2022/23 ANNUAL REPORT Pioneering new initiatives and passionate for change Supportive of our learners, our staff and our partners Excellent in the quality of what we do to serve our communities Creative and innovative in teaching and learning Accountable to stakeholders with professionalism and integrity

CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION 主席序言 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR 院長回顧 STATISTICS 統計數據 EPILOGUE 結語 02 06 32 42 CONTENTS 目錄 VISION In fulfilling the mission of The University of Hong Kong in extending lifelong learning opportunities for the community, HKU SPACE aspires to be a world-class centre of excellence for the provision of professional and continuing education in Hong Kong and the region. MISSION · Collaborate with the University and other institutions locally and globally in expanding lifelong learning opportunities for personal development, academic progression and professional and career advancement. · Engage with stakeholders to deliver high quality education and training programmes to meet the needs of society in Hong Kong and the region. · Be a strong advocate of lifelong learning for all to realise an educated citizenry and quality of life. · Excel in the provision of professional and continuing education in Hong Kong and the region. · Foster strategic partnerships locally and globally to promote international outlook and opportunities. VALUES · Supportive of our learners, our staff and our partners · Pioneering new initiatives and passionate for change · Accountable to stakeholders with professionalism and integrity · Creative and innovative in teaching and learning · Excellent in the quality of what we do to serve our communities We are HKU SPACE “Lifelong Learning for a Better Future” 願景 為完成香港大學致力為社會開拓終身學習機會 的使命,香港大學專業進修學院矢志成為一所 領導國際的教育機構,為香港以至亞太地區提 供專業而優質的持續教育。 使命 · 聯同香港大學、本地及海外機構,開拓終身 學習機會,以助提升個人、學業、專業及事 業方面的發展。 · 與不同界別的持份者攜手合作,了解本港, 以至亞太地區的人才需求,提供卓越的教育 及培訓。 · 推動終身學習,實現具公民學養及生活優裕 的社會。 · 提供優質教育,服務本地,以至亞太地區社 群。 · 促進與本地及全球策略伙伴合作, 放眼國 際,開拓機遇。 信念 · 全力支持學員、同事及合作伙伴 · 敢於開創、奮發求進 · 勇於承擔,以專業至誠的態度向持份者負責 · 致力創新,達致教學相長 · 卓越超群,以優質教學服務社會 我們是 HKU SPACE「終身學習開創更美好未來」 In the event of discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail. 中文版本僅為譯本,如有歧義,一切以英文版本為準。

CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 The 2022/23 academic and financial year saw the end of the Covid-19 restrictions and a welcome return to face to face teaching. Full time enrolments were healthy as were the part time enrolments and this enabled the School to return a reasonable surplus on its operations. As ever there were challenges ahead and in November 2022 the University Council took two significant decisions regarding HKU SPACE. 隨着防疫限制措施結束,學院在2022/23學術 及財政年度得以恢復面授教學。全日制及兼讀制 課程均錄得理想收生人數,讓學院在營運上錄得 可觀的盈餘。 然而,未來仍然充滿挑戰。在2022 年11 月, 香港大學校務委員會作出了兩項與學院相關的重 要決定。 The first, prompted by the Government’s intention to amend the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320) so as to encompass the self-financed arms of the UGC-funded universities, was to approve the merger of the Centennial College with the School’s full time sub degree programmes in its Community College. The merged entity will be known as HKU Centennial College (HKUCC). Colleagues in the School are therefore working hard to facilitate the merger. Secondly, the Council approved the establishment of HKU SPACE (Shenzhen) Limited to take over the management of the University’s non-degree programmes in Mainland China. This involves the transfer of the School’s Institute for China Business and Senior Executive Academy activities to the new company and was effective from 1 January 2023. And it never rains but it pours, the academic world among others was faced with the rapid expansion of Generative AI and has had to quickly consider how this can be incorporated into the curriculum as well as considering the impact AI has on assessment. The School is following University policy on this and I am pleased to see the Colleges responding proactively. Finally, I should record my thanks to the Board of Directors during 2022/23. As well as our 4 Board meetings there were other committees, meetings, retreats and presentations which Board members supported physically or virtually. Their contributions are an important part of our corporate governance and much appreciated. 首先,鑑於政府計劃修訂《專上學院條例》(第 320章),以涵蓋教資會資助大學附屬的自資部 門,故批准了明德學院與香港大學附屬學院全日 制副學位課程的合併方案,合併後稱為香港大學 明德學院。學院的同事正努力促成這個合併項 目。 其次,校務委員會批准成立香港大學專業進修學 院(深圳)有限公司,新公司自2023年1 月1 日 起,正式接管香港大學在中國內地的非學位課 程,而學院旗下的中國商業學院及企業研究院業 務亦轉交新公司管理。 面對生成式人工智能的快速發展,學術界等領域 除了需要迅速研究如何將其納入課程之中,亦要 考慮人工智能對課程評核的影響。學院正遵循香 港大學在這方面的政策。我很高興看到各學院的 積極響應。 最後,我衷心感謝2022/23年度的各位董事局 委員,他們除了積極參與四次董事局會議外,亦 親身或透過網上出席支持其他委員會、會議、集 思會及演講。他們的貢獻是我們企業管治的重要 組成部分,非常值得稱許。 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION 主席序言 Professor Ian Holliday 何立仁教授 2 3

