DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 same time. We have also put in place training programmes for staff on teaching effectively at a distance using zoom or other technologies. For Cap 320, Government has clarified its intentions and it is now clear that it is the full-time courses for school leavers that is the focus. For HKU SPACE therefore it is the Community College but not its extensive part-time programmes. As we have made clear all along the decisions on how to progress with future arrangements on the Cap 320 reforms will be taken at the University level and we look forward to the issue being resolved in 2022/23. We have been pleased during 2021/22 to invest also in the facilities at the Island South Pokfulam campus where we have established a number of specialist laboratories in areas such as Aviation, Esports, Geotechnical Science, Big Data and Biomedical Science. These support our growing number of courses in these areas and we can now describe the campus as our ‘TechnoSPACE’. In addition, we have completed the purchase of the 5/F of 888 Lai Chi Kok Road as our new Kowloon West Learning Centre and are also taking out a lease on the 12/F as the new home of our College of Business and Finance. We expect to complete the fitting out of classrooms and office moves in the first half of 2022/23. This will be a welcome addition to our facilities in a popular area of Kowloon West. The Year 2021/22 has also seen some significant staff changes as a number of long serving senior staff have left the School. They included three of our Deputy Director level colleagues. Professor LS Chan, Deputy Director and Community College Principal. He is relocating to the United States and taking up a research post at Berkeley in earth science. LS has led the Community College with distinction since 2014. In particular he has greatly expanded the College network with secondary schools and this has contributed to the outstanding success in recruitment in recent years despite the decline in the secondary school cohort. He has also strengthened links with the University, especially in Science and led the College effectively during the protests and Covid to move teaching and learning online so as to maintain continuity for students. He will be missed. 至於第320章,政府已明言有關改革將針對以中 學畢業生為對象的全日制課程。就香港大學專業 進修學院而言,改革將關係香港大學附屬學院, 而不是多元化的兼讀制課程。正如我們一直所說, 有關第320章改革的未來安排,均由港大層面決 定。我們期待有關事宜能於2022/23年度得到圓 滿解決。 我們於2021/22年度斥資改善港島南薄扶林分校 的設施,建立數個為航空、電子競技、土力科學、 大數據及生物醫學等範疇而設的專門實驗室,以 支援我們在這些範疇日益增加的課程。現在,港 島南薄扶林分校已成為我們的「TechnoSPACE」。 此外,我們購入荔枝角道888號5樓作為全新 的九龍西教學中心,同時租用12樓作為金融商 業學院的新辦公室。我們預計可於2022/23上半 年度完成課室裝置和辦公室搬遷,讓我們在繁盛 的九龍西再添一所設備完善的教學中心。 學院於2021/22年度出現重要人事變動,不少資 深高級職員相繼離職,包括三名常務副院長級別 的同事。常務副院長兼附屬學院校長陳龍生教授 自2014年起領導附屬學院,附屬學院在他的英 明領導下日益壯大。他現已移居美國,並在栢克 萊開展地球科學方面的研究工作。陳龍生教授擔 任附屬學院校長期間,積極擴展附屬學院與中學 的聯繫,讓附屬學院在面對近年中學畢業生人數 下跌的情況下,收生方面依然取得顯著成功。陳 教授又於在任時積極加強附屬學院與港大的聯 繫,在科學方面的合作尤其顯著。社會運動及新 冠疫情期間,陳教授成功帶領附屬學院轉向網上 教學,讓學生得以繼續學業。我們將銘記陳教授 的貢獻。 7