HKU SPACE Annual Report 2021/22

DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 As in previous years, commissioned courses contributed to the College’s financial stability, particularly in times of uncertainty in 2021/22. To promote VPET, new Applied Learning programmes were developed. The College also supported the QF Secretariat and professional bodies on their VPET development for the technology sector. The enhanced CEF scheme (including the recognition of online learning) offered further options and timely support to the students. As of September 2022, the College has 433 CEF reimbursable courses on the overall CEF list. In terms of collaborations, the College established new partnerships in 2021/22. Some examples are: • Alibaba Cloud (Singapore) Private Limited • Allied Environmental Consultants Limited • Aroma Specialist International Institute • Hong Kong Dodgeball Association • Hong Kong Express Airways Limited • Hong Kong Football Association • SEED Foundation Limited • The Hong Kong Pain Society Well-equipped laboratories were set up in the ISP Innovation and Technology Hub to enhance students’ learning experience. To support the School’s initiative in Microcredentials, 52 Certificate for Module programmes are already in place in CLST. Two Microcredential programmes were designed for delivering on the FutureLearn Platform to explore the international market. The College was also pleased to report that an internal control review was successfully conducted in 2021/22. Recommendations were being followed up. 一如既往,委託課程能為學院帶來穩定收入,這 在充滿變數的2021/22年就顯得更為重要。為 推廣職業專才教育,學院開拓了新的應用學習課 程;又協助資歷架構秘書處及其他專業組織發展 科技界的職業專才教育。優化後的持續進修基金 (包括已認可網上學習)為學生帶來更多選擇及適 時支援。截至2022年9月,學院共設433個持 續進修基金認可課程。與校外機構協作方面,我 們於2021/22年成功與不少新夥伴建立合作關 係,包括: • 阿里雲(新加坡)有限公司 • 沛然環境評估工程顧問有限公司 • 芳療專業國際學院 (Aroma Specialist International Institute) • 香港閃避球總會 • 香港快運航空 • 香港足球總會 • 種子基金有限公司 • 香港疼痛學會 我們已將港島南薄扶林分校打造成設備精良的創 新及科技樞紐,以提升學生的學習體驗。為配 合香港大學專業進修學院推出微證書計劃,學 院現有52個單元證書課程已準備就緒,並新增 了兩個FutureLearn平台微證書課程,以拓展 國際市場。 學院於2021/22年完成了內部控制檢討,並將就 相關建議作出適當跟進。 23