HKU SPACE ORGANISATION CHART 香港大學專業進修學院組織架構 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 董事局 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 Meeting Attendance 會議出席率 4/4 4/4 3/4 4/4 2/4 4/4 4/4 2/4 3/4 2/4 4/4 3/4 1/4 4/4 4/4 A full list of the current Board members is given below. 現任董事局委員名單: Professor Ian Holliday ( 何立仁教授), Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), The University of Hong Kong ( 香港大學副校長( 教學)) Professor Ying Shing Chan ( 陳應城教授) Ms Barbara C M Chiu ( 招卓敏女士) Dr Gordon K C Chiu ( 趙啟聰醫生) Professor Pauline Chiu ( 趙寶貽教授) Professor William K M Lee ( 李經文教授), Director, HKU SPACE ( 香港大學專業進修學院院長) Mr Tony T.S. Lo ( 勞同聲先生) Ms Ginny W.Y. Man ( 文頴怡女士) Mrs Mona C F Tam ( 譚張翠芬女士) Professor Norman C Tien ( 田之楠教授) Dr Maurice K. S. Tse ( 謝國生博士) Professor Alice S T Wong ( 黃思齊教授) Professor Richard Y C Wong ( 王于漸教授), Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong ( 香港大學首席副校長) Mr Andrew K K Wu ( 胡國強先生) Mr Sunny K Yeung ( 楊光先生) Company Secretary公司秘書: Dr John Cribbin (祁樂彬博士) ITS 資訊科技服務 RESEARCH & E-LEARNING 研究及網絡教學 DEPUTY DIRECTOR & ACTING COLLEGE PRINCIPAL 常務副院長暨 署理附屬學院院長 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION主席序言 4 5

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 2022/23 was another busy year, especially as we left the pandemic behind and returned to normal operations. This was evident in student recruitment which was very strong. Our full-time programme numbers expanded again and matched the double cohort year. I should put on record our appreciation to the Acting College Principal and his Admission team for their hard work. Our part-time Colleges did well too so we were able to record a reasonable operational surplus for 2022/23. My thanks to all colleagues for their efforts. Enrolments exceeded 100,000 for the first time since 2008/09 which is pleasing to see. The year also saw changes in prospect as the Government planned to bring the full-time, self-financed sector, including the University units such as HKU SPACE, under a reformed Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance, Cap 320. The University’s response is to merge the School’s full-time sub-degree operations in the Community College with Centennial College, an existing University subsidiary under Cap 320. The merged entity will be known as HKU Centennial College, HKUCC. The concept for the future is that the new HKUCC will be “HKU owned, HKU SPACE managed” such that there will be close synergy between the 2 units with HKUCC providing the academic programmes and HKU SPACE providing the necessary administrative support under a service agreement. Preparations are under way for the necessary accreditation exercises, including Institutional Review, Programme Area Accreditation for existing subdegree programmes and Learning Programme Accreditation for newly proposed degree programmes. These are all in anticipation of the reformed legislation being passed in 2024. A second change for the School is the transfer of its Mainland China operations to a newly established University company, HKU SPACE (Shenzhen) Limited that was effective from 1 January 2023. A third development has been the explosive growth of Generative AI which impacts education as well as many other spheres of activity. Following University policy the School will incorporate AI in the curriculum both because students should understand the proper and ethical use of AI and because employers will expect graduates to be familiar and competent in the use of such tools. The four Colleges are already following up on this in their plans for 2023/24 and beyond. In 2023/24 the School will also participate in the University Grants Committee Quality Assurance Council (UGC QAC) Quality Audit of the University due to take place in December 2023. This has necessitated preparatory work during 2022/23 to submit a concise self reflective summary to the University. A main theme of the exercise is the use of data in quality improvement and with this in mind the School established a Quality Analytics Team in 2021 within its Quality Assurance and Enhancement Unit. Its first task was to move the Learning Experience Survey online and it has subsequently worked on the Survey on Support Services and the i-graduate Student Barometer results. It will in due course bring together a clearer analysis of data held by the School, which can contribute to a better understanding of, and improvement in, quality outcomes to enhance provision. 2022/23又是繁忙的一年,我們終於能夠擺脫 疫情,重回正軌。受惠於疫情告終,學院本年收 生表現強勁,全日制課程學生人數再度上升,甚 至追平雙學制年的數字。這一切全賴附屬學院署 理校長及他轄下入學事務組的共同努力,我謹代 表學院向他們致以衷心感謝。兼讀制學院收生同 樣理想,因此我們在2022/23年錄得可觀的營 運盈餘。本人在此感謝各同事在過去一年克盡己 任、齊心戮力,助學院再創高峰。今年收生人數 是自2008/09年以來首次超過10萬,成績斐 然,令人欣喜。 今年,我們見證學院的前景有所改變。政府正計 劃把全日制自資部門,包括香港大學的附屬機構 如香港大學專業進修學院,納入新修訂《專上學 院條例》(第320章)的管轄範疇。為回應這項 修訂,港大決定把學院旗下的香港大學附屬學院 的全日制副學位課程,以及根據《專上學院條例》 (第320章)註冊為港大附屬機構的明德學院合 併營運,並改稱香港大學明德學院。