DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 ICB is not slowing down though the COVID-19 pandemic has shown no signs of abating. It is actively engaging with current students, alumni, and potential students through various innovative activities. In September 2021, ICB launched the 3rd Inno Valley, a pitching competition which lasted for nine months, providing a platform for 17,000+ outstanding students, alumni and investors to showcase and exchange their innovative projects, integrate and connect entrepreneurial service resources, promote the realisation of innovative achievements, and stimulate the innovative wisdom and passion of students and alumni. Since the launch of the pitching competition, more than 100 applications have been received, covering a wide range of fields such as smart healthcare, artificial intelligence, ESG, information technology and life health. In addition to inviting industry pioneers, international investment institutions and professional investors as judges of the competition, there is also a large team of distinguished alumni advisors to assist students, alumni and friends of alumni in their innovation and entrepreneurship development. The pitching competition ended on 25 June 2022, and all winning projects were highly innovative. Since July 2020, ICB has launched a lifelong online learning platformBusiness Management e-course, which aims to help lifelong learners achieve a leap forward in life. As of July 2022, over 295 lectures have been broadcast and attracted more than 4.66 million viewers online to discuss topics in human resources, brand marketing, innovation management, finance and investment, and other fields, with numbers of experts from industries and academia. The Institute launched its first two video columns, "Teacher-student Dialogue" and "Alumni Talk" in November 2021 and April 2022 respectively. Through the dialogue of lifelong learning friends, the "Teacher-student Dialogue" focuses on discussing problems in the process of business operation and initiating interaction between teachers and students, which deepens alumni adhesion, enhances teachers' sense of belonging to the Institute, and in the meantime spread the brand value of the Institute. “Alumni Talk", on the other hand, creates an alumni IP that efficiently connects 17,000+ alumni, increases the frequency of interaction and enhances alumni tightness, expands the brand communication channel, and creates a model for teaching success. Several alumni events were held in Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern China to reconnect the Institute with alumni in Mainland China, ranging from visits to famous companies, Private Advisory Boards to Gobi Trail. Not to mention, a number of alumni clubs were established in late 2021. 儘管2019冠狀病毒病疫情尚未完全消退,但中 國商業學院的學務並沒有慢下來,反而積極透過 舉辦不同創新活動與在讀學員、校友以至潛在學 員緊密維繫。 2021 年9月,學院展開歷時9個月的「創業路 • 創新道」第三屆創新創業大賽,為超過17,000名 優秀學員、校友和投資方提供平台,以展示及交 流創業創新項目、整合和連結創業服務資源、促 進創新成果的實踐,以及激發學員和校友的創新 智慧與創業激情。自比賽啟動以來,大會共收到 超過100個參賽團隊的報名申請,項目涵蓋智能 醫療、人工智能、ESG、信息技術和生命健康等 多個領域。大會除了邀請行業先驅、國際投資機 構與專業投資者擔任賽事評委外,還得到傑出校 友組成陣容龐大的顧問團隊,協助學員、校友、 校友之友創新及創業的發展。比賽在2022年6 月25日圓滿結束,各得獎項目均極具創意。 自2020年7 月起,學院推出線上終身學習平 台⸺商管e課,旨在幫助終身學習者實現人生 躍進。兩年以來,學院透過平台舉辦了超過295 場講座,邀請來自不同行業的專家和學者就人力 資本、品牌營銷、創新管理、金融與投資等領域 分享經驗和見解,共吸引逾466萬人次收看及與 嘉賓講者進行實時交流。 學院又分別於2021 年11 月及2022年4月首度 推出《友問必答》及《校友說》兩個視訊專欄。《友 問必答》主要透過終身學習之友的對話,圍繞企 業在實際營運過程中所遇的問題,讓師生展開互 動討論,藉以加強校友的凝聚力、提升老師對 學院的歸屬感,同時傳播學院的品牌價值。另一 方面,《校友說》所打造的校友IP可以高效連接 17,000多位校友,增加校友間的互動性、提高校 友間的緊密聯繫,擴大學院品牌傳播渠道,以及 塑造教學成功典範。 校友活動同樣精彩,由參觀知名企業、私人董事 會以至戈壁毅行等一系列活動分別在華東、華南、 華西及華北各地舉行,讓學院與內地校友重新聯 繫。多個校友會俱樂部如:創新創業俱樂部(深圳)、 財金俱樂部(廣州)、人資校友俱樂部(成都)等也 在2021 年年底相繼成立。 Institute for China Business (ICB) 中國商業學院 25