd International Conference on “Quality in Self-financed Higher Education: Connecting local and global”. This attracted an audience of some 230 (120 physically and 110 online). Highlights were a plenary address by Professor Wendy Thomson CBE, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London and a Round Table discussion on Cap 320. The Kowloon West Campus is well equipped with state of the art teaching facilities as well as a wine and coffee room to meet the burgeoning interest in these topics. The campus is located on the 5th and 12th floors of NCB Innovation Centre, 888 Lai Chi Kok Road, a brand new development in that area and close to the MTR. 此外,港島南薄扶林分校「文頴怡生物醫學科學 實驗室」亦在本學年正式啟用。港島南薄扶林分 校已被打造成創新科技中心,設有電競模擬場 館、岩土實驗室、虛擬實境體驗室、CAVE實驗 室、營養學實驗室及航空學綜合教室,以支援不 同學科課程的需要。學院亦購入了統一中心601 室,並將該樓層翻新改造,作為國際學院全日制 課程及晚間兼讀制課程的教學中心。 防疫限制的終結,意味着國際交流的重啟。我們 很榮幸接待了訪港的倫敦藝術大學校長James Purnell;倫敦藝術大學是學院的其中一個策略 夥伴。在三月的時候,我與常務副院長(學務)訪 問倫敦大學、倫敦藝術大學、倫敦國王學院、倫 敦政治經濟學院、密德薩斯大學及普利茅斯大 學,又於六月探訪愛丁堡納皮爾大學、阿爾斯特 大學、曼徹斯特都會大學及赫爾大學。這些聯繫 對於鞏固現有合作關係及開發新協作範疇,尤其 在推進香港大學明德學院新政策方面至為重要。 此外,我們很榮幸獲得德國工程、信息科學、自 然科學和數學專業認證機構 (ASIIN) 頒授機構認 證標誌,作為對學院在國際學術質素評審中表現 的肯定。學院亦再次參與由i-graduate主導的 國際性學生及院校指標調查,以便與全球和亞洲 區內其他大學 進行基準參照。 學院於2023年4月推出微證書計劃,推出145 個涵蓋22 個學科主題的課程。值得注意的是, 這些都是短期課程,佔6、9或12 個學分,學 習時數約30小時。微證書計劃的概念是向學員 提供有用的短期課程,並 在他們完成課程後頒授數 碼徽章。學員可累積微證 書學分以獲得證書(30學 分)或文憑(60學分)資格, 並根據22 個學科主題而 獲頒普通學科或專業實踐 資格。大部分微證書課程 都屬於持續進修基金資助 範圍。 新九龍西分校於2022/23 學年啟用,並於 2023 年3月10日舉行了開幕典禮,再接着 舉行第二屆國際性研討會Quality in Selffinanced Higher Education: Connecting Local and Global,吸引了約230名觀眾(120 名現場觀眾及110名線上觀眾)。會議亮點包括 倫敦大學副校長Wendy Thomson CBE 教授 的全體會議致辭,以及有關《專上學院條例》第 320章的圓桌討論會。九龍西分校配備最先進的 教學設施,以及為配合社會對品酒、品咖啡等學 習需求而設的特別教室。九龍西分校位於荔枝角 888號南商金融創新中心5樓及12 樓,是該區 的全新發展項目,毗鄰港鐵站,交通便利。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 8 9