在未來,新 的香港大學明德學院將以「香港大學持有、香港 大學專業進修學院營運」的模式運作。港大與學 院通力合作,由香港大學明德學院提供學術課 程,學院則透過服務協議提供必要的行政支援。 目前,各項必要的評審工作,包括機構評審、現 有副學位課程的學科範圍評審及新建議學位課 程的課程評審等均在進行當中。預計相關法例修 訂將於2024年獲得通過。 學院的另一項轉變是,我們在中國內地的營運 將交由香港大學新成立的香港大學專業進修學院 (深圳)有限公司負責,並由2023年1 月1 日起 生效。 第三項重要發展是,生成式人工智能的爆炸性增 長為教育界及許多其他領域帶來了重大影響。學 院將根據港大政策把人工智能納入課程之中,一 方面指導學生如何正確及合乎道德地使用人工智 能,另一方面讓學生熟悉並掌握使用人工智能工 具的能力,以符合僱主的期許。學院轄下的四個 學院將在2023/24 及以後的學年就此作出安排。 在2023/24年度,港大將接受大學教育資助委 員會質素保證局(教資會質保局)的質素核證, 學院也會參與其中。有關質素核證已訂於2023 年12 月舉行。作為必要的準備工作,學院已於 2022/23年向港大提交扼要的自行評核概略。 是次評核的其中一個重點是學術質素提升方面 的數據應用。有見及此,學院已於2021 年在學 術質素保證及提升部門之下成立學術質素分析 小組,其首要任務便是把學習體驗調查移師網上 進行,隨後又跟進了支援服務調查及i-graduate 學生指標調查結果。學術質素分析小組將適時提 交報告,明確分析學院所掌握的數據資料,以加 強了解並改善數據應用,從而提升學術質素及學 院的服務水平。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR 院長回顧 Professor William K. M. Lee 李經文教授 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 6 7

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Also on facilities, this year saw the official opening of the Ginny Man Biomedical Science Laboratory at the Island South (Pokfulam) Campus. That location has been transformed as a Techno Hub with provision for eSports, geotechnical laboratory, VR and CAVE laboratories nutrition laboratory and, of course, aviation. During the year the School was also able to acquire Unit 601 in United Centre which has allowed improvements to that floor as the teaching centre for International College full-time programmes as well as part-time programmes in the evening. With the end of covid restrictions, there was a welcome return to international links in person. We were pleased to welcome the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Arts London (UAL), the Right Honourable James Purnell during his visit to Hong Kong, UAL being one of the School’s strategic partners. In March the Deputy Director (Academic Services) and I visited the University of London, UAL, King’s College, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Middlesex University and University of Plymouth while in June we were able to visit Edinburgh Napier University, Ulster University, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Hull. These links are important in cementing existing collaborations and exploring new areas for partnership, particularly with the HKUCC initiative. We were also pleased to receive the ASIIN Institutional Accreditation Seal in recognition of the favourable report of the International Quality Review. We also engaged with i-graduate again in its international survey of students and institutions to benchmark ourselves against universities globally and within Asia. The Microcredentials Scheme was launched in April 2023 with 145 courses available in 22 themes. To remind, these are short courses, mainly of 6, 9 or 12 credits and with 30 contact hours. The concept is that they are short courses that offer value added to learners and award a digital badge on completion. The awards are also stackable towards the award of a Certificate (30 credits) or Diploma (60 credits) and can lead to a “General Studies” award or a “Professional Practice” award under one of the 22 themes. Most of the Microcredentials are also Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable courses. The new Kowloon West Campus came on stream in 2022/23 and the opening ceremony was held on 10 March 2023 followed by the 2nd International Conference on “Quality in Self-financed Higher Education: Connecting local and global”. This attracted an audience of some 230 (120 physically and 110 online). Highlights were a plenary address by Professor Wendy Thomson CBE, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London and a Round Table discussion on Cap 320. The Kowloon West Campus is well equipped with state of the art teaching facilities as well as a wine and coffee room to meet the burgeoning interest in these topics. The campus is located on the 5th and 12th floors of NCB Innovation Centre, 888 Lai Chi Kok Road, a brand new development in that area and close to the MTR. 此外,港島南薄扶林分校「文頴怡生物醫學科學 實驗室」亦在本學年正式啟用。港島南薄扶林分 校已被打造成創新科技中心,設有電競模擬場 館、岩土實驗室、虛擬實境體驗室、CAVE實驗 室、營養學實驗室及航空學綜合教室,以支援不 同學科課程的需要。學院亦購入了統一中心601 室,並將該樓層翻新改造,作為國際學院全日制 課程及晚間兼讀制課程的教學中心。 防疫限制的終結,意味着國際交流的重啟。我們 很榮幸接待了訪港的倫敦藝術大學校長James Purnell;倫敦藝術大學是學院的其中一個策略 夥伴。在三月的時候,我與常務副院長(學務)訪 問倫敦大學、倫敦藝術大學、倫敦國王學院、倫 敦政治經濟學院、密德薩斯大學及普利茅斯大 學,又於六月探訪愛丁堡納皮爾大學、阿爾斯特 大學、曼徹斯特都會大學及赫爾大學。這些聯繫 對於鞏固現有合作關係及開發新協作範疇,尤其 在推進香港大學明德學院新政策方面至為重要。 此外,我們很榮幸獲得德國工程、信息科學、自 然科學和數學專業認證機構 (ASIIN) 頒授機構認 證標誌,作為對學院在國際學術質素評審中表現 的肯定。學院亦再次參與由i-graduate主導的 國際性學生及院校指標調查,以便與全球和亞洲 區內其他大學 進行基準參照。 學院於2023年4月推出微證書計劃,推出145 個涵蓋22 個學科主題的課程。值得注意的是, 這些都是短期課程,佔6、9或12 個學分,學 習時數約30小時。微證書計劃的概念是向學員 提供有用的短期課程,並 在他們完成課程後頒授數 碼徽章。學員可累積微證 書學分以獲得證書(30學 分)或文憑(60學分)資格, 並根據22 個學科主題而 獲頒普通學科或專業實踐 資格。大部分微證書課程 都屬於持續進修基金資助 範圍。 新九龍西分校於2022/23 學年啟用,並於 2023 年3月10日舉行了開幕典禮,再接着 舉行第二屆國際性研討會Quality in Selffinanced Higher Education: Connecting Local and Global,吸引了約230名觀眾(120 名現場觀眾及110名線上觀眾)。會議亮點包括 倫敦大學副校長Wendy Thomson CBE 教授 的全體會議致辭,以及有關《專上學院條例》第 320章的圓桌討論會。九龍西分校配備最先進的 教學設施,以及為配合社會對品酒、品咖啡等學 習需求而設的特別教室。九龍西分校位於荔枝角 888號南商金融創新中心5樓及12 樓,是該區 的全新發展項目,毗鄰港鐵站,交通便利。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 8 9

