HKU SPACE Annual Report 2021/22

EPILOGUE 結語 For 2022/23, the hope will be that Covid restrictions can be eased further. This will permit a full return to face to face teaching and if the Mainland border can re-open then a resumption of our normal teaching and learning programmes in Mainland China will be most welcome. Also, if international travel without quarantine resumes then physical links with our overseas partners can resume, be it for teaching or mutual discussions. The main event though, as has been made clear in the earlier part of this 2021/22 report, will be progress on the reform of Cap 320 which will have a significant impact on the School. What we know is that the government plans to introduce the revised legislation to the legislative Council by the end of 2022 and anticipates its approval by mid 2023. There will then be a 3 year period for migration, particularly of the self-financed units of the UGC funded universities. This impacts the Community College operation of HKU SPACE and discussions are in progress with the University on how best to respond to the forthcoming changes. Related to this is also the impact on our joint venture with Po Leung Kuk, the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College. This College is currently listed under the Education Ordinance, Cap 279, but will be obliged to move to the reformed Cap 320. Its awards in future will be accredited by HKCAAVQ and not lead to HKU awards as at present. Again, discussions are in hand between the partners on the practical implications. 展望2022/23年,我們希望防疫限制能夠進一 步放寬,讓面授教學得以全面回歸;以及中港兩 地早日通關,讓我們在中國內地的教學工作得以 回復正常。此外,若針對國際旅客的檢疫限制能 夠撤銷,我們便可以與海外夥伴恢復實體交流, 這不論對教學還是公務討論也有好處。 當然,正如本報告開首所說,第320章改革將 是學院明年必須面對的首要大事,對學院的未 來影響深遠。我們得悉政府計劃於2022 年年 底向立法會提交條例修訂草案,並預計有關修 訂將於2023年年中獲得通過。各院校,尤其是 教資會資助大學的自資部門,將有三年過渡期, 屆時香港大學附屬學院的營運將會受到影響。 我們與港大正加緊討論,以找出應對相關改革 的最佳方案。 受第320章改革影響的還包括我們與保良局 合資經營的香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻 燊社區書院。該書院現時乃根據《教育條例(》第 279章)註冊,但在改革後,則需要改為根據新 修訂的第320章註冊。它未來所頒授的學銜也 需要接受香港學術及職業資歷評審局的評審, 亦不會像目前一樣由港大頒授。現時我們正與合 作夥伴積極商討實際影響和相關安排。 FORWARD LOOKING 未來展望 44