Social The School emphasises health and safety of staff, students, service providers and other stakeholders. A Safety and Health Working Group and its sub group meets frequently to maintain a comfortable, healthy and safe environment. The School has also implemented a number of measures to protect staff and students during the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Working Group on Working from Home was established in February 2022 to support and review the arrangements to ensure the School’s operation during the 5th wave of COVID-19. A number of health talks were organised free of charge, all were welcome to enroll. The School’s Vision, Mission and Values emphasise its social role in bringing lifelong learning opportunities to the wider community. Governance The Board of Directors oversees the business of the School and meets at least 4 times a year to discuss issues concerning the School’s corporate governance. The Director of the School shares the key discussions from the Board of Directors meetings with the staff via the School Forums (4 times per year). The Board of Directors is also responsible for risk management. All staff are invited to participate in the annual risk register exercise. The updated risk register is submitted annually to the Board of Directors via a Risk Management Working Group, the School Academic and Management Board and the Audit Committee. Regular reviews of the School’s Governance Manual is also shared with the staff. Staff are asked annually to sign a compliance declaration to ensure they are familiar with the various policies/guidelines/manuals that impact their work as well as a conflict of interest declaration. The Board of Directors has also decided to include ESG in the next review of the School’s Strategic Plan. The Board itself has a number of directors from outside the University and one third of its members are female so as go some way towards meeting diversity standards. 社會 學院非常重視職員、學生、服務供應商及其他持 份者的健康及安全。安全及健康工作小組及其附 屬小組不時舉行會議,確保學院能夠提供一個舒 適、健康及安全的環境。2019冠狀病毒病肆虐 期間,學院特別推出一系列措施,以保障職員及 學生的健康。我們於2022 年2 月新成立「在家 工作」工作小組,以支援及檢討在家工作的安排, 確保學院在第五波疫情期間仍能有效運作。我們 又舉辦了一系列免費健康講座,任何人士均可報 名參加。學院矢志為廣大社群提供終身學習的機 會,我們時刻謹記自身的社會責任,並以此作為 願景、使命及信念。 管治 董事局負責監察學院運作,每年最少開會四次, 討論與學院企業管治相關的事宜,並由學院院長 通過學院論壇(一年四次)與職員分享董事局會 議的討論重點。風險管理亦由董事局負責。所有 職員都會獲邀參與每年一次的風險名冊工作,更 新後的風險名冊經風險管理工作小組、學院教務 及管理委員會及審核委員會提交董事局。學院機 構管治手冊的定期檢討同樣會與職員分享。職員 每年除了需要簽署合規聲明,以確保他們熟悉與 工作相關的政策、指引及手冊之外,也需簽署利 益衝突聲明。 董事局已決定於下次學院發展策略計劃檢討會議 中加入環境、社會與管治的內容。現時,學院董 事局成員包括一些港大以外的社會人士,三分之 一的成員為女性,以響應社會的多元準則。 DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 31