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 There was also continued work on re-vamping the School’s website to make it more user-friendly and interactive. This year also saw the last print-based Prospectus – the contents are now entirely online and continuously updated. Some notable events during the year included the annual Open SPACE in June 2023 which attracted some 750 in person participants and a total of 5,000 online viewers. The talks can be viewed on the HKU SPACE YouTube Channel ( com/@HKUSPACEOfficial ). The 21st Graduation Ceremony for the Community College was held in October 2022 and included Outstanding Teacher Award (OTA) for the CC teachers. For the School’s part time Colleges the OTA were presented at the International Conference. Then in April 2023 the Annual School Concert was held at the Kowloon East Campus Theatre. This year “The Joys of Spring” was the theme and included performances from talented students, teachers, and alumni. The concert was again sponsored by Mr William Au Weng-hei, SBS, JP and many other patrons gave generously to the HKU SPAE Bursary Funds to assist full time students in financial needs. We also saw two long serving staff leave during the year. Ms Currie Tsang the Community College Vice Principal (Administration) since its establishment in 2000 and Ms Deborah Ng retired as Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement for over 20 years. They will be missed and we thank them for their wonderful contributions. 學院亦繼續致力改進網站設計,務求方便用家 及加強互動。另外,最後一期實體版的課程手冊 已於本年出版,課程手冊現已移師網上並會持續 更新。 本年度的重點活動包括2023年6月舉行、一年 一度的Open SPACE開放日,共吸引約750人 現場參與及5,000人次網上瀏覽。相關講座可 於學院YouTube 頻道( com/@HKUSPACEOfficial)重溫。附屬學院第 21 屆畢業典禮於2022年10月舉行,並同場頒 發附屬學院的傑出教師獎,以表揚他們在教學上 的出色表現。至於兼讀制學院的傑出教師獎,則 於國際性研討會上頒發。在2023年4月,學院 於九龍東分校演講廳舉行了年度音樂會;本年音 樂會的主題是The Joys of Spring,師生及校友 傾力演出,才華橫溢,讓觀眾嘆為觀止。是次音 樂會再次獲得區永熙先生SBS JP冠名贊助,並 得一眾贊助人慷慨支持,所有籌得的款項將會撥 入香港大學專業進修學院助學金,以資助有需要 的全日制學生。 本年度有兩名資深員工離開學院。她們分別是由 2000年起擔任香港大學附屬學院副校長(行政) 的曾嘉勵女士,以及擔任學術質素保證及提升 部總監超過20年而榮休的伍慧珠女士。兩位表 現優秀、對學院貢獻良多,我們向她們致以由衷 謝意,並將時常記念與二人共事的美好時光。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Although a section on ESG is not required for Companies Limited by Guarantee, the Board resolved in 2021 that the Annual Report should nevertheless formally include ESG in its Report from 2021/22 onwards. Environment During the year, the part time Colleges offered and planned a number of ESG programmes: • Certificate for Module (Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting) • Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance • Certificate for Module (Sustainable Finance and Green FinTech) • Climate Finance (short course) • Certificate for Module (Sustainability Climate Risks Management and Resilience) • Certificate for Module (Leadership in Applied ESG and Sustainability) • Certificate for Module (Applied ESG and Intelligence Technologies) • Certificate for Module (Sustainability Professionals) • Certificate for Module (Climate Action Professionals) • other courses, including sustainable communities, green buildings, zero carbon buildings and smart buildings These reflect the growing interest in the community on these issues. To further save energy and reduce emissions, the School has replaced aged Chiller Plants, Primary Air Handling Units and Air-conditioning equipment with energy saving models. We have successfully reduced the electricity consumption at Island East Campus after the chiller plants replacement and at Kowloon East Campus after the LED lights replacement projects. More classrooms and offices are now equipped with LED lights, energy savings sensors for illuminations, audio-visual equipment such as LED monitors and our Project Team will continue to minimize energy consumption in designing new offices, classrooms and other projects. 香港大學專業進修學院作為擔保有限公司,雖然 無需就環境、社會與管治作匯報,但董事局於 2021 年決議自2021/22年起於週年報告中正式 加入環境、社會與管治工作。 環境 在2022/23年,各學院推出及策劃了一系列環 境、社會與管治相關的兼讀課程,包括: • 證書(單元:環境、社會及管治報告) • 綠色及可持續金融證書 • 證書(單元:可持續金融與綠色金融科技) • 氣候金融(短期課程) • 證書(單元:可持續性氣候風險管理與韌性) • 證書(單元:環境、社會與管治應用和可持續 性領導) • 證書(單元:環境、社會與管治應用和智能科 技) • 證書(單元:可持續發展專業) • 證書(單元:氣候行動專業) • 其他課程涵蓋:永續社區、綠色建築、零碳 建築及智能大廈等領域 這些課程需求殷切,反映了社會各界對環境、社 會與管治議題的興趣日益增加。 為進一步節約能源及減少碳排放,學院已將老化 的製冷機、預冷空調箱及空調設備取代為節能型 號。在港島東分校更換了製冷機及九龍東分校更 換LED照明後,我們成功削減了電力消耗。現 在,更多教室及辦公室安裝了LED燈、照明節 能感應器及LED顯示器等視聽設備。我們的項 目小組在設計新辦公室、教室或其他項目時,將 繼續以節約能源為大前提。 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) 環境、社會與管治 10 11

The School continues to support the Earth Hour organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature in 2023 for energy saving and promoting the awareness and green practices on environmental issues. The School has been exercising green practices including minimising additional provision of air-conditioning and lighting in our premises, grouping classes on Sundays or public holidays to one major learning centre for electricity efficiency and abandoning the use of biodegradable umbrella wraps, etc. Electronic textbooks are used instead of hard copies, and students are provided with study and course guides in digital format for some part time programmes. A reduction of 26% in paper usage was recorded, as compared with 2019/20 (pre-covid), showing the efforts of the School in this respect. Electricity consumption was broadly similar to 2019/20 but is expected to decrease in future years. We are committed to green procurement so that goods are acquired with minimal adverse environmental impacts and have adopted standard furniture and energy-efficient equipment for re-use purpose and made use of environmentally friendly cleaning and disinfectant cleaning agents. Other environmental practices on waste reduction and adoption of the 4R concept to reduce, reuse, recycle and replace have also been carried out, for instance reducing types of printed stationery, operating recycling programmes for paper, plastic and other recycling materials via provision of recycle bins in common areas, promoting use of double-side printing and e-versions of teaching handouts to minimise paper consumption. 學院在2023年繼續支持由世界自然基金會發起 的「地球一小時」活動,以實際行動提倡節能及 推廣環保意識和綠色生活。學院一直推行綠色措 施,包括在校園內減少額外空調及照明供應、將 周日或假日課堂集中在一個主要教學中心以節省 電力、放棄使用可生物降解的雨傘袋等、以電子 教科書取代實體教材,以及為部分兼讀制課程 學生提供電子學習及課程指引。與2019/20年 度(新冠疫情前)相比,學院的用紙量大幅減少 26%,顯示我們在這方面所作的努力。雖然用電 量與2019/20年度大致相同,但預計未來幾年 將有所下降。 學院致力於綠色採購,以保證購入的物品對環境 造成最低傷害;選用相同規格的家具及節能設備 以便重用;並採用環保清潔和消毒產品以減少對 環境的傷害。為達致環保減廢,學院貫徹執行 4R原則,即減廢(reduce)、重用(reuse)、回 收(recycle)及代替(replace),相關措施包括 減少文儀印刷的種類;在公用地方設置回收箱, 推行廢紙、塑膠及其他可循環再造物料回收計 劃;鼓勵雙面印刷,以及使用電子講義取代紙本 教材 。 Sustainability Sustainability is an ongoing process aiming to create a balance among environmental, social, and economic factors in every aspect of operations to ensure a better future for all. Over the years, HKU SPACE has been calling for the collaborative efforts from students, teachers and colleagues to help promulgate, participate and support in green practices for sustainable development. It is one of the reasons in choosing NCB Innovation Centre as the site for the new Kowloon West Campus along with the School’s sustainable development direction. Being a green building project, NCB Innovation Centre conforms to sustainable and green operating models and can effectively improve energy efficiency and environmental management. This project has won many awards, including the Best Office Development (Asia) at the PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards in 2022 and BEAM Gold rating. The School has also been a supporting partner of the CarbonCare® Label Scheme since 2019. The scheme has been run since 2011, recognising the sustainability efforts of businesses and organisations to tackle climate change and achieve carbon reduction/ neutrality status by Measuring, Reducing and Offsetting (MRO) their carbon footprints. 可持續發展 可持續發展是一個持續的過程,務求於日常營運 的每一個環節中,在環境、社會及經濟因素之間 取得平衡,以確保更美好的未來。多年來,學院 一直與學生、老師及全體職員群策群力,積極推 廣並參與綠色行動,全力支持可持續發展。 新九西分校選址於南商金融創新中心的一個重 要因素,正好配合學院可持續發展的方向。南 商金融創新中心是一個綠色建築項目,符合可 持續綠色營運模式,有效提高能源效率和環境 管理,先後獲得多個獎項,包括於2022年榮獲 PropertyGuru亞洲不動產大獎的最佳寫字樓大 獎,以及綠建環評金級認證。 學院自2019年起成為「低碳關懷標籤」計劃的支 持夥伴。該計劃於2011 年推出,表彰企業和機 構在可持續發展方面的努力,鼓勵企業和機構身 體力行應對氣候變化,透過碳量度、碳減排和碳 抵銷來減低碳足跡,以達致減碳/碳中和狀態。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 12 13

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Social Starting from 2021/22, this Annual Report is available on the School websites, in this way the School operations become more accountable to stakeholders and the general public. In 2022/23, the School was awarded the Triple Gold Award in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022/23, recognising its efforts to create an accessible design for the School's website. Through the adoption of user-friendly and easy-to-navigate web features, the School has been committed to offering quality continuing education and career advancement opportunities to all members of the community. It will continue to fulfil its social responsibility and contribute to making Hong Kong a caring and inclusive city. HKU SPACE was also awarded the “Sing Tao Excellent Service Award - Continuing Education” for the 16th year in a row and, for the 10th year in a row, the Reader’s Digest Platinum Award for Trusted Brand. The judges commended the School on its unceasing commitment to deliver quality continuing education services to a total of over 3.2 million enrolled students over 66 years. The School will continue to provide quality programmes in support of its social responsibilities to serve the community and facilitate the individual development of students. With the resumption of normalcy, the School gained the working from home experiences during the pandemic and plans to adopt hybrid working arrangements in 2023/24. This new working arrangement will allow colleagues to work from home regularly. It is also to promote a work-life-balance. With the development of an enhanced IT environment and the implementation of hybrid working arrangement, the School will continue its efforts to convert most of the operation from paper-based to electronic-based. Governance The Board of Directors oversees the business of the School and meets at least 4 times a year to discuss issues concerning the School’s corporate governance. The Director of the School shares the key discussions from the Board of Directors meetings with the staff via the School Forums (4 times per year). The Board of Directors is also responsible for risk management. All staff are invited to participate in the annual risk register exercise. The updated risk register is submitted annually to the Board of Directors via a Risk Management Working Group, the School Academic and Management Board and the Audit Committee. Internal audit is also an important measure to review compliance with the established guidelines, policies, mechanisms and standards. Other than individual unit and college operations, specific business procedures are also review if necessary. From time to time, recommendations are also taken into consideration to enhance existing measures. All audit reports are received by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. The School’s Governance Manual is reviewed regularly and is available on the staff intranet. Staff are asked annually to complete a compliance declaration to ensure they are familiar with the various policies/guidelines/manuals that impact their work as well as a conflict of interest declaration. The Board of Directors has also decided to include ESG in the next review of the School’s Strategic Plan. The Board itself has a number of directors from outside the University and one third of its members are female so as go some way towards meeting diversity standards. Compliance Quarterly training is arranged and colleagues’ attendance is compulsory to ensure their understanding of compliance with internal and external policies, procedures, guidelines, as well as a number of legislative ordinances. All staff are also required to complete a compliance declaration annually to ensure they are familiar with the various School manuals, procedures and guidelines that impact their work. The in house legal team is always consulted when the School is dealing with legal matters, external legal advice will also be sought when necessary. Any major legal issue will also be brought to the biweekly senior management meeting, and reported to the Board of Directors (if needed). The School has put in much effort to ensure compliance with all regulations. 社會 自2021/22學年開始,公眾可在學院網站上查 閱此週年報告,以體現學院運作對持份者及公眾 更加負責。 在2022/23學年,學院榮獲「無障礙網頁嘉許計 劃」三連金獎,肯定了學院為網頁打造無障礙設 計所作出的努力。透過採用簡單易用及易於瀏覽 的網站功能,學院一直致力為社會各界人士提供 優質持續教育及事業發展機會,我們將繼續履行 社會責任,為香港成為一個關愛共融的城市作出 貢獻。 學院亦連續第16年榮獲《星島日報》的「星鑽服 務品牌選舉 ― 最佳持續進修教育學府」服務大 獎,以及連續第10年獲得《讀者文摘》「持續進 修機構類別信譽品牌白金獎」。評審團讚揚學院 在過去66年中不斷致力為超過320萬名學生 提供優質持續教育。學院將繼續提供優質課程, 以履行服務社會及協助學員成長的社會責任。 防疫限制結束,校務運作復常,學院在疫情期間 累積了在家工作經驗,我們計劃在2023/24學 年採用混合模式工作安排,允許同事定期在家工 作,以促進員工工作與生活的平衡。隨着資訊科 技環境優化發展及混合模式工作安排的推行,學 院將繼續致力將大部分紙本流程轉為電子化。 管治 董事局負責監察學院運作,每年最少開會四次, 討論與學院企業管治相關的事宜,並由學院院長 通過學院論壇(一年四次)與職員分享董事局會 議的討論重點。風險管理亦由董事局負責。所有 職員都會獲邀參與每年一次的風險名冊工作,更 新後的風險名冊經風險管理工作小組、學院教務 及管理委員會及評核委員會提交董事局。 內部評審亦是一項重要工作,用以檢視既定準 則、政策、機制和標準的合規情況。除了評審個 別部門及學院的運作外,必要時還會審查具體的 業務流程。內部評審會不時提出建議,以加強及 改善現有措施。所有內部評審報告均會提交評核 委員會及董事局。 學院定期檢討管治手冊,並上載於職員內聯網。 職員每年除了需要作出合規聲明,以確保他們熟 悉與工作相關的政策、指引及手冊之外,也需作 出利益衝突聲明。 董事局已決定於下次學院發展策略計劃檢討會議 中加入環境、社會與管治的內容。現時,學院董 事局成員包括一些港大以外的社會人士,三分之 一的成員為女性,以響應社會的多元準則。 規範 由學院安排每季一次的培訓,所有職員均須出 席,以確保他們充分理解並遵守內部及外部政 策、程序、指引及一些法例。職員每年均需要 作出合規聲明,以確保他們熟悉與工作相關的 學院手冊、流程及指引。學院在處理法律事務 時,均會諮詢內部法律團隊,必要時也會尋求 外部法律意見,而任何重大法律問題都會提交 至每兩周一次的學院教務及管理委員會,及向董 事局報告(如有需要)。學院一直致力確保遵守所 有法規。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 14 15

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 The School was pleased to establish its Fellowship awards in 2014. The School felt that it had become of a size and reputation that it would be appropriate to honour some of the many people involved in supporting continuing education and lifelong learning in Hong Kong, thus these awards complement those of the University. The criteria for the awards are as follows: • Long service which relates to good and excellent service with the School • Relationship with the School • Distinguished lifelong learners and contributions to lifelong learning. For the 2022 awards, the four Fellows well met one or more of these criteria. Professor Edward K Y CHEN Professor Chen is Honorary Professor of the HKU Business School, Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, Honorary Professor of the Metropolitan University of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Council of Advisers of the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, and independent non-executive director of First Pacific Company, Delta Asia Financial Group, and Wharf Holdings. He is a member of the Hong Kong government Human Resources Planning commission, an expert panel member and volume chief editor of the Hong Kong Chronicles Institute, director of the Hong Kong Institute of Monetary Research, and the Chinese Institute of Hong Kong. He is the former President of Lingnan University in Hong Kong (19952007) introducing liberal arts education, and former Chairman of the Consumer Council (1988-1997) promoting competition policy in Hong Kong. Professor Chen served as Chairman of the Board of HKU SPACE (2013-2022). He was also a member of the Securities and Futures Commission, a trustee of Lloyd George Asset Management, director of Asia Satellite Telecommunications, Peoples Telephone Company, and Mass Transit Railway Corporation. He is also a former Member of the Executive Council (1992-1997) and the Legislative Council (1991-1992) of Hong Kong. He was Visiting Professor of the University of California Davis at various times and served as President of the Qianhai Institute for Innovative Research in Shenzhen (2014-2017). He was also director of Hang Seng Qianhai Asset Management (2016-2022). Professor Chen was educated at the University of Hong Kong (BA & MSocSc) and Oxford University (DPhil). He taught economics and served as Director of the Centre of Asian Studies at the University of Hong Kong. He is a pioneer in the study of Asia’s newly industrialised economies, and has particular research interest in regional cooperation and the economics of technological change. He received honorary doctorates from the University of Hong Kong, the Metropolitan University of Hong Kong, the Education University of Hong Kong, and Plymouth University in England. He is a Justice of the Peace, and was awarded CBE by the British Hong Kong government and GBS by the Hong Kong SAR government. 作為極具規模及聲譽良好之學術機構,學院於 2014 年 起設立榮譽院士資格,認為頒授榮譽院士銜予支持持續 教育和終身學習的傑出人士是合適的舉措,同時可與香 港大學所頒授的榮譽頭銜互為補足。榮譽院士銜之標準 如下: · 長期為學院提供優質及卓越的服務 · 與學院淵源深厚 · 在終身學習方面表現傑出及對終身學習貢獻良多 2022年度的四位榮譽院士完全符合其中一項或多項準則。 陳坤耀教授 陳坤耀教授為港大經管學院名譽教授、香港大 學香港人文社會研究所傑出院士、香港都會大 學名譽教授。現任香港貨幣及金融研究中心顧問 委員會主席,以及第一太平有限公司、滙業財經 集團及九龍倉集團獨立非執行董事。現時為香港 政府人力資源規劃委員會委員、香港地方志中心 專家委員會委員及總編輯、香港貨幣及金融研 究中心及香港華人協進會董事。 陳教授於1995至2007 年獲委任為香港嶺南 大學校長,推動博雅教育不遺餘力;於1988 至1997 年出任消費者委員會主席,為本港公 平競爭政策的確立付出了不少努力;在2013至 2022 年擔任香港大學專業進修學院董事局主 席,建樹良多。他亦曾任證券及期貨事務監察委 員會成員、羅祖儒管理基金的信託人,以及亞洲 衛星控股有限公司、中國華潤萬眾電話有限公司 及香港地下鐵路公司董事。陳教授亦曾出任行政 局成員(1992至1997年)及立法局議員(1991 至 1992年)。他曾多次擔任加州大學戴維斯分校訪 問教授,於2014至2017 年擔任深圳市前海創 新研究院院長,以及於2016至2022年擔任恒 生前海基金管理公司董事。 陳教授為香港大學文學士、社會科學碩士及英國 牛津大學哲學博士,早年任教經濟學及出任港大 亞洲研究中心主任。他是研究新興工業經濟體系 的先驅,對區域合作及技術革新經濟的課題特別 有興趣。他獲香港大學、香港都會大學、香港教 育大學及英國普利茅斯大學頒授榮譽博士。陳教 授為太平紳士,獲港英政府授予大英帝國勛章及 被香港特區政府授予金紫荊星章。 HONORARY FELLOWSHIPS 榮譽院士 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 16 17

Mr WU Kwok Keung Andrew Wu Kwok Keung Andrew ( 胡國強), is a Board member and the Chairman of the Finance Committee of HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education since 2013. Mr Wu was appointed as an independent nonexecutive Director of SPT Energy Group Inc (stock code: 1251), a listed company in Hong Kong, on 1 December 2011. He is also the Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of SPT Energy Group Inc. He was an independent non-executive director of China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange (stock code: 2319), from April 2013 to October 2016. Mr Wu served Ernst & Young (EY) for over 32 years before retirement in January 2010. He served as the regional managing partner for EY, Hong Kong and Macau region from July 2008 to December 2009, and served as the managing partner of Assurance and Advisory Business Services (“AABS”) for Greater China at EY from 2005 to 2008, and managing partner of AABS for Far East in 2006 to 2007. Mr Wu obtained a bachelor’s degree in science from The University of Hong Kong in 1974. He is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He also served in various capacities for a number of other non-profitmaking organisations e.g. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Red Cross and Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council, etc. 胡國強先生 胡國強先生自2013年起成為香港大學專業進修 學院董事局成員及財務委員會主席;於2011 年 12月1 日獲委任為香港上市公司華油能源集團有 限公司(股份代號:1251)獨立非執行董事,同時 擔任該公司的審核委員會主席、薪酬委員會及提 名委員會成員。他曾於2013年4月至2016年 10月出任中國蒙牛乳業有限公司(聯交所上市公 司,股份代號:2319)獨立非執行董事。 胡先生曾服務安永會計師事務所超過32年,直 至2010年1 月退任。在2008年7月至2009 年12月期間,他擔任該事務所的香港及澳門區 域主管合夥人;在2005至2008年及2006至 2007年期間,他分別出任該事務所大中華地區 審計及企業諮詢服務部的主管合夥人和遠東地區 的主管合夥人。 胡先生於1974年取得香港大學理學士學位,目 前為香港會計師公會會員。 胡國強先生亦曾於多個非牟利機構及組織如香港 浸會大學、香港紅十字會及香港公教婚姻輔導會 等擔任不同職務。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Mr HUNG Hoi Mr Hung Hoi is a renowned contemporary painter in Hong Kong. His works were collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the National Art Museum of China, Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and the British Museum. Mr Hung is the Museum Expert Advisor of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Executive Vice-President of the Hong Kong Artists Association and Research Fellow of the Cityscape Ink Institute of the China National Academy of Painting. His recent solo exhibitions include Envisioned Landscape: The Art of Hung Hoi (Sun Museum, 2016) and Ethereal Beauty with Shuimo – Hung Hoi’s Art (Rong Bao Zhai, 2015). Mr Hung joined HKU SPACE in the 1980s, he has developed and taught “Creative Chinese Landscape Painting” and “Diploma in Chinese Landscape Painting”. Many students have benefited from his teaching. His teaching provides comprehensive knowledge and practical training in Chinese landscape painting. He is very good at building up relationship with the students. His leadership, encouragement and organisation skills has been extremely effective. 熊海先生 熊海先生是當代著名畫家,作品獲香港藝術館、 中國美術館、台灣美術館及英國大英博物館等 收藏。 熊先生現任康樂及文化事務署博物館專家顧問、 香港美協常務副主席、中國國家畫院都市水墨研 究所研究員,近年個人展覽包括:境由心造:熊 海的藝術(2016年,新美術館)、水墨澄懷⸺ 熊海的藝術(2015年,榮寶齋)。 熊先生於上世紀八十年代加入香港大學專業進修 學院,設計「山水畫探索」及「中國山水畫文憑」 課程,教授中國山水畫的全面知識,提供實用培 訓,讓學生受益匪淺。他擅長與學生建立良好關 係,他在領導才能、勵志精神及組織能力方面均 有非常出色表現。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 18 19

Professor Rosie YOUNG Tse Tse Professor Rosie Young Tse Tse is a world-renowned medical educator and researcher, and one of the foremost authorities on endocrinology globally. She is an Emeritus Professor and an Honorary Clinical Professor at the University of Hong Kong. Professor Young holds an MBBS and an MD from the University of Hong Kong. She joined the University’s Department of Medicine in 1954, and was appointed Professor of Medicine in 1974. In 1983, she became Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the first woman to hold the position. From 1985-1993, she served as Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University. One of the world’s leading authorities in endocrinology, Professor Young has published over 100 papers in international peer review scientific journals, in endocrinology, diabetes, and carbohydrate metabolism. She had made immense contributions to research in diabetes mellitus, carbohydrate metabolism in liver disease, thyrotoxicosis and thyrotoxic periodic paralysis. Professor Young has served as chairperson of many advisory bodies, such as the Medical Council of Hong Kong, the Working Party on Primary Health Care, and the Education Commission, and as a member of the Working Party on Postgraduate Medical Education and Training, the Council of the Hong Kong College of Physicians and the Hospital Authority. The University of Hong Kong conferred an honorary doctorate upon Professor Young in 1995 and an Hon. University Fellowship in 2019. She has also been conferred honorary degrees by the Open University of Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Shue Yan University, and is an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Physicians, the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. Internationally, she is a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Professor Young has been an overseas advisor to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and a Council Member of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Professor Young was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1971, and awarded an OBE in 1987, CBE in 1996, GBS in 2002 and GBM in 2018. In terms of HKU SPACE, she was the first Chairman of the SPACE Management Board in 1992-93. Prior to that, she also chaired the Committee on Open Education in the 1980s which looked at the University’s policy on widening access to degree studies via External Degrees – an early lifelong learning initiative in the University. 楊紫芝教授 楊紫芝教授是世界知名醫學教育家、全球內分泌 學的研究先驅兼權威人士,同時亦是香港大學 榮休教授及名譽臨床教授。 楊教授是香港大學內外全科醫學士及醫學博士。 她於1954年加入港大內科學系,於1974年獲 晉升為醫學教授;於1983年獲任命為醫學院院 長,是第一位擔任該職位的女性。1985至1993 年間,她先後擔任港大副校長及高級副校長。 作為世界領先的內分泌學專家之一,楊教授在 國際同行評審科學期刊發表的論文逾100篇, 涵蓋內分泌學、糖尿病及碳水化合物代謝等領 域。她在糖尿病、肝病的碳水化合物代謝、甲狀 腺毒症和甲狀腺毒性陣發性麻痺症的研究上貢 獻至巨。 楊教授曾在多個委員會中擔任主席,包括香港醫 務委員會、基層健康服務工作小組及教育統籌委 員會。她亦是醫療研究教育及培訓工作小組、香 港內科醫學院院務委員會及醫院管理局的成員。 楊教授於1995年獲香港大學頒授名譽博士學 位;亦獲香港公開大學、香港城市大學及香港樹 仁大學頒授名譽學位;並獲香港內科醫學院、香 港家庭醫學學院及香港醫學專科學院授予榮譽 院士銜。在國際方面,她是英國倫敦皇家內科醫 學院院士、愛丁堡皇家內科醫學院院士、英國格 拉斯哥皇家醫學院院士、澳洲皇家內科醫學院院 士,以及愛丁堡皇家內科醫學院的海外顧問和澳 洲皇家內科醫學院委員會委員。 楊教授於1971 年獲委任為太平紳士,於1987 年獲授大英帝國勳章,於1996年獲得大英帝國 司令勳章,於2002 年獲授金紫荊星章,並於 2018年獲頒大紫荊勳章。 在1992 至1993年間,楊教授擔任香港大學專 業進修學院管理委員會首任主席。在這之前的 八十年代,她擔任教育統籌委員會主席,研究大 學通過外部學位擴大學位課程的政策,是大學 早期的終身學習倡議者。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 